




Xcode Cloud fatal: Device not configured
Hi Folks, We've been using Xcode Cloud for a year without any issues. Recently, our IT team switched authentication from LDAP to Azure SAML SSO. Since then, we've been getting the following error whenever Xcode Cloud launches a build: "Run command: '/bin/rm -rf /Volumes/workspace/repository &> /dev/null && GIT_TRACE2_PERF=/tmp/git_trace2_perf GIT_TRACE2_EVENT=/tmp/git_trace2_event git init /Volumes/workspace/repository && GIT_TRACE2_PERF=.....etc." "could not read Username for 'http://bitbucket.***': Device not configured Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 128" Any idea what we need to change to get things working again? Thank you Cam
Unable to Access Developer Account on
Dear Apple Developer Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding an issue I am facing with my Apple Developer account. Despite successfully registering and making the payment for my developer account, I am unable to access the site at However, I am able to log in without any issues on This issue is preventing me from accessing important resources and tools necessary for my development work. I have verified my credentials and ensured that my account is active and in good standing. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue as soon as possible? Your prompt help in fixing this would be greatly appreciated as it is impacting my ability to proceed with my development projects. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your swift response and resolution. Best regards,
child is already inserted in a tree
Assertion 'child->_nextSibling == NULL' failed. child is already inserted in a tree Assertion 'child->_parent == NULL' failed. child is already inserted in a tree These messages began to appear recently in a code that has been 'working' for many years. I guess that I must have done something wrong, but I do not know where to start looking to see why this error is occurring. I guess it has something to do with SCNode and Scene Kit, but any pointers would be gratefully received. The two messages may repeat 20-200 times while launching, and occasionally the program hangs.
IOS 18 Bata
I downloaded the iOS 18 and my iPhone 15 pro max has just been unusable. My dial pad keeps crashing my cameras don’t work, my iphone is overheating to the point my phone won’t charge, I’m not getting calls text nothing. I wish I never downloaded this Bata because now I’m forced to get a new phone and I’m sorry after this I willl NOT be getting any more iPhones!
Framework compilation with Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I am trying to extract a protocol from an app to be able to use it in a siri intent. Yet when I compile it I get: note: Injecting stub binary into codeless framework (in target 'Virtual Tags Framework' from project 'Virtual Tags Framework') /Users/fabriziobartolomucci/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Virtual_Tags_Framework-chxutmulwgujeiceazyyzaphwner/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Virtual_Tags_Framework.framework/Frameworks/ARKit.framework/Versions/A: bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
Any emulator for Mac Silicon?
截至目前,有一些为苹果芯片的 Mac 设计的模拟器,比如 Parallels Desktop 和 VMware Fusion。这些模拟器支持在苹果芯片上的虚拟化,并提供了对 ARM 架构的一些支持。然而,并非所有移动应用程序或游戏都已经适配到苹果芯片上,因此是否有针对移动游戏完全适配到苹果芯片的模拟器?
Test Flight
Dear Apple Support Team, I checked the testers given when I uploaded for testing "INTERNAL TESTING" to test the app. When the testers installed on the device, "Cloud not install Booxxx: бxxxxx усxxxxxx. Getting the message "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist". When I tried to send "EXTERNAL TESTING" for testing, "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." the message is coming out. We can't test the app with Bundle ID: "uz.wellxxxx.bookxxxx". We ask for your help. Here are the details of my app: App Name: Bookers: бронирование услуг App ID: 6503646200 Could you please provide detailed steps or direct me to the appropriate resources to resolve this issue? Thank you for your assistance.
phone crashes, panics, and shuts down entirely after 5 minutes of use
i got the iOS 18 dev beta around a week ago (big mistake) and everything was good for a week, before it started acting up. it starts to lag immensely, then it crashes from whatever app it's currently using, panics, and then shuts down my phone. it's been going on for around a week, and i've tried everything. hard/forced reset (did the trick, now it doesn't.) tried connecting to itunes (doesn't recognise the device, either cause the cable is bad, or the version's bugged.) tried connecting to apple devices (same reason as the previous.) recovery mode (STILL doesn't recognise the device.) i'm going on a trip to norway in 2 days, so getting my phone fixed is essential. i do recall having a backup with iOS 17, yet i don't know if i can back up versions from 1-2 weeks ago. i might book a reservation at a genius bar to see what's going on. i'm on an iphone se (3rd gen), and have been using it for about 1 and a half years. this issue is most likely due to the iOS beta, and i don't have a clue on what else might be affecting this. can someone help me out here? it would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
iOS 18 Beta 2 Carplay Music Problem
After the ios 18 beta 2 update, when listening to music in carplay, the sound quality is very bad and I can't turn down the volume of the music. it acts like a voice assistant instead of music. when turning the volume down and up, it's like adjusting the volume of the voice assistant when it should turn up the volume of the music. So instead of music, it acts like the voice assistant is activated.
App Clip not opening from QR Code/Appclip codes
I have a Appclip in my App, which should open by scanning QR code or Appclip code(downloaded from Apple itself). When clicking on universal link of App clip its working just fine and opening the it but when making a QR code of the same link its not working, the Appclip card is popping up where the banner image is also displayed properly but the content shows App Clip is unavailable.(This QR code is working when the app is installed) I checked in diagnostic tool as well and its showing everything is well configured so now sure why the Appclip couldn’t be launched from the QR code of universal link or QR of Associated domain.
Updating iOS beta from Mac not working properly
I have no storage on my iphone 11 pro so for every developer beta i usually have to delete a bunch of apps and then update. My mac is already on the sequoia beta This time i wanted to update from my mac so after looking at a tutorial I downloaded the iOS 18 beta 2 download file from the developer website (i did pick the iphone 11) after connecting my phone i held down option and selected the respective update file and after putting my phone password in im met with 'iphone could not be updated, you must authorize with the signing server before making the request' any idea how to do this
API naming consistency
Why it is so difficult for Apple dev team to maintain consistent naming of their APIs? The function is called fatalError(_:file:line:) The corresponding Loogger.Level is called critical. Why not fatal? Is Ali Ozer still working at Apple to kick the a*s of new developers? I do not assume that either the function or the log level will be renamed. But I hope someone will take care of details (in the future). P.S. I am developing on NeXTStep since 1990. There were times when APIs were so consistent, one could guess them almost 100% correctly. It will benefit the community if this would be true today as well.
MBP with MacOS 15 dev beta apache
Hello I'm a computer engineering student who needs to build some apps from time to time, and when I do I need to use services like xampp which runs apache, and after I updated the OS to dev beta, the apache were never able to start again, and here is the error code from log, I'm just posting here in case apple fixed it,I see that the 15 beta 2 that rolled out today has no mention of it, so hope to see it fixed, so I can local host again in my mac with out reinstalling my OS or rollback. cheers