Add CarPlay support to your navigation app using CarPlay.

Posts under CarPlay tag

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Does Carplay work in Enterprise apps?
I am developing CarPlay addition on our app. Which is distributed with the Enterprise In distribution method, so we do not have a product in the App Store. I am wondering if CarPlay support can be provided in applications distributed with the Enterprise in distribution method? If this is not possible, I will inform management that this is not possible. I am waiting for your answers, thanks.
Jul ’23
Open CarPlay app with Siri
I have a Driving Task CarPlay entitlement. While connected to CarPlay, I can ask Siri to open any of the apps on the CarPlay Console. Granted, I suspect none of the apps I have fall under Driving Task entitlements. Audible, Audio Books and Music would likely be Audio apps. WhatsApp and Telegram will be Communication, Waze and Maps will be Navigation. I have SiriKit intents to do various tasks in the app. When I use Siri and issue those commands, they all work, regardless of whether I'm connected to CarPlay or Not. What baffles me is that I can't ask Siri to simply open my app on the CarPlay console. She keeps responding with “Sorry, I can’t do that while you’re driving.” I've read through the CarPlay App Programming Guide. The guide mentions the following: All voice interaction must be handled using SiriKit (with the exception of CarPlay navigation apps) Under additional guidelines for communication apps, it mentions that your app must support VOIP calling features via specific SiriKit intents. Under additional guidelines for navigation apps, they mention that voice control must be limited to navigation features. I don't see any special mention of voice control related to Driving Task apps. When I ask Siri to open my app on the iPhone, it just happens. I didn't have to do anything specifically to have this functionality. Why can't I open my app with Siri on the CarPlay console?
Jul ’23
AVAudioSession currentRoute.outputs not working in background in iOS 16
In my app, which gives voice prompts and sound warnings while driving, I test if the audio session is connected to CarPlay in order to use CarPlay settings for AVAudioSession by doing: BOOL found = NO; for (AVAudioSessionPortDescription * portDescr in [AVAudioSession sharedInstance].currentRoute.outputs) { if ([portDescr.portType isEqualToString:AVAudioSessionPortCarAudio]) found = YES; } This has worked for several years. But now, in iOS 16, when the app is in background, it won't detect that the iPhone is connected to CarPlay most of the times by using this method. Therefore, I will set up the audio session in a way which won't play any sound to the user. I have seen this happening in other apps such as Google Maps. So my guess is that something is not working in iOS 16 an AVAudioSession in background. Has anyone experienced this? Any workaround? I tried notifications to detect a change in a route, but sometimes I wouldn't get the notification if the app was in background when connecting to CarPlay. So this workaround didn't work either. Any ideas? Thank you.
Jul ’23
Amazon apps interfere with CarPlay
If I’m listening to music or podcasts in my vehicle using CarPlay (whether through usb or Bluetooth) and I open an Amazon app (, Alexa, etc), the sound coming from my speakers changes. I don’t know how to explain it…it has less bass and is quieter…almost like listening to a record player. The AC also turns down (like if I was on a phone call). This also happens whenever I pull into my driveway. It’ll change for like 30 seconds when I get close to my house then it’ll go back to normal. I figure that has something to do with being in close vicinity to my Alexa devices in my home? Has anyone else had this problem? I have a 2022 Chevy suburban and an iPhone 13 running iOS 15.6.
Jul ’23
CarPlay entitlements crashes Mac app
I am using Xcode 14 and multiplatform app project. I have received the CarPlay entitlements from Apple and everything works on iOS. However I do have to share the same entitlements.plist file with macOS (multiplatform project uses the same file) and the CarPlay entitlement crashes the Mac app. If I remove those lines from it everything works fine: <key></key> <true/> How to handle this? I have tried to add iphoneos on the end of the key but it keeps crashing even then.
Jul ’23