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Develop device drivers that run in user space using DriverKit.

Posts under DriverKit tag

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Driver kit issue with OS 17.1
In my application, I have used DriverKit USB Transport - VendorID. Now whenever I am trying to install my application using driver kit development profile, it throws me error that profile is not valid. Now, If I try to install the app using Adhoc profile, then I am able to install it. Can you update us, is there any changes are there in 17.1 OS with development profile.
Nov ’23
Connection between client and DriverKit
In a project, I'm using the DriverKit(and HIDDriverKit) framework. I have encountered a problem in the connection between the client app and the driver, which is implemented by the "IOKit" framework. By calling the function "IOServiceGetMatchingServices" the value of "iterator" returns correctly and then communication with the driver is done. However, after releasing the version on the TestFlight, on some systems, the value of the "iterator" returned 0 and it is not possible to communicate with the driver. I checked the status of the activated driver with the command "systemextensionsctl list" and there are no problems on the driver side and the values of "Enabled" and "Active" are starred. AppSandbox = True, SIP: enable ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMainPortDefault, IOServiceNameMatching(dextIdentifier), &iterator); if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) { goto fail; } while ((service = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) != IO_OBJECT_NULL) { ret = IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self(), 0, &connection); if(ret == kIOReturnSuccess) { break; } else { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "IDmelonLog LIB: Can't open service"); } IOObjectRelease(service); }
Nov ’23
How to develop a driver extension for a USB mass storage device
I am currently in the process of developing a DEXT for a USB based external mass storage device using the USBDriverKit framework. IOUSBHostInterface is used as the provider to communicate with the interface's endpoints and I am successful in it. As per the IOUSBHostInterface documentation, To use a host interface object, call Open to create a new session between the interface and your driver. After successfully opening your session, you can request information from the interface and set up pipes to communicate with the interface's endpoints. Remember to close the session you opened in the Stop method of your driver. However, calling Open gains exclusive access to the USB interface and does not allow other services to access the interface. Also, to let go of the exclusive access, Close method can be called but in the Stop method which is called only once during the lifecycle of the extension (when the DEXT is unloaded). As a result of this, Apple's mass storage related KEXTs (media and partition related specifically) do not match the interface and so the filesystem of the drive in question does not get mounted whenever the DEXT has matched the interface. Is this exclusive access a limitation of USBDriverkit or is there any way to get around this issue in this case?
Nov ’23
How to deliver a struct which contain an array to driverkit by call driverkit function from swift code?
I declare a structure type in swift, name as CmdStruct struct CmdStruct { var cmd:[UInt8] init() { cmd = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count:16) } } In the case that the connection has been obtained. In sendCmd function, declare a variable which name as input which type of CmdStruct. After set data to input, call a DriverKit function IOConnectCallStructMethod. Here xcode shows a warning tip for the parameter 'input' for call IOConnectCallStructMethod: <Forming 'UnsafeRawPointer' to a variable of type 'CmdStruct'; this is likely incorrect because 'CmdStruct' may contain an object reference.> func sendCmd() { var ret:kern_return_t = kIOReturnSuccess var input = cmdStruct() var output:[UInt8] = [UInt8](repeating:0, count: 16) var inputSize = MemoryLayout<CmdStruct>.size // print value 8 var outputSize = output.count // print value 16 input.cmd[0] = 0x12 input.cmd[1] = 0x34 ret = IOConnectCallStructMethod(Connection, selector, &input, inputSize, &output, &outputSize) } In C file, driverkit function ExternalMethod will receive the parameter from swift side. And check the value of input->cmd[0] and input->cmd[1] in console. However, the values are not the expected 0x12 and 0x34. struct CmdStruct { uint8_t cmd[16]; }; kern_return_t myTest::ExternalMethod(uint64_t selector, IOUserClientMethodArguments* arguments, const IOuserClientMethodDispatch* dispatch, OSObject* target, void* reference) { int i = 0; CmdStruct* input = nullptr; if (arguments == nullptr) { ret = KIOReturnBadArgument; } if (arguments->structureInput != nullptr) { input = (CmdStruct*)arguments->structureInput->getBytestNoCopy(); } /* Here to print input->cmd[0] and input->cmd[1] data to console. */ } I expect that the correct value of input will be show on the driverkit side. I'm not sure which part is wrong. Here, I list some factors that may lead to incorrect value. How to fix the warning tip for parameter 'input' when call IOConnectCallStructMethod in swift. I get the inputSize value 8 by using MemoryLayout.size. But this structure contains a 16 bytes array. How to get the correct struct size in swift In C file side, using (CmdStruct*)arguments->structureInput->getBytestNoCopy() to transform data to C struct is correct?
Dec ’23
Using Adhoc Profile for DriverKit show error: Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS
We got an app for iPad which has two targets one for the App itself (MainApp target ) and another one for the Driver ( Driver Target ) using DriverKit. The app works fine in Development, but I'm trying to distribute it with adhoc. I've requested the Distribution Entitlement to Apple, after getting it, the App Id for the Driver has the following Capabilities: DriverKit, DriverKit (development), DriverKit USB Transport (development), DriverKit USB Transport - VendorID, In-App Purchase Now in the profile section, I've created a adhoc profile for the Driver AppId (Identifier). Obviously I've also created an Adhoc profile for the Main AppId Finally in the Signing & Capabilities Section I set up the profiles for MainApp target, int the Debug one I set up the Development one and int the Release one I set up the adhoc one. I do the same in the Driver Target, but when I set up the Adhoc one in the Release, I've got a warning: Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS. Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile Also interestingly the Signing Certificate section says: None I also set up the Capabilities for the Driver Target: DriverKit USB Transport - VendorID DriverKit USB Transport ( Development ) Inside these capabilities I set up the vendor ID as dictionary The problem is, if I try to Archive the app I will get the previous Warning message as error: Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS. Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile. Any idea what I'm missing? Thanks
Dec ’23
How can I test DriverKit development using Xcode 15 without getting "apple entitlements"?
This is the official documentation for DriverKit testing. I followed the docs and turned off SIP, turned on developer mode, and changed Xcode to manual signing and specified it as a signature from my local keychain. Then I click "Run" in Xcode, and I get this error. Even with local signatures, it still requires a provisioning profile, which is impossible to get. So, is there any way I can build my code using Xcode 15?
Jan ’24
Local Signging of a driverkit extension.
I am new to macOS development and presently tearing my hair out trying to get a driverkit extension to build. I have tried following the instructions here: namely, disabling SIP, but I am still unable to get my extension to build. The instructions say to set the code signing identity to "Sign to Run Locally" for all three targets, but this is not listed as an option for the driver extension.
Jan ’24
USB DriverKit returning large asynchronous data
this is a repost with more appropriate tags. The original is here: Can anyone advise, or give example of, communicating large (>128 byte) incoming buffers from a dext to a user-space app? My specific situation is interrupt reads from a USB device. These return reports which are too large to fit into the asyncData field of an AsyncCompletion call. Apple's CommunicatingBetweenADriverKitExtensionAndAClientApp sample shows examples of returning a "large" struct, but the example is synchronous. The asynchronous example returns data by copying into a IOUserClientAsyncArgumentsArray, which isn't very big. I can allocate a single buffer larger than 4K in user space, and communicate that buffer to my driver as an IOMemoryDescriptor when I set up my async callback. The driver retains the descriptor, maps it into its memory space and can thus write into it when the hardware returns interrupt data. The driver then calls AsyncCompletion, which will cause my user-side callback to be called, so the user side software knows that there's new data available in the previously allocated buffer. That's fine, it works, but there are data race problems - since USB interrupt reads complete whenever the hardware has provided data, incoming completions happen at unpredictable times, so the shared buffer contents could change while the user side code is examining them. Is there an example somewhere of how to deal with this? Can I allocate memory on the driver side on demand, create an IOMemoryDescriptor for it and return that descriptor packed inside the asyncData? If so, how does the driver know when it can relinquish that memory? I have a feeling there's something here I just don't understand...
Jan ’24
How to get access of Admin Submission/Completion queues for NVMe devices from any driver or user space application to submit Admin command ?
Few user space applications are available in market for example xnvme, but does not have any interaction with Admin Submission/Completion queues. Also IOCTLs are not very prominent . Is there any ways to get access to the native NVMe Mac driver source code? Thanks, hopefully we will get some positive response here.
Mar ’24
Shared data queue between dext and app (IOSharedDataQueueDispatchSource?)
I'm looking for a fast and efficient way for user-space to send I/O to my driver. One way I'd have hoped to do this, was through a shared memory ring-buffer. In the WWDC19 presentation on System Extensions and DriverKit, at roughly 17:00, they mention an IOSharedDataQueueDispatchSource. This doesn't exist in the DriverKit API. An IODataQueueDispatchSource is available, but doesn't seem to be meant to be shared. In the old IOKit framework, there are similar IOSharedDataQueue and IODataQueue, but they are unavailable in DriverKit. So, what are my options for implementing a fast, efficient I/O path to my driver?
Jan ’24
Using an existing driver with a USB serial chip with custom VID/PID
I am using a Silicon labs CP2102 chip. I have configured a custom USB VID and PID on the chip, and want to create a MacOs driver (or rather map this custom VID/PID to an existing driver) to make it accessible as a USB serial device from my Mac. Preferably I'd like to map my device to the driver, but I think the generic USB serial driver ( should work too. Silabs also has their own driver (com.silabs.cp210x.dext, downloadable from their web page), if for some reason it is easier to map to that than to one of the native drivers that could also work. Based on and it should be possible to create a codeless dext, which just inherits from e.g. IOUserUSBSerial. I've tried both creating just a DriverKit driver and putting it under /Library/DriverExtensions/ and creating a (default) app and adding a DriverKit driver to it, and putting the app in my /Applications/ folder, but neither works for me. My driver implementation is just this: #include <USBSerialDriverKit/IOUserUSBSerial.iig> class MyDriver: public IOUserUSBSerial { }; and my IOKitPersonalities looks like this: <key>IOKitPersonalities</key> <dict> <key>MyDriver</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.mydriver.MyDriverApp.MyDriver</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>IOUserUSBSerial</string> <key>IOMatchCategory</key> <string>com.mydriver.MyDriverApp.MyDriver</string> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOUSBHostInterface</string> <key>IOUserClass</key> <string>MyDriver</string> <key>IOUserServerName</key> <string>com.mydriver.MyDriverApp.MyDriver</string> <key>bConfigurationValue</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>bInterfaceNumber</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>idProduct</key> <integer>(my custom PID, decimal value)</integer> <key>idVendor</key> <integer>(my custom VID, decimal value)</integer> </dict> </dict> I've disabled SIP and enabled developer mode (systemextensionsctl developer on), though I'm not sure if it's needed. I've scanned through the system logs and looked at the ioreg output. When I connect a CP2102 chip with default VID and PID, I can see that it maps to the native driver. When I connect the same chip with my custom VID and PID, I don't see any trace of my driver being used. I can see it in the System Information app, but it doesn't map to my driver. I'm currently suspecting it is an Entitlements issue. In my app I have an Entitlements file, where I've added DriverKit USB Transport and DriverKit Serial Family. Do I need something like this for the driver target? There is no default Entitlements file there, but maybe I should create one? Or is there something else I'm missing? I've also noted one odd thing: When I install my app I can see a system log entry, complaining that "package type not SYSX" (for my driver). But I don't think it should be a SYSX package? It's currently specified as a DEXT package.
Feb ’24
DriverKit: ReadAsyncIOBundled completion returns error 0xe0005000 (UNDEFINED)
Hello! I'm trying to get data (like audio) stream from custom vendor usb device with bulk endpoint. When I use AsyncIO in cycle some data was lost. And I saw that AsyncIOBundled can help me with this issue. I've trying to use it: Create memory buffers for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BUF_NUMBER; i++) { kern_return_t ret = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::Create( kIOMemoryDirectionInOut, DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH, 0, &ivars->buffers[i] ); } Create MemoryDescriptorRing and set MemoryDescriptor for each index kern_return_t MyDriver::SetupRingBuffer(IOMemoryDescriptor** memoryDescriptors, uint16_t length) { kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess; ret = ivars->inPipe->CreateMemoryDescriptorRing(length); if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) { IOLog("CreateMemoryDescriptorRing failed %s", StringFromReturn(ret)); return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ret = ivars->inPipe->SetMemoryDescriptor(memoryDescriptors[i], i); if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) { IOLog("SetMemoryDescriptor failed %s", StringFromReturn(ret)); break; } } return ret; } Create completion Run AsyncIOBundled for only 1 index ret = ivars->inPipe->AsyncIOBundled( i, 1, &transferAccepted, (const unsigned int *)&ivars->dataBufferLengthArray, DEFAULT_BUF_NUMBER, ivars->readBundledCompletion, 0 ); In completion i'm always get the error 0xe0005000 (UNDEFINED) But if I use AsyncIO with same buffer - it's success. What am I doing wrong? There are no differences btw AsyncIOBundled and AsyncIO requests in wireshark
Feb ’24
Write Dext code for my existing Kext
Hi,I am trying to write Dext code for my existing Kext,How to convert this code to be compatible with Dext? BufferMemoryDescriptorAME_Module = NULL; IOMemoryMap *MemMap; BufferMemoryDescriptorAME_Module= IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(kernel_task,kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous,otal_memory_size); BufferMemoryDescriptorAME_Module->prepare(kIODirectionInOut); MemMap = BufferMemoryDescriptorAME_Module->map(kIOMapInhibitCache); logicalAddressAME_Module = (UInt8 *) MemMap->getVirtualAddress(); physicalAddressAME_Module = MemMap->getPhysicalAddress(); Thanks, Frederic
Feb ’24
DriverKit architecture for USB-C device and iPad dext
I am attempting to communicate over serial with a USB-C device and an M-Series iPad. I have proven the device to communicate as expected (baud rate, parity, etc) via a Swift app on Mac using a third party library (IOKit) that utilizes the "AppleUSBACM (v5.0.0)" driver on macOS. I am looking to recreate this communication via iPadOS and a custom DriverKit driver that provides this same interface. There is not an example from Apple for serial communication and DriverKit but there is a couple for communicating from an app to the dext, and for other networking examples. There are also other mentions in WWDC videos but they are incomplete and do not provide the needed structure. Communicating between a driver extension and a client app Connecting a network driver Bring your driver to iPad with DriverKit System Extensions and DriverKit My question revolves around architecture and how to set up a driver for these needs. I have gotten the examples to run and understand what is needed for entitlements and other local signing needs. But what I don't understand is if you need a basic setup similar to the "Communicating between a driver extension and a client app" where your base driver subclasses IOService and has two arms. One that subclasses IOUserclient and allows communication between the dext and your Swift app. And another arm that subclasses IOUserSerial or IOUserUSBSerial. I assume then that these two share buffers of memory set up by the base class that allows communication between the two. I have had little luck getting IOUserUSBSerial to compile and have made more progress on IOUserSerial. But when running that and with the supposed idVendor plist entry I am not getting that part of the dext to start or recognize when the USB device is plugged in. Long story short, I'm looking for a basic architecture or example reference to explain serial communication in DriverKit. Devices: Custom USB-C hardware that is CDC ACM compliant iPad Air 5th gen with M1 chip (iPadOS 17.2) M1 MBP (macOS 14.2.1)
Mar ’24
How to properly convert any size of application memory into the kernel space of Driverkit?
Hardware and software configuration MacBook Air M2 2022 16GB, MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 Full description This is a DriverKit that controls PCIE FPGA devices for low-latency data exchange. This driver has been implemented on Iokit, and now it needs to be launched on Driverkit to adapt to newer Macs. Driverkit lacks the IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(Iokit) function to convert the app's memory of any size to a Descriptor. Currently, we use args->structureOutputDescriptor->CreateMapping to map the Descriptor passed by the application to the kernel layer. // App size_t ***::xxRead(long long addr, size_t size, void * buff){ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(usrLock); kern_return_t kr; uint64_t info[2] = {(uint64_t)addr, (uint64_t)size}; kr = IOConnectCallMethod( connect, kUserReadIO, info, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, buff, &size); return size; } // Driverkit const IOUserClientMethodDispatch sMethods[kNumMethods] = { [kUserReadIO] = { (IOUserClientMethodFunction) &SmiPcieUc::sUserReadIo, .checkCompletionExists = false, .checkScalarInputCount = 2, // Read Addr, size .checkStructureInputSize = 0, .checkScalarOutputCount = 0, .checkStructureOutputSize = kIOUserClientVariableStructureSize} // Read Data }; kern_return_t SmiPcieUc::sUserReadIo (OSObject * target, void* reference, IOUserClientMethodArguments* args){ IOMemoryMap * memMap = nullptr; uint32_t * buffKptr = nullptr; kern_return_t rt = 0; if(target == nullptr){ Log("***Err***: sUserReadIo Target is Null!"); return kIOReturnError; } if(args->structureOutputDescriptor){ rt = args->structureOutputDescriptor->CreateMapping(0,0,0,0,0, &memMap); if(rt == kIOReturnSuccess){ buffKptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(memMap->GetAddress()); } else { Log("***Err***: sUserReadIo Mapping Failed!"); return kIOReturnNoMemory; } } else { buffKptr = (uint32_t *) args->structureOutput; } rt = ((SmiPcieUc *)target)->UserReadIo((uint64_t *)&args->scalarInput[0], (size_t *)&args->scalarInput[1], buffKptr); OSSafeReleaseNULL(memMap); return rt; } phenomenon When StructureOutputSize is greater than 4096, args>structureOutputDescriptor exists, and when it is less than or equal to 4096, args->structureOutputDescriptor and args->structureOutput are both equal to nullptr, (in IOkit, args->structureOutput is not empty)。 How to properly convert any size of application memory into the kernel space of Driverkit?
Mar ’24
Settings bundle for DEXT loading app does not display content.
I have an app that loads a DEXT (driver). This app includes a settings bundle that allows me to activate/deactivate the driver. When I issue the API call to activate the driver, iOS switches to the Settings app and displays the page for my DEXT loading application but the switch to enable the driver, which is part of my settings bundle, does not appear. I'm using this API call: OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier: "driver-id", queue: .main) Here are the contents of my settings bundle Root.plist: ` Here are the contents of my Root.strings file: "Group" = "Group"; "Name" = "Name"; "none given" = "none given"; "Enabled" = "Enabled";
Mar ’24
App Sandbox entitlement stripped from dext by Xcode?
I have a macOS app which contains a dext. I'd like to distribute it to external testers using TestFlight, so it has to pass Mac App Store review. It failed, because the App Sandbox entitlement was missing. I checked the app, it has the entitlement, but the dext does not. However, the .entitlements file used by the dext does contain App Sandbox set to true. I tried adding a "fake-entitlement" value to the .entitlements file, and that made it into the dext's code signature, but the App Sandbox entitlement appears to be stripped out by the build process? For a dext target, it isn't possible to add the App Sandbox capability in Xcode's Signing and Capability section. I have to add the entitlement manually in the .entitlement file (or it was put there by the Xcode driver template, I don't remember). I've tried clean building several times, I've tried Xcode 15.0.1, 15.2 and 15.3, but the result is always the same. I'm inspecting the entitlements using codesign -dvvv --entitlements - Does anyone know what I can do to put the App Sandbox entitlement into my dext's signature? Is this happening to anyone else?