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Simulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.

Posts under RealityKit tag

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Can’t Figure Out How to Get My Earth Entity to Rotate on its Axis
I can‘t Figure Out How to Get My Earth Entity to Rotate on its Axis. This is a follow up post from a previous Apple Developer forum post. How would I have the earth (parent) entity rotate CCW underneath the orbiting starship child? I tried adding the following code block to the RealityView but it is not working: if let rotatingEarth = starshipEntity.findEntity(named: "Earth") { rotatingEarth.transform.rotation = simd_quatf.init(angle: 360, axis: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0)) if let animation = try? AnimationResource.generate(with: rotatingEarth as! AnimationDefinition) { rotatingEarth.playAnimation(animation) } } Any advice on getting the earth to rotate? I tried reviewing the Hello World WWDC23 project code, but I was unable to understand the complexity and how that sample project got the earth to rotate. i want to do this for visionOS 1.2. I realize there are some new animation and possible other capabilities coming up in vision 2.0 but I want to try to address this issue in the current released visionOS version.
RealityKit Subdivide
In the Discover RealityKit APIs for iOS, macOS, and visionOS presentation, there was a slide at the end highlighting new features not covered in the video. One of them was surface subdivision, but I have not been able to find any documentation or APIs that support this feature. Does anyone have any further details or how this works in RealityKit?
Are PhysicsJoints supported?
I am trying to add joints via code in my visionOS app. My scenario requires me to combine models from Reality Composer Pro with entities and components from code to generate the dynamic result. I am using the latest visionOS beta and Xcode versions and there is no documentation about joints. I tried to add them via the available API but regardless of how I combine pins, joints and various component, my entities will not get restricted or stay fixated like they are when they are in a child/parent relationship. I am using RealityKit and RealityView in mixed mode. I also searched the whole internet for related information without finding anything. Any insights or pointers appreciated!
What is the difference between an entity Action and Animation
What’s the difference between an action and an animation eg.: FromToByAnimation vs FromToByAction. The documentation on them is pretty similar and I'm not understanding the differences exactly... : S FromToByAnimation → FromToByAction → As developer, when should we reach out to use an animation vs action ? 🤔
VisionOS RealityKit
I have a plane that is stereoscopic so represents to the user depth that is beyond the plane. I would like to have the options to render the depth buffer for the pixels or to not render any information into the depth for the plane. I cannot see any option in Shader Graph Material to affect the depth buffer during render. I also cannot see any way in RealityKit to not render to the depth buffer for an entity. I'm open to any suggestions.
How Does Update Closure Work in RealityView
I have looked here: Reality View Documentation Found this thread: RealityView Update Closure Thread I am not able to find documentation on how the update closure works. I am loading attachments using reality view's attachment feature (really helpful). I want to remove them programmatically from another file. I found that @State variables can be used. But I am not able to modify them from out side of the ImmersiveView swift file. The second problem I faced was even if I update them inside the file. My debugging statements don't execute. So exactly when does update function run. I know it get's executed at the start (twice for some reason). It also get's executed when I add a window using: openWindow?(id: "ButtonView") I need to use the update closure because I am also not able to get the reference to RealityViewAttachment outside the RealityView struct. My Code(only shown the code necessary. there is other code): @State private var pleaseRefresh = "" @StateObject var model = HandTrackingViewModel() var body: some View { RealityView { content, attachments in if let immersiveContentEntity = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(immersiveContentEntity) } content.add(model.setupContentEntity()) content.add(entityDummy) print("View Loaded") } update: { content, attachments in print("Update Closure Executed") if (model.editWindowAdded) { print("WINDOW ADDED") let theattachment = attachments.entity(for: "sample")! entityDummy.addChild(theattachment) // more code here } } attachments: { Attachment(id: "sample") { Button(action: { model.canEditPos = true model.canRotate = false pleaseRefresh = "changed" }) { HStack { Image(systemName: "pencil.and.outline") .resizable() .scaledToFit() .frame(width: 32, height: 32) Text("Edit Placement") .font(.caption) } .padding(4) } .frame(width: 160, height: 60) } } How can the update method (or the code inside it) run when I want it to? I am new to swift. I apologize if my question seems naive.
Trasparency Not Rendered Properly for Some View Directions
The transparency in reality kit is not rendered properly from specific ordinal axes. It seems like it is a depth sorting issue where it is rejecting some transparent surfaces when it should not. Some view directions relative to specific ordinal axes are fine. I have not narrowed down which specific axes is the problem. This is true across particle systems and/or meshes. It is very easy to replicate this issues using multiple transparent meshes or particle systems. In the above gif you can see the problem in multiple instances, the fire and snow particles are sorted behind the terrain, which has transparency since it is a procedural blend of grass, rock, and ice, but it is correctly sorted in front of the opaque materials such the rocks and wood. In the above gif, it is two back to back grid meshes (since dual sided rendering is not supported) that have a custom surface shader to animate the mesh in a wave and also apply transperency. You can see in the distance, where the transparency seems to be rendered/overlapped correctely, but at the overlap approaches the screen (and crosses an ordinal axes) it renders black for the transparent portion of the surface, when the green of the mesh that is behind should be rendered. This is a blocking problem for the development of this demo.
Floor stability with physics simulations
In RealityKit using visionOS, I scan the room and use the resulting mesh to create occlusion and physical boundaries. That works well and iI can place cubes (with physics on) onto that too. However, I also want to update the mesh with versions from new scans and that make all my cubes jump. Is there a way to prevent this? I get that the inaccuracies will produce slightly different mesh and I don’t want to anchor the objects so my guess is I need to somehow determine a fixed floor height and alter the scanned meshes so they adhere that fixed height. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated /Andreas
Implementing a bouncing surface
I am trying to simulate a pinball game and I want to use PhysicsBody & PhysicsMotion to achieve that. I tuned the parameters around in PhysicsBodyComponent, but the result is not quite ideal for now. Imagine a fully inflated basketball bouncing high off the ground (ground vs basketball). I assign PhysicsBodyComponent and CollisionComponent to both basketball and the ground. For basket ball, I set it as: dynamic mode mass 1, inertia .one Material.Restitution 1 Angular Damping and Linear Damping to 0 AddForce to make the basketball move to hit the ground For ground, I set it as: static mode mass 1, inertia .zero Material.Restitution 1 Angular Damping and Linear Damping to 0 However, when the basket ball hit the ground, it isn't that bouncy, the basketball behaves like hitting to a cotton and the linear speed just dumps fast. Wonder how I could achieve the bouncing effect like real basketball vs ground.
3D Object Capture not working on iphone 12 pro
The 3D object capture feature doesn’t seem to work on my iphone 12 pro. The circle that is supposed to show up when you begin to begin to move around the object doesnt show up so object capture doesn’t even begin. It says ‘more light..’ or ‘move closer’ but this doesnt happen on my iphone 14 pro. Works perfectly fine on that even with the same lighting. How can this be fixed?
Failed loading .usda/.usdz from RealityKitContent package
I was trying to load an Entity by Entity(named: sceneName, in: realityKitContentBundle), which works for many of my .usda file. But this time I got an error: Error loading asset from scene PinballTable.usda: failed to load '7058602595919186152 Scene (RealityFileAsset)Bundle/RealityKitContent-RealityKitContent-resources/RealityKitContent.reality/Scene_14.compiledscene' (Asset provider load failed: type 'RealityFileAsset' -- Failed to load compiled data for asset path 'Scene_14.compiledscene', due to error: Failed to deserialize asset data.) Any ideas on why this won't work? I have checked the size of my .usda file it's around 42kb so I won't think it's sake of file size. Due to many .usda reference inside of this scene, I suspect that it might be the case the bundle cannot locate other usda reference. So I export the whole scene into .usdz file and it turns to 118kb. Wonder if this could be the only issue here that affect the loading result but this is what I have tried so far. visionOS System: visionOS beta 2/simulator 1.1 (neither works) XCode: 15.4/16.0 beta (neither works)
Convert .reality into USDZ
Hey Everyone, this is like my first post here in the apple forum. I need your help to understand better Reality Kit and file exports, but let me explain. I'm trying to create a little 3D Object editor, and it looks like to work pretty well using RealityViews and managing materials on the Entity. I'm currently working with all the Beta Apis and I would like to export my entity into an .usdz or a .obj file. I've found a method that allows me to create a .Reality File let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0].appendingPathComponent("model.reality") try await self.appState.parentEntity.write(to: path) but I now I don't know how to convert it into a .usdz or a .obj file, or otherwise any standard 3d format. Do you have any idea on how could I do? Thankyou so much! Have a nice day ^^
VisionOS: Simultaneous Drag & Rotate gestures
I have been trying to replicate the entity transform functionality present in the magnificent app Museum That Never Was ( -- it allows you to simultaneously rotate, magnify and translate the entity, using gestures with both hands (as opposed to normal DragGesture() which is a one-handed gesture). I am able to rotate & magnify simultaneously but translating via drag does not activate while doing two-handed gestures. Any ideas? My setup is something like so: Gestures: var drag: some Gesture { DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self)) .onChanged { value in gestureTranslation = value.convert(value.translation3D, from: .local, to: .scene) } .onEnded { value in itemTranslation += gestureTranslation gestureTranslation = .init() } } var rotate: some Gesture { RotateGesture3D() .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self)) .onChanged { value in gestureRotation = simd_quatf(value.rotation.quaternion).inverse } .onEnded { value in itemRotation = gestureRotation * itemRotation gestureRotation = .identity } } var magnify: some Gesture { MagnifyGesture() .targetedToEntity(where: QueryPredicate<Entity>.has(MyComponent.self)) .onChanged { value in gestureScale = Float(value.magnification) } .onEnded { value in itemScale *= gestureScale gestureScale = 1.0 } } RealityView modifiiers: .simultaneousGesture(drag) .simultaneousGesture(rotate) .simultaneousGesture(magnify) RealityView update block: entity.position = itemTranslation + gestureTranslation + exhibitDefaultPosition entity.orientation = gestureRotation * itemRotation entity.scaleAll(itemScale * gestureScale)