missing package product

42,923 results found






Approved payment packages not working on production app ? Throwing an error
I submitted my app for approval which got approved but forgot to submit the new payment packages for approval. So the app was live without approved packages and was giving the following error : A problem occurred, please try again. Also, try restarting the appEven after submitting the packages for approval and getting them approved, I get the same error. The IAP in the app are monthly and yearly subscription packages. Whats the process to fix this ?
Nov ’18
Package dependency in own package
Hi All, I create a Swift Package (Xcode 14.3) and add a package dependency (https://github.com/stephencelis/SQLite.swift) by copying the autogenerated dependency clause into my Package.swift file. The package.resolved file is created, all good. Somehow I cannot use the package (SQLite) from my code because the import SQLite is not found. This happens from an empty package as well. How can I use the dependent package in my own package? Sorry for the seemingly simple question but despite a lot of googleing and fiddling with targets/products, I don't get this to work. UI options in Xcode to add targets etc. exist only for apps, not for packages. Any hints what I am doing wrong here greatly appreciated. Cheers Florian
Apr ’23
Reply to SwiftUI Preview - Undefined symbols for architecture arm64
Hi, thanks for providing an example project. This is a known issue. For now you can try the following workaround. If you set the product type in your package to dynamic then previews should work for you. In the example you provided you would do this as follows: products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages. .library( name: MyLibrary, type: .dynamic, targets: [MyLibrary]), ],
May ’24
Reply to Are Swift Packages supported by String Catalogs?
Here is the package manifest: // swift-tools-version: 5.9 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: FakeModule, defaultLocalization: en, platforms: [ .iOS(.v16) ], products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages. .library( name: FakeModule, targets: [FakeModule]), ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies. .target( name: FakeModule, dependencies: [], path: Sources ), .testTarget( name: FakeModuleTests, dependencies: [FakeModule]), ] )
Sep ’23
Create installer package .pkg
Hi,I need to create an instaler package .pkg.I have read cerfuly the post Signing a Mac Product For Distribution, however i miss some pices:On Build an Installer Package section you say depending on your distribution channel” what are the options and do that influent the needed certificate?Currently I see that the only available certificate is 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer:” do we need to create Developer ID Installer:” (in all documentations that I have read all are talking on the Developer ID Installer:”, what is the deference?When using productbuild command with —sign we do not need to use productsign command?Using the codesign command with the flags --timestamp --options=runtime, in that case do we still ned entitlements attached for the timestamp and for the hardening?I there any totorial / example of how to create .pkg (this packege is to hold and use a .kext kernal extension) using xcode 11.x commandline tools that will load on macOS Catalina?Thanks a lo
Apr ’20
Reply to How can I keep Installer from relocating packages?
I don't think we have the .plist file. We use pkgbuild --identifier org.${PRODUCT}.${VERSION} --version ${VERSION} --scripts ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/darwin/scripts --root ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/darwinpkg ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/package/${PRODUCT}.pkg > /dev/null 2>&1 productbuild --distribution ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/darwin/Distribution --resources ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/darwin/Resources --package-path ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/package ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/pkg/$1 > /dev/null 2>&1
Jan ’24
Reply to UI Testing doesn't launch app
Good question. I tried running on the device but I received a code signing error:/Users/kiel.gillard/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Alfred-adlymjyjtksujwbgrfamofhzhuck/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AFRUITests-Runner.app/PlugIns/AFRUITests.xctest: No such file or directory Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1The file indeed does not exist. Rather, an AFRUITests.app package exists in the directory instead and that app package merely contains an Info.plist file (it's missing an executable).Kiel
Sep ’15
how to expand a .pkg fiile in a pkg
hello, I want to see the payload of a pkg file, after i expand it using pkgutil --expand-full file.pkg [path], i see it is converted into a directory. however, there are still two .pkg files in this directory. and again i use pkgutil --expand-full, this time it fails, the error is Could not open product archive: ./Delinea.ConnectionManager.pkg thanks
Mar ’24
Reply to How to use Apple server to host IPA content
If Apple is hosting the content they will only download a particular package for a particular IAP product that is purchased. Therefore you will need 100 products and the user will pick the product and buy a productIdentifier. If you host the content you can let the user buy a consumable IAP and then swap that IAP for a particular package to download.
Feb ’17
Adding a transaction for a in-app purchase gives a "Missing Product Id" popup
Hi, I have followed all instructions in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/in-app_purchase/original_api_for_in-app_purchase/testing_in-app_purchases_in_xcode. My app is not on the Apple Store but is ready to submit. I have created an in-app purchase in applestoreconnect that is also ready to submit. When I try to add a transaction in the Transaction Manager, I get Missing Product Id with no further info about the problem. I can't seem to get any information about this online. What could be the problem?
Sep ’23
Reply to No such module 'FrameworkName' when archive
I was able to fix it by separating the xcframework to its own Swift Package let package = Package( name: TheLibrary, products: [ .library(name: TheLibrary, targets: [TheLibrary]), ], dependencies: [], targets: [ .binaryTarget(name: TheLibrary, path: Sources/TheLibrary.xcframework) ] ) and then including as a dependency in main project. let package = Package( name: MainProject, platforms: [.iOS(.v11), .macOS(.v10_15)], products: [ .library(name: MainProject, targets: [MainProject]) ], dependencies: [ .package(url: ../TheLibrary, from: 1.0.0) ], targets: [ .target( name: MainProject, dependencies: [ TheLibrary ] ) ] ) I hope it helps!
Jan ’21
Reply to Xcode Previews doesn't work when used in a package that imports other packages.
I have had the same problem with displaying previews in Swift packages. My project architecture is: UIComponents (local package) - AppPackage (local package) - App What I did was to add .dynamic parameter to .library declaration in both packages. Now I can see previews for all SwiftUI files, both in UIComponents and AppPackage. swift products: [ .library( name: UIComponents, type: .dynamic, /* added parameter */ targets: [UIComponents]) ], swift products: [ .library( name: AppPackage, type: .dynamic, /* added parameter */ targets: [AppPackage]) ], dependencies: [ .package(path: ../UIComponents) ],
Mar ’21
Reply to Toolchain library errors when building C++ Swift Package
I'm still not sure about the reason of the issue, but I discovered that you can't include binaries in a Swift Package.This is the correct Package.swift:// swift-tools-version:5.1 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyLibrary, products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries produced by a package, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: MyLibrary, targets: [MyLibrary]), ], dependencies: [], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on. .target( name: MyLibrary, dependencies: [], path: Sources/MyLibrary, linkerSettings: [ .linkedFramework(Security), .linkedLibrary(pthread), .linkedLibr
Feb ’20
Reply to Signing an app
Hi, They have provided us some scripts and templates, which performs code sign and product sign, just we have to provide all the binaries and executables to them. since I don't have certificates so can't sign project from Xcode. As per my understanding we have to sign .pkg, .app and all the library executables (.dylib ). when i verify my signed .app it shows me message app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid Used some third party framework in project and there are some symlink in that, is that causing the issue ? do I need to sign framework as well if yes then how ? or is there any step I am missing in signing process
Oct ’21