Apple Pay

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Provide a fast, easy, and secure way for users to buy goods and services in your app or on your website using Apple Pay.

Posts under Apple Pay tag

166 Posts
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applePay Acceptable Use - Currency Sale - Apple Approval
Has anyone had experience of selling foreign currency using Apple Pay? If so, what steps did you complete to get Apple Approval? The Acceptable use guidelines state "You may not incorporate Apple Pay into a website that: ... Involves the purchase or transfer of currency (including cryptocurrencies) unless approved by Apple" I would like to provide Apple Pay as a payment option on website and app's that sell currency to customers but can't find any guidance of how to get Apple approval.
Sep ’23
The content of Oslo merchant validation is incorrect
Hi. I am integrating with the Apple Pay on my website. I am trying to perform a request via Postman to register a merchant - just testing if body of request is valid, if it actually registers a merchant etc. While I am doing so I get the following error: { "statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception Domain check failed with the following errors. No domains were registered.\nDomain verification failed for pspId=ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_ID url=/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association errorMessage=The content of Oslo merchant validation is incorrect", "statusCode": "400" } Note that domain name and pspId were censored for security reason. I have no idea what does that error mean. Our domain is verified. We have domain verification file on the endpoint /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association errorMessage - otherwise our domain could not be registered. I have also checked it manually many times if it is there and everything looked fine. We have an active payment processing certificate. We have a merchant identity certificate. I use it on the serwer and on Postman for both and Requesta sent to Sandbox pass and return status 200. Request body: { "domainNames": [""], "encryptTo": "", "partnerInternalMerchantIdentifier": "xyz25", "partnerMerchantName": "Some name" } Data is replaced with placeholders. I am 100% sure that fields encryptTo and domainNames are valid. Thank you in advance for any help.
Oct ’23
Not able to add credit card to Apple Wallet through In-App Provisioning in banking app
Hi, I'm working in-app provisioning of card from inside a banking app. But fails to add card to wallet with generic error "Could Not Add Card - Try again later or contact your issuer for more information" when clicking on Next from screen where card holder name & card number screen with title "Add Card to Apple Pay". I see from Console app below messages End remote event deferring requested for token: 0x280649e50; environments: 1; reason: PKRemoteAddPaymentPassViewController: 0x144124600: end deferring Disconnecting: identifier:; assertion: 0x280630140 Terminating interface and invalidating assertion: identifier:; assertion: 0x280630140 Terminating interface and invalidating connection: identifier:; assertion: 0x0 Disconnecting: identifier:; assertion: 0x0 Acquiring assertion: <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "NetworkProcess Background Assertion" ID:(null) target:2696> Terminating interface and invalidating assertion: identifier:; assertion: 0xXXXXXXXXX Terminating interface and invalidating connection: identifier:; assertion: 0x0 Kindly help me to resolve this problem. Regards
Sep ’23
ApplePayButton Error
I just making Apple Pay Button on my websites using CSS, but i dont know why the 'Type=check-out', 'lang="vi"' not working. Another type like buy, top-up still show button with text on Vietnamese language, but with 'Type=check-out" dont show anything text. Does Apple Pay Button support type check-out with Vietnamese language? Here my code: <html lang="vi"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> <style> @supports (-webkit-appearance: -apple-pay-button) { .apple-pay-button { display: inline-block; -webkit-appearance: -apple-pay-button; -apple-pay-button-type: check-out; /* Use any supported button type. */ } .apple-pay-button-black { -apple-pay-button-style: black; } } @supports not (-webkit-appearance: -apple-pay-button) { .apple-pay-button { display: inline-block; background-size: 100% 60%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 200px; min-height: 32px; max-height: 64px; border: 0; } .apple-pay-button-black { background-image: -webkit-named-image(apple-pay-logo-white); background-color: black; color: white; } } </style> </head> <body> <div class="applePayButtonContainer"> <button class="apple-pay-button apple-pay-button-black" lang="vi" onclick="onApplePayButtonClicked()">Apple Pay</button> </div> </body> </html>
Sep ’23
Wallet Extension - "From apps on your iPhone" option not showing
I'm implementing Wallet Extension for adding credit card on wallet, I created both extension, UI and NonUI, but the "From apps on your iPhone" option never shows to me. My extensions have the same entitlements of main app, with the My NonUI status function implementation: final class MBFApplePayNonUIExtensionHandler: PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler { override func status(completion: @escaping (PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionStatus) -> Void) { let status = PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionStatus() status.requiresAuthentication = true status.passEntriesAvailable = true status.remotePassEntriesAvailable = true completion(status) } .... I tried this to: final class MBFApplePayNonUIExtensionHandler: PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler { override func status(completion: @escaping (PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionStatus) -> Void) { let status = PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionStatus() status.requiresAuthentication = true completion(status) } .... Extensions .plists: NonUI: NSExtension NSExtensionPointIdentifier NSExtensionPrincipalClass MBFApplePayNonUIExtensionHandler UI: NSExtension NSExtensionMainStoryboard MBFApplePayUIExtension NSExtensionPointIdentifier What am I missing?
Jun ’24
Do I need to enroll for "Apple Developer Program" paying $99 for Sandbox Apple ID also
Hello all, I am trying to integrate Apple Pay in my application. And for that I need to add some sandbox/test user accounts for the development. I've setup 2FA and provided all the necessary details for this sandbox Apple ID. But I am still not able to login to applestoreconnect and getting following error message during login: "To access App Store Connect, you must be an individual or team member in the Apple Developer Program, or invited by an individual to access their content in App Store Connect." My question is Should I pay another $99 for this sandbox Apple ID also? I've already signed up for Apple Developer Program and paid $99 for 1 year for my organization. I can invite other team members without any additional cost by I am not able to invite existing email/Apple ID as Sandbox testers. I am confused. Thank you for your help.
Sep ’23
Unable to enable Apple Pay. How to fix this?
Hi Team, While enabling Apple Pay, getting the below error message: “Apple Pay cannot be used when automatic login is enabled.” But automatic login is already disabled in this computer. The mobile account is enabled for this particular user. So, I tried to enable Apple Pay on a local user account in the same computer. Still getting the same error. System details:- VenturaOS 13.5 / MacBook Air M2 2022 Could you please help me to fix the issue? Regards.
Sep ’23
External payment provider in the app
Hi, we are a German-based company developing apps for taxi drivers. Due to the German system, it's difficult for someone who has a visa or MasterCard, etc., which supports IAP. Even PayPal is not that widespread among taxi drivers. We are now planning to integrate STRIPE for our payments of the drivers, This is due to the fact that Stripe supports SEPA which is basically translated Direct Debit. Now SEPA is widespread and everyone has an IBAN to enter and can proceed with the payment. My question is, how is going to be with the rules etc. on Apple's side, as they encourage the users to use IAP, but we cannot make use of it. Can we integrate maybe both? IAP and Stripe if the user cannot pay via IAP. Thanks
Sep ’23
Manually Keyed Transactions using ApplePay
We have a hotel customer who collects card information via the online booking engine, and uses this to pre-charge guests before arrival. They achieve this by manually keying transactions into their payment terminal. They have found that while this works for normal cards, they are unable to process a transaction using the Dynamic Security Code provided by Apple in place of the guests card information. Could you please advise on how we can help our customer with the use case of pre-charging guest cards submitted via ApplePay?
Sep ’23
Issue with Apple Pay
I have purchased IPhone 14 Pro Max in USA and using in India. So, I have selected my region as "India". Having India as region: It says "To add cards, keys, tickets and passes to wallet, look for the Add to wallet button in apps, emails and websites." I am not able to proceed further. Having USA as region: Now, I am not able to add any Indian Credit Cards in Apple Pay. I red through the Article from apple forums and found that I have to change the Region. I want to keep India as my region and should be able to use my indian credit cards.
Sep ’23
Access to third party payment for in-app purchase
We're going to add subscription module to our app, which is already published and used for free. The problem is: nearly all of our users don't have Visa Cards, Apple cards (or any other ways that Apple require for in app purchase). Our users will use local cards to payments (for subscription as well). Is there any way to have subcription module in app which supports paying with local cards? as far as i know Apple doesn't allow to add 3rd party payments, we're having trouble to find solution. Thank you for your reply!
Sep ’23
In app Purchase handle Refund Request
Hi, I used the functionality In-app Purchase to my iOS application. When I cancel the order within no of days period after I place the order?, Que. 1) What is the status of my refund? Que. 2) If Apple initiates the refund, How can I get the status of my refund? Que. 3) According to my research, I checked that When Apple processes the refund, It sends a Server notification to handle the order status in the bacend. My need is I want to handle such things while Apple processes any refund, I need proper docs or flow to handle the refund server notification. If there are any APIs that need to be called to get the refund-related data by transaction id then its also helpful for me. Make note : All the things Firstly I implement in sandbox environment. so please give me solution according to that.
Aug ’23
Merchant ID for client company
My company is a PSP and we have AP supported on our website. I am trying to enable AP on one of our clients domains and Apple Support told me that I all I needed to do was be added to the clients Apple dev team account as admin and to then create a new merchant ID under their account. I have done this, I created a AP payment processing certificate and a AP Merchant Identity Certificate, verified the domain and I still can't get it to work on their webiste. Any ideas?
Aug ’23
Apple pay option not showing on my wordpress / woocommerce page
Hello First of all, Im an absolute beginner in this so I hope somebody can take me by the hand an guide me. I have a wordpress website with woocommerce shop and stripe as payment gateway. I ticket all the boxes in stripe to have apple pay available and also as express checkout. Unfortunately the apple pay button is not shown on my page and I have read so many posts about it already but Im just stuck. I dont know why it doesnt show on my page. Any kind soul which can help me? the page is Thank you
Aug ’23
How generate activationData for In-App Verification?
The Getting Started with Apple Pay documentation states that we should use this method to activate passes with In-App Verification. The main param is the activationData, which is generated by PNOs. The issue is that to generate the activationData, a nonce is required. How can we get the nonce on the In-App Verification context? The only way mentioned in the documentation to get the nonce is through PKAddPaymentPassViewControllerDelegate. But the PKAddPaymentPassViewController should be use only to In-App Provisioning, should not?
Oct ’23
Connection to client lost after Apple Pay decline
Ok, here is the scenario... the payment sheet appears, Touch Id is accepted, the payment fails (intentionally), Touch Id is accepted again to resubmit, 30 seconds later it states Payment Not Completed and the payment sheet closes. The trace of both are identical other than the former stating it failed due to the client indicating a decline and the latter failed after it timed out waiting for the client callback. I have replicated this at using both the Apple Pay API and Payment Request API. const response = await; const status = "fail"; await response.complete(status); The above was taken directly from the demo site and yes, I know the success state of the actual card processing would be passed here. So the flow of the first attempt to submit fails, as expected, but what seems to happen is that the pointer back to doesn't get reset; the promise has already been fulfilled and the routine has exited. When the payment sheet attempts the callback the second time it's no longer bound and eventually times out. Clicking pay again repeats the whole flow. Seems like a defect to me. I doubt I'm the first to come across this issue though a half a day of searching has not revealed otherwise. I'm experiencing this on Ventura with Safari 16.1 against the sandbox.
Aug ’23