




iOS18 Contacts bug report
Dear developers, I am experiencing a bug with Contacts on my iPhone13 since downloading the beta. Some names in the listing of contacts do not correspond with their card once opened in the Contacts app. The option to share contacts in 3rd party apps has disappeared. Noticed specifically in WhatsApp where my contacts are no longer synced and no longer show against numbers. Best regards
Unable to verify App
I‘ve being trying to continue developing my own app for the last 4 weeks and I’ve not being able to do so due to this persistent error message whenever I try to deploy to my own device “Unable to verify app. Internet connection is required to verify trust.” I’ve searched all around for a way to fix this issue but no body seems to be sure why this happens nor how to fix it. It started happening right after I‘ve upgraded my phone from a 14 to a 15, and ever since, the 15 simply doesn’t allow me to deploy on it… I also have a SE Gen 2 running iOS 15 and it seems to work just fine. Anyone happens to know whats going on? Now I also have to worry if the iPhone is going to let me continue working or not whenever I upgrade it?
iOS 18 system data.
Hello! I turn to you with a problem. That my Iphone 12 has iOS 18 installed. I have been using the device this way for over a week now. However, the problem came up that the storage was full. I should know that 4 days ago when I looked at it, I still had 23.6GB of storage available. And 32.31GB of storage is used for system data. What can I do? Thank you in advance for your help!
Xcode won't symbolicate .ips crash log
I was my understanding that you're supposed to be able to open a .ips crash log in Xcode and see pretty much what you would see if the app had been running in the debugger when it crashed. But the addresses in my app don't get symbolicated. I opened the .ips in the same project and same version of Xcode that was used to create the app. The .dSym file is around, and I can use it to symbolicate using the atos tool. What am I missing?
Frequent system crashes
iPad mini6 ipados 18.0(22A5282m) it's a strange problem that i was charging while i playing music on apple music,but my device suddenly crashed and became black screen,unable to response any action then the device reboots automaticly,but it becomes lagged and crashed again whenever i open an app.even though i do nothing after the device rebooted, it will be crashed again in few minutes. it demonstrated that the error code is :Panic CPU x caller
SwiftData FatalError Unknown Relationship Key
Some of our users on iOS 17.5+ started to encounter crash due to: SwiftData/BackingData.swift:669: Fatal error: Unknown Relationship Key - subscription) We have tried using SwiftData on the MainActor only but an issues still effects some of our users. Our models look like these: @Model public final class ProfileModel { public static let fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<ProfileModel>.self public enum Gender: Codable { case female case male case other } public enum Units: Codable { case imperial case metric } public enum Eating: Codable { case empath case enthusiast case explorer case guardian case harmonizer case pacifier case regulator case stoic case iosDefault } public enum RegistrationSource: Codable { case iOS case web } public enum NHE: Codable { case combined case emotional case mindless } public enum Goal: Codable { case beHealthier case energyIncrease case healthyHabits case looseWeight case relationshipsWithFood } public enum WeightLossFocus: Codable { case activity case healthyHabits case nutrition case other } @Attribute(.unique) public let id: String public let isPaid: Bool public let eating: Eating public let registrationSource: RegistrationSource public let nhe: NHE? public let firstName: String? public let lastName: String? public let gender: Gender? public let height: String? public let age: Int? public let weight: String? public let targetWeight: String? public let bmi: String? public let goal: Goal? public let units: Units? public let weightLossFocus: WeightLossFocus? @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) public var subscription: ProfileSubscriptionModel? public init( id: String, isPaid: Bool, eating: Eating, registrationSource: RegistrationSource, nhe: NHE?, firstName: String?, lastName: String?, gender: Gender?, height: String?, age: Int?, weight: String?, targetWeight: String?, bmi: String?, goal: Goal?, units: Units?, weightLossFocus: WeightLossFocus?, subscription: ProfileSubscriptionModel? ) { = id self.isPaid = isPaid self.eating = eating self.registrationSource = registrationSource self.nhe = nhe self.firstName = firstName self.lastName = lastName self.gender = gender self.height = height self.age = age self.weight = weight self.targetWeight = targetWeight self.bmi = bmi self.goal = goal self.units = units self.weightLossFocus = weightLossFocus self.subscription = subscription } } @Model public final class ProfileSubscriptionModel { public static let fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<ProfileSubscriptionModel>.self public let price: Double public let currency: String public let period: Int public let status: String public let expirationDate: Date public let cancelledAt: Date? public init(price: Double, currency: String, period: Int, status: String, expirationDate: Date, cancelledAt: Date?) { self.price = price self.currency = currency self.period = period self.status = status self.expirationDate = expirationDate self.cancelledAt = cancelledAt } }
Screen Time
The screen time no longer works, because when I try to enter de code for another 15 minutes, it approves it and then the screen disappears with "Time Limit". The issue is I can't do anything in the app itself and when I het out, it says again "Time Limit"
Will FlatBuffers API be made available?
In the WWDC 2024 session, "Bring context to today's weather", it was mentioned that the Swift API now uses FlatBuffers when downloading the weather data to the client device. Will Apple's API for FlatBuffers be made available to developers? If its already in the SDK (client side) it would seem a shame to have to include another framework that does the same thing.
Enrollment to Developer Program - No Contact Concerns
Seems a common issue that after paying for the developer program, Apple makes no contact for an unnecessarily long period of time. It's been a day and I'm already concerned with the lack of support despite my emails. I've got deadlines I need to adhere to. If anyone, or any support account could reassure that this will be completed in a timely manner, I would greatly appreciate it. Noticed this was an issue last year, given the minimal attention it seems to have received, this cannot be the standard. Thanks in advance
Xcode rebuilds entire project when nothing has changed
Using Xcode 15.3 on a Mac M1 with MacOS 14.5. The project consists of C++, ObjC and Swift source files. CocoaPods is used for several libraries. CMake is used to generate the build files etc.. The issue is that any time I attempt to run the application (on any iOS device), it will always rebuild from scratch, which takes a considerable amount of time for this very large project. This occurs without any changes to the project; no source code changes, no resource file changes, nothing at all. Would anyone have any idea as to why this would be happening? Is there any diagnostic information I can enable in Xcode to show me exactly what changes it has detected, or what reason it may have for doing a full rebuild?