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Posts under macOS tag

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Stuck on Preparing macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update
I'm currently running MacOS Big Sur 11.0.1 on a MacBook Pro 16in and I'm trying to update to version 11.1 but I have been stuck on "Preparing macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update..." "About 10 minutes remaining" for a few hours. I have tried restarting my MacBook Pro multiple times but I keep running into the same problem. Please help!!
Aug ’23
Big Sur reproducible DNS resolution issues
Hello, Since the upgrade to Big Sur, I noticed network issues, regardless which network device is used Wi-Fi, LAN, it does not matter. After some testing the issue is now reproducible as follows: Mount a samba share and copy a file to it, in my case it was PDF file with size of approx. 1.6 MB The copy process does not finish and any samba share is no longer accessible Furthermore DNS resolution no longer works: e.g. executing dig no longer works, opening any website in any browser just times out, etc. Strangely enough ping works (...?) If the browser has cached a domain name, the website opens just fine What I tried so far to investigate the issue: I scrolled over the logs in the .. found nothing Killed the macOS services mDNSResponderHelper, mDNSResponder .. nope Flushed the DNS cache: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache .. nothing Search the WWW for related issues and found these: Big Sur Network Connectivity Issue -, Big Sur DNS Issue - .. these two might be related, but who knows.. So far, only a reboot fixes this... Can anyone else reproduce this issue ? Any further ideas ? Best Regards SH
Sep ’23
UDP port unreachable and nw_connection_receive*
I'm trying to use Network framework for a UDP connection. It works, I get traffic flowing both ways when UDP server is responding, however when the server is down and box sends ICMP port unreachable completion blocks from nw_connection_receive_message() nw_connection_receive() are not getting called. State and viability change handlers are also not getting called. In my app console though I see message [connection] nw_socket_get_input_frames [C1:1] recvmsg(fd 4, 9216 bytes) [61: Connection refused] So somewhere inside of the API it actually gets the ICMP and knows that connection is refused, but how exactly do I get notified about this? This surely beats waiting on connection and timing out if host is nice enough to tell you that port is closed right away.
Aug ’23
Binding on priviledged ports on macOS
Historically, one could not bind on privileged ports (1024) without using a PriviledgedHelperTool. Since macOS Mojave, it seems we don't need it anymore. Very good, but is this behavior change official and documented somewhere ? I haven't found any official information (just this link on Regards
Oct ’23
SwiftUI App crashes in main method on Startup (macOS 11)
Hi, my app sees quite a lot of crashes (crash report below) and I have no clue how to debug the problem any further. The problems seems only to occur on macOS 11. Is there anyone als having this kind of problems? Are there fixes/workarounds? The source code of my app is open source - if anyone would like to have a look into it. OS Version: macOS 11.2.2 (20D80) Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL) Exception Codes: ILL_NOOP at 0x00007fff2ca430f4 Crashed Thread: 0 Application Specific Information: Fatal error SwiftUI Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libswiftCore.dylib 0xfffe591310f4 _assertionFailure 1 SwiftUI 0xfffe8516c6fc ViewCache.commitPlacedChildren 2 SwiftUI 0xfffe850727f4 IncrementalChildPlacements.updateValue 3 SwiftUI 0xfffe8512890e Attribute.initT 4 AttributeGraph 0xfffe8625b17e AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update 5 AttributeGraph 0xfffe8625b607 AG::Graph::update_attribute 6 AttributeGraph 0xfffe862638f2 AG::Subgraph::update 7 SwiftUI 0xfffe85463679 GraphHost.runTransaction 8 SwiftUI 0xfffe85464bce GraphHost.runTransaction 9 SwiftUI 0xfffe85463ec8 GraphHost.flushTransactions 10 SwiftUI 0xfffe85464b6e GraphHost.asyncTransactionT 11 SwiftUI 0xfffe85464738 @callee_guaranteed 12 SwiftUI 0xfffe84d172b0 ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraphT 13 SwiftUI 0xfffe853201b9 ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraphT 14 SwiftUI 0xfffe8531e2a8 ViewRendererHost.updateViewGraphT 15 SwiftUI 0xfffe85329e98 NSHostingViewT 16 SwiftUI 0xfffe84d12f06 ViewGraphDelegate.updateGraphT 17 SwiftUI 0xfffe84d17258 NSHostingViewT 18 SwiftUI 0xfffe85464b49 GraphHost.init 19 SwiftUI 0xfffe84d18c9b @callee_guaranteed 20 SwiftUI 0xfffe8537a250 @callee_guaranteed 21 SwiftUI 0xfffe85377ee5 NSRunLoop.flushObservers 22 SwiftUI 0xfffe8537a198 NSRunLoop.addObserver 23 SwiftUI 0xfffe853755fd @callee_guaranteed 24 libswiftObjectiveC.dylib 0xfffe66ed2d9d autoreleasepoolT 25 SwiftUI 0xfffe8537a182 NSRunLoop.addObserver 26 SwiftUI 0xfffe8537a1ca NSRunLoop.addObserver 27 CoreFoundation 0xfffe40ab4dac __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ 28 CoreFoundation 0xfffe40ab4c3c __CFRunLoopDoObservers 29 CoreFoundation 0xfffe40ab3745 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 30 HIToolbox 0xfffe5101162f RunCurrentEventLoopInMode 31 HIToolbox 0xfffe5101142b ReceiveNextEventCommon 32 HIToolbox 0xfffe5101114e _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter 33 AppKit 0xfffe45b349b0 _DPSNextEvent 34 AppKit 0xfffe45b33176 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] 35 AppKit 0xfffe45b25689 -[NSApplication run] 36 AppKit 0xfffe45af996e NSApplicationMain 37 SwiftUI 0xfffe84ab59f3 runApp 38 SwiftUI 0xfffe8534c791 runAppT 39 SwiftUI 0xfffe84ecb09c App.main 40 PDFArchiver 0x2067699b0 [inlined] PDFArchiverApp.$main 41 PDFArchiver 0x2067699b0 main 42 libdyld.dylib 0xfffe40967620 start Crash Report -
Aug ’23
Corespotlightd Using Significant CPU In 11.2.2 (20D80)
Hello! I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing a significant CPU drain from Spotlight (specifically corespotlightd) in macOS 11.2.2. Since updating to macOS 11.2.2 any time that I access spotlight using Command + Space Bar I immediately experience a system wide lag. Viewing this in Activity Monitor I see a %CPU spike of corespotlightd in the realm of 200-400%. that last for anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds. I have sent this in through Feedback Assistant, but no other reports seem to have been linked to the radar. I have attempted a few different fixes as well: Terminal killall corespotlightd resolves the issue momentarily, but does not fix long term Restarting computer does nothing to solve Re-indexing spotlight does not solve I have also disabled more advanced search functions (Bookmarks and History, Contacts, Events and Reminders, Fonts, Mail & Messages, Music, Siri Suggestions, and Movies are all disabled) - This did not fix the issue. I have also disabled search for external hard drives which also did not solve the issue. Open to any other suggestions for fixes, or if anyone else has a similar issue. Mac mini, 2018 (2020 release), 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4. External GPU Radeon RX 570 4 GB.
Sep ’23
Command Line Utility vs. Core Bluetooth Permissions
I'm writing a command line tool for macOS which interfaces with BLE devices. I have a problems with regards to permissions: If I launch my tool on the command line, it gets killed by the OS. Only if I launch it via the debugger, I get the alerter to allow the bluetooth permission. My plist that contains the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key is embedded as __TEXT __info_plist in the binary. Is this no longer enough for a command-line tool to access security-guarded OS facilities these days?
Aug ’23
macOS app icon not updating. Cached?
Hi, If I change the AppIcon in Xcode's Assets.xcassets, and rerun my app, the image used in the dock and app switcher does not update. If I "Clean Build Folder", and re-run, then it updates. This is annoying when I keep tweaking the colors in the icon and want to see how they look. A full rebuild takes a while, because I have a few Swift Package dependencies. Anyone know a trick to get the AppIcon to stop caching (or whatever it's doing)? I tried killall Dock and killall Finder, but that didn't help. (macOS 11.2.3) Rob
Oct ’23
Big Sur panic when connect/disconnect usb-c dock
Big Sur panic when connect/disconnect usb-c dock (tested with many usb–c docks including baseus, ugreen, non apple – not reproduced with apple multiport adapter). Problem persist! I have many panics every day! panic(cpu 7 caller 0xffffff8017898976): [kext.kalloc.2048]: element modified after free (off:1672, val:0xffffffff00000000, sz:2048, ptr:0xffffff93d7fa5800, prot:zero) 1672: 0xffffffff00000000 Backtrace (CPU 7), Frame : Return Address 0xffffffa1daab2640 : 0xffffff80170870ad 0xffffffa1daab2690 : 0xffffff80171cddd3 0xffffffa1daab26d0 : 0xffffff80171be3ca 0xffffffa1daab2720 : 0xffffff801702ba2f 0xffffffa1daab2740 : 0xffffff80170868cd 0xffffffa1daab2860 : 0xffffff8017086bc3 0xffffffa1daab28d0 : 0xffffff801789694a 0xffffffa1daab2940 : 0xffffff8017898976 0xffffffa1daab2dc0 : 0xffffff80170e5a26 0xffffffa1daab2e30 : 0xffffff801709668c 0xffffffa1daab2e80 : 0xffffff80177a8822 0xffffffa1daab2ea0 : 0xffffff801a1596dc 0xffffffa1daab2ec0 : 0xffffff801a1676bc 0xffffffa1daab2f20 : 0xffffff801a159e2e 0xffffffa1daab2fc0 : 0xffffff801a15bfa7 0xffffffa1daab3270 : 0xffffff801a15fe3d 0xffffffa1daab3540 : 0xffffff801a15cda2 0xffffffa1daab37f0 : 0xffffff801a15a333 0xffffffa1daab3950 : 0xffffff801a1547b1 0xffffffa1daab3b50 : 0xffffff801787fb4a 0xffffffa1daab3b90 : 0xffffff801731a98f 0xffffffa1daab3bd0 : 0xffffff80173407c8 0xffffffa1daab3c90 : 0xffffff80173264a8 0xffffffa1daab3ee0 : 0xffffff8017327059 0xffffffa1daab3f40 : 0xffffff8017739fce 0xffffffa1daab3fa0 : 0xffffff801702c1f6 Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[F9746111-2761-31A8-A9C8-3DCA8976E468]@0xffffff801a148000-0xffffff801a18dfff dependency:[7C10DA84-DFD9-3C2D-B503-E648E488EC9D]@0xffffff80186c0000-0xffffff80186d5fff dependency:[A78CAAA2-43A6-38EF-AEDA-3B957D358855]@0xffffff8019c6d000-0xffffff8019c7efff dependency:[DB7AEFA5-928C-3B7F-87CC-EDC47D98B267]@0xffffff80186bc000-0xffffff80186befff Process name corresponding to current thread: update_dyld_sim_shared_cache Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Mac OS version: 20F5046g Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Thu Apr 15 05:31:19 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195. My reports in feedback assistant: FB9085399, FB9084201, FB9080122, FB9078447, FB9077541, FB9073646, FB9069424, FB9036423, FB9006281, FB8996761, FB8985931, FB8984349, FB8982979 ...
Oct ’23
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter MPRemoteCommandCenter macOS, control center and media keys not working for Catalyst app
I have a Catalyst application that uses (as expected) MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to set the now playing info and MPRemoteCommandCenter to get the media events for play/pause/stop/favorite/etc. The code is shared on iOS, tvOS and watchOS and it works correctly there. It seems not to work on macOS (app is compiled as a Catalyst application) on Big Sur (and Monterey, fwiw). Media keys on the keyboard starts the Music app, the music part of the control center do not show now playing info (nor the media controls there send messages to the app). I seem to remember that it used to work in Catalina (at least the media key part) and for sure it used to work in a precedent version of the same app that used to be an UIKit one. Is this a bug (worth a feedback to Apple) or something wrong on my side? I forgot some magic capability for macOS? App is sandboxed and uses hardened runtime, in case this is significant. Thank you for any hint!
Oct ’23
Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome)
When using the command open in the terminal, there seems to be this weird issue/behavior where if run to open a specific application (in this case Safari) where my current default browser is Chrome, the following command would open up in both Safari and my default browser. open -a /Application/ Opening up a different browser, such as Firefox does not have this issue. In that case, only the specified application does run as expected. open -a /Application/ open -a Firefox Is this a bug or a desired effect? (Tested macOS 11.4)
Oct ’23
MacOS Monterey Keyboard lag
Hi, I am having major issues with my typing on my MacBook Pro 16inch 2019. Seems to be something related to the caps lock function, as when enabled the key inputs just don’t work/show up on the computer. It becomes unresponsive, and even after multiple times me clicking on the keyboard, nothing works but then after few seconds, the letters show but seems to be missing the first few clicks made. I have tried to be patient but it just looks like the keyboard inputs don’t show no matter how slow I go. A workaround I have found is just not turning on caps lock as that’s when the issue is severe. Note does happen sometimes when caps is off. I hope I am making sense as this is a real pain typing this. is there anyone who can help me with this issue or are experiencing similar problems as me.
Jul ’23