Hello Dear Developers, Is it only to me or in iOS 18 there's a problem with Settings.bundle, Im using my settings.bundle to set my enivement for my app but after upgrading to iOS 18 I can't see my Settings.Bundle in my settings iphone, just to mention that I also updated my xcode to 16. Anyone who has occur with this problem? :)
Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘XX.framework‘ was built for
167,447 results found
Still broken in iOS 18.2 simulator…
I found a solution that works fine for me: In terminal type: defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSHandlers -array-add LSHandlerContentTag gpxLSHandlerContentTagClass public.filename-extensionLSHandlerRoleAll com.apple.dt.document.gpx then /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -domain local -domain system -domain user
I am using the latest version of Xcode 16, and I have created a GPX file in my project. However, I am unable to see or select the file to simulate the GPS location. I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall Xcode completely, but the issue persists. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? How can I resolve this? Thank you.
I don't think it's hard to do this in AppKit. It's just different. I haven't done this in awhile. But I'm pretty sure you could use NSSplitViewController. @interface NSSplitViewController (NSSplitViewControllerToggleSidebarAction) /// Animatedly collapses or uncollapses the first sidebar split view item in the receiver. Does nothing if the receiver does not contain any sidebars. - (IBAction)toggleSidebar:(nullable id)sender API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); /// Animatedly collapses or uncollapses the first inspector split view item in the receiver. Does nothing if the receiver does not contain any inspectors. - (IBAction)toggleInspector:(nullable id)sender API_AVAILABLE(macos(14.0)); @end To get the toggle sidebar button in the toolbar you need to build an NSToolbar on your window. You could do this in Interface Builder or programmatically. Add a toolbar item to the toolbar with the following identifier: // A standard item that is configured to send -toggleSidebar: to the firstResponder when invoked. APPK
Should I mail the link to the test project.
When I try to run my project on the simulator, it tells me there is a bug. It is not in the code I wrote, but I believe in the compiler. It would work perfectly, say the build succeeded, but the phone turns white and stops there. I don't know how to debunk it, what to do! Picture of what happens with the phone: Picture of the debugging area:
Has anyone else had this problem? I’ve had it on iOS 18 Dev beta 3 where I can’t move the volume slider for certain apps. I found a workaround, but it’s a bit tedious and has to be redone every time I restart my device. Here are the steps: Go to Accessibility. Turn on Sound Recognition. Click on any of the options under Sound Recognition. Turn off Sound Recognition. After that, the volume slider will work like normal. But, like I said, this only works until the next restart.
Just to be clear this fix doesn't work for ios 18.3 only ios 18.0.3
I'm having the same problem now for an advanced app clip experience I submitted a week ago. Older app clips with the same URL but a different query parameter are working fine. Does Apple really support app clips any more? They were first available with iOS 14 and the process is still buggy and frustrating. They should at least give some guidance on what Received means and how long to reasonably wait before it's working.
Hi, Sorry to hear you are having problems getting previews working. To verify that the simulators work outside of previews on your system could you attempt a build+run of your app ⌘+R ? If that works then the best next step will be to file a feedback with diagnostics so we can take a look. We will need the diagnostics Xcode Previews generates in order to make sure we understand the error the previews system is encountering. Install the logging profile using instructions available here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift On your mac running Xcode, and on your physical preview device (if you are using one). Install the logging profile using the following instructions on your mac running Xcode; and if you are using one, your physical preview device (iOS or visionOS): https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift Then when you reproduce the problem in Xcode: Either (a) an error banner will appear, click the Diagnostics butto
I can also confirm that the same thing is happening when communicating from the app to the watch: the watch app wakes in background to process data from the iPhone app and calls reloadAllTimelines, but the watch face complication does not reload. I'm guessing this is an iOS 18 bug because I've only heard from my customers in the last few weeks about this.
I have an iOS app, watchOS app, and iOS Widget that shows the most recent data in the database. The watch app sends data to the iOS app over the WCSession and is received in session(didReceiveMessage, replyHandler). After that data is processed, reloadAllTimelines() is called. When running in Simulator or on device plugged in to debugger, it works, the widget updates when the app is closed (in background, even if force quit). But when running TestFlight or App Store build, the data is still processed and saved to Core Data (I open the app and it's there), but the widget doesn't update. It seems that reloadAllTimelines only works when the app is in foreground (at least in non debug builds). I dont have an iOS 17 device to check but I think this is a recent bug with iOS 18.
After updating my iPad 11 Pro to iOS 18, Apple’s email client now refuses to honor the self signed certificate I use for my IMAP server with the error ‘Unable to create a secure connection to the server (bad certificate format -9,808).’ Clients on other platforms such as Android, Windows, Linux and Solaris work fine. iOS 17 email accepted the certificate chain without error. I imported my CA root certificate into the iOS trust store and enabled root certificate trust for it, and still cannot get past this error. The certificates were generated with OpenSSL utilities version 1.1.1w. Anyone have insight into a more detailed meaning for that error code, or a pointer to a tool that will identify what is offensive with my certificate to iOS. This is a high priority for me. Thanks.
Not sure if this is new (undocumented) behavior or a bug in iOS 18, but I'm seeing the UserNotifications willPresent method being triggered twice in a row for a single push notification. I've filed a feedback assistant ticket on this, but I'm curious if anyone else has encountered this with the new betas?