App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






renewals showing up as activations in App Store Connect?
Anyone else seeing renewals show up as activations for auto-renewing subscriptions in App Store Connect? Our app is almost 2 months old on the App Store and we have had monthly subscriptions starting to sell almost on day one so we've had one full subscription monthly cycle go by for a bunch of our paid users. We noticed though that after 4-5 weeks, there was only one subscription renewal shown but we also were't seeing cancellations or a drop in our subscriber numbers. We just kept seeing more activations. Now at the 8 week mark we are very sure that renewals are showing as activations instead since our subscriber numbers aren't tanking, but instead slowly climbing, and we've only had a handful of renewals or cancellations. We'll see say 10 subscription activations in a day but then our total paid subscriber numbers only go up by 5, so once again, assuming 5 are actually renewals and not activations. We do see refunds but at the exact same time as a longer subscription period sells so assuming an upgrade and the total paid subscribers doesn't go down. Supposedly our retention rate is 2% but that doesn't seem to match our subscriber numbers at all. Assume this is due to renewals being counted as activations instead. We are NOT using server side validation or tracking of sales, using StoreKit to validate on device and unlock features. So all of this is from the App Store Connect web site. None of this is really an issue right this moment but longer term we'd like to better understand how our retention is going vs new sales. Are we just misunderstanding what the categories mean? We assume this isn't an issue with how we implemented StoreKit in the app but maybe it is? Thanks! Colin
Jun ’24
App name already exists but it's my customer brand and we need that name
Hello, we are facing an issue on creating App Name for my customer. This name seems it's already chosen but somebody, but It doesn't appear on App Store. We submit a claim to recover this name by Apple's Form but no response from Apple , and no email is being received , at least a confirmation that the submit was done. It is no transparent process for us, so we cannot decide if we wait to being able use my Customer's brand name for the App or we go to new name? . Can somebody help us on this?
Jun ’24
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
Hi, I have an issue with App submission. My flow is: show third party cookie consent banner (is an external SDK) show ATT Apple with this message "Allowing tracking will enable more personalized ads for you." Apple says this: You collect data to track after the user selects "Ask App Not to Track" on the App Tracking Transparency permission request. Specifically, we noticed the app accesses web content you own and collects cookies for tracking after the user asked you not to track them. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the app so that you do not collect data for tracking purposes if the user does not give permission for tracking. Alternatively, if you do not collect cookies for tracking purposes, revise the cookie prompts that appear in the app to clarify you do not track users. in the rejection they put the ATT alert and the third party banner as the screen Do you have any input on this as Apple never says things clearly about what the problem is. Thank you
Jun ’24
iOS app - Could not create a temporary .itmsp package... No version found for 'Apple ID ' on platform macOS App
When I try to upload my app with Transporter I'm getting an error dialog that says Could not create a temporary .itmsp package for the app “app-release.ipa”. No version found for 'Apple ID ' (XXXXXXXXXX on platform macOS App). If this problem persists for more than 24 hours, please contact your Apple representative. This is an update to an existing app and has now persisted across multiple different versions I've tried to upload. I have uninstalled Transporter and deleted its cache before installing it again. My theory is that Transporter thinks this is a macOS app when it's really an iOS app, so it doesn't see that I've set up a macOS app in App Store Connect and fails because of that. I don't know why it suddenly thinks it's a macOS app after working fine for multiple updates in the past.
Jun ’24
Why did Apple charge me $14 USD (141 SEK) out of nowhere?
Today Apple charged me 141 SEK (≈$14 USD) out of nowhere. It was charged from my Apple ID that is on the Developer Program, and that Apple ID has no other subscriptions/other things that draws money: the only cost on this Apple ID is for the Developer Program. In January I paid 995 SEK, the yearly fee for the Developer Program here in Sweden. Now they charged me out of nowhere, and I can't understand why? I don't have any apps outside of the App Store.
Jun ’24
secured HTTP connection libraries, App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption?
Hi, My application ships a copy of following cryptographic libraries: libp11-kit.0.dylib libnettle.8.dylib libgnutls.30.dylib It's purpose is to connect by secured HTTP to an optional server, that might be turned on to allow to receive HTTP requests. I think this is standard encryption, but do I need to mention this explicitely with App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption? The application doesn't encrypt content it is just for secured HTTP connections. regards, Joël
Jun ’24
App Suddenly Disappeared from Apple Store Connect
Our app, which is still available on the App Store, has suddenly disappeared entirely from Apple Store Connect. Although it can still be found on the App Store, we are unable to locate it in Apple Store Connect for management. Just a few days ago, it was successfully submitted for review, and its status was Pending Developer Release. However, today when we were preparing to release it, we logged into Apple Store Connect and found that the app had completely disappeared and couldn't be found even in the Removed Apps section. Our App Store Link
Jun ’24
Your App Store Connect account requires immediate attention
Hi, I received a message from Apple developers, stating that I must upload documents to verify the authenticity of my personal account. I had uploaded them and they were rejected more than once, even though I am certain of the authenticity of the documents, and they match my data in the Apple developers account, and the images that were uploaded are clear, And high quality!
Jun ’24
Unable to add any bank account in appstoreconnect business
We have been unable to make the Next button to enable when adding a bank account in App store connect for payouts. In the Add new bank account SWIFT/BIC code field search returns 400 error for any query. And entering BIC code manually does not enable next button. When entering any value in Don't know your SWIFT/BIC code either city, bank name or postal code we get 400 status code with this response. "message": [ { "type": "error", "attributeName": "bankBranchIdentification1", "messageKey": "" } ] We currently see this behaviour on all our developer accounts regardless of type or location. We tried entering info from an already existing Bank account and see the same behaviour.
Jun ’24
Unable to Add Bank Account
Hello Everyone, I am trying to submit an app for my online store. I selected that this store has in-app purchases because if they do decide to buy something from my store while in the app, I would consider that as an in-app purchase. The only way I can successfully submit my app is by adding a bank account to my developer account. That is where I have my dilemma. My bank's routing number has 9 digits and the account number has 11. Do I need to add zeros in the front or back for it to be accepted? When I input the correct numbers, the "next" button does not turn to blue and stays greyed out. So I am unable to go to the next task. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Jun ’24
App has been released with phased distribution but is not visible in the App Store.
Hi, I released an app on Thursday with phased distribution. This is a venerable app that has seen many new releases over the years and there have never been issues. As of today App Store Connect says that it has distributed to 20%. However, the app update is not visible in the App Store on my phone, and as far as we can tell based on analytics and server logs there have been no connections from the new version by any users, so it really seems like nothing has actually been distributed and the 20% number is incorrect. Has anybody experienced this before that may offer some insights into what's going on?
Jun ’24
App Store Connect Can't Add Bank Account
Hi everyone! Recently, my app is approved and I set my app pricing to some price in some regions. But, I can't add a bank account. I have ABA number, entering all needed informations but still can't proceed. Even I tried to finding ABA number by searching, the situation same. Any results won't appears. My all Agreements, Tax Forms, Compliances are ACTIVE. I don't know what to do. Thanks y'all!
Jun ’24
AppStore connect issues
I have been experiencing numerous problems with App Store Connect. I have developed an iOS application, it has been approved and I pressed the button to publish it and after that It stuck with a state "Ready for Distribution" for a week. The application never appeared in AppStore and it seems like it will not appear unless the support team fixes it somehow. Speaking of the Support Team, I have been sending e-mails to fix my issue but have not heard from them yet (3-4 days in silence). I have tried to change some metadata to re-trigger application distribution but it did not work. So, in the mean time I added a couple of improvements with design and logic and decided to distribute a version 1.1 of my application. This version appears in TestFlight but I cannot put it in the Review state, I tried to create the iOS App Version 1.1 to make it happen but every time I receive an error "An error has occurred. Try again later." - I see this error for a couple of days as well. So, it seems like my account or app is in a bad shape but I cannot reach support.
Jun ’24
Create Test Account - Something Went Wrong. Try again later.
Hi! I'm trying to set up a test account in the App Connect Sandbox for testing payments and I'm getting this error: "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." Steps to repro: Login to App Store Connect Go to Users and Access Go to Sandbox Go to Test Accounts - Note: I see the same error here before even starting to add an account Click Add Test Account button Fill out form Click Create button Result: I receive the "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." error with no test account created. Expected result: A test account created that I can use to test payment flows in the sandbox before submitting app for review. Any help here would be awesome so we can test before we submit this app! 🙏
Jun ’24
Cannot Accept Development Team Invitation (Infinite credentials requirement) issue
Hi everyone, hope someone can help me. I have received an invitation to join a development team, when i press on "Accept invitation" i am redirected to this page:***&username=xxxx The page ask for my Apple ID credential, but when i prompt it it show a spinning loader and the it ask for my credential again infinitely, without any error or message. In the general header, there is the Status Code = 400 Bad Request I am getting the following response from the update API : "data" : { "errorString" : "ITC.multipleProviderInterstitial.invitationInvalid.title", "providerId" : null, "publicProviderId" : null }, "messages" : { "warn" : null, "info" : null, "error" : null }, "statusCode" : "SUCCESS", "links" : null } Can someone help me out in this?
Jun ’24
"Release This Version" in Pre-Order
I think I know the answer to this but I don't like the way this is worded and it trips my OCD. I have an app up for pre-order. Once approved, there was the oddly worded button in Connect but the connect app said "Release for Pre-Order". So I went ahead and hit the button and all was well. Now I updated the app in pre-order and it says "Pending Developer Release" but the button says "Release This Version" and the app also says the same. No reassuring mention of "for Pre-Order". So just to confirm, if I press "Release This Version", it doesn't actually release it on the spot and remove the pre-order status? I don't like how this feels like "do I cut the red wire or the blue".
Jun ’24
How do subscription promotional offers work for currently subscribed customers?
Hello, I'm trying to understand what happens when a subscribed customer of a subscription A purchases a promotional offer for the same subscription A. Let's say the product is a yearly subscription priced at $100. When the month 7 starts (6 months remaining in the regular subscription period), I send the user a promotional offer for the same product but priced at $25 for the first year (100$ afterwards) and he accepts the offer. Is the promotional offer started only at the end of the current year (after the 6 remaining months) or is it started immediately and he gets a pro-rata refund for the 6 remaining months? Thanks.
Jun ’24