Demystify code signing and its importance in app development. Get help troubleshooting code signing issues and ensure your app is properly signed for distribution.

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Multicast entitlement applied incorrectly?
I am using Godot 4.2.1 and C# (.NET 8.0.1) to create an app. In Godot the app is exported to an XCode project so it can then be built to run on IOS devices. Access WiFi is checked in the Godot presets I have the multicast entitlement from Apple. Communication over UDP using Unicast to send and receive packets works correctly on iOS, macOS and Android devices. To set the multicast entitlement, the project name is selected in XCode, to open a big dialog box with multiple tabs. Click on the tab Signing and Capabilities. To add the multicast to the project "+ Capability" is clicked, search for "multi" which brings up multicast networking. Click on multicast networking to add it to the project. Then in the same dialog box, click the tab build settings and under "Signing" code signing identity is changed to iOS developer for all Debug and release items. The project is then built and run on the iOS device. The symptom is that no multicast packets are received. The multicast receiving code below works on macOS and Android devices so there must be something going on with the iOS devices that I'm missing. The UDP server is configured in C# code as a _listener: private const string MULTICAST_ADDRESS = ""; private const int BCON_PORT = 49707; _listener = new UdpClient(); _listener.ExclusiveAddressUse = false; _listener.JoinMulticastGroup(IPAddress.Parse(MULTICAST_ADDRESS)); _listener.Client.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, BCON_PORT));
Feb ’24
Restricting child process sandbox
Hello, I have an application which is running sandboxed and it also launches a child processes via posix_spawn. I already learned that child processes are running in the same sandbox as the launching application. What I wonder is if there is a way to launch the child with different sandbox profile from the parent application while maintaining the parent-child relationship? My use case is that helper applications doesn't need access to bunch of stuff the parent needs and we want to limit blast radius in case of security problem. I know that's what XPCServices are for, but we have a multi-platform code which is relying on POSIX process model quite heavily. Thank you
Mar ’24
Signing xcframework SDK's
The current structure of my SDK xcframework is XXXX-Release.xcframework. Inside that, I have an XXXX.xcframework and a file. Currently, this structure works fine in Swift Package Manager, dropping the XXXX-Release.xcframework file into Xcode and CocoaPods. When I sign my xcframework as per Apple's requirements, I need to sign XXXX.xcframework, which is on the second level. Signing this works fine. Will this meet Apple's requirements for signing an xcframework? I just want to make sure the current structure of my SDK does not need to change. Thanks
Mar ’24
E-SIM Configuration Challenges: Multiple Carriers Entitlement Request and Processing Timeframes
Hello! Firstly, I am submitting an entitlement request to access the E-sim configuration for the iOS application. While filling out the form, I encountered an issue with providing carrier information. The form is designed for a single carrier, but I have five carriers. Should I list all of them? Secondly, I have come across numerous discussions online regarding the time it takes to process such requests. Could you please provide me with an estimated timeframe for completion? Our customer is interested in completing the feature within a month. Thanks
Mar ’24
Launchctl unable start service with error 0x1 - Operation not permitted after app signing updated
Hi, we are working on an application which will perform scheduled backup tasks in macOS 14. The app has been granted full disk permission. Recently we updated the code signing for the executable (/Applications/ below) for passing the new notarization. After that, we found launchctl unable to load the plist for the schedule job <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <key>Label</key> <string>com.MyApp.scheduler</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/Applications/</string> <string>/Applications/</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>AbandonProcessGroup</key> <true/> <key>WorkingDirectory</key> <string>/Applications/</string> </dict> </plist> Related error message found in /var/log/* 2023-12-13 13:59:34.639672 (system/com.MyApp.scheduler [13434]) <Notice>: internal event: SOURCE_ATTACH, code = 0 2023-12-13 13:59:34.644530 (system/com.MyApp.scheduler [13434]) <Error>: Service could not initialize: posix_spawn(/Applications/, error 0x1 - Operation not permitted 2023-12-13 13:59:34.644545 (system/com.MyApp.scheduler [13434]) <Error>: initialization failure: 23C64: xpcproxy + 38300 [1097][925DE4E7-0589-3B33-BB64-7BC2F8629897]: 0x1 2023-12-13 13:59:34.644548 (system/com.MyApp.scheduler [13434]) <Notice>: internal event: INIT, code = 1 2023-12-13 13:59:34.644915 (system/com.MyApp.scheduler [13434]) <Notice>: xpcproxy exited due to exit(78) We have tried to update the entitlements for library and main executable files while still not success on make it works again. We have no idea what else could do for troubleshooting this. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <string>...</string> <key></key> <string>...</string> </dict> </plist> Appreciate for any suggestions. Thank you.
Mar ’24
Sharing bundle ID for a flutter project
Hello. We are working on a flutter project using the same unique iOS app bundle id in all of our team's local repo. Only one of us is enrolled in an individual Apple Developer Program. The app runs properly for at least 3 of us while others are getting the error that the bundle ID is not available. Given that it the 3 of us did not require a unique bundle ID in each of our local copies, do you know how to resolve this issue? Also, it would be helpful if you could share how to handle the issue of requiring a unique bundle ID for flutter projects if our team is not enrolled in the Apple Developer Enterprise program.
Mar ’24
Asset validation failed (90284) Invalid Code Signing. The executable must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile
Electron-Builder Version: 24.12.0 Electron-Builder-notarize Version: 1.5.1 Node Version: v15.14.0 Electron Version: 11.3.0 Electron-updater version: ^4.3.5 Target: Mac Apple Store (mas) Hello, I am trying to build and sign a new version of my electron app for the mac apple store (mas), but when I get to the final step of uploading the RenderTune.pkg file to the mac transporter app, I get a failed status with 22 errors all the same formatting like so: Asset validation failed (90284) Invalid Code Signing. The executable 'com.martinbarker.digifyunique.pkg/Payload/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/etc....dylib' must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile. (ID: abc-abc-abc-abc-abc) In order to build and sign this RenderTune.pkg file, first I run the command npm run build-mas locally while on branch v1.1.5 ( code here ) Which runs the following command: "build-mas": "electron-builder build --mac && sh", So first it runs electron-builder build --mac and gives this output: Martins-MacBook-Air:rendertune-v1.1.5-feb-24 martinbarker$ npm run build-mas > rendertune@1.1.5 build-mas > electron-builder build --mac && sh • electron-builder version=24.12.0 os=20.6.0 • loaded configuration file=package.json ("build" field) • writing effective config file=dist/builder-effective-config.yaml • packaging platform=darwin arch=x64 electron=11.3.0 appOutDir=dist/mac • signing file=dist/mac/ platform=darwin type=distribution identity=ACBACBACBACBACBACBACBACBACB provisioningProfile=none • skipped macOS notarization reason=`notarize` options were not provided • building target=DMG arch=x64 file=dist/RenderTune-mac.dmg • building target=macOS zip arch=x64 file=dist/ • building block map blockMapFile=dist/RenderTune-mac.dmg.blockmap • building block map blockMapFile=dist/ Completes without issue. The next part is running the file, which does complete but gives these errors: Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 Failed to parse entitlements: AMFIUnserializeXML: syntax error near line 1 productbuild: Adding component at /Users/martinbarker/Documents/projects/rendertune-v1.1.5-feb-24/dist/mas/ productbuild: Signing product with identity "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Martin Barker (LV6WXG529F)" from keychain /Users/martinbarker/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA" productbuild: Wrote product to /Users/martinbarker/Documents/projects/rendertune-v1.1.5-feb-24/RenderTune.pkg productbuild: Supported OS versions: [10.10.0, ) The final output RenderTune.pkg file gives 22 error messages saying `` when I try to deliver it via the mac os transport app. Asset validation failed (90284) Invalid Code Signing. The executable must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile Is my app even being signed correctly? Or is there just one file that I need to fix? Please help me out !
Feb ’24
NE Proxy didn't started with "missing designated requirement" message.
I encountered a problem while implementing DNS Proxy for Network Extension. It consists of MyMyExt, a System Extension that implements DNS Proxy, and MyMyService, a container. The system extension consists of classes that inherit the NEDNSProxyProvider. Class has overrided "override init(), override func startProxy(...), override func stopProxy(...) override func handleNewFlow(...)" Since the manager.loadFromPreferences(...) and manager.saveToPreferences(...) calls, system extensions and DNS Proxy have been added. However, contrary to expectations, init(), startProxy(...), etc. are not being called. (In System Settings → Network → Filter, DNS Proxy has been added, but is displayed as "Activated" and a yellow circle) Here is the information that appears on the console. ... Omitted ... MyMyService.MyMyExt [Info] DNSProxyManager.swift: 51 [-] DNSProxy: saved nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Adding a connection for client mDNSResponder[167] nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: handleNetworkDetectionNotification <MyMyService.MyMyExt> nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Received a restart command from nesessionmanager[1011] nesessionmanager Registering session NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)] nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Resetting VPN On Demand nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)] in state NESMVPNSessionStateIdle: update configuration nesessionmanager <NESMServer: 0x13ae0ac90>: <MyMyService.MyMyExt> Register DNS Proxy Session: NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)] nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Successfully registered nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: status changed to connecting nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)] in state NESMVPNSessionStateIdle: received start message nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Leaving state NESMVPNSessionStateIdle nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Entering state NESMVPNSessionStatePreparingNetwork nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Cannot create agent for plugin type MyMyService.MyMyExt, missing designated requirement nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Failed to create an NEAgent nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Leaving state NESMVPNSessionStatePreparingNetwork nesessionmanager NESMDNSProxySession[Primary Tunnel:MyMyService.MyMyExt:<GUID>:(null)]: Entering state NESMVPNSessionStateStopping, timeout 20 seconds ... Omitted ... Perhaps the key is the "Cannot create agent for plugin type MyMyService.MyMyExt, missing designated requirement" recorded in the log. But I can't find out what this message is about or how to resolve it. and, here is my code, more info at my previous post. I ask for your help. Thank you, for your attention.
Feb ’24
Gatekeeper blocks my app for some minutes after download
I am working on an open source app. I have been testing the package installer, and something unexpected is happening: the .pkg won't run on my test machine and will instead show a banner saying " can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software"; nevertheless, if I wait some minutes, the installer will run just fine! After reading through many of ekimo's posts, I assumed it may have something to do with stapler. I was not stapling my .dmg originally, so that's something I may be missing (my app is installed by a .pkg inside a .dmg). Nevertheless, the computer where I am testing the app has internet connection, meaning stapler should not even come into play. Regardless, I decided to staple my .dmg. Running xcrun stapler staple -v myApp.dmg after notarizing produces this result: builder ~ % xcrun stapler staple -v /Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg Processing: /Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg Properties are { NSURLIsDirectoryKey = 0; NSURLIsPackageKey = 0; NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = 0; NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey = "Disk Image"; NSURLTypeIdentifierKey = ""; "_NSURLIsApplicationKey" = 0; } Creating synthetic cdHash for unsigned disk image, myApp.dmg. Humanity must endure. Signing information is { cdhashes = ( {length = 20, bytes = 0xdd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c} ); "cdhashes-full" = { 2 = {length = 32, bytes = 0xdd018313 b1c574a4 03f01dcc c96c2170 ... 918d33f3 d5a74dc3 }; }; cms = {length = 0, bytes = 0x}; "digest-algorithm" = 2; "digest-algorithms" = ( 2 ); flags = 2; format = "disk image"; identifier = ADHOC; "main-executable" = "file:///Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg"; source = "explicit detached"; unique = {length = 20, bytes = 0xdd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c}; } Stored Codesign length: 12 number of blobs: 0 Total Length: 12 Found blobs: 0 JSON Data is { records = ( { recordName = "2/2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c"; } ); } Headers: { "Content-Type" = "application/json"; } Domain is Response is <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600003b85ba0> { URL: } { Status Code: 200, Headers { Connection = ( "keep-alive" ); "Content-Encoding" = ( gzip ); "Content-Type" = ( "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ); Date = ( "Mon, 26 Feb 2024 15:34:15 GMT" ); Server = ( "AppleHttpServer/78689afb4479" ); "Strict-Transport-Security" = ( "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;" ); "Transfer-Encoding" = ( Identity ); Via = ( ",631194250daa17e24277dea86cf30319:59e17ac665e1de7388b8f4e69e92e383:defra2" ); "X-Apple-CloudKit-Version" = ( "1.0" ); "X-Apple-Edge-Response-Time" = ( 99 ); "X-Apple-Request-UUID" = ( "9fc0fe2d-49fd-4e74-b718-660c56edb3bb" ); "X-Responding-Instance" = ( "ckdatabasews:16306401:st42p63ic-ztfb05112901:8807:2409B432:afc827b7b1ebf24829e9c4856d4b69205f23804f" ); "access-control-expose-headers" = ( "X-Apple-Request-UUID,X-Responding-Instance,Via" ); "x-apple-user-partition" = ( 63 ); } } Size of data is 165 JSON Response is: { records = ( { reason = "Record not found"; recordName = "2/2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c"; serverErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND"; } ); } CloudKit query for myApp.dmg (2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c The staple and validate action failed! Error 65 What does this show? Thank you.
Feb ’24
Feb ’24
Verifiably signed app becomes unsigned once downloaded from Steam
Hello! I'm dealing with a strange code signing issue which is preventing me from distributing a game through Steam. I'm able to sign and notarise the app in Xcode without any issues. I can verify that the app and all frameworks in /Contents/Frameworks/ are signed, and Gatekeeper allows the app to run without complaining. $ spctl --assess -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: Ruairi Dorrity (3F97UA4BF8) $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement However, if I zip the app and upload it to Steam, the app that the Steam client downloads is blocked by Gatekeeper ("damaged and can't be opened") and re-running the above commands shows that the code signing seal has been broken somehow on the downloaded app: $ spctl --assess -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ cannot find code object on disk $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all In subcomponent: /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ The second command can be re-run, showing a seemingly random framework from /Contents/Frameworks/ each time e.g. $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all In subcomponent: /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ Further investigation shows that these frameworks are now unsigned, when they were signed before uploading and downloading: $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all ... $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement I'm stumped as to what's happening here. Is is possible that the app is being modified being the scenes by Steam, which breaks the code signing? This seems unfathomable because it would surely break code signing on every Mac game on Steam, but I really can't understand what else would be going on. I'm sure I need to expand my knowledge on code signing; any pointers, suggestions or assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Feb ’24
External Distributing to Steam
Hi, I am trying to export my game app to Steam, and trying to understand the external distribution using Developer ID Application. Even when using the Account Holder account (because I cannot get a private key for Developer ID Application otherwise), I am unable to use a Provisioning Profile. It allows me to archive and distribute anyways. But once the app is sent for notarization, I never hear back from Apple. Can anyone help explain this process? I've scoured the web looking for clear instructions but it's eluding me. I had read that notarization is quick, but I don't get anything back, not even an error or rejection. Thanks
Feb ’24
Mac App Launch error after Mac codesign with --options runtime
hi, team, we used the py2app to build the mac app, the app works well before the codesign. But when I codesign it with the --options runtime the app can't startup. with the below error: /petoi-mac-app/Petoi\ Desktop\\ Desktop\ App ; exit; Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Petoi Desktop", line 147, in <module> _setup_ctypes() File "/petoi-mac-app/Petoi Desktop", line 140, in _setup_ctypes from ctypes.macholib import dyld File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 551, in <module> File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 273, in _reset_cache MemoryError 2024-02-21 19:57:09.168 Petoi Desktop App[93968:1375266] Launch error 2024-02-21 19:57:09.168 Petoi Desktop App[93968:1375266] Launch error See the py2app website for debugging launch issues But if I removed the --options runtime I got the Notarizing Error below. { "severity": "error", "code": null, "path": "PetoiDesktopInstaller.pkg/PetoiDesktopInstaller.pkg Contents/Payload/Applications/Petoi Desktop Desktop App", "message": "The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled.", "docUrl": "", "architecture": "x86_64" } I am looking forward to your insightful reply.
Feb ’24