Analytics & Reporting

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Measure your App Store performance and get unique insights with data you won’t find anywhere else using App Analytics in App Store Connect.

Posts under Analytics & Reporting tag

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Unable to recreate a ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT analytics report
Previously created a one time snapshot report that was later deleted. Trying to recreate it but keeping getting a 409. Been already a week since it was deleted. Error message { "errors" : [ { "id" : "b0d8d738-1744-463d-bdcf-a48fbfa5d715", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR", "title" : "The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.", "detail" : "You already have such an entity" } ] } Reports request only returns the ONGOING reports link no ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT . Wonder if it takes time although unlikely or might it be a cache or similar causing the problem.
Incorrect 400 response when downloading subscriber report
I am attempting to download subscriber reports for my app. I'm using the following URL with vendorNumber redacted:[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportSubType]=DETAILED&filter[reportType]=SUBSCRIBER&filter[reportDate]=2024-04-04&filter[vendorNumber]=xxxxxxxx&filter[version]=1_3 I am getting the following response: "id": "92183ac5-7881-436c-ac66-5d89673c5070", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "Invalid vendor number specified. Try again.", "source": { "parameter": "filter[vendorNumber]" } However when I use the same vendor number for the sales summary report:[frequency]=MONTHLY&filter[reportDate]=2023-09&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[reportType]=SALES&filter[vendorNumber]=xxxxxxxx&filter[version]=1_0 I get a proper response. I believe I should be getting a 404 on this response, but am not. This issue can be tracked back to 2019, can we please get some detail about this response?
Empty response returned on read instances GET request
I'm trying following endpoint to get instances of a report,{id}/instances but getting an empty response: {'data': [], 'links': {'self': ''}, 'meta': {'paging': {'total': 0, 'limit': 50}}} I'm accessing "App Sessions Standard" report and correctly passing the instance id to get instances of this report. Also made sure that the App I'm accessing have App sessions data in the console. code.txt This is the order of api requests I implemented: '' '{report_id}/reports' '{report_id}/instances' Source code is provided in the attached file. Would be grateful if someone can help resolve this issue.
Ios18 bug on “Help apple improve search”
hey guyss…. Im currently using ios18 developer beta 2 on my iphoen 12…Idk if u guys noticed it or not.. but when i turn off the toggle for “Help improve apple search” (settings->search->help improve apple search) it again turns on without my knowledge seconds aftr i close the page. Ive tried restarting my iphone & many more.. nothing seems to work.. im kindoff a more private guy i usually turn off apple analytics.. usage diagnostics and i always make sure data is stored only on my local storage.. and this bug kinda piss me off 😕. i’ve given u the link below to check it out. Peace.
Sale Report Data Inconsistent
We are pulling data from the salesReports endpoint, specifically focusing on the Subscriber, Subscription_Event, and Subscription report types. Our goal is to perform internal analysis on our subscriptions, such as comparing renewals to new subscriptions. However, we have observed that the data quality is not as high as we would expect from Apple. While some insights can be gleaned with a degree of uncertainty, our biggest concern is the discrepancy between the data obtained from the API or manually downloaded from the portal ( and the data displayed in the Portal visualizations ( This discrepancy makes cross-checking difficult and lowers our confidence in the data’s accuracy. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues, or has anyone managed to obtain reliable data for their app(s)?
Jun ’24
Analytics Reports API response only returns empty data array
I am following the Downloading Analytics Reports guide which consists of five steps: request the ONGOING report generation for the app once list all analytics report requests for the app list all analytics reports based on the analytics report request id :x: list all analytics report instances based on the analytics report id list all segments of the analytics report instance to get the download url I can only complete the third step which returns a list of all available reports. However when I continue with step four, the request for the analytics report instances returns with a response code 200 but the data array is always empty: I am using the Home Screen Widget Installs report but this is also happening for other reports Also changing or omitting the filter doesn't change anything { "data": [], "links": { "self": "{reportId}/instances?filter%5Bgranularity%5D=DAILY" }, "meta": { "paging": { "total": 0, "limit": 50 } } } What could be the reason that the data array is empty and how can I fix it because there is no error message?
Jun ’24
Get Crash Reports for watchOS Apps
I hope I'm wrong on this one, but as far as I understand watchOS is not able to collect/ capture Mach Exceptions and Signals. Which is the majority of crashes happening on watchOS. I'm looking for a proper way to automatically receive crash reports from a watchOS app. If this truly is a system limitation there's no way any tool can workaround it. Does anyone know of a workaround or tool to automatically collect crashes on watchOS? (I'm aware that it's possible to do so manually)
Data gaps on App Store Analytics API reports
Hey all, It's been now a few weeks since we started to help clients connect to their App Store Analytics API. I'm starting to notice that very often we'll see things like: Small data gaps. Eg. I have data on June 1, no data on June 2-4, and then data from June 5 to now Big data gaps. Eg. I'd have data on Jan 2024, but not on Feb-Mar 2024, then there's data again from April 2024 onwards. The actual files from Apple are like that we're not doing any treatments whatsoever. That's happening on both ONGOING and ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT I also opened a Customer Support case and sent the files over 10 days ago, but no definitive answer so far. Are you also seeing gaps like this on your data? Any tips/recommendations?
Jun ’24
Can't request Analytic Reports with access_type ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT : error 409
Hello everyone, I need to get the number of downloads of my application. I'm trying to use the Analytics Reports feature to do so. It works well with the ONGOING access_type, but when I try to request a ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT I get a 409 with the following response : {'errors': [{'id': 'XXXXX', 'status': '409', 'code': 'STATE_ERROR', 'title': 'The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.', 'detail': 'You already have such an entity'}]} But when I list all the analytics report requests for this application it returns no entities. Anyone has a solution ?
May ’24
Simulating a signal
Hello, I'm trying to simulate miscellaneous crashes to test my handlers. Things works as expected with NSException and C++ exceptions, however I cannot find a way to trig a C signal. I tried with this code: NSArray *runningApplications = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.myCompany.myApp"]; NSRunningApplication *app = runningApplications[0]; UInt32 pid = [app processIdentifier]; kill(pid, SIGABRT); It is caught by my handler, but it doesn't crash the app (although it's detached from the debugger), I can even continue using the app normally. I'm wondering if this could be related to something wrong in my handler (especially on how it ends): signal(sig, SIG_IGN); dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_SIGNAL, sig, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, ^{ // I write some logs on disk here, then uninstall the handlers associated with this or that signal: for(int i=0; i<SignalSourceCount; i++) { if (_signalSources[i]) { dispatch_source_cancel(_signalSources[i]); _signalSources[i] = NULL; } } }); dispatch_resume(source); I've seen some examples finishing rather with exit() or abort(). Abort crashes the app as expected, however the Crash Report produced by Apple then focuses on the handler instead of the code triggering the signal... Any help appreciated, thanks
May ’24
Incomplete data set with API calls
Hello! I am having issues retrieving data from the Apple Store Connect API. Here is the call I am making: $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer SECUREINFORMATION") $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers $response | ConvertTo-Json I have removed the JWT token for privacy. Here is the response I am receiving: { "data": [], "links": { "self": "" }, "meta": { "paging": { "total": 0, "limit": 50 } } } The issue is that no matter what filters I apply to my call or which ID I select to view instances for I am always returned an empty array. This is a problem because I need to download report data for our organisations apps using the API. Please let me know how I restructure my call to be returned valid information. Feel free to reach out if there is any other information required!
Apr ’24
using the api to get App Store Discovery and Engagement report
Hi , Im trying to understand how to get the App Store Discovery and Engagement report from the API as mentioned here: this documentation shows i can get data on users engagement in my app but i cant find the documentation on how the api request needs to look like .. did someone managed to get this data ?
Apr ’24
Weird numbers tonight... anyone else seeing this?
So I haven't recorded a purchase in 7 hours via RevenueCat which is unusual, and I was curious as to what was going on... so I open my App Store Connect tonight and I see the following: $12.7 MILLION in proceeds over the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe $200 at most at this time of day on a Thursday at 1AM EST?). 1 DOWNLOAD in the last 4 hours (would usually expect maybe 60+ since I'm running Apple Search Ads as well). App Store seems to function fine and downloading my apps works fine. I'm obviously assuming there is a bug here in the reporting tonight. My concern is that my actual purchases aren't coming through and being counted properly within RevenueCat and Apple. Or that something is preventing purchases currently. Anyone else seeing this tonight?
Apr ’24