Core Location

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Obtain the geographic location and orientation of a device using Core Location.

Posts under Core Location tag

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Inquiry About Using Find My Network for Third-Party App Development
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. I have a question regarding the use of Apple's Find My network. I’m in the early stages of developing an app that would track third-party Find My-compatible tags. Before proceeding further, I want to ensure that I am compliant with Apple’s guidelines and policies. Can anyone provide insight into whether Apple allows developers to use the Find My crowd-sourced network for their own apps? Specifically, I'm interested in tracking third-party Find My tags through my app. Any guidance or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
May ’24
Questions about Live Activities
Our app is a time reporting service with various functions around that. The user checks in at work, checks out when they go home. We thought it'd be useful to provide a live activity to show how long they have worked for. There is also a couple of other cool things we could do that users would love, but i couldn't find definitive answers to the questions below. 1. We have a geofence-based function that checks the user in when they for example arrive at work, and check them out when they go home, so that they don't have to open the app. However, this means that we will need to start and end the live activity from within a geofence trigger. Is this possible? 2. It seems that the maximum time for a live activity is 8 hours? Sometimes people work for longer... How would we solve this? i would be fine with 12 since it would solve most cases. Is it possible somehow to go beyond 8 hours up to 12? If not, is there a callback that "8 hours are up!" so that i could do a final update on the live activity from a counter to "you started working at 09:04" 3. I have seen that some live activities have buttons. It would be neat if the user can check out via a button on the live activity. However, since we take location and call our servers when checking out, we need to be able to use both the locationmanager and make a network call from the live activity. Is this possible? Thanks in advance, Cheers
May ’24
iOS app crash with UIKitcore - UIAlertController
I have recently submitted a new app version to the Appstore with Xcode 15.0. Unfortunately, I have started to see the below crash in the Xcode organiser > Crashes section occurring for more number of times. UIKitCore: +[UIAlertController _alertControllerContainedInViewController:] + 160 The exception trace is not leading to main() function but not pointing to any of the code line. I had used UIAlertController in the past versions to show the alerts but there is no code written in the current version code related to UIAlertController. Only from the latest version, this kind of crash started to surface. In the latest release, We have added a third party SDK and while implementing the SDK, we had added the Location and Bluetooth Permissions in Info.plist file. But as we don't want to use/track the Location and Bluetooth details from the app, the SDK team has disabled the Location and Bluetooth settings to not reflect in the tracked data. Is this behaviour creating any conflict with the UIAlertController and logging the crash? Because by default the OS tries to show the alert when the permissions exist in the plist file, but the alert will not come as the service is disabled on the SDK server settings. Is this creating any conflict and logging the crash. Please extend your help.
May ’24
ReverseGeocode works badly (returns nonsense)
Users of my app are complaining about incorrect GPS location decoding. I found that the bug is in the reverseGeocode, because it returns nonsensical results. Example: The user is located in Oberhausen, Deutschland at coordinates 51.482015, 6.887064. ReverseGeocode decodes the coordinates as "Oberhausen bei Kirn". It is mistaken 250 km! ReverseGeocode works like this: 51.48, 6.88 - Oberhausen (OK) 51.482, 6.887 - Oberhausen bei Kirn (Error) 51.48, 6.89 - Oberhausen (OK) Test result: If the coordinate precision is greater than 2 decimal places, the reverseGeocode does not work properly. From what the user told me, more apps behave like this. Probably all that work with precise coordinates.
May ’24
Best way to determine region?
My app downloads files from AWS S3. What we'd like to do is replicate our files across several of Amazon's data centers (regions) to put the content closer to our users, who are worldwide. What I need is a way to determine in a very ***** way which data center would be best to use. For example North America, Europe, Asia, etc. I don't want to use location services since I don't really need the exact location. Is there a simpler way to do this? I suppose I could use the localization settings, but I don't think that's really guaranteed to represent their actual location. Thanks, Frank
May ’24
iBeacon Notification Delayed Many Hours
We have an app that has been using iBeacons and Geofences for 10+ years. While I cannot state when it started, we're seeing sporadic delays of hours to receive iBeacon "didExitRegion" event. I can prove this out on my iPhone running iOS 17.4.1 by setting up both a Geofence and an iBeacon in the same physical location. Yesterday, I have a several hour gap with no iBeacon events, but successfully see Geofence events. Then, an hour+ after leaving the Geofence, I get multiple didExitRegions from the same iBeacon (all without touching the app). Then this morning, everything again is working great. It "feels" like the phone stops delivering entry and exit events for the Bluetooth iBeacon for some period of time. Then, it resumes monitoring by first providing old event that were not delivered to us in real time. It's not atypical for me to see a didExitRegions event that should happen around 5pm that instead happens in the middle of the night. So far, I have not noticed this behavior for our app running on iOS 16.4.1. We're currently testing other versions of iOS to see if we can pinpoint when it started. I have a full battery so we've ruled out power saving mode. Bluetooth is on with all permissions of course. We are still receiving Geofence updates so we must have available background time. Is there any known issue in iOS 17+ that would explain this behavior? Or, is there any Feedback/Radar to explain it? Known issue?
May ’24
2024: Beacon based iOS app not working since iOS17 update
My app is using iBeacons, and I am using func startMonitoring(for region: CLRegion). Then I am using func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) and func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) to run logic when user enters / exits certain Beacon CLBeaconRegion. Everything worked fine until recently, iOS 17 update I guess. Now after I call startMonitoring(for: region) the code works for couple hours, and then it seems my app is somehow suspended and no longer able to use CoreLocation, and my code does not work, entry and exit events to beacon regions are NOT detected. Funny enough I have some Beacon managment apps that can scan for nearby beacons, when I run one of those apps, I see on top of iPhone screen “hollow arrow” sign that marks CoreLocation being used, and then my app works for few minutes, and then again my app is suspended, and no entry/exit events into beacon regions are detected. I could figure out how to engage CoreLocation but that would rely on user intentionally opening my app, and the sole purpose of my app is to remind user when he is near one of his Beacons, so expecting user to remember to open my app defeats my apps purpose. I added Location Updates under Background Modes for my app , maybe my app has little bit more background time until it is suspended, but the problem still persists. So for any Beacon based app to work it should be able to monitor for nearby beacons, and run logic once beacons are detected. Any suggestions on how I could solve this? iOS 17 CLMonitor has BeaconIdentityCondition that can match UUID, major, minor but this is only to detect we are NEAR a Beacon (entry event), what about exit event? Should I monitor for a change in Condition from .satisfied to .unsatisfied and that transition is Exit event? My questions: Is there a way to use old code: startMonitoring(for: region) - how to fix my app so it DOES NOT get suspended, and so that this method can monitor for beacons in background with AlwaysAllow authorization? If not and I must switch to CLMonitor how do I capture Exit event - when user exits Beacon region in iOS 17 using CLMonitor? Thanks
May ’24
Best practices for determining a user's country in a React Native financial app for fraud prevention
We are developing a mobile app for our financial institution using React Native. As part of our fraud prevention measures, we need to determine the country a user is located in. However, we have noticed that the permission requests seem excessive for our requirements, especially since we only need this information if a user changes countries. Also, is there a way to only be notified when a user changes countries? Our primary goal is to identify the user's country without requesting unnecessary permissions or compromising the user experience. We want to avoid requesting location permissions if possible, as it may raise concerns among our users. What are the best practices and recommended approaches for financial institutions to determine a user's country in a React Native app, while minimizing the use of sensitive permissions? Are there any iOS-specific APIs, frameworks, or third-party libraries that can help us achieve this in a privacy-friendly manner? We would greatly appreciate any guidance, insights, or examples from the developer community to help us strike the right balance between security and user privacy. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Apr ’24
CLLocationUpdate isStationary issue
Hi, Per Apple the isStationary value is supposed to set to true when the device is stationary. I am trying to get a better understanding of when and how this status is changed. When and how does Apple decide when to set this to true and what is the threshold by which it is set to false. Right now when I start my app and use it is set from true to false instantly. let updates = CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() for try await update in updates { self.isStationary = update.isStationary I would love to know by what criteria it sets it to true otherwise I'm collecting a lot of zero speed very slight to no movements in latitude and longitude that I have to make some assumptions about filtering out of what I capture. I can't seem to find any mention of this or use case examples in any of the usual sources for examples despite having been introduced at the last WWDC 2023. Any help here would be appreciated.
Apr ’24
Use iBeacon to wake up my app from terminated state
Hello, I developed an application that uses iBeacons to create events, however when the app is in the terminated state I notice that part of my code is activated but the rest of the process is not activated ex : ranging beacon and notification. Is there a way to completely wake up my app when it is in terminated state or at least send a notification to the user to inform them that the app must be opened to put it back in background state so that the app working correctly?
Apr ’24
Ambiguous "#locationUpdater received unhandled message" error from CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates()
I’m working on updating one of my apps to the asynchronous location updates API, but have been running into an unhelpful error. Here's my code: @Observable class CurrentLocation: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { private(set) var location: CLLocation? private let locationManager = CLLocationManager() override init() { super.init() self.locationManager.delegate = self self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyReduced } func requestLocation() async throws { print("requesting location") requestAccess() for try await update in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() { self.location = update.location if update.isStationary { break } } } } But after calling requestLocation(), I receive the following error in the console without any location updates: {"msg":"#locationUpdater received unhandled message", "Message":kCLConnectionMessageCompensatedLocation, "self":"0x600002eaa600"} Googling this error yields absolutely no matches. I’ve ensured that I have the necessary Info.plist entries (as the old, synchronous location update code I have is also working without issues). I’d be grateful for any assistance!
Apr ’24
eriously wrong satellite positioning under Macos Sonoma 14.5(Macos Sonoma 14.5下严重错误的卫星定位)
My MacBook Air M2 system version macOS Sonoma 14.5 Beta (23F5049f) The error occurred: from the end of March 2024 to today (April 8, 24) Problem: The system positioning information is seriously wrong, including but not limited to: time zone, Safari, map app, weather app, search app... (PS. The positioning is correct when using Google Chrome and Google Maps, but it is still wrong when using Google Maps on Safari) Background: I came to Germany from mainland China at the end of March. The Apple ID region I use is Germany. The location of my iPhone and Apple Watch can be refreshed to Germany normally, and several of my AirTags have been refreshed to Germany. Tried but failed: I searched for some bash commands to try to clear and clear the cache of the map app and system location information. rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/ sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/ sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/ defaults delete Turn off location services in System Settings > Privacy and Security, shut down and restart the phone, and then turn the service back on. Turn my VPN on and off. Clear my network information. Since there are many files saved, the restore operation is not planned. 我的MacBook Air M2 系统版本macOS Sonoma 14.5 Beta版(23F5049f) 错误发生时间:2024年3月底到今天(24年4月8日) 问题:系统定位信息严重错误,包括但不限于:时区、Safari、地图app、天气app、查找app... (PS.使用Google Chrome浏览器与Google Maps时定位正确,Safari使用Google Maps仍然错误) 背景: 我从3月底从中国大陆来到欧洲德国。 我使用的Apple ID地区是德国的。 我的iPhone和Apple Watch定位能正常刷新到德国,且我几个AirTag已经刷新到德国。 尝试但都未成功: 我搜索了一些bash命令尝试清除、清空地图app和系统位置信息的缓存。 rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/ sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/ sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/ defaults delete 关闭系统设置>隐私与安全中的定位服务,关机重启,再重开这项服务。 开关我的VPN。 清除我的网路信息。 由于保存的文件较多,不打算进行还原操作。
Apr ’24
core bluetooth didDiscover
"When an iBeacon is received, a BLE scan API is called within didEnterRegion. However, if executed while the screen is off, Core Bluetooth's didDiscover does not function. Yet, if the screen is turned on once and then turned off again, didDiscover functions. Is there a way to make Core Bluetooth's didDiscover work while the screen is off?" Let me know if you need further assistance or clarification! func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) { if let beaconRegion = region as? CLBeaconRegion { startRanging(in: beaconRegion) } } func startRanging(in beaconRegion: CLBeaconRegion) { // バックグラウンドタスクを開始 bgTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: { [self] in print("バックグラウンドタスクの有効期限が切れ") // バックグラウンドタスクの有効期限が切れたときに、バックグラウンドタスクを終了 self.lm!.stopRangingBeacons(satisfying: beaconRegion.beaconIdentityConstraint) UIApplication.shared.endBackgroundTask(bgTask) // バックグラウンドタスクの識別子を無効 bgTask = .invalid }) // レンジング開始 self.lm!.startRangingBeacons(satisfying: beaconRegion.beaconIdentityConstraint) //サービス指定してCoreBluetoothを起動 self.centralManager.stopScan() self.centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [self.kServiceUUID], options: nil) // バックグラウンドタスク終了 let time = UIApplication.shared.backgroundTimeRemaining - 1.0 DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + time) { self.stopRanging(in: beaconRegion) } } func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) { print("---- didDiscover ----") print("peripheral-->\(peripheral)") print("advertisementData-->\(advertisementData)") print("rssi-->\(RSSI)") print("---------------------") }
Apr ’24
Location based notifications
I'm currently working on an app that requires location-based notifications, particularly utilizing geofencing to trigger alerts when a user enters specific areas, such as when a student walks into a college campus. However, I'm curious about the behavior of such notifications when the app is fully terminated and not running in the background. Does anyone have experience implementing geofencing and location-based notifications in apps that are fully terminated? Are these functionalities still active, or does the app need to be running in the background for them to work properly? Any insights, experiences, or best practices regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
GeoLocator in flutter
Hello dear when i use geolocator after i'll get this error Could not build the precompiled application for the device. Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_LocationServiceStreamHandler Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_PositionStreamHandler Error (Xcode): Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Error launching application on iPhone. and didn't app running so plz guide i'm a too much upset
Apr ’24
Fetching location from iOS app's widget extension running on MacOS
I'm stuck fetching location inside iOS app's widget extension running on MacOS. locationManager.authorizationStatus == .notDetermined always returns true, meanwhile main app, running on MacOS has permission for location in MacOS system settings and doesn't have any problems with using geodata. Is it possible to fetch a location inside of iOS app's widget extension running on MacOS and if yes, what could I be doing wrong?
Mar ’24
Notification on iBeacon region entry on iOS 17?
Hi, Has anyone found a way to send a push notification based on beacon region entry/exit? Since iOS 17, CLBeacionRegion which inherits CLRegion that made this possible is now deprecated and replaced by CLMonitor.CLBeaconIdentityCondition. CLMonitor.CLBeaconIdentityCondition does not only work properly on the latest version of iOS, it also lacks such features like sending push notifications based on region entry/exit. Even UNLocationNotificationTrigger only accepts CLRegion which is not possible to create one using existing classes that are not deprecated.
Mar ’24
CLMonitor is not fully functional on iOS 17.4
I have not tested on the lower version but it seems like it is not functioning properly on iOS 17.4. It does work with CircularGeographicCondition but not with BeaconIdentityCondition. I am testing with this example code by Apple. I have typed proper UUID of my iBeacon device but it is never discovered. Some other posts say that it has not been working since iOS 17.3.1. Anyone having the same issue with me?
Mar ’24