Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

General Documentation






App submission failed
Hey fellow developers! I'm having some trouble with my tanning app submission to the Apple App Store. The review team sent me a rejection notice, stating that my app has incomplete information. I've double-checked my app's metadata, including the description, screenshots, and app icon. Everything seems to be in place. Could you please share any insights or tips on what specific areas I should look into to ensure my tanning app meets all the necessary requirements for submission? Thanks in advance! 🌞 #AppStoreSubmission #TanningAppDevelopment"
Jul ’23
Apple requesting us to add In-App Purchase
We noticed that your app includes or accesses paid digital content, services, or functionality by means other than in-app purchase, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Specifically: Your app accesses digital content purchased outside the app, such as Videos, recorded content, documents but that content isn’t available to purchase using in-app purchase. Apps that offer paid digital services and content across multiple platforms may allow customers to access the content they acquired outside the app as long as it is also available for purchase using in-app purchase. See Guideline 3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services for more information. Our application was approved, but now, when we submit our 9th update, they reject the app for this specific reason. we have the community app where we are charging the membership fees, but this is not for the content. Members are paying fees to events we are making, access to groups etc. In the app where we are publishing session recording for people who were not able to check in person. to me, this is the same as for the Fitness app where people are paying for access to facilities and have access to free lessons or for any EDU apps. adding in-app purchases meaning that Apple wants us to charge an extra 30% for the yearly membership just because of the videos and that we are not even selling Did anyone had similar experience?
Jul ’23
app search in iphones
I have noticed some apps in two ways: 1- when trying to download I write different words in different languages and still can be found (how this can be done?) I think key words but don't really know how it works 2- app already downloaded (when I search in both arabic and english for it's name I can found it) how this is done? thanks for your valuable reply it will help a lot.
Aug ’23
US Govt Agency asking to pay for app "outside the Apple payment process"
Dear All, I've just received an email from a user of my paid app who says he is no longer able to use it on his work phone. He works for a US government agency which I'll abbreviate to GOV below. Apparently they have started using Microsoft Intune for device management and as a result they need the following work-around: This app is not free to download, so it cannot be added to Intune app catalog through this tool. Reach out to the app developer and explain that GOV uses Apple Business Manager (ABM) and MDM for delivering managed apps to devices. Payment through ABM is not supported by GOV, so the app developer will need to provide a version of the app that's free to download but take payment outside of the Apple ID payment process. GOV's Custom App Store can be access by developers by advertising their app to Organization ID 12345678. I don't know much about MDM, ABM and Intune, and I would more or less consider this a scam except that I am confident that the person who has sent it really does work for this government agency and does use my app on his personal device. Is there any possibility that what they are asking for is legitimate? I suspect that the crucial part is: "Payment through ABM is not supported by GOV", i.e. fundamentally ABM/MDM/Intune can support paid apps, but the financial people at GOV AGENCY have chosen not to support that. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Aug ’23
Use redirect url when creating skadnetwork for web ads attributable ad link
I would like to use skadnetwork 4.0 new feature of web ads based on this link from Apple web site: I need to create this type of html link: `<a href="{itunes_item_id}" attributionDestination="" attributionSourceNonce="t8naKxXHTzuTJhNfljADPQ"> </a>` My question: is it possible to use at the href a link that will do redirect (client or server(302)) to the app store url in order to receive app-installation attribution from a web ad or I must put a direct link to the app store in order it will work ?
Aug ’23
Question about Notification after subscription started with offer code?
Hello I want to know about App Store server notification type after subscription started with offer code, question is when someone starts a subscription with an offer code, only type OFFER_REDEEMED[subtype INITIAL_BUY] is send to server? or both type OFFER_REDEEMED[subtype INITIAL_BUY] and type SUBSCRIBED[subtype INITIAL_BUY] are send to server?
Aug ’23
Getting validation failed error as Invalid Provisional Profile
Asset validation failed (90283) Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle [] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: xxxxxxxx-e193-4623-8dbe-xxxxxxxxxxxx) I get the above error while uploading .pkg which is electron web app bundled through electron-bundler file through transporter for testFlight.
Aug ’23
Getting Missing Required icon
Asset validation failed (90236) Missing required icon. The application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512@2x image. For further assistance, see the Human Interface Guidelines at (ID: xxxxxx-a8a7-4dd3-9d3a-xxxxxxxxxxxx) I am getting this, while uploading .pkg file of electron web app for Mac through Transporter for TestFlight.
Aug ’23
Apple's 30% fee on subscriptions for off platform benefits.
Hey, I have an app that rents volleyball courts and lets people book spots at drop in volleyball games. I'm talking to some investors now and they really want me to add a monthly subscription fee. We were thinking of $4 per month for a 10% discount on games. We haven't had to pay Apple's 30% fees since we're selling something off of our mobile app. However, I'm wondering if Apple will try to take 30% of the subscription fee.
Aug ’23
Does using Social Logins automatically enforces tracking?
We are using social logins in our app f.e. Google and Apple-ID. The normal user data from our app isn't used for tracking by us but I'm not sure if we have to tick the box for tracking because some data gets send to google for verification when a user uses google as login and I don't know what Google does with this information. Maybe someone has used social logins before and can help me with the data privacy issues regarding that. Thanks, Jakob
Aug ’23
Sales and Report service
We are using the apple developer API We are able to generate the token and when we try to access the resource for sales then it showed data only once. Do we have any limitation on token hit or any other constraints that refrain us to access the APIs. We are getting unauthorised error in getting the sale report.
Aug ’23
App Store API. Pair user with transactions
Hello I'm working on IAP with StoreKit2. In app is everything finished and OK, so I've started an implementation of server side. I'm using App Store Server Notifications API. If user subscribe something everything looks fine and I receive a notification with signedPayload body Payload contains field like transactionId, originalTransactioId... but there is missing some information about user. I have to pair "subscribed" transactions with user to know what he bought, because I have also web version of iOS app so I need to pair stuff paid by IAP with web version. For example if I buy premium version of account by IAP, so I want premium version of account on the web. Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?
Aug ’23
App Store and my own Rest API
Hi, I am new to the Forum, so sorry if my question is obvious. I have developed an app which I wish to distribute via the App Store, possibly charge for the app. It talks to a REST API I have developed and host on a publicly accessible server with SSL. Will my App be accepted if it talks to my API, or do I need to make it available to everyone, including documentation etc. I assume I can still restrict access using API Keys and the like? Any help would be most appreciated Rob
Aug ’23
App rejected 4.2.2 guideline
Hi, I'm trying to submit the first version of my app to the app store but it keeps getting rejected citing the 4.2.2 guideline: We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store. This is simply not the case. The app has 3 main features: Input feeds where users can choose between 3 different types of sources Websites (rss feeds) Youtube channels Users (other users's output feeds on the platform) Output feeds where users can create posts (text and image) Library (where users can save and search content for later reference) Supporting these, there are other functionalities like managing the input & output feeds, managing the library folders, accepting or rejecting follow requests, managing the profile, etc.. The output feeds clearly satisfy the requirement as they are not links, images or content aggregated from the internet but provide the functionality to create content in the app itself. Furthermore users can comment and like on the output feed posts. The app uses multiple iOS native functionalities like: Lazy stacks to optimize performance Caching Navigation Tab bar Photo picker Push notifications and yet it keeps getting rejected and the screenshots provided are only from the input feeds without reference to the output feeds - posts, comments (the social features in the app) Any suggestions how to proceed?
Aug ’23
many questions about App Store Server API
Hello, I have a few questions about the App Store Server API. According to the document, if 'OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundError(errorCode: 4040005)' is received as a response after calling the production environment API if there is no environment information, it is written to call the sandbox environment, but 'Get Transaction Info' / 'Get Transaction History' API call and when 'TransactionIdNotFoundError(errorCode: 4040010)' is received, can I call it in the sandbox environment? Is the root certificate of the X.509 certificate chain on x5c claim in JWSDecodedHeader always AppleRootCA-G3? If I add and recall the query parameter '?sort=DESCENDING' in the Get Transaction History API, will the first transaction information always have the largest expiration date?
Aug ’23