Apple Pay

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Apple Pay Documentation






PKPassKitErrorDomain error 2, App Clip? Bundle Identifier?
My provisioning code works in my main app, but when I try to use it in my app clip it fails with this: The operation couldn’t be completed. (PKPassKitErrorDomain error 2.) I'm having an issue due to how vague this particular error is and how little documentation exists to explain it? I've been looking around the PassKit and Apple Pay documentation for more specific information. But I'm not certain what to do just yet. After provisioning and receiving the digital wallet token, adding the request to the wallet produces the unsupportedVersionError. My initial thought is because the appClip bundle identifier does not match the identifier that the issuer expects, but I'm not entirely sure. I have the entitlement necessary to provision passes on apples end.
Nov ’23
ProximityReader PaymentCardRaeder.Token help
Use case:  Use Apple Tap to Pay API to capture the card details and send the captured encrypted card details to end PSP by using our backend. We are following Apple document here, its mention here that your payment service provider supplies the string you use to create this token. Below is screenshot for your reference:      Please guide us how we are going to get above mentioned string to create the Token. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance
Nov ’23
Assistance Required with Apple Pay Integration on Website
I am currently in the process of integrating Apple Pay into my website using the JavaScript SDK and have encountered a specific issue that I am unable to resolve. I have successfully implemented the merchant validation part of the process; the merchant is being validated without any issues. However, I am facing a challenge with the onpaymentauthorized event, which is not being triggered. Instead, the session is getting canceled after the successful merchant validation. Here are the details of the implementation: SDK Used: Apple Pay JS SDK Current Behavior: The merchant validation process completes successfully. However, the onpaymentauthorized event handler is not invoked, and the session is canceled. Expected Behavior: After merchant validation, the onpaymentauthorized event should be triggered to complete the payment process. I have checked the following: The paymentRequest object configuration. Browser compatibility (testing on supported browsers). Network stability and configurations. User interaction with the Apple Pay payment sheet. Despite these checks, the issue persists. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could provide on what might be causing this issue and how to resolve it. If there are any logs, code snippets, or additional information you require, please let me know, and I will provide them promptly. Thanks
Nov ’23
Problems Testing Apple Pay for the Web
Hello! I am working on developing a POC for Apple Pay on the Web for my website. When I go to request an Apple Pay Payment Session, I am getting the following error in my logs: apple pay PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target I know it has something to do with the certificates, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am not seeing a great deal of documentation on Apple's developer site. I am using a sandbox account to test with test cards, and using the test endpoint url. Is there a way to get a test Payment Session locally without verifying my websites domain? I can provide more info if needed. Thanks!
Nov ’23
Can I generate apple wallet passes for other bussinesses?
My idea is to help small businesses (without IT infrastucture) generate apple wallet passes for their customers (to identify them later). All the data would be stored in my database and will be accessible by businesses. So Customer would show apple wallet pass which business would be able to scan and fetch customer info from my database. And businesses would be able to create/modify their passes through my app. Can I generate apple wallet passes using my pass type id? In, one of the comments mentioned: You agree not to ... use Your Pass Type ID to sign a third party's pass. I haven't seen this rule anywhere on apple's website, so not sure if it is still active. and distribution needs to be under Your own trademark or brand. Does that mean I can't generate passes for other businesses? Although, I am providing service related to wallet passes and pass generation is not part of the main service itself. If so, is there any legal workaround for my use case? E.g. maybe putting my company logo as main logo etc. Thanks! P.S. creating paid apple developer account to obtain business' own pass type id and certificate is not a viable solution
Nov ’23
Remove Pass Type Identifier
Hi, If I remove a Pass Type Identifier that is linked with a production (currently live) Pass Type ID certificate, will it affect my production pass certificate? When I press delete it states: "Delete Pass Type ID" "Deleting this Pass Type ID will prevent you from sending future updates to any associated passes. Installed passes will not be affected." But I want to make sure I will not be breaking anything in production. Any help? Many Thanks
Nov ’23
Links in Apple Wallet pass not interactive.
I have a Apple Wallet Pass with a back field declared like so: { key: 'EnableLink', label: 'Powered by', value: '', attributedValue: "<a href=''></a>" } When the wallet pass is active (side button pressed twice), and the user goes to the back of the pass, the link is visible and highlighted, however tapping it does not open the linked webpage in a browser. There are tel: links as well, that cannot be interacted with as well. Anyone know a workaround or a fix?
Nov ’23
the object does not support the operation or argument
If the customer closes Apple payment sheet before validation is complete, the error appears. It's not a big deal, but we are improving our performance, so I need to fix this annoying log: My code to validate merchant works and is this (I'm using braintree with apple pay): // Validate merchant session.onvalidatemerchant = async event => { // Do request const response = await getApplePay() console.log(response) if (response.success) { instance.performValidation({ validationURL: event.validationURL, displayName: 'Bucked Up' }, (err, merchantSession) => { if (err) { setLoadingApple(false) session.abort() return } else if(merchantSession) { session.completeMerchantValidation( setLoadingApple(false) } }) } else { setLoadingApple(false) session.abort() } }
Oct ’23
Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate
【Event】 The Apple Pay certificate will expire. Used to encrypt Apple Pay tokens. We use stripe. 【Steps】 Download the .certSigningRequest (CSR file) from Stripe (on the Stripe dashboard). Select the merchant ID to add to this certificate, click 'Create Certificate' in the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section (on Apple). When prompted to upload a certificate signing request, select the .certSigningRequest file you have downloaded and proceed to download. Verify that the details of the certificate are correct, and download the certificate locally. Upload the new certificate file on Stripe. Go back to Apple’s Developer Center, select the MerchantID and activate the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate (Apple Pay settlement processing certificate) you created. 【Question】 I would like to understand the method for rolling back in case the update of the certificate unexpectedly fails. I am contemplating the following measures; would they be feasible? Preserve the old certificate Reactivate the old certificate once more Additionally, do you have any other proposals?
Oct ’23