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Crashes on the Toll-Free Bridge
Over the years I’ve helped a lot of folks investigate a lot of crashes. In some cases those crashes only make sense if you know a little about how Foundation and Core Foundation types are toll-free bridged. This post is my attempt to explain that. If you have questions or comments, please put them in a new thread. Tag it with Foundation and Debugging so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Devel oper Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Crashes on the Toll-Free Bridge Certain Core Foundation (CF) types are toll-free bridged to their Foundation equivalent. That allows you to pass the Foundation object to a CF routine and vice versa [1]. For example, NSData and CFData are toll-free bridged, allowing you to pass an NSData object to a CF routine like CFDataGetBytePtr. For more information on this topic, see Toll-Free Bridged Types within Core Foundation Design Concepts in the Documentation Archive. This is cool, but it does present some interesting challenges. One of these relates to subclassing. Many of the toll-free bridge Foundation types support subclassing and, if you create a instance of your subclass and pass it to CF, CF has to do the right thing. Continuing the NSData example above, it’s legal [2] to create your own subclass of NSData with a completely custom implementation. As long as you implement the -bytes method and the length property, all the other NSData methods will just work. Moreover, this class works with CFData routines as well. If you pass an instance of your subclass to CFDataGetBytePtr, CF detects that it’s an Objective-C object and calls your -bytes method. Exciting! So, how does this actually work? It relies on the fact that CF and Objective-C types share a common object header. That object header is an implementation detail, but the first word of the header is always an indication of the class [3]. CF uses this word to distinguish between CF and Objective-C objects. Note This basic technique is used by other Objective-C compatible types, including Swift objects and XPC objects. If, for example, you call CFRetain on Swift object, it detects that this is an Objective-C compatible object and calls objc_retain, which in turns detects that this is a Swift object and calls swift_retain. To see this in action, check out the Swift Foundation open source. Continuing our NSData example, the first line of CFDataGetBytePtr uses the CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV macro to check if this is an Objective-C object and, if so, call -bytes on it. Sadly, the open source trail goes cold here, because Objective-C integration is only supported on Apple platforms. However, some disassembly reveals the presence of an internal routine called CF_IS_OBJC. (lldb) disas -n CFDataGetBytePtr CoreFoundation`CFDataGetBytePtr: … <+0>: pacibsp … <+4>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20]! … <+8>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] … <+12>: add x29, sp, #0x10 … <+16>: mov x19, x0 … <+20>: mov w0, #0x14 … <+24>: mov x1, x19 … <+28>: bl 0x19cc60100 ; CF_IS_OBJC … WARNING Do not rely on the presence or behaviour of CF_IS_OBJC. This is an implementation detail. It has changed many times in the past and may well change in the future [4]. While this is an implementation detail, it’s useful to know about when debugging. If you pass something that’s not a valid object to CFDataGetBytePtr, you might see it crash in CF_IS_OBJC. For example, this code: void test(void) { struct { int i; } s = { 0 }; CFDataGetBytePtr( (const struct __CFData *) &s ); } crashes like this: Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) … Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 CoreFoundation … CF_IS_OBJC + 76 1 CoreFoundation … CFDataGetBytePtr + 32 2 xxot … test + 24 … … In this case CF_IS_OBJC has detected the problem and trapped, resulting in an EXC_BREAKPOINT crash. However, if you pass it a pointer that looks more like an object, this might crash trying to dereference a bad pointer, which will result in a EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash. The other common failure you see occurs when you pass it an Objective-C object of the wrong type. Consider code like this: void test(void) { id str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello Cruel World!-%d", (int) getpid()]; const void * ptr = CFDataGetBytePtr( (__bridge CFDataRef) str); … } When you run this code, it throws a language exception like this: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString bytes]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6000028545a0' *** First throw call stack: ( 0 CoreFoundation … __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib … objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreFoundation … -[NSObject(NSObject) __retain_OA] + 0 3 CoreFoundation … ___forwarding___ + 1580 4 CoreFoundation … _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96 5 xxot … test + 92 … ) CFDataGetBytePtr has detected this is an Objective-C object and called -bytes on it. However, this is actually an NSString [5] and NSString doesn’t implement the -bytes method. The end result is an unrecognized selector exception. [1] To be clear, when using CF objects in Objective-C you first cast the CF object to its Foundation equivalent and then call Objective-C methods on it. [2] While it’s legal to do this, it’s probably not very sensible. Subclassing Foundation types is something that might’ve made sense back in the day, but these days there are generally better ways to solve your problems. [3] Historically this word was called isa and was of type Class, that is, a pointer to the actual Objective-C class. These days things are much more complex (-: [4] Historically, CF_IS_OBJC was very simple: If the object’s isa word was 0, it was a CF object, otherwise it was an Objective-C object. That’s no longer the case. [5] The actual type is __NSCFString. That’s because NSString is a class cluster. For more about that, see Class Clusters within Cocoa Fundamentals Guide in the Documentation Archive.
May ’24
JavaScriptCore Crash in iOS17.4.1
Our app collected some JavaScriptCore crash information on iOS17 and above systems, but the cause of the error cannot be located. The crash stack is as follows: #27 Heap Helper Thread SIGSEGV 0 JavaScriptCore JSC::MarkedBlock::aboutToMarkSlow(unsigned int) 1 JavaScriptCore JSC::JSFinalObject::visitChildren(JSC::JSCell*, JSC::SlotVisitor&amp;amp;) 2 JavaScriptCore JSC::JSFinalObject::visitChildren(JSC::JSCell*, JSC::SlotVisitor&amp;amp;) 3 JavaScriptCore JSC::SlotVisitor::drain(***::MonotonicTime) 4 JavaScriptCore JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode, ***::MonotonicTime) 5 JavaScriptCore ***::SharedTaskFunctor&amp;lt;void (), JSC::Heap::runBeginPhase(JSC::GCConductor)::$_15&amp;gt;::run() 6 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperClient::runTask(***::RefPtr&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt;, ***::RawPtrTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt;, ***::DefaultRefDerefTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask &amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt; &amp;gt; const&amp;amp;) 7 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperPool::Thread::work() 8 JavaScriptCore ***::Detail::CallableWrapper&amp;lt;***::AutomaticThread::start(***::AbstractLocker const&amp;amp;)::$_0, void&amp;gt;::call() 9 JavaScriptCore ***::Thread::entryPoint(***::Thread::NewThreadContext*) 10 JavaScriptCore ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_start #1 Queue: SIGSEGV 0 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_msgSend 1 UIKitCore -[UIView(Geometry) convertPoint:toView:] #24 JSC Heap Collector Thread SIGSEGV 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib ___psynch_cvwait 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_cond_wait 2 JavaScriptCore ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&amp;amp;, ***::WallTime) 3 JavaScriptCore ***::ParkingLot::parkConditionallyImpl(void const*, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;bool ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 4 JavaScriptCore bool ***::Condition::waitUntilUncheckedWTF::Lock(***::Lock&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 5 JavaScriptCore JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode, ***::MonotonicTime) 6 JavaScriptCore JSC::Heap::runConcurrentPhase(JSC::GCConductor) 7 JavaScriptCore JSC::Heap::runCurrentPhase(JSC::GCConductor, JSC::CurrentThreadState*) 8 JavaScriptCore JSC::Heap::HeapThread::work() 9 JavaScriptCore ***::Detail::CallableWrapper&amp;lt;***::AutomaticThread::start(***::AbstractLocker const&amp;amp;)::$_0, void&amp;gt;::call() 10 JavaScriptCore ***::Thread::entryPoint(***::Thread::NewThreadContext*) 11 JavaScriptCore ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_start #25 Heap Helper Thread SIGSEGV 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib ___psynch_cvwait 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_cond_wait 2 JavaScriptCore ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&amp;amp;, ***::WallTime) 3 JavaScriptCore ***::ParkingLot::parkConditionallyImpl(void const*, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;bool ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 4 JavaScriptCore bool ***::Condition::waitUntilUncheckedWTF::Lock(***::Lock&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 5 JavaScriptCore JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode, ***::MonotonicTime) 6 JavaScriptCore ***::SharedTaskFunctor&amp;lt;void (), JSC::Heap::runBeginPhase(JSC::GCConductor)::$_15&amp;gt;::run() 7 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperClient::runTask(***::RefPtr&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt;, ***::RawPtrTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt;, ***::DefaultRefDerefTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt; &amp;gt; const&amp;amp;) 8 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperPool::Thread::work() 9 JavaScriptCore ***::Detail::CallableWrapper&amp;lt;***::AutomaticThread::start(***::AbstractLocker const&amp;amp;)::$_0, void&amp;gt;::call() 10 JavaScriptCore ***::Thread::entryPoint(***::Thread::NewThreadContext*) 11 JavaScriptCore ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_start #27 Heap Helper Thread SIGSEGV 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib ___psynch_cvwait 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_cond_wait 2 JavaScriptCore ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&amp;amp;, ***::WallTime) 3 JavaScriptCore ***::ParkingLot::parkConditionallyImpl(void const*, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;bool ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::ScopedLambda&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; const&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 4 JavaScriptCore bool ***::Condition::waitUntilUncheckedWTF::Lock(***::Lock&amp;amp;, ***::TimeWithDynamicClockType const&amp;amp;) 5 JavaScriptCore JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode, ***::MonotonicTime) 6 JavaScriptCore ***::SharedTaskFunctor&amp;lt;void (), JSC::Heap::runBeginPhase(JSC::GCConductor)::$_15&amp;gt;::run() 7 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperClient::runTask(***::RefPtr&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt;, ***::RawPtrTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt;, ***::DefaultRefDerefTraits&amp;lt;***::SharedTask&amp;lt;void ()&amp;gt; &amp;gt; &amp;gt; const&amp;amp;) 8 JavaScriptCore ***::ParallelHelperPool::Thread::work() 9 JavaScriptCore ***::Detail::CallableWrapper&amp;lt;***::AutomaticThread::start(***::AbstractLocker const&amp;amp;)::$_0, void&amp;gt;::call() 10 JavaScriptCore ***::Thread::entryPoint(***::Thread::NewThreadContext*) 11 JavaScriptCore ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_start Please help analyze and locate the cause. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
May ’24
Mac app crashing in CF_IS_OBJC function on macOS Sonoma
I have an Electron app on macOS Sonoma (Intel arch). It has a native addon (app.node) using node-addon-api. Recently it crashed, with the stack trace (given below). What is the CF_IS_OBJC function inside the CFDataGetBytePtr function, and why did it crash there? [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown handler:^(NSEvent *event) { // code using CFDataGetBytePtr function }]; [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown handler:^NSEvent *_Nullable(NSEvent *event) { // code using CFDataGetBytePtr function return event; }]; I have key events monitors attached using addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask and addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask in my native code and they use the CFDataGetBytePtr function there. So I think the issue happened in the key event monitor handler when calling the CFDataGetBytePtr function because my native addon app.node is also present in the trace. Also from the third and fourth entry in the stack trace, it seems like it happened while the app was updating. OS Version: macOS 14.4 (23E214) Report Version: 104 Crashed Thread: 5490 Application Specific Information: Fatal Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS / 0x0 Thread 5490 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x19c970118 CF_IS_OBJC 1 CoreFoundation 0x19c83b280 CFDataGetBytePtr 2 .app.desktop.1inmRz 0x104a5bec0 &lt;unknown&gt; 3 .app.desktop.1inmRz 0x104a57b28 &lt;unknown&gt; 4 app.node 0x104a80a7c [inlined] Napi::details::CallbackData&lt;T&gt;::Wrapper::lambda::operator() (napi-inl.h:117) 5 app.node 0x104a80a7c Napi::details::WrapCallback&lt;T&gt; (napi-inl.h:79) 6 app.node 0x104a80a24 Napi::details::CallbackData&lt;T&gt;::Wrapper (napi-inl.h:112) 7 Electron Framework 0x11472e5e0 v8impl::(anonymous namespace)::FunctionCallbackWrapper::Invoke ( 8 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e105f8 &lt;unknown&gt; 9 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d0814 &lt;unknown&gt; 10 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d0a9c &lt;unknown&gt; 11 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147f19368 &lt;unknown&gt; 12 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e0aab0 &lt;unknown&gt; 13 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d0e00 &lt;unknown&gt; 14 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d1ac0 &lt;unknown&gt; 15 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147f19368 &lt;unknown&gt; 16 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e0aab0 &lt;unknown&gt; 17 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d1494 &lt;unknown&gt; 18 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x1401d20dc &lt;unknown&gt; 19 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e4c1b4 &lt;unknown&gt; 20 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147f1b5f8 &lt;unknown&gt; 21 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e3b754 &lt;unknown&gt; 22 &lt;unknown&gt; 0x147e0b618 &lt;unknown&gt; 23 Electron Framework 0x10ee0c49c v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::Invoke (simulator.h:178) 24 Electron Framework 0x10ee0d08c v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithTryCatch ( 25 Electron Framework 0x10ee0d1e0 v8::internal::Execution::TryRunMicrotasks ( 26 Electron Framework 0x10ee37364 v8::internal::MicrotaskQueue::PerformCheckpoint ( 27 Electron Framework 0x1146cce9c node::InternalCallbackScope::Close ( 28 Electron Framework 0x1146ccb64 node::InternalCallbackScope::~InternalCallbackScope ( 29 Electron Framework 0x1147112b4 node::Environment::RunTimers ( 30 Electron Framework 0x10daf9980 uv__run_timers (timer.c:178) 31 Electron Framework 0x10dafcb3c uv_run (core.c:465) 32 Electron Framework 0x10dc944d4 electron::NodeBindings::UvRunOnce ( 33 Electron Framework 0x110e2016c base::TaskAnnotator::RunTaskImpl (callback.h:156) 34 Electron Framework 0x110e3cea4 base::sequence_manager::internal::ThreadControllerWithMessagePumpImpl::DoWork (task_annotator.h:89) 35 Electron Framework 0x110e8851c base::MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource ( 36 Electron Framework 0x10da7ad7c base::apple::CallWithEHFrame 37 Electron Framework 0x110e876a4 base::MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource ( 38 CoreFoundation 0x19c89deac __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ 39 CoreFoundation 0x19c89de40 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 40 CoreFoundation 0x19c89dbb0 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 41 CoreFoundation 0x19c89c79c __CFRunLoopRun 42 CoreFoundation 0x19c89be08 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 43 HIToolbox 0x1a7036ffc RunCurrentEventLoopInMode 44 HIToolbox 0x1a7036e38 ReceiveNextEventCommon 45 HIToolbox 0x1a7036b90 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter 46 AppKit 0x1a00f496c _DPSNextEvent 47 AppKit 0x1a08e6de8 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] 48 AppKit 0x1a00e7cb4 -[NSApplication run] 49 Electron Framework 0x110e89244 base::MessagePumpNSApplication::DoRun ( 50 Electron Framework 0x110e87068 base::MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run ( 51 Electron Framework 0x110e3d9a0 base::sequence_manager::internal::ThreadControllerWithMessagePumpImpl::Run ( 52 Electron Framework 0x110e05a98 base::RunLoop::Run ( 53 Electron Framework 0x10ffcbcd0 content::BrowserMainLoop::RunMainMessageLoop ( 54 Electron Framework 0x10ffcd744 content::BrowserMainRunnerImpl::Run ( 55 Electron Framework 0x10ffc964c content::BrowserMain ( 56 Electron Framework 0x10de12aa8 content::RunBrowserProcessMain ( 57 Electron Framework 0x10de13b1c content::ContentMainRunnerImpl::RunBrowser ( ...
May ’24
Developer App Certificate Error running app on device
I just bought a Vision Pro to build and run my app on it, but I'm encountering this error from Xcode: Developer Mode is enabled. Computer is paired. Device is paired, and it's connected to my Mac via the Developer Strap. In the "VPN &amp; Device Management" setting it says to navigate to, there is no "Developer App certificate". Others have suggested clearing the ModuleCache in DerivedData, but that's also been fruitless. I've cleaned the build multiple times, and restarted both devices, and Xcode. I have no idea what else I can possibly do to resolve this. Does anyone have any other ideas?
May ’24
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - Activity indicator spinning indefinitely
Issue Description The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: after we entered the provided credentials, an activity indicator was spinning indefinitely and we were unable to use the app Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) OS version: iOS 17.4.1 What have I done So basically Apple is saying that there are issues with https requests that they are making when on App review The problem is that it always works for me. I've tested on TestFlight on my iPhone and there's no issue. When I directly download the app from the app store in my mac, it works as well. I've checked the backend logs during the time that the reviewer were checking my app, and there's not a single request made to the mobile login endpoint. My backend infrastructure, which is hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the United States, is configured without any IP-based geolocation blocking or regional access controls. I've tried using a VPN, and even asked to a friend to make a request from the US using Postman. It always worked. I've tried putting a network checker just after the login attempt. It warns and shows a toast saying that there's no internet connection. Not allowing the request to be made. I've implemented a timeout in the requests. I started with a 12s timeout. I went progressively downwards with 8s and 4s timeouts in my submissions, and all the submissions were rejected. I've tried to reach Apple to give me more details about the environment that these networks are made, anything about the error itself. I went to both a Rejection Appeal and a reply to App review, and all that they gave me was the device type and the OS version. If anyone has any tips or insights on debugging this issue, especially in scenarios involving App Store review processes where the behavior differs from other environments like TestFlight or direct downloads, I would really appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to proceed.
May ’24
App Store Rejection 4.0.0 Design: Preamble (No screenshots)
Hi everyone, This is my first app and I got rejected for a few reasons but I need help with a specific one. Guideline 4.0 - Design Your app offers Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not follow the design and user experience requirements for Sign in with Apple. Specifically: - Your app requires users to provide their name after using Sign in with Apple. This information is already provided by the Authentication Services framework. These requirements provide the consistent experience users expect when using Sign In with Apple to authenticate or log in to an account. Next Steps Please revise the Sign in with Apple experience in your app to address the issues we identified above. Resources - To learn more about App Store design requirements, see App Review Guideline 4 - Design. - For an overview of design and formatting recommendations for Sign in with Apple, review the Human Interface Guidelines. There is no screenshot provided so I have no idea which part of the app to improve and the app is incredibly basic. I've tested the UI with a bunch of people (it's essentially just drop-downs, bottom sheets and a few buttons) any advice?
May ’24
Trouble on Mac Sonoma "libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: unregistered feature: webui"
Hi, Ive been trying to reproduce a code on my mac but I end up with the following error "libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: unregistered feature: webui". Note that I have no issue with my non-mac PC on linux. Basically, Im running a bash script where I launch matlab code in no desktop mode. The total error is "libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: unregistered feature: webui line 68: 10857 Abort trap: 6 matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "CIRCEE_RunFile('calibration'); exit;" > matlab_logs.txt" What is strange is when I puit this line on my terminal "matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "CIRCEE_RunFile('calibration'); exit;" > matlab_logs.txt", it runs perfectly, so there shouldnt be any error. I thank you in advance for your help.
May ’24
Unable To Verify App with MacBook M1 and iPad
I am using XCode on my Mac Book Pro M1 and trying to run the iOS app being developed on my iPad (5th generation, 12.9 inch) The devices are connected through USB-C cable. I have enabled developer mode on my iPad, trusted the M1 device, the developer, and the app. However the following appears on the iPad when trying to launch the app: Unable to Verify App An internet connection is required to verify trust of developer "Apple Development: ...". This app will not be available until verified This seems to be an issue with M1 specifically, as other people seem to have this problem, and the application successfully runs on other iOS devices
May ’24
Crash in CoreGraphics
My app is crashing in CoreGraphics. As per the observations, it started crashing for Mac OS 14.4 and 14.4.1 on Arm machines. It is observed on multiple machines. Can someone please help on this? Following is the backtrace: Process: MyApp [1300] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: com.MyCompany.MyApp Version: 7.2.3 (???) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 502 Date/Time: 2024-04-23 20:48:08.7647 +0530 OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 6DAE9C94-37AC-96D0-7221-3AAA99D9E5F6 Sleep/Wake UUID: 03812728-62F0-45A4-86FC-07E151462C11 Time Awake Since Boot: 11000 seconds Time Since Wake: 1385 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000008 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000008 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [1300] VM Region Info: 0x8 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4338843640 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START ---&gt; __TEXT 1029d8000-1029e4000 [ 48K] r-x/r-x SM=COW /Applications/ Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 CoreGraphics 0x186aabdac shape_union + 656 1 CoreGraphics 0x186aababc shape_union_with_bounds + 128 2 CoreGraphics 0x186aab9f4 CGRegionCreateUnionWithRect + 240 3 AppKit 0x184b439dc 0x18473e000 + 4217308 4 AppKit 0x184b2ad4c 0x18473e000 + 4115788 5 AppKit 0x184dc358c -[NSViewBackingLayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:] + 176 6 AppKit 0x184790874 -[NSView setNeedsDisplayInRect:] + 396 7 Foundation 0x182070914 __NSThreadPerformPerform + 264 8 CoreFoundation 0x180f21eb0 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28 9 CoreFoundation 0x180f21e44 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 176 10 CoreFoundation 0x180f21bb4 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 244 11 CoreFoundation 0x180f207a0 __CFRunLoopRun + 828 12 CoreFoundation 0x180f1fe0c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 13 HIToolbox 0x18b6bb000 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 14 HIToolbox 0x18b6bae3c ReceiveNextEventCommon + 648 15 HIToolbox 0x18b6bab94 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76 16 AppKit 0x184778970 _DPSNextEvent + 660 17 AppKit 0x184f6adec -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 700 18 AppKit 0x18476bcb8 -[NSApplication run] + 476 19 libffi.dylib 0x191df8050 ffi_call_SYSV + 80 20 libffi.dylib 0x191e00ae0 ffi_call_int + 1212 21 0x10700a47c PyObjCFFI_Caller_SimpleSEL + 1204 22 0x107034e94 objcsel_vectorcall_simple + 768 23 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 24 Python 0x104311ac0 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29288 25 Python 0x10427a720 _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 628 26 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 27 Python 0x104311ac0 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29288 28 Python 0x10427a57c _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 208 29 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 30 Python 0x104311a4c _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29172 31 Python 0x10427a57c _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 208 32 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 33 Python 0x104311ac0 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29288 34 Python 0x10427a57c _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 208 35 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 36 Python 0x104311aec _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29332 37 Python 0x10427a57c _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 208 38 Python 0x104312ddc call_function + 124 39 Python 0x104311aec _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29332 40 Python 0x1043131a0 _PyEval_EvalCode + 620 41 Python 0x10430a7d0 PyEval_EvalCode + 80 42 MyApp 0x1029dd440 0x1029d8000 + 21568 43 MyApp 0x1029dd7c0 0x1029d8000 + 22464 44 dyld 0x180aba0e0 start + 2360
May ’24
Simulating a signal
Hello, I'm trying to simulate miscellaneous crashes to test my handlers. Things works as expected with NSException and C++ exceptions, however I cannot find a way to trig a C signal. I tried with this code: NSArray *runningApplications = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.myCompany.myApp"]; NSRunningApplication *app = runningApplications[0]; UInt32 pid = [app processIdentifier]; kill(pid, SIGABRT); It is caught by my handler, but it doesn't crash the app (although it's detached from the debugger), I can even continue using the app normally. I'm wondering if this could be related to something wrong in my handler (especially on how it ends): signal(sig, SIG_IGN); dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_SIGNAL, sig, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, ^{ // I write some logs on disk here, then uninstall the handlers associated with this or that signal: for(int i=0; i<SignalSourceCount; i++) { if (_signalSources[i]) { dispatch_source_cancel(_signalSources[i]); _signalSources[i] = NULL; } } }); dispatch_resume(source); I've seen some examples finishing rather with exit() or abort(). Abort crashes the app as expected, however the Crash Report produced by Apple then focuses on the handler instead of the code triggering the signal... Any help appreciated, thanks
May ’24
IMessage doesn't respect og:video dimensions
Hi, I'm trying to get IMessage to display a video as part of a link preview with specific dimensions. The video appears, however the dimensions are incorrect. I've set the following tags: &lt;meta property="og:video:url" content={url} /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:secure_url" content={url} /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:width" content="600" /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:height" content="982" /&gt; The video in question is 600x982, 1.1MB in size and an mp4. I've also tried setting the og dimensions to 390x736 since a separate working example url has those, but no luck. Does anyone know what may be the issue?
May ’24
Production app crashing with PlatformViewHost.updateNestedHosts(_:colorSchemeChanged:)
Hello, my production app is experiencing some crashes according to app store analytics. I cannot seem to reproduce it. According to Xcode Orginzer the app is crashing 10 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec372a0 PlatformViewHost.updateNestedHosts(_:colorSchemeChanged:) + 332 (PlatformViewHost.swift:699) Distributor ID: Hardware Model: iPhone13,4 Version: 2.0.3 (86) AppStoreTools: 15E204 AppVariant: 1:iPhone13,4:16 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] OS Version: iPhone OS 17.4.1 (21E236) Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: SIGNAL 6 Abort trap: 6 Triggered by Thread: 0 Kernel Triage: VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter VM - (arg = 0x3) mach_vm_allocate_kernel failed within call to vm_map_enter Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001d1bd6974 __pthread_kill + 8 (:-1) 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001e56590ec pthread_kill + 268 (pthread.c:1717) 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000191627c14 __abort + 136 (abort.c:159) 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000191627b8c abort + 192 (abort.c:126) 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000018832a690 swift::fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 136 (Errors.cpp:387) 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000018832a6b0 swift::fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 32 (Errors.cpp:395) 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000188324a08 getNonNullSrcObject(swift::OpaqueValue*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*) + 256 (DynamicCast.cpp:144) 7 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000188326510 tryCastToObjectiveCClass(swift::OpaqueValue*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*, swift::OpaqueValue*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InPro... + 88 (DynamicCast.cpp:510) 8 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000188324068 tryCast(swift::OpaqueValue*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*, swift::OpaqueValue*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*, swift::TargetMetadata&lt;swift::InProcess&gt; const*&amp;, sw... + 992 (DynamicCast.cpp:2281) 9 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000188323b14 swift_dynamicCast + 208 (CompatibilityOverrideRuntime.def:109) 10 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec372a0 PlatformViewHost.updateNestedHosts(_:colorSchemeChanged:) + 332 (PlatformViewHost.swift:699) 11 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec36bf4 PlatformViewHost.updateEnvironment(_:viewPhase:) + 412 (PlatformViewHost.swift:690) 12 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec37bf8 PlatformViewHost.init(_:host:environment:viewPhase:importer:) + 808 (PlatformViewHost.swift:132) 13 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec36cf8 PlatformViewHost.__allocating_init(_:host:environment:viewPhase:importer:) + 92 (PlatformViewHost.swift:0) 14 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec0132c closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 444 (PlatformViewRepresentable.swift:559) 15 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec06c58 partial apply for closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 24 (&lt;compiler-generated&gt;:0) 16 SwiftUI 0x000000018ea26910 RepresentableContextValues.asCurrent&lt;A&gt;(do:) + 156 (RepresentableContextValues.swift:43) 17 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec01124 closure #1 in closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 176 (PlatformViewRepresentable.swift:558) 18 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec0104c closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 128 (PlatformViewRepresentable.swift:557) 19 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec06b2c partial apply for closure #4 in closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 24 (&lt;compiler-generated&gt;:0) 20 SwiftUI 0x000000018de7b7d0 closure #1 in _withObservation&lt;A&gt;(do:) + 44 (ObservationUtils.swift:26) 21 SwiftUI 0x000000018ec06b50 partial apply for closure #1 in _withObservation&lt;A&gt;(do:) + 24 (&lt;compiler-generated&gt;:0) 22 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000187fd0068 withUnsafeMutablePointer&lt;A, B&gt;(to:_:) + 28 (LifetimeManager.swift:82) 23 SwiftUI 0x000000018ebffbdc closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.updateValue() + 3040 (PlatformViewRepresentable.swift:556) 24 SwiftUI 0x000000018d5ecbf8 partial apply for implicit closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in Attribute.init&lt;A&gt;(_:) + 32 (&lt;compiler-generated&gt;:0) 25 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b2150240 AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update() + 512 ( 26 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b2146f38 AG::Graph::update_attribute(AG::data::ptr&lt;AG::Node&gt;, unsigned int) + 424 ( 27 AttributeGraph 0x00000001b2146810 AG::Graph::input_value_ref_slow(AG::data::ptr&lt;AG::Node&gt;, AG::AttributeID, unsigned int, unsigned int, AGSwiftMetadata const*, unsigned char&amp;, long) + 720 (
May ’24
App rejected cause it failed to start: "type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGABRT"
i am attaching crash logs would be really appreciated for any kind of help :) Review Environment Submission ID: f7cb438c-5784-44e7-abcf-4a787c9398ff Review date: April 30, 2024 Version reviewed: 1.0 Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) and iPhone 13 mini OS version: iOS 17.4.1 crashlog-639DEF1C-6DE4-437F-BEFE-E0DA6F31FFD8.txt crashlog-4EC7F1AA-18A9-4057-B1AD-9677FEA6981F.txt
May ’24
App Submission Rejected - Unable to replicate bug
Apple rejected my app store submission (first submission of this app) with the following comment: Issue Description: The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: The app opens to a black display Steps to reproduce bug: Launch app. Review device details: - Device type: iPhone 13 mini - OS version: iOS 17.4.1 Next Steps: Test the app on supported devices to identify and resolve bugs and stability issues before submitting for review. No other details given on specific scenarios. No logs provided. We asked for more info but they refused to help any further. I just so happen to have that exact device (iPhone 13 mini), so I updated it to the iOS version that was giving problems. But no matter what I do, I cannot replicate this bug. I tried via TestFlight and via Xcode, I tried deleting and reinstalling the app, and I tried restarting my phone between installs. I tried launching the app while on airplane mode. I never got this "app opens to a black display" issue. What else can I try to replicate this bug? The app is built with Unity 2021.3.19f1.
May ’24
Urgent: Help Needed with App Store Submission Issue
Hello, We recently encountered an issue with our app's submission to the App Store regarding missing permissions. Specifically, our app requires access to two categories called: NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp and NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults for proper functionality. Although we've managed to resolve the immediate concern, it's important that we address this as soon as possible (to avoid any further complications with future app submissions). As I'm not entirely familiar with app development/coding, I'm reaching out to seek help with this. We also want to know if the issue we're experiencing is related to using pre-release software or our code? Any insights or help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
May ’24
.pkg installs successfully but no file are copied
Hi everyone ! This post is a following of this one. I'm trying to make a .pkg out of two bundles that lands in two different folders, namely : ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components I am still using the script described in the previous post. The installer works fine on the computer that builds the package, on another computer in installs successfully but the aforementioned folders remains empty. My main computer is a MPB M1 (Ventura), I also have a 2015 MBA (Monterey). I tried to make the package on the air and the problem is the same : works on the machine that makes it, not on the receiver. When I try to install to Desktop for test purposes : The MPB correctly ask me for password / touch ID to install permission to use desktop permission to access file in the downloads (which are the extracted file of the .pkg I guess). But nothings happens. The package correctly indicate an installation of ~30Mo so it is not empty. I also tried using the mid process package for one of the two files with the same problem. I tried to use the CLI installer in verbose mode but it doesn't gave much information on what it is actually doing. My two main guess would be : already existing package ID permissions stuff But I don't really know how i could test for this... I would be grateful for any insights, Have a nice day ! -Thomas PS : I haven't found a "package" or "distribution" tag so I used the debugging one, feel free to modify if something seems more appropriate
May ’24
NSString.getBytes(_:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange:) crash issue
Hello! Recently, the following crash issue began to occur. 0 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000019ffaa3c8 closure #1 in closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure+ 238536 (_:_:file:line:flags:) + 228 1 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000019ffaa2a0 closure #1 in closure #1 in _assertionFailure+ 238240 (_:_:file:line:flags:) + 332 2 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000019ffa9c2c _assertionFailure+ 236588 (_:_:file:line:flags:) + 184 3 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000019ffac4fc specialized BidirectionalCollection._index+ 247036 (_:offsetBy:) + 1280 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001a016d630 String.UTF16View._indexRange+ 2086448 (for:from:) + 184 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001a018561c __StringStorage.getCharacters+ 2184732 (_:range:) + 112 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001a0185720 @objc __StringStorage.getCharacters+ 2184992 (_:range:) + 36 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001a16893e0 __CFStringEncodeByteStream + 1864 8 Foundation 0x00000001a0527c94 -[NSString+ 208020 (NSStringOtherEncodings) getBytes:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange:] + 260 ... It seems like assert is being called. Can you tell me a case that could be the cause? Also, this is a code I have been using for a long time, but recently it started crashing. Have there been any internal changes recently? Please understand that the entire crash log cannot be attached for security reasons. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Apr ’24
FamilyActivityPicker Crash on selecting some items
Both view and modifier versions of the FamilyActivityPicker crash randomly when selecting some items (usually the other option) throwing these in the console: [] Connection to plugin invalidated while in use AX Lookup problem - errorCode:1100 error:Permission denied portName:'' PID:22091 ( 0 AXRuntime 0x00000001c603b0fc _AXGetPortFromCache + 800 1 AXRuntime 0x00000001c603cce0 AXUIElementPerformFencedActionWithValue + 700 2 UIKit 0x0000000230de3ec8 DDE6E0C5-2AC3-3C73-8CFE-BC88DE35BB5F + 1453768 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103ef0b98 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103ef27bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103efa66c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 832 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103efb408 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 408 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103f08404 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 328 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000103f07a38 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 444 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f0824f20 _pthread_wqthread + 288 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f0824fc0 start_wqthread + 8 ) This also happens in production apps like the Opal. The questions are: At least how to detect it to be able to manually reload the sheet (like what Opal does and shows an alert when this happens) How to prevent it in the first place? I really appreciate any help you can provide.