




PHASE on Vision OS 2.0 beta in Unity
Hi, I'm looking to implement PHASEStreamNode in Unity, but the current provided PHASE library for Unity doesn't contain this new typos of nodes yet. When you will be looking into releasing the beta of the Unity Plugins as well? This is very important for spatial audio in Unity to be consistent with Apple's standards. Best, Antonio
Augmented Reality app unable to load the image from the camera
I have an app on the App Store for many years enabling users to post text into clouds in augmented reality. Yet last week abruptly upon installing the app on the iPhone the screen started going totally dark and a list of little comprehensible logs came up of the kind: ARSCNCompositor <0x300ad0e00>: ARSCNCompositor (0, 0) initialization failed. Matting is not set up properly. many times, then RWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: Unable to update pose [PredictorFailure] for timestamp 870.392108 ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: Unable to predict pose [1] for timestamp 870.392108 again several times and then: ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x106235180>: SLAM error callback: Error Domain=Slam Error Code=7 "Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data" UserInfo={NSDescription=Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SlamEngineNodeGroup Failure: IMU issue: gyro data stream verification failed [Significant data drop]. Failed on timestamp: 870.413247, Last known timestamp: 865.350198, Delta: 5.063049, System timestamp: 870.415781, Delta between system and frame: 0.002534. } and then again the pose issues several times. I hoped the new beta version would have solved the issue, but it was not the case. Unfortunately I do not know if that depends on the beta version or some other issue, given the app may be not installed on the Mac simulator.
Foundation APNS APFS GameKit IOUSBHost Swift Packages App Tracking Transparency GameplayKit MetricKit Mobile Core Services Subscriptions App Clips AGL Wallet Watch Connectivity SCSIControllerDriverKit Forums Feedback Force Feedback Control External Graphics Processors Files and Storage . IOBluetooth Community Developer Tools ML Compute FWAUserLib Image I/O Screen Saver Swift Student Challenge Apple Music API Games Discuss games AudioToolbox Xcode. Maps Web Snapshots WatchKit Extensions Accounts Apple Watch. Messages app. CarPlay EventKit and EventKitUI. iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS apps. App Store (FPS). iPad Media Player Exception Handling External Accessory iOS iOS iPhone. Xcode Server Xcode projects. Face ID CloudKit App ID Metal MusicKit StoreKit Test Swift xcselectmacOS SDK Beta WebKit JS APIs. Frameworks Asset Catalog Education and Kids Game Controller Inter-process communication App Review Apple guidelines. Messages SpriteKit vmnet ARKit Automatic Assessment Configuration MetalKitModel I/O using MetalKit. Multipeer Connectivity MusicKit JS StoreKit Swift Playgrounds Foundation. APNS (APNs). APFS GameKit IOUSBHost . Swift Packages App IOSurface. iPadOS VideoToolbox (ASan), (MTC), Thread Sanitizer (TSan), (UBSan). Game Porting Toolkit Core Transferable Declare a transfer representation for your model types to participate in system sharing and data transfer operations. WWDC23 Challenges Share your creations from the WWDC22 WWDC23 Discuss the latest Apple technologies announced at WWDC23. WorkoutKit visionOS Apple Vision Pro. WebXR . SwiftData . DockKit API DeviceDiscoveryUI Apple Intelligence AdAttributionKit Platform SSO TabletopKit
iOS18 can not upgrade
我在更新到iOS 18 Beta 2时遇到了以下问题。我遇到了严重的系统错误,所以我选择通过iCloud备份我的iPhone,然后擦除并重置iPhone,最后从iCloud恢复数据。然而,我现在面临一个严重的问题:我在开发人员应用程序中登录了我的帐户,但我在设置中看不到测试版的更新部分。我怎样才能解决这个问题?
NSHostingView Not Working With Swift 6.0
I recently compiled my macOS App with Swift 6 in Xcode 16 (was using Swift 5 previously) and noticed that AppKit Integration doesn't appear to be working as before. All my instances of NSHostingView which allow me to add a SwiftUI View to an AppKit NSWindow view controller no longer respond to mouse input anymore. All my NSHostingView instances display but refuse to accept any user interaction. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a workaround to get NSHostingView to once again be able to accept user/mouse events with Swift 6?
Sandbox: bash(5261) deny(1) Issue in Xcode
I'm a complete newbie to building an App, this project is a GUI that interacts with an LLM AI service, it's mostly html, javascript, python. I have something that works in a web browser, and mostly works in Android Studio, but in Xcode there are numerous issues. It's my understanding this is something to do with permissions. I have asked an AI which suggested various things that haven't worked, such as reinstalling Cocoapods, and disabling SIP. Are you smarter than an AI, or at least better informed? If so, suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Sandbox: bash(5261) deny(1) file-read-data ........./ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-App/