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Posts under Frameworks tag

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Nested xcframeworks in SPM
My organization delivers an xcframework, let's call it MyFramework.xcframework. This framework also depends on another local framework, SecondFramework.xcframework. We want to deliver the MyFramework using Swift Package Manager to our customers. The SecondFramework is embedded within MyFramework. Then the customer only needs to care about MyFramework. Our issue is that apps using our Swift Package fail to recognize the SecondFramework, displaying the message "SecondFramework module not found." Is this not possible or currently supported in SPM? Or do we need to change our approach? I appreciate any help or pointers. Thanks!
May ’24
XCFramework codesign verification fails, because macOS temporary files appear inside
At my current company we have an app that has a lot of third party dependencies. Recently vendors started providing code signed XCFrameworks and we would like to use the code signed frameworks without any modification in our released app (don't tamper with the signature, don't remove it, don't resign it). We have a problem, that upon downloading the XCFrameworks from an internal artifact server or upon moving the XCFrameworks on disk during the build process, macOS starts producing temporary files, like .DS_Store, ._* files (for every file X, there is additional ._X file created). Files like this are sometimes called "turdfiles", like here. The files are produced inside of XCFrameworks and inside of the _CodeSignature folder, making codesign --verify --verbose=4 Example.xcframework fail and XCode to complain and fail the build process. I wrote a script that cleans up the _CodeSignature folder from all known turdfiles and then inspects the output of codesign to indentify all surplus files and removes them - this has to be 2 steps, because codesign goes crazy if you tamper with _CodeSignature directory. We run the script in random places of the build system where it seemed to help. Is there any system solution to fix this? Isn't everyone having this problem now, with the introduction of codesigned XCFrameworks? There were tens of people in the company having this issue before we hacked it together using the cleanup script.
May ’24
Get Touch Events from iOS keyboard trackpad mode
Hello, As of iOS 17, the keyboard app runs in a different process. I was wondering if there is a way to access the UIView of the keyboard app or if there is a way to subscribe to touch events done on the keyboard (especially during the trackpad mode). By trackpad mode I mean when the user long presses on space and then can move in the keyboard area (that turns into a trackpad) to move the caret in a text. Either Objective C or SwiftUI is fine. Thanks!
Jun ’24
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies stopped working after Mac Os update
My config is as follow MacBook Pro with M3 Pro and Sonoma 14.5 OS XCode 15.2 Build version 15C500b swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500. Target: arm64-apple-macosx14.0 Darwin lonwx2049951 23.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May 1 20:13:18 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6030 arm64 I am behind corp proxy and have quite limited privileges to install or use any tools/commands requiring admin privileges. The App itself plus a few company submodules are hosted on Azure Devops and this side works as usual. The App also uses a few dependencies hosted on GitHub and that need to be resolve every time I'm switching/creating new branches Until Monday I was using following terminal command to do so xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system However, on Monday when I tried the above I was presented with error on each of the dependencies, see attached depenedencies_error.txt The only change that happen was the Mac OS update on Monday morning when I turn on my Mac from 14.4 to 14.5 Is it possible that this update removed some of the settings? I have tried the following: deleting DerivedData folder, cleaning and rebuilding project cloning the dependencies manually adding PAT token using SSH for fetching deleting Package.resolved file cloning project from Azure repo into different location Any suggestions will be appreciated.
May ’24
Running a Catalyst application via XCTest loads macOS specific frameworks
When trying to test a Catalyst application with XCTest the application crashes at startup with Symbol not found error when certain frameworks are in use. This is caused by XCTest / Xcode adding /Applications/ to DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH causing dyld to load the macOS specific framework variant of for example RealityKit instead from /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks as defined in the load commands. Which leads to symbol mismatches, for example ARView.Environment.Color is a UIColor on Mac Catalyst but an NSColor on macOS (_$s10RealityKit6ARViewC11EnvironmentV10BackgroundV5coloryAGSo7UIColorCFZ vs. _$s10RealityKit6ARViewC11EnvironmentV10BackgroundV5coloryAGSo7NSColorCFZ) Tried prepending /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks to the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH env var of the test target, but via some private frameworks still wrong framework variants were loaded. Any ideas for possible fixes or workarounds?
May ’24
Unable to import ObjC interface from a package in a public ObjC file in a framework
Problem Statement: Unable to import .h file from an ObjC SPM to a .h file in an ObjC file in a framework with mix of ObjC and Swift code The issue is: in order to support access of ObjC file in Swift code in a framework we need to use umbrella header (in place of bridging header). Once the file is imported in Umbrella header and made public it will no longer allow import of .h file from package in its interface Project Structure: a. Package: ObjCPackage ObjCPackage |- Package.swift |- ObjCPackage MathsUtilities.h (class interface) MathsUtilities.m (class implementation) NiceLogs.h (protocol) b. Project: ObjCSwiftFramework ObjCSwiftFramework |- ObjCSwiftFramework.h (umbrella header) |- Calculation.h (objc class interface) |- Calculation.m (objc class implementation) |- SwiftCalci.swift (swift class) Details: #import <ObjCSwiftFramework/Calculation.h> added in ObjCSwiftFramework.h as Calculation has to be used in SwiftCalci Calculation.h marked as public in target membership in Xcode so that it can be added in umbrella header ObjCSwiftFramework.h #import "NiceLogs.h" in Calculation.h gives error Here is a small sample which I created to demonstrate the problem: ObjCSwiftFramework
May ’24
Cannot build app on Catalyst after updating to Xcode 15.4 RC
We are facing an issue on Catalyst when building our app using Xcode 15.4. The issue is related to precompiled frameworks and seems to be widespread as it happens with multiple vendors (like Firebase or Braze). We are using SPM to add these dependencies, for instance: .package(url: "", from: "8.2.1"), When building, we get the following error: clang:1:1: invalid version number in '-target arm64-apple-ios10.15-macabi' Our macOS deployment target is 12.3. Our iOS deployment target is 15.4. I will try to create a reproducer I can share but I wanted to share this in case there's a known workaround. Thanks in advance!
Jun ’24
Issues with Multicast Operations using NWConnectionGroup and NWMulticastGroup
Hello, I've been encountering some challenges while working with NWConnectionGroup and NWMulticastGroup for multicast operations on iOS. I have a few doubts and issues that I would like to address: 1. NWMulticastGroup Initialization It seems that when initializing NWMulticastGroup, only one NWEndpoint can be passed, and attempting to pass multiple endpoints results in failure. Can someone confirm if this behavior is correct? 2. Interface Level Control Upon initializing NWConnectionGroup, it appears that packets are received on all interfaces without the ability to control this at the interface level. Is this correct? If not is there a way to configure NWConnectionGroup to receive packets on all interfaces? 3. Sending Behavior During the send operation, it appears that the data is sent through any one of the available interfaces, and there doesn't seem to be an option to configure it to send through all available endpoints. Is there a way to enable sending data through all available endpoints? Any insights, guidance, or solutions to these issues would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else encountered similar problems or found workarounds for these limitations? Thank you for your assistance and support. Thanks, Harshal
May ’24
EXC_BAD_ACCESS after Xcode 15 upgrade
After our upgrade to Xcode 15.3, our app compiles and builds, but when we run it on an iPhone it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x15b) upon starting. We're using Qt and the crash occurs when we try to access our app's sqlite file with QSqlQuery::exec(). The EXC_BAD_ACCESS occurs when trying to run a SELECT or PRAGMA statement to read from the sqlite. Running an INSERT or DELETE with the exec() method does not result in an exception; we just get an error saying that the table in the command does not exist. exec() crashes when it gets to sqlite3VdbeMemGrow in the sqlite3VdbeMemStringify call. We're using a "solid" QSqlQuery object variable in our code, not a pointer to a QSqlQuery object, so it's not like our code is using an uninitialized pointer. We tried the suggestion in this post that references this project's bug tracker and changed our iOS Minimum Deployment setting in Xcode from 11.0 to 13.0, but this didn't resolve the issue. I hypothesized that perhaps the Xcode update prohibits the main thread from doing file access, but after preventing our main thread from doing any accessing of the sqlite file, we still get EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x15b) from a separate thread that tries to access the sqlite file. I hypothesized that perhaps it was a file access permission issue when I saw the app trying to use the sqlite file out of the "Documents" folder /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AAC50B3C-4DCF-4122-B88A-FC631E6BB9A0/Documents. I changed the app to use a different container sub folder but that gave different errors: QIODevice::write (QFile, "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E64A08B4-5F59-433E-9111-D503F190383F/Library/Application Support/ELD/log.txt"): device not open which would be our app's log file. The sqlite commands all give database not open responses. Another thread suggested downgrading Xcode, but we also got the EXC_BAD_ACCESS with Xcode 15.0.1. Thanks for your time!
May ’24
SecItemCopyMatching crash
SecItemCopyMatching crash occurs while iOS creating RSA. Test device is iPhone6s plus. How can I solve this? The crash log is as follows: 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000198964cf4 objc_msgSend + 20 (:-1) 1 Security 0x0000000189989968 SecTokenItemCreateFromAttributes + 80 (SecItem.m:996) 2 Security 0x00000001898f6db0 SecItemResultCopyPrepared + 2876 (SecItem.m:1195) 3 Security 0x00000001898ea5fc SecItemResultProcess + 376 (SecItem.m:1252) 4 Security 0x00000001898e0168 __SecItemCopyMatching_block_invoke_2 + 324 (SecItem.m:1893) 5 Security 0x00000001898e0a70 __SecItemAuthDoQuery_block_invoke + 524 (SecItem.m:1591) 6 Security 0x00000001898df2c0 SecItemAuthDoQuery + 1204 (SecItem.m:1557) 7 Security 0x00000001898e0614 __SecItemCopyMatching_block_invoke + 104 (SecItem.m:1883) 8 Security 0x00000001898e665c SecOSStatusWith + 48 (SecItem.m:331) 9 Security 0x00000001898e0374 SecItemCopyMatching + 364 (SecItem.m:1882)
May ’24
lass AKAlertImageURLProvider and AKBiometricRatchetUtility are implemented in both AuthKitUI and AuthKit
In Xcode Version 15.3 (15E204a) I am getting this warning: Class AKAlertImageURLProvider is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/AuthKit (0x123719508) /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/AuthKitUI One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. and also objc[2875]: Class AKBiometricRatchetUtility is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/AuthKit (0x12371ab10) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/AuthKitUI (0x152a1d810). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
May ’24
Invalid XCFramweork when generated with BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES
Hi all, I'm attempting to generate an XCFramework that must maintain ABI stability. The framework is created from an SPM using the attached script I does not work. Removing the flag BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES and adding the flag -allow-internal-distribution to xcodebuild -create-xcframework everything is fine. Despite this resolves the problem, it results in the generated module not being ABI stable. However, when attempting the script approach, it generates the XCFramework but when used it raises an error in arm64-apple-ios-private.swiftinterface with no such file or module as soon as it encounters an import statement for ModuleX reading it. The package structure is attached as Package.swift and te obtained result XCFramework structure is as follows: MyLibrary.xcframework ├── Info.plist ├── ios-arm64 │ └── MyLibrary.framework │ ├── Headers │ │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap │ ├── Info.plist │ ├── Modules │ │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.abi.json │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc │ │ └── arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule │ └── MyLibrary └── ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator └── MyLibrary.framework ├── Headers │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap ├── Info.plist ├── Modules │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ └── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule ├── MyLibrary └── _CodeSignature └── CodeResources It's worth mentioning that the library must be compatible with both Objective-C and Swift, and Modules A, C, and H are imported into the MyLibrary module as @_exported modules, that is why I've included the headers and module maps. What is wrong? Thank you in advance for your assistance. Files: Package.swift
Apr ’24
module '' does not use additional module map '.framework/Modules/module.modulemap' not used when the module was built
I have my own framework, Which is working fine since long time and also compiling in xcode 15.2. As soon as i updated xcode to xcode 15.3, My code is not compiling. I am getting below error. module '' does not use additional module map '.framework/Modules/module.modulemap' not used when the module was built I have both objective c and swift files in my framework.
Jun ’24
Xcode Project with Framework - Library not loaded - mapping process and mapped file have different Team IDs
I am starting a new Xcode Project for macOS app. During the initial development I found that some part of the app should be shared between different targets like macOS App, Quick Look etc. The goal was to user Framework. By selecting Project in Project navigator and using the plus icon, I have created a new Framework target and called it Shared. Next, in my App Project I have added it into the project and checked if it is correctly linked. The framework was Embedded and Signed. Both targets have the same Signing & Capabilities settings. After I move a code into Shared framework it was time for first run. Unfortunately, the app is crashing instantly, and I am getting the error: dyld[65044]: Library not loaded: @rpath/Shared.framework/Versions/A/Shared Referenced from: <2B03FB61-86B3-31E5-A2A4-F18F43AEC875> /Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/AppName Reason: tried: '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/Shared.framework/Versions/A/Shared' (code signature in <DD201FE7-57E2-33B1-AD7C-E61BA1345673> '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/Shared.framework/Versions/A/Shared' not valid for use in process: mapping process and mapped file (non-platform) have different Team IDs), '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/' (code signature in <DD201FE7-57E2-33B1-AD7C-E61BA1345673> '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/' not valid for use in process: mapping process and mapped file (non-platform) have different Team IDs), '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/' (code signature in <DD201FE7-57E2-33B1-AD7C-E61BA1345673> '/Users/{User}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-fjfbylcqrxaiobgohprplbaohgbw/Build/Products/Debug/' not valid for use in process: mapping process and mapped file (non-platform) have different Team IDs) The Team ID is set properly in Build Settings for both targets. The Bundle Identifier is different and the rest of the settings seems to be correct. I tried changing and juggling the settings related to signing the framework, but it didn't help. I am totally lost without any other idea to fix it... I will be glad for some help.
Apr ’24
es_graphical_session_id without endpoint security framework
IN endpoint security events related to user login/logout activity (as well in lock/unlock and remote session attach/detach) there is a graphical session identifier which is a 32 bit integer typedef struct { es_string_token_t username; ** es_graphical_session_id_t graphical_session_id;** } es_event_lw_session_login_t; Documentation describes it as an opague number @brief es_graphical_session_id_t is a session identifier identifying a on-console or off-console graphical session. A graphical session exists and can potentially be attached to via Screen Sharing before a user is logged in. EndpointSecurity clients should treat the graphical_session_id as an opaque identifier and not assign special meaning to it beyond correlating events pertaining to the same graphical session. Not to be confused with the audit session ID. */ typedef uint32_t es_graphical_session_id_t; Question: is there a way to get this graphical session identifier outside of endpoint security framework, for ex. from process id or audit token? Is there an API for that?
Apr ’24
Unable to determine the installation source via MarketplaceKit AppDistributor.current
I am trying to determine the installation source of my iOS app. According to the documentation, MarketplaceKit AppDistributor static property current should be used. But build fails due to the error 'Cannot find 'AppDistributor' in scope'. Is MarketplaceKit available for apps that install from an alternative app marketplace?
Apr ’24
Invalid XCFramweork when generated with BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES
Hi all, I'm attempting to generate an XCFramework that must maintain ABI stability. The framework is created from an SPM using the attached script I does not work. Removing the flag BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES and adding the flag -allow-internal-distribution to xcodebuild -create-xcframework everything is fine. Despite this resolves the problem, it results in the generated module not being ABI stable. However, when attempting the script approach, it generates the XCFramework but when used it raises an error in arm64-apple-ios-private.swiftinterface with no such file or module as soon as it encounters an import statement for ModuleX reading it. The package structure is attached as Package.swift and te obtained result XCFramework structure is as follows: MyLibrary.xcframework ├── Info.plist ├── ios-arm64 │ └── MyLibrary.framework │ ├── Headers │ │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap │ ├── Info.plist │ ├── Modules │ │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.abi.json │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc │ │ └── arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule │ └── MyLibrary └── ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator └── MyLibrary.framework ├── Headers │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap ├── Info.plist ├── Modules │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ └── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule ├── MyLibrary └── _CodeSignature └── CodeResources It's worth mentioning that the library must be compatible with both Objective-C and Swift, and Modules A, C, and H are imported into the MyLibrary module as @_exported modules, that is why I've included the headers and module maps. What is wrong? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Apr ’24