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Create 3D games and add 3D content to apps using high-level scene descriptions using SceneKit.

Posts under SceneKit tag

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Creating a custom polygon plane SCNGeometry error
Hello!I have been using this piece of code in order to create a custom plane geometry using the SCNGeometryPrimitiveType option ".polygon".extension SCNGeometry { static func polygonPlane(vertices: [SCNVector3]) -> SCNGeometry { var indices: [Int32] = [Int32(vertices.count)] var index: Int32 = 0 for _ in vertices { indices.append(index) index += 1 } let vertexSource = SCNGeometrySource(vertices: vertices) let indexData = Data(bytes: indices, count: indices.count * MemoryLayout.size) let element = SCNGeometryElement(data: indexData, primitiveType: .polygon, primitiveCount: 1, bytesPerIndex: MemoryLayout.size) let geometry = SCNGeometry(sources: [vertexSource], elements: [element]) let material = SCNMaterial() material.diffuse.contents = material.isDoubleSided = true geometry.firstMaterial = material return geometry } }This works by sending in vertex coordinates in an order which represent the outline of the desired plane. As an example I might make an array with vertices representing a rectangle geometry as follows: [lowerLeft, upperLeft, upperRight, lowerRight].This method seems to work well for simpler shapes, but I sometimes get an error which I haven't been able to find the cause of when using more complex shapes or vertex coordinates which are randomly scattered in a plane (eg. when the method recieves an array where the vertices order is not outlining a shape. In the rectangle case it could look like this: [lowerLeft, upperRight, lowerRight, upperLeft] ). The error seems more likely to occur when the number of vertices used increases.I'm using this method to allow the user of my app to "paint" an outline of the desired plane, and as I can't control how the user chooses to do so I want this method to be able to handle those cases as well.This is the error print i recieve after calling this method:-[MTLDebugDevice validateNewBufferArgs:options:]:467: failed assertion `Cannot create buffer of zero length.'(lldb)And this is what appears in the debug navigator:libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill: 0x219cad0c4 <+0>: mov x16, #0x148 0x219cad0c8 <+4>: svc #0x80 -> 0x219cad0cc <+8>: b.lo 0x219cad0e4 ; <+32> 0x219cad0d0 <+12>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! 0x219cad0d4 <+16>: mov x29, sp 0x219cad0d8 <+20>: bl 0x219ca25d4 ; cerror_nocancel 0x219cad0dc <+24>: mov sp, x29 0x219cad0e0 <+28>: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x10 0x219cad0e4 <+32>: ret Where line 4 has the error: (16): signal SIGABRTAny help or explanation for this error would be greatly appriciated!
Aug ’23
Properly projecting points with different orientations and camera positions?
Summary: I am using the Vision framework, in conjunction with AVFoundation, to detect facial landmarks of each face in the camera feed (by way of the VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest). From here, I am taking the found observations and unprojecting each point to a SceneKit View (SCNView), then using those points as the vertices to draw a custom geometry that is textured with a material over each found face. Effectively, I am working to recreate how an ARFaceTrackingConfiguration functions. In general, this task is functioning as expected, but only when my device is using the front camera in landscape right orientation. When I rotate my device, or switch to the rear camera, the unprojected points do not properly align with the found face as they do in landscape right/front camera. Problem: When testing this code, the mesh appears properly (that is, appears affixed to a user's face), but again, only when using the front camera in landscape right. While the code runs as expected (that is, generating the face mesh for each found face) in all orientations, the mesh is wildly misaligned in all other cases. My belief is this issue either stems from my converting the face's bounding box (using VNImageRectForNormalizedRect, which I am calculating using the width/height of my SCNView, not my pixel buffer, which is typically much larger), though all modifications I have tried result in the same issue. Outside of that, I also believe this could be an issue with my SCNCamera, as I am a bit unsure how the transform/projection matrix works and whether that would be needed here. Sample of Vision Request Setup: // Setup Vision request options var requestHandlerOptions: [VNImageOption: AnyObject] = [:] // Setup Camera Intrinsics let cameraIntrinsicData = CMGetAttachment(sampleBuffer, key: kCMSampleBufferAttachmentKey_CameraIntrinsicMatrix, attachmentModeOut: nil) if cameraIntrinsicData != nil { requestHandlerOptions[VNImageOption.cameraIntrinsics] = cameraIntrinsicData } // Set EXIF orientation let exifOrientation = self.exifOrientationForCurrentDeviceOrientation() // Setup vision request handler let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer, orientation: exifOrientation, options: requestHandlerOptions) // Setup the completion handler let completion: VNRequestCompletionHandler = {request, error in let observations = request.results as! [VNFaceObservation] // Draw faces DispatchQueue.main.async { drawFaceGeometry(observations: observations) } } // Setup the image request let request = VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest(completionHandler: completion) // Handle the request do { try handler.perform([request]) } catch { print(error) } Sample of SCNView Setup: // Setup SCNView let scnView = SCNView() scnView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false self.view.addSubview(scnView) scnView.showsStatistics = true NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ scnView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.leadingAnchor), scnView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.topAnchor), scnView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.bottomAnchor), scnView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.trailingAnchor) ]) // Setup scene let scene = SCNScene() scnView.scene = scene // Setup camera let cameraNode = SCNNode() let camera = SCNCamera() = camera scnView.scene?.rootNode.addChildNode(cameraNode) cameraNode.position = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 16) // Setup light let ambientLightNode = SCNNode() ambientLightNode.light = SCNLight() ambientLightNode.light?.type = SCNLight.LightType.ambient ambientLightNode.light?.color = UIColor.darkGray scnView.scene?.rootNode.addChildNode(ambientLightNode) Sample of "face processing" func drawFaceGeometry(observations: [VNFaceObservation]) { // An array of face nodes, one SCNNode for each detected face var faceNode = [SCNNode]() // The origin point let projectedOrigin = sceneView.projectPoint(SCNVector3Zero) // Iterate through each found face for observation in observations { // Setup a SCNNode for the face let face = SCNNode() // Setup the found bounds let faceBounds = VNImageRectForNormalizedRect(observation.boundingBox, Int(self.scnView.bounds.width), Int(self.scnView.bounds.height)) // Verify we have landmarks if let landmarks = observation.landmarks { // Landmarks are relative to and normalized within face bounds let affineTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: faceBounds.origin.x, y: faceBounds.origin.y) .scaledBy(x: faceBounds.size.width, y: faceBounds.size.height) // Add all points as vertices var vertices = [SCNVector3]() // Verify we have points if let allPoints = landmarks.allPoints { // Iterate through each point for (index, point) in allPoints.normalizedPoints.enumerated() { // Apply the transform to convert each point to the face's bounding box range _ = index let normalizedPoint = point.applying(affineTransform) let projected = SCNVector3(normalizedPoint.x, normalizedPoint.y, CGFloat(projectedOrigin.z)) let unprojected = sceneView.unprojectPoint(projected) vertices.append(unprojected) } } // Setup Indices var indices = [UInt16]() // Add indices // ... Removed for brevity ... // Setup texture coordinates var coordinates = [CGPoint]() // Add texture coordinates // ... Removed for brevity ... // Setup texture image let imageWidth = 2048.0 let normalizedCoordinates = { coord -> CGPoint in let x = coord.x / CGFloat(imageWidth) let y = coord.y / CGFloat(imageWidth) let textureCoord = CGPoint(x: x, y: y) return textureCoord } // Setup sources let sources = SCNGeometrySource(vertices: vertices) let textureCoordinates = SCNGeometrySource(textureCoordinates: normalizedCoordinates) // Setup elements let elements = SCNGeometryElement(indices: indices, primitiveType: .triangles) // Setup Geometry let geometry = SCNGeometry(sources: [sources, textureCoordinates], elements: [elements]) geometry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = textureImage // Setup node let customFace = SCNNode(geometry: geometry) sceneView.scene?.rootNode.addChildNode(customFace) // Append the face to the face nodes array faceNode.append(face) } // Iterate the face nodes and append to the scene for node in faceNode { sceneView.scene?.rootNode.addChildNode(node) } }
Jul ’23
How to play Vorbis/OGG files with swift?
Does anyone have a working example on how to play OGG files with swift? I've been trying for over a year now. I was able to wrap the C Vorbis library in swift. I then used it to parse an OGG file successfully. Then I was required to use Obj-C\++ to fill the PCM because this method seems to only be available in C\++ and that part hangs my app for a good 40 seconds to several minutes depending on the audio file, it then plays for about 2 seconds and then crashes. I can't get the examples on the Vorbis site to work in objective-c and i tried every example on github I could find (most of which are for iOS - I want to play the files on mac) I also tried using Cricket Audio framework below. It has a swift example and it can play their proprietary soundbank format but it is also supposed to play OGG and it just doesn't do anything when trying to play OGG as you can see in the posted issue Right now I believe every player that can play OGGs on mac is written in Objective-C or C++. Anyway, any help/advice is appreciated. OGG format is very prevalent in the gaming community. I could use unity, which I believe plays oggs through the mono framework but I really really want to stay in swift.
Jan ’24
Blank scene with xcode connected and "Metal -> API Validation" turned off.
I'm not sure which combination of iOS/XCode/Mac OS is causing this issue, but all of a sudden when I try to run our SceneKit app and the "Scheme -> Diagnostics -> Metal -> API Validation" setting is turned off the scene won't render and the console is just full of the following errors: Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Invalid Resource (00000009:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorInvalidResource) [SceneKit] Error: Main command buffer execution failed with status 5, error: Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=9 "Invalid Resource (00000009:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorInvalidResource)"  ) If you run the app outside of xcode it's fine, also enabling the "API Validation" option stops the issue. One of my schemes has this option disabled since the project began and never had an issue before. Just throwing this out there incase someone else has spent hours of their life trying to figure out why this is not working for them. Also you can just create a new SceneKit project and turn that diagnostic option off and the app won't render anything.
Aug ’23
SceneKit log/console spamming
SceneKit has started filling my console with this log message: "Pass FloorPass is not linked to the rendering graph and will be ignored check it's input/output" Feels like I'm the only one on the planet using SceneKit, but if anyone can guess at what is happening, or the reason for this - I'm thankful.
Sep ’23
MapKit Custom 3D Models
Dear Apple Team and everyone who has experience with MapKit. I am building an app where I need to hide some 3D models and replace them with my custom 3D meshes using SceneKit. Up until now I was using Mapbox it allows to get mesh row data to reconstruct all maps 3D. Is there something like this possible with MapKit? Use cases Say you navigated to Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 and there is no 3D model of actual building. I would like to be able to hide simple massing and replace it with my model. In 3D Satellite VIew some areas have detailed meshes. Say London The Queen's Walk. I would like to make specific area flat so I can place my 3D model on top of Satellite 3D View to illustrate new structure or building. Last one. Is it possible to change existing buildings colours? I know it is possible transparency Thank you @apple
Oct ’23
Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools under scntool.
I am using Xcode 14.3 and when Issue that says "Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools under scntool". I searched this up and tried reinstalling CommandLineTools, reinstalling xcode, and reseting xcode. Here are screenshots of the issue: And here is the code: Is there a solution? Please inform me of the solution. Thank you for reading.
Sep ’23
Did iOS 16's SceneKit change something about handling pixel format?
Hi, my app displays a video as texture on SceneKit's SCNNode. Now I've just found that some videos looks different in iOS 16.4 from previous versions. The videos look more pale than they should be. I looked up some documents and set SCNDisableLinearSpaceRendering as true in info.plist, they look exactly what they should be but then the problem is that the other videos which already looked fine now turned different. But anyway it seems to relate to the linear or gamma color spaces regarding to this answer ( Definitely those problematic videos have some different color space setting or something. I am not really expert in these field, where should I start to dig in? Or how can I just make iOS 16.4 behave same as previous versions? It worked well for all the videos then. What was actually updated?
Aug ’23
iOS 17 SceneKit normalmap & morphtarget causes lighting/shading issue
After the iOS 17 update, objects rendered in SceneKit that have both a normal map and morph targets do not render correctly. The shading and lighting appear dark and without reflections. Using a normal map without morph targets or having morph targets on an object without using a normal map works fine. However, the combination of using both breaks the rendering. Using diffuse, normal map and a morpher: Diffuse and normal, NO morpher:
Oct ’23
Integrate ARKit/SceneKit with React Native
I've been working on an app that combines CoreML and ARKit/SceneKit to detect and measure some objects, with success. Now I need to make it available to a React Native app, and I'm trying this approach here: where I can navigate and instantiate the view controller. The problem occurs when my view gets called. I have errors at the sceneView, not being loaded. Is there a way to use it without the Storyboard? For now it seems the incompatibility.
Aug ’23
Xcode 15 Beta 3- 6 .scn and .dae file crash
is any one else having issues with game scene-view .dae and or .scn files it seems these new beta release is very incompatible with files that work perfect with previous Xcode releases up to Xcode 14 I'm working on upgrading a simple striped down version of my chess game and run in to strange and bogus errors messages and crashes /Users/helmut/Desktop/schachGame8423/schach2023/scntool:1:1 failed to convert file with failure reason: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0] all tools reality converter exporting the .dae file to other graphic files working fine as in prior Xcode releases but some thing is missing in current beta release of Xcode 15
Aug ’23
AR 3D object tracking using LIDAR.
Hi there, i have recently started development in swift Ui. I wanted to ask whether it is possible to design an AR app which generates and tracks a 3d model or .scn based on a real world 3d model if .usdz format is used. for example i want to generate and track the movement of an aeroplane in AR and i have .scn file but i want a real world object as an anchor like a pen or pencil and i want to use its 3d data in .usdz format. i know you can use ARobjects abnd object tracking but it uses .arobject format and doesnot use LiDAR. important thing is that i want to use Lidar tracking not point cloud. is it possible? point me in right direction Thank you. I am using xcode 15 & ios 17 beta
Jun ’24
ObjectCaptureView/Session blocks ARSession sceneUnderstanding
I used ObjectCaptureView with an ObjectCaptureSession in different setups, for example nested in an UIViewController so that I was able to deallocate the View and the Session after switching to another View. If I am going to use an ARSession with ARWorldTracking and SceneUnderstanding afterwards and the app won't show the overlaying Mesh anymore. Using SceneUnderstanding without opening the ObjectCaptureView previously works fine. Has someone faced the same issue, or how could I report this to apple? Seems like a problem with the ObjectCaptureView/Session itself. During the start of the ObjectCaptureSession the are also some logs in the Metadata telling me: "Wasn't able to pop ARFrame and Cameraframe at the same time", it will be shown like 10 or 15 times for every start. So I nested it in an ARSCNView but that didn't fixed it.
Sep ’23
Does ModelIO export materials to USD?
I've got the following code to generate an MDLMaterial from my own material data model: public extension MaterialModel { var mdlMaterial: MDLMaterial { let f = MDLPhysicallyPlausibleScatteringFunction() f.metallic.floatValue = metallic f.baseColor.color = CGColor(red: CGFloat(color.x), green: CGFloat(color.y), blue: CGFloat(color.z), alpha: 1.0) f.roughness.floatValue = roughness return MDLMaterial(name: name, scatteringFunction: f) } } When exporting to OBJ, I get the expected material properties: # Apple ModelI/O MTL File: testExport.mtl newmtl material_1 Kd 0.163277 0.0344635 0.229603 Ka 0 0 0 Ks 0 ao 0 subsurface 0 metallic 0 specularTint 0 roughness 0 anisotropicRotation 0 sheen 0.05 sheenTint 0 clearCoat 0 clearCoatGloss 0 newmtl material_2 Kd 0.814449 0.227477 0.124541 Ka 0 0 0 Ks 0 ao 0 subsurface 0 metallic 0 specularTint 0 roughness 1 anisotropicRotation 0 sheen 0.05 sheenTint 0 clearCoat 0 clearCoatGloss 0 However when exporting USD I just get: #usda 1.0 ( defaultPrim = "_0" endTimeCode = 0 startTimeCode = 0 timeCodesPerSecond = 60 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "Obj0" { def Mesh "_" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 float3[] extent = [(896, 896, 896), (1152, 1152, 1148.3729)] int[] faceVertexCounts = ... int[] faceVertexIndices = ... point3f[] points = ... } def Mesh "_0" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 float3[] extent = [(898.3113, 896.921, 1014.4961), (1082.166, 1146.7178, 1152)] int[] faceVertexCounts = ... int[] faceVertexIndices = ... point3f[] points = ... matrix4d xformOp:transform = ( (1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1) ) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:transform"] } } There aren't any material properties. FWIW, this specifies a set of common material parameters for USD: (Note: there is no tag for ModelIO, so using SceneKit, etc.)
Sep ’23
Texture not appling on roomplan wall object (capturedata)
We are attempting to update the texture on a node. The code below works correctly when we use a color, but it encounters issues when we attempt to use an image. The image is available in the bundle, and it image correctly in other parts of our application. This texture is being applied to both the floor and the wall. Please assist us with this issue." for obj in Floor_grp[0].childNodes { let node = obj.flattenedClone() node.transform = obj.transform let imageMaterial = SCNMaterial() node.geometry?.materials = [imageMaterial] node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.brown obj.removeFromParentNode() Floor_grp[0].addChildNode(node) }
Oct ’23