missing package product

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Reply to Notarization Failed for "The binary is not signed"
Hi @eskimo, Thank you for sharing me the debug process. And you are right, this file is indeed not signed. With this lead I found that this file is used to make an installer package before it is signed. This explains the issue here. So my next question is here we have two schemes, one for the app and the other one for the installer package. During the execution of the installer package, we were trying to copy the product of app scheme. We have a dependency within installer package scheme. And the app scheme is in the dependency. But it looks like it could not guarantee that app is signed before used. Do you know is there any way to make sure that the product of app scheme is signed before used/copied?
Jun ’22
Reply to Xcode error: Abort Trap 6
Same issue here. After trying everyone's suggestions from this thread and coming up dry, I finally narrowed down the needle-in-a-haystack. In my case it was a Swift Package. Debug builds built fine, but Release builds (with optimizations) caused the Swift compiler to crash with the same stack trace and error: Abort trap: 6 as others have mentioned. The culprit? A single missing import statement in one of the package's .swift files. To elaborate the particulars: PackageA (crashed compiler) has PackageB as a dependency, which in turn has PackageC as a dependency. All three packages show up in the dependency pool of course. PackageA was accessing methods from PackageC without actually using an import PackageC statement (possibly by way of PackageB exporting types from PackageC in some of its interfaces). The missing import statement was forgotten because compilation succeeded in Debug builds and development and testing was only ever done in a Debug build. It wasn't un
Aug ’21
Reply to iTunes Sandbox Extremely Slow
I'm seeing the same: 100% packet loss when pinging sandbox.itunes.apple.com and yet the developer system status shows everything all green. Retrieving products seems fine, but doing anything substantive—like purchasing products or restoring purchases—is very hit & miss. Mostly miss.
Apr ’18
How to edit local package referenced from package in XCode?
Situation I am working on two Swift packages, let's call them Applied and Base. Package Applied has dependency on a package Base. Both are stored on Github and the package Applied has dependecy specified as: .package(url: https://github.com/.../Base, branch: main), When I work from command-line, I mark the Base package in the Applied package directory for edditing with: swift package edit --path ../Base Base This works as expected from the command-line. Problem XCode seems to be ignoring packages in edit mode. The article Organizing your code with local packages seems not to be applicable in this case, as it assumes that the Applied package is a XCode project or a workspace, which is not - it is just another plain Swift package. Both projects are plain Swift packages. What is the way to make XCode use the local package in edit mode when none of the packages is XCode Project/Wo
Jan ’24
ITMS-90237: The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your '3rd Party Mac Developer Installer' certificate.
ITMS-90237: The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your '3rd Party Mac Developer Installer' certificate. How can I solve? I've revoked my mac installer distribution certificate and re-download or did many things but the same error occurs several times.
Jul ’21
Impossible to notarize my .pkg ? Product sign: error: Could not find appropriate signing identity for "Developer ID Installer: **** (******)"
Hello, I have a problem to notarize my .pkg. Indeed, I have a certified certificat in .pfx format and I have a Apple Developer Program account. 1 - in the key chain, I request a certificate from a certificate authority in Keychain to have a .csr 2 - I install the .csr to have a .cert than I put in keychain to have a valide certificate 3 - I execute this command : productsign --sign Developer ID Installer: Name_of_developer_ID (Number_of_DeveloperID) name_uncertfied.pkg name_certified.pkg Finaly, I get that answer : Product sign: error: Could not find appropriate signing identity for Developer ID Installer: ** (****) then that there are a valide certificate with wrote Developer ID installer : Name_of_developper_ID (Number_of_DeveloperID). Moreover, when I execute this command : security -v find-identity -p codesigning My certificate don't appears in matching identities then he is in my Keychain et I don't know why ... My Question is, How I can notarize my .pkg ?
May ’21
How to use dependencies in a Swift Package
I created a new Package with Xcode and incorporated a dependency, however when I try to use it, I get a No such module error. How do I use the dependency in the Package sources? In a normal project, I can easily import and use AgileDB. Here's the Package: // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: DBCore, products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: DBCore, targets: [DBCore]), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://github.com/AaronBratcher/AgileDB, from: 6.4.0) ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package
Apr ’22