Integrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.

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Weird Reality Composer Pro Loop Timeline bug
TLDR: Timeline does not play animation when Repeat Forever is checked. Hi! I have created a timeline for my model that does a built-in emphasize animation. Then I added a behavior to my model and has set OnAddedToScene with action to run that timeline. It works perfect well on my device. But I want the timeline to be looped. I realized that there's no loop option in the timeline, but I noticed that I can loop it if I insert it into another timeline(The loop checkbox shows up). So I did that and had my model's behavior to run that timeline. But then the model doesn't play the animation as intended. Note: I am not making a VisionPro app, but an iOS app leveraging ARKit and RealityKit Environment: iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS18.0 Code: struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView { let arView = ARView(frame: .zero) Task { do { let anchor = AnchorEntity(plane: .horizontal) let emojiScene = try await Entity(named: "SunglassesScene", in: bubbleAR anchor.addChild(emojiScene) arView.scene.addAnchor(anchor) } catch { print("Failed to load models: \(error)") } } return arView } } Thank you!
How can I pause ARView?
In my app, I have an ARView that has cameraMode set to nonAR. I occasionally hide the ARView when it is not needed and reveal it again later. While the ARView is hidden, I'd like to pause the animation to save iPhone battery life. I'd also like to do this when I know that animation in my scene has paused and the contents of the view, although still visible, is static. This was possible using SceneKit, but I can't seem to find an equivalent way to do it using RealityKit. At least as of iOS 18, a hidden ARView with an empty scene appears to use approximately 30% of the CPU. How can I pause ARView so that it won't use the battery unnecessarily? Thank you for considering this question.
Running multiple ARKitSessions in the same app?
I would like to implement the following but I am not sure if this is a supported use case based on the current documentation: Run one ARKitSession with a WorldTrackingProvider in Swift for mixed immersion Metal rendering (to get the device anchor for the layer renderer drawable & view matrix) Run another ARKitSession with a WorldTrackingProvider and a CameraFrameProvider in a different library (that is part of the same app) using the ARKit C API and using the transforms from the anchors in that session to render objects in the Swift application part. In general, is this a supported use case or is it necessary to have one shared ARKitSession? Assuming this is supported, will the (device) anchors from both WorldTrackingProviders reference the same world coordinate system? Are there any performance downsides to having multiple ARKitSessions? Thanks
RealityKit/ARKit Environment Texturing broken on iOS 18
Devices running iOS 18 using RealityKit do not seem to receive lighting supplied via ARKit Environment Texturing ( Instead just a default IBL is used by RealityKit. This happens with RealityView as well as ARView. It also happens when I explicitly opt-in to environment texturing: let worldTrackingConfig = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() worldTrackingConfig.environmentTexturing = .automatic Even the Xcode AR Template has this issue. I'm attaching a screenshot of the sample app running on iOS 18 where it's broken and from iOS 17 where it works as expected. I hope this can get resolved quickly since I see it as a major regression. Feedback ID: FB15091335 UPDATE: It works on my older iPhone XS (iOS 18 22A5282m) Broken on iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPadOS 18.0 (22A5350a)) Maybe it's related to LiDAR? Thank you! iOS 17 (works): iOS 18 (broken):
RoomCaptureSession custom ARSession missing SceneDepth
Hello We are exploring the iOS 17 RoomPlan updates that allow for a custom ARSession to be passed into the RoomCaptureSession via the new initializer. let roomCaptureSession = RoomCaptureSession(arSession: myARSession) Currently we use our ARSession to extract sceneDepth from the ARFrames via the delegate callback. This works prior to activation of the RoomCaptureSession via However, when we do call run on the RoomCaptureSession, sceneDepth is no longer present on the incoming ARFrames. Are these mutually exclusive? Should we expect ARFrame depth data to be present when a RoomCaptureSession is running with the shared ARSession?
Modify CapturedRoom Objects
The RoomPlan API makes it possible to serialize and de-serialize CapturedRoom objects. This opens up the possibility to modify a CapturedRoom (e.g. deleting surfaces/objects) in a de-serialized state and serialize it as a new CapturedRoom. All modified attributes are loaded accordingly, so far so good. My problem starts with the StructureBuilder and it's merge function capturedStructure(). This function ignores any modifications to attributes of a CapturedRoom. The only data that is considered is encoded in the CoreModel attribute (which is not mentioned in the official documentation). If someone has more information or a working solution about how to modify CapturedRooms please let me know. Additionally if there is somewhere a documentation about the CoreModel-attribute please post a link here.
Using Native ARKit Object Tracking in Unity
Hello, Has anyone had success with implementing object tracking in Unity or adding native tracking capability to the VisionOS project built from Unity? I am working on an application for Vision Pro mainly in Unity using Polyspatial. The application requires me to track objects and make decisions based on tracked object's location. I was able to create an object tracking application on Native Swift, but could not successfully combine this with my Unity project yet. Each separate project (Main Unity app using Polyspatial and the native app on Swift) can successfully build and be deployed onto VisionPro. I know that Polyspatial and ARFoundation does not have support for ARKit's object tracking feature for VIsion Pro as of today, and they only support image tracking inside Unity. For that reason I have been exploring different ways of creating a bridge for two way interaction of the native tracking functionality and the other functionality in Unity. Below are the methods I tried and failed so far: Package the tracking functionality as a Swift Plugin and access this in Unity, and then build for Vision Pro: I can create packages and access them for simple exposed variables and methods, but not for outputs and methods from ARKit, which throw dependency errors while trying to make the swift package. Build project from Unity to VIsion Pro and expose a boolean to start/stop tracking that can be read by the native code, and then carry the tracking classes into the built project. In this approach I keep getting an error that says _TrackingStateChanged cannot be found, which is the class that exposes the bool toggled by the Unity button press: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class UnityBridge { [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void TrackingStateChanged(bool isTracking); public static void NotifyTrackingState() { // Call the Swift method TrackingStateChanged(TrackingStartManager.IsTrackingActive()); } } This seems to be translated to C++ code in the ill2cpp output from Unity, and even though I made sure that all necessary packages were added to the target, I keep receiving this error. from the UnityFramework plugin: Undefined symbol: _TrackingStateChanged I have considered extending the current Image Tracking approach in ARFoundation to include object tracking, but that seems to be too complicated for my use case and time frame for now. The final resort will be to forego Unity implementation and do everything in native code. However, I really want to be able to use Unity's conveniences and I have very limited experience with Swift development.
iOS 17.6.1 vs app issue
We've been using our app for the past year, and a user came back today that after three minutes, their phone starts getting hot and the screen dims. He is using 17.6.1 with an iPhone 14 max. No one else is seeing an issue, but with the posts online about 17.6.1 battery drain, I wonder if our AR app is somehow more sensitive to the issue.
Creating Shared Experiences in Physical Locations
Hello everyone, I'm working on developing an app that allows users to share and enjoy experiences together while they are in the same physical locations. Despite trying several approaches, I haven't been able to achieve the desired functionality. If anyone has insights on how to make this possible or is interested in joining the project, I would greatly appreciate your help!
Pink Screen with VideoMaterial in ARKit
Hi everyone, I'm developing an ARKit app using RealityKit and encountering an issue where a video displayed on a 3D plane shows up as a pink screen instead of the actual video content. Here's a simplified version of my setup: func createVideoScreen(video: AVPlayerItem, canvasWidth: Float, canvasHeight: Float, aspectRatio: Float, fitsWidth: Bool = true) -> ModelEntity { let width = (fitsWidth) ? canvasWidth : canvasHeight * aspectRatio let height = (fitsWidth) ? canvasWidth * (1/aspectRatio) : canvasHeight let screenPlane = MeshResource.generatePlane(width: width, depth: height) let videoMaterial: Material = createVideoMaterial(videoItem: video) let videoScreenModel = ModelEntity(mesh: screenPlane, materials: [videoMaterial]) return videoScreenModel } func createVideoMaterial(videoItem: AVPlayerItem) -> VideoMaterial { let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: videoItem) let videoMaterial = VideoMaterial(avPlayer: player) return videoMaterial } Despite following the standard process, the video plane renders pink. Has anyone encountered this before, or does anyone know what might be causing it? Thanks in advance!
coordinates add
This effect was mentioned in (the effect is demonstrated at 28:00), in which the demonstration is you can add coordinates by looking somewhere on the ground and clicking., but I don't understand his explanation very well. I hope you can give me a basic solution. I am very grateful for this!
Coordinate conversion
Coordinate conversion was mentioned in (the effect is demonstrated at 22:00), in which the demonstration is an entity that jumps out of volume into space, but I don't understand his explanation very well. I hope you can give me a basic solution. I am very grateful for this!
Draw a physical mesh
In this code: It contains a physical collision reaction between virtual objects and the real world, which is realized by creating a grid with physical components. However, I don't understand the information in the document very well. Who can give me a solution? Thank you!
To use ARSCNView to capture a 3D model of a scene and obtain the mesh information, how can I retrieve the texture information for the mesh?
arScnView = ARSCNView(frame:, options: nil) arScnView.delegate = self arScnView.automaticallyUpdatesLighting = true arScnView.allowsCameraControl = true addSubview(arScnView) arSession = arScnView.session arSession.delegate = self config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() config.sceneReconstruction = .meshWithClassification config.environmentTexturing = .automatic func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) { anchors.forEach({ anchor in if let meshAnchor = anchor as? ARMeshAnchor { let node = meshAnchor.toSCNNode() self.arScnView.scene.rootNode.addChildNode(node) } if let environmentProbeAnchor = anchor as? AREnvironmentProbeAnchor { // Can I retrieve the texture map corresponding to ARMeshAnchor from Environment Probe Anchor? // Or how can I retrieve the texture map corresponding to ARMeshAnchor? } }) } How can I scan a 3D scene and save it as USDZ? I want to achieve the following scenario?
Add basic story ceilings to RoomPlan model
The structure builder provides walls and floors for each captured story, but not a ceiling. For my case it is necessary that the scanned geometry is closed to open up the possibility to place objects on the ceiling for example and therefore it is important that there is an estimated ceiling for different rooms within a story. Is there any info that apple has something like this on the roadmap in the future because i think this can open opportunities especially when thinking about industrial application of the API. If somebody has more insights on this topic pls share :)
ModelEntity move duration visionOS 2 issue
The following RealityView ModelEntity animated text works in visionOS 1.0. In visionOS 2.0, when running the same piece of code, the model entity move duration does not seem to work. Are there changes to the way it works that I am missing? Thank you in advance. RealityView { content in let textEntity = generateMovingText() content.add(textEntity) _ = try? await[worldTrackingProvider]) } update: { content in guard let entity = content.entities.first(where: { $ == .textEntityName}) else { return } if let pose = worldTrackingProvider.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: CACurrentMediaTime()) { entity.position = .init( x: pose.originFromAnchorTransform.columns.3.x, y: pose.originFromAnchorTransform.columns.3.y, z: pose.originFromAnchorTransform.columns.3.z ) } if let modelEntity = entity as? ModelEntity { let rotation = Transform(rotation: simd_quatf(angle: -.pi / 6, axis: [1, 0, 0])) // Adjust angle as needed modelEntity.transform = Transform(matrix: rotation.matrix * modelEntity.transform.matrix) let animationDuration: Float = 60.0 // Adjust the duration as needed let moveUp = Transform(scale: .one, translation: [0, 2, 0]) modelEntity.move(to: moveUp, relativeTo: modelEntity, duration: TimeInterval(animationDuration), timingFunction: .linear) } } The source is available at the following:
Model and Text Overlap Issue in Vision Pro App After GitHub Push
I’m developing an app for Vision Pro and have encountered an issue related to the UI layout and model display. Here's a summary of the problem: I created an anchor window to display text and models in the hand menu UI. While testing on my Vision Pro, everything works as expected; the text and models do not overlap and appear correctly. However, after pushing the changes to GitHub and having my client test it, the text and models are overlapping. Details: I’m using Reality Composer Pro to load models and set them in the hand menu UI. All pins are attached to attachmentHandManu, and attachmentHandManu is set to track the hand and show the elements in the hand menu. I ensure that the attachmentHandManu tracks the hand properly and displays the UI components correctly in my local tests. Question: What could be causing the text and models to overlap in the client’s environment but not in mine? Are there any specific settings or configurations I should verify to ensure consistent behavior across different environments? Additionally, what troubleshooting steps can I take to resolve this issue?