Managed Settings

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Set restrictions for certain settings, such as locking accounts in place, preventing password modification, filtering web traffic, and shielding apps.

Posts under Managed Settings tag

105 Posts
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Customise Restricted Screen
I'm working on creating a locker app to lock the selected applications. After locking app, when you try to open the app a screen appears with the below message. Icon Restricted You can not use Facetime because it is restricted OK Button. How to customise this screen, another locker app is able to customise it and on a button click it redirects to their app to unlock it. also is there a way to get locked app names?
May ’24
Multiple Parents does not work with ScreenTime API iOS
I am developing a parent child control app using Screen time API and Family Control. I created two apps, one for parent and another for child. I want to see child device's activity report on parent app. This functionality works when there is only one parent/organiser. I am trying to add multiple parents to access device activity report using screen time API. I created a family group where I am the organiser (Dad), added another account as parent (Mom) and two child accounts. On the child's device I installed the app, authorised the app for parental approval (Dad) and screen time restrictions. When using the parent app as Mom, I am unable to fetch the child device's activity report.
Apr ’24
Screen Time API is completely UNRELIABLE!
I've been working with the Screen Time API for almost 6 months now. I found out it's completely unreliable, testing on iOS 17.4, the DeviceActivityReport is not showing, the DeviceActivityMonitor more often than not does not fire intervalDidStart. It's very frustrating. Has anyone found out a workaround? We all know there has to be something we're doing wrong, since apps like Opal and Jono does not present those types of issues. Let's please unite our forces and find a solution. How to use this API should not be a secret!
Apr ’24
FamilyActivityPicker on Simulator not populating apps.
I'm looking to make an app using the ScreenTime API and the Managed Settings Framework. I'm experimenting with the FamilyActivityPicker, but when i open it from the simulator i see only categories with no applications. Without being able to select applications, i cannot test properly the app. I can't install it on a real device to test it because i do not have a paid Apple Developer account and therefore can't access the capability if i select my Free Developer Account in order to install it on my iPhone.
Apr ’24
MacOS Reset Passcode not working- Urgent
I have tried to deploy passwordpolicy script using pwpolicy pwpolicy -n /Local/Default -setglobalpolicy "usingHistory=5 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=129600 requiresAlpha=1 requiresNumeric=1 minChars=8 passwordCannotBeName=1 requiresMixedCase=1 requiresSymbol=1" sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ PasswordExpirationDays 14 errcode=$? if [ "$errcode" -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Failed to apply with errorcode $errcode" 1>&2 echo "" exit 1 fi echo "Password Policy applied successfully" 1>&2 After deploying, on next login, It prompted for login, On entering password, It shows wrong password. When I tried to reset the password, It is not accepting the password. Instead It prompts again and again. Like this , I have got 300 mac machines struck in login page. I tried to run these two commands via a app running in root pwpolicy -u "$user" -clearaccountpolicies pwpolicy -clearaccountpolicies After Running this, I can able to loggin for first time. When tried to login second or successive times, It is failing with wrong password or sometimes no error instead of a jumping prompt in password page. When tried to change password after a login after clearpolicy command, It is not accepting the admin's password (Which was used to login the current session). Please help on this issue. As it does have a serious impact.
Apr ’24
Issues with Family Activity Selection in Screen Time API for Flutter Parental Control App
I am developing a parental control app using Flutter and platform channels to integrate with the Screen Time API on iOS. The app has two interfaces - one for the parent and one for the child. I have set up Family Sharing correctly and installed the app on both the parent's and child's devices. However, I am encountering some issues with the Family Activity Selection feature. It's worth noting that I am a Flutter developer with limited knowledge of Swift and iOS development, so if my issues stem from a mistake I made, please forgive me. The problems I am facing are as follows: When calling the family activity selection, the list of apps shown in the apps sheet is from the parent's device, and no apps from the child's device are displayed. I have double-checked that Family Sharing and other necessary configurations are set up correctly, including the family control capability. Even if I select apps on the parent's device, the selected apps are not returned in the result. The returned array is empty. Additionally, there is no close or done button on the sheet, and drag-to-dismiss is not working either. This might be an issue with the way I have written the code (most of the native code was generated by AI assistants like Claude and GPT, as I am a Flutter developer with limited knowledge of Swift and iOS development). I have tested other parental control apps that use the Screen Time API and observed the same issue, where the parent's apps are shown on the parent's device instead of the child's apps. For more context, I have provided the relevant code snippet below: import Flutter import FamilyControls import ManagedSettings import SwiftUI class FamilyActivityHandler: NSObject, FlutterPlugin { // ... private func openFamilyActivityPicker(result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let store = ManagedSettingsStore() let selection = FamilyActivitySelection() // Adjusting for UIWindowScene for iOS 15 and later guard let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene, let window = else { result(FlutterError(code: "NO_WINDOW_SCENE", message: "No window scene found", details: nil)) return } let viewController = UIHostingController(rootView: FamilyActivityPicker(selection: .constant(selection))) viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet window.rootViewController?.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) DispatchQueue.main.async { let applications = selection.applicationTokens let categories = selection.categoryTokens let webDomains = selection.webDomainTokens store.shield.applications = applications.isEmpty ? nil : applications store.shield.applicationCategories = ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(categories, except: Set()) store.shield.webDomains = webDomains // Custom method to generate descriptive strings for tokens let applicationsDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let categoriesDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let webDomainsDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let resultDict: [String: Any] = [ "applications": applicationsDescription, "categories": categoriesDescription, "webDomains": webDomainsDescription ] result(resultDict) } } } I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights from the community on how to resolve these issues and properly implement the Family Activity Selection feature using the Screen Time API in a Flutter app with platform channels. Thank you in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
Issues with Family Activity Selection in Screen Time API for Flutter Parental Control App
I am developing a parental control app using Flutter and platform channels to integrate with the Screen Time API on iOS. The app has two interfaces - one for the parent and one for the child. I have set up Family Sharing correctly and installed the app on both the parent's and child's devices. However, I am encountering some issues with the Family Activity Selection feature. It's worth noting that I am a Flutter developer with limited knowledge of Swift and iOS development, so if my issues stem from a mistake I made, please forgive me. The problems I am facing are as follows: When calling the family activity selection, the list of apps shown in the apps sheet is from the parent's device, and no apps from the child's device are displayed. I have double-checked that Family Sharing and other necessary configurations are set up correctly, including the family control capability. Even if I select apps on the parent's device, the selected apps are not returned in the result. The returned array is empty. Additionally, there is no close or done button on the sheet, and drag-to-dismiss is not working either. This might be an issue with the way I have written the code (most of the native code was generated by AI assistants like Claude and GPT, as I am a Flutter developer with limited knowledge of Swift and iOS development). I have tested other parental control apps that use the Screen Time API and observed the same issue, where the parent's apps are shown on the parent's device instead of the child's apps. For more context, I have provided the relevant code snippet below: import Flutter import FamilyControls import ManagedSettings import SwiftUI class FamilyActivityHandler: NSObject, FlutterPlugin { // ... private func openFamilyActivityPicker(result: @escaping FlutterResult) { let store = ManagedSettingsStore() let selection = FamilyActivitySelection() // Adjusting for UIWindowScene for iOS 15 and later guard let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene, let window = else { result(FlutterError(code: "NO_WINDOW_SCENE", message: "No window scene found", details: nil)) return } let viewController = UIHostingController(rootView: FamilyActivityPicker(selection: .constant(selection))) viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet window.rootViewController?.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) DispatchQueue.main.async { let applications = selection.applicationTokens let categories = selection.categoryTokens let webDomains = selection.webDomainTokens store.shield.applications = applications.isEmpty ? nil : applications store.shield.applicationCategories = ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(categories, except: Set()) store.shield.webDomains = webDomains // Custom method to generate descriptive strings for tokens let applicationsDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let categoriesDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let webDomainsDescription = { token in // Implement a custom description method or use an identifier property "\(token)" } let resultDict: [String: Any] = [ "applications": applicationsDescription, "categories": categoriesDescription, "webDomains": webDomainsDescription ] result(resultDict) } } } I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights from the community on how to resolve these issues and properly implement the Family Activity Selection feature using the Screen Time API in a Flutter app with platform channels. Thank you in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
Background Safari Tab contributing to DeviceActivityMonitor usage threshold?
I am currently debugging an issue with DeviceActivityMonitor where the threshold is reached even though the target app (e.g. Instagram) is not being used actively. I noticed that the device with the unexpected behavior had the website opened in the Safari web browser (among hundreds of other tabs). That tab was not actively used either (not in foreground, Safari app neither used). However, I was wondering if it can happen that this website is contributing towards the threshold as well even though it is in background and not used? Otherwise I cannot explain myself this strange behavior.
Apr ’24
Is there a way to convert AppToken to String?
Hello, I am working on a screen time manager that can block certain apps. I want this to work by allowing a certain number of 5-minute sessions per day. For each app the user selects, I would like to store the number of sessions remaining for that app in a dictionary. Currently, I am storing them in a dictionary of type <AppToken: Int>. However, I would like to store this dictionary to UserDefaults, and it doesn't seem like it is possible to store the type AppToken to UserDefaults. I was wondering how I could go about storing the AppTokenas a String and maybe saving to UserDefaults as a <String: Int> instead? Thanks.
Apr ’24
ScreenTime API app rejection 2.5.1
Hi, I use ScreenTime API for proving feature of hiding other installed apps in the iOS device. 
Specifically I set applications I want to hide to this property of ManagedSettingsStore.application.blockedApplications. Documentation to this propery says The system hides blocked applications and prevents the user from launching them. There is no any limitations or deprecation labels, api available starting iOS 15. My app is in the AppStore and works good, but I received reject for app update saying: The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app still uses Screentime API to hide apps from user. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. This sounds odd to me as feature is documented, not marked as deprecated and confirmed on forum by Apple Engineer it’s available for developers. Additionally I can’t find any public information about “unapproved uses of public APIs” that reviewer refers to. So there are literally no reason to reject my app as feature is documented and I use it as it's prescribed. The only public requirement for the developers found in Apple Review Guidelines and Apple Developer Program License Agreement is to use public API, there is no term "unapproved uses of public APIs". After long conversation with reviewer I submitted appeal but review board didn't provide any clarity and declines my appeal with exactly the same response without clarifying situation and referring to 2.5.1 that is actually not applicable. Looking forward to finding any useful information, experiences from other developers, or clarifications from Apple Engineers.
Apr ’24
eventDidReachThreshold is working as expected only when the app is in debug mode
As per our code, we have the apps to be shielded whenever the threshold is reached. According to this use-case, our code in DeviceActivityExtension looks something like: override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.eventDidReachThreshold(event, activity: activity) defaults?.setValue(event.rawValue, forKey: "appLimitEventName") defaults?.setValue(true, forKey: "appLimitReached") defaults?.synchronize() // using darwinNotificationCenter to trigger callback in the application let darwinNotificationCenter = DarwinNotificationsManager.sharedInstance() darwinNotificationCenter.postNotification(withName: "nextAppLimitInitiated") // using Notifications to debug since print doesn't work scheduleNotification(with: "interval threshold reached") } And in our application, we have the shielding logic in place, init() { let darwinNotificationCenter = DarwinNotificationsManager.sharedInstance() darwinNotificationCenter.register(forNotificationName: "nextAppLimitInitiated"){ print("callback received") let appLimitReached = self.defaults?.bool(forKey: "appLimitReached") let appLimitEventName = self.defaults?.string(forKey: "appLimitEventName") if appLimitReached ?? false, appLimitEventName != "" { // this sends the notification when callback is received self.scheduleNotification(with: "init start") self.defaults?.setValue(false, forKey: "appLimitReached") guard var dataArray = self.defaults?.array(forKey: "appLimitdataArray"), !dataArray.isEmpty else { return } let appLimitData = dataArray.first as! NSDictionary let appLimitKey = appLimitData["appLimitId"] as! String let data = self.getSchedule(key: appLimitEventName ?? "") if let appTokens = data?.applicationTokens { for token in appTokens { if !self.applicationTokens.contains(appTokens) { self.applicationTokens.insert(token) } } } = self.applicationTokens = ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(self.categoryTokens, except: Set()) dataArray.removeFirst() //dataArray.append(appLimitData) self.defaults?.set(dataArray, forKey: "appLimitdataArray") self.initiateMonitoring(initiateAgain: true) self.scheduleNotification(with: "init end") } } } This works as expected for multiple App Limits but only when the device is connected to the Xcode. If we disconnect the device from Xcode/ stop application from Xcode/ try in release mode, the callback is not received from extension to the app/init block. When the device is connected to Xcode, if the apps hit the threshold, they are shielded automatically. But if the device is disconnected/ app is in release mode, the apps are not shielded automatically even after the threshold is reached. It is shielded later only after opening our app once. Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong in receiving callback or in my shielding logic. If I need to place the shielding logic in the extension, please tell me how I can handle multiple appTokens.
Mar ’24
ShieldActionExtension and ShieldConfigurationExtension not working
I am relatively new to swift, and working on an app blocker using flutter and swift. In my Xcode runner file, I used File > New > Target > ShieldConfigurationExtension and File > New > Target > ShieldActionExtension to create the extensions with all the necessary Info.plist values. However, when I try to build, I am presented with this error message: Error (Xcode): Cycle inside Runner; building could produce unreliable results. Cycle details: → Target 'Runner': CodeSign /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ ○ That command depends on command in Target 'Runner': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resources” ○ That command depends on command in Target 'Runner': script phase “Thin Binary” ○ Target 'Runner' has process command with output '/Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/' ○ Target 'Runner' has copy command from '/Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/shieldAction.appex' to '/Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/' 2 Raw dependency cycle trace: target: -> node: <all> -> command: <all> -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> command: P0:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:CodeSign /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> directoryTreeSignature: [ -> directoryContents: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> CYCLE POINT -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> command: P2:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:PhaseScriptExecution [CP] Copy Pods Resources /Users/arshgupta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-gkxkhzabeikourbemhpfsdwlgfor/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-gkxkhzabeikourbemhpfsdwlgfor/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -> command: P2:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:WriteAuxiliaryFile /Users/arshgupta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-gkxkhzabeikourbemhpfsdwlgfor/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -> node: <target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49--fused-phase4-thin-binary> -> command: P0:::Gate target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49--fused-phase4-thin-binary -> node: <execute-shell-script-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e02f1eee2015e8ff5ebcd27678f788c2826-target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-> -> command: P2:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:PhaseScriptExecution Thin Binary /Users/arshgupta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-gkxkhzabeikourbemhpfsdwlgfor/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> directoryTreeSignature: R -> directoryContents: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> command: P0:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/ios/Runner/Info.plist -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ -> command: P0:target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49-:Debug:Copy /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/shieldAction.appex -> node: <target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49--fused-phase5--cp--copy-pods-resources> -> command: P0:::Gate target-Runner-18c1723432283e0cc55f10a6dcfd9e0288a783a885d8b0b3beb2e9f90bde3f49--fused-phase5--cp--copy-pods-resources -> node: /Users/arshgupta/Documents/pledge-1/build/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ What can I do to fix this?
Mar ’24
all my DeviceActivitySchedules are killed when granting unrelated 4th party app access to screen time API permission
I have two repeating DeviceActivitySchedules running in my app and noticed a super strange behavior: whenever I modify Screen Time API permission settings (granting an additional app permission, or removing permission for a different app (completely different unrelated screen time apps from App Store)) all my DeviceActivitySchedules are cancelled and the intervalDidEnd callbacks are called my permission is not modified in this scenario this is a super strange and unexpected behavior is anyone able to reproduce this? for me this happens 100% of the times I do this any known workarounds?
Mar ’24
DeviceActivityEvent with threshold spanning over midnight → threshold not working
Hello, I am using a DeviceActivityEvent to limit access to an app after the user has spent x minutes on it. Sometimes it can happen that a DeviceActivitySchedule spans from 11:55pm - 12:25am (just an example). In these cases, I have noticed, the DeviceActivityMonitorExtension’s eventDidReachThreshold is not called after the user has reached the threshold time interval in the observed app. I assume this is because we have transitioned over midnight and something weird happens to the DeviceActivitySchedule. I’ve tried adding the day components to the DeviceActivitySchedule as well, but then it fails completely. Any advice how to handle this? I could, of course, create two separate DeviceActivitySchedules: one for before midnight, and one for after. But depending on the user’s real app usage that could lead to slightly different (and unexpected) behavior.
Mar ’24
Un-shield an application of a particular schedule when multiple schedules are in place.
If we want to un-shield category/application for particular schedule, then what is the mechanism for this, as for now we are using ManagedSettingsStore().shield.applications = nil and ManagedSettingsStore().shield.applicationCategories = nil, which is actually un-shielding all category/applications without considering the selection of category/application for that schedule. What is the best approach to handle multiple schedules for shielding of apps?
Mar ’24