Reality Composer Pro

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Leverage the all new Reality Composer Pro, designed to make it easy to preview and prepare 3D content for your visionOS apps

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Reality Composer Pro inline documentation comments
The WWDC24 video "Build a spatial drawing app with RealityKit" at 12:04 includes a slide showing a Reality Composer Pro shader graph that features wonderful inline documentation comment boxes: Are shader graph inline comments a new feature that Reality Composer Pro supports? This would be extraordinarily useful, as complex shader graphs can be challenging to decipher. If so, how are inline shader graph comments created in Reality Composer Pro?
Jun ’24
Unable to create PhysicsJoint using Entity's Geometric Pin
Hello, I'm trying to attach one entity to another entity via the new PhysicsFixedJoint. I have a usdz that contains a skeletal pose which expose the joints as pins as desired. However the when I access the pin, it is returning a GeometricPin, instead of an EntityGeometricPin as you would expect. I can't use the returned GeometricPin to create the joint. Am I missing something? Shouldn't access the Entity's pins object return EntityGeometricPins instead of GeometricPin? Here is the code sample: var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: untitledBundle) { content.add(scene) let attack = try! Entity.load(named: "Attack01_SingleSword") let anchor = scene.findEntity(named: "Root") anchor?.addChild(attack) let sword = try! Entity.load(named: "OHS08_Sword") anchor?.addChild(sword) if let swordEntity = findModelComponentEntity(entity: sword) { let swordPin = swordEntity.pins.set( named: "test", position: SIMD3<Float>.zero ) if let attackEntity = findModelComponentEntity(entity: attack) { let attackPin = attackEntity.pins["root/pelvis/spine_01/spine_02/spine_03/clavicle_r/upperarm_r/lowerarm_r/hand_r/weapon_r"]! // This is returning GeomtricPin instead of the EntityGeometricPin that the "pins" object contains let joint = PhysicsFixedJoint( pin0: swordPin, pin1: attackPin // This is a compile error since it is not an EntityGeometricPin type ) try! joint.addToSimulation() } } } } }
Drag Gesture in Immersive Spaces with Reality Kit
I've been trying to get the drag gesture up and running so I can move my 3D model around in my immersive space, but for some reason I am not able to move it around. The model shows up in my visionOS 1.0 Simulator, but I can't seem to get it to move around. Would love some help with this and some resources too that would be helpful. Here's a snippet of my Reality View code import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct GearRealityView: View { static var modelEntity = Entity() var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let model = try? await Entity(named: "LandingGear", in: realityKitContentBundle) { GearRealityView.modelEntity = model content.add(model) } }.gesture( DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(GearRealityView.modelEntity) .onChanged({ value in GearRealityView.modelEntity.position = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: GearRealityView.modelEntity.parent!) }) ) } }
Jun ’24
Object Tracking with Rotation of Objects
Hey, In the "Explore object tracking for visionOS" session we explore how a Globe can be tracked, and objects can be anchored to various positions. My question is if the physical Globe is rotated, will the anchored objects also respond to this in real-time? I would like to overlap a virtual map on top of a physical globe, so when the user rotates the physical globe, the virtual map also seamlessly responds. Is this possible using Object Tracking? Thanks
Jun ’24
Object anchor not working with ARKit in iOS
With WWDC 24, I was excited to see that apple is bringing their APIs from Vision OS to iOS. I tried using the Object Anchoring component in Reality Composer Pro. Which this works with a Vision Pro, it looks like the entity will spawn at origin if we run the same on iOS and the object anchoring doesn't seem to work. Is this intended? Below is how I'm doing this. I added an Anchoring component and added the .referenceObject file I trained using CreateML. This is the code I'm using to load this scene in. // GrootView.swift // ARTest-New // // Created by Sravan Karuturi on 6/10/24. // import SwiftUI import RealityKit import Box struct GrootView: View { @StateObject private var grootVM = GrootViewModel() @State private var ent: Entity? = nil @State var anchor: Entity? = nil @State var wallAnchor: Entity? = nil @State var floorAnchor: Entity? = nil var body: some View { RealityView{ content in #if os(iOS) await content.setupWorldTracking() = .worldTracking #endif ent = try? await Entity(named: "Box", in: boxBundle) print(ent?.children) anchor = ent?.findEntity(named: "ObjectAnchor") wallAnchor = ent?.findEntity(named: "WallAnchor") floorAnchor = ent?.findEntity(named: "FloorAnchor") let updateSum = content.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.Update.self){ event in if let anc = anchor, anc.isAnchored { print("Found Item") } if let anc = floorAnchor, anc.isAnchored { print("Found Floor") } if let anc = wallAnchor, anc.isAnchored { print("Wall Anchor") } } content.add(ent!) } } } #Preview { GrootView() } While, something similar seems to work on visionOS, the same doesn't seem to work with iOS. When I run this app, we see all the children and the Found Item is printed constantly even when we don't have the item in the scene. Not really sure if this is just not supported yet on iOS ( I really hope that's not the case ) or if I messed up something somehow
Jun ’24
How to ship SDK RealityKit entity components that can be using and applied within a customer's application?
We deliver an SDK that enables rich spatial computing experiences. We want to enable our customers to develop apps using Swift or RealityComposer Pro. Composer allows the creation of custom components from the add components button in the inspector panel. These source files are dropped into the RealityComposer package and directory. We would like to be able to have our customers import our SDK components into their applications RealityComposer package and have our components be visible to be applied by our customer into their scene compositions. How can we achieve this? We believe this will lead to a risk ecosystem components extensions for RealityComposer Pro.
Multi-platform app for visionOS and iOS: How to include 3D models for both?
I created an app for visionOS, using Reality Composer Pro. Now I want to turn this app into a multi-platform app for iOS as well. RCP files are not supported on iOS, however. So I tried to use the "old" Reality Composer instead, but that doesn't seem to work either. Xcode 15 does not include it anymore, and I read online that files created with Xcode 14's Reality Composer cannot be included in Xcode 15 files. Also, Xcode 14 does not run on my M3 Mac with Sonoma. That's a bummer. What is the recommended way to include 3D content in apps that support visionOS AND iOS?! (I also read that a solution might be using USDZ for both. But how would that workflow look like? Are there samples out there that support both platforms? Please note that I want to setup the anchors myself, using code. I just need the composing tool to the create 3D content that will be placed on these anchors.)
Jun ’24
Anchor an Reality scene on an image anchor
Developing a prototype Vision Pro app and would like to render a 3D scene made from Reality Composer Pro on an image anchor in a RealityView. But I have no luck so far to make it work and need some guidance to move on. I got the image file stored in the assets like below: And from below is the source codes: import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct AnchorView: View { @State var imageEntity: Entity = { let anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(.image(group: "AR Resources", name: "reanchor")) return anchorEntity }() var body: some View { RealityView { content in do { // Add the initial RealityKit content if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { imageEntity.addChild(scene) content.add(imageEntity) } } catch { print("Error occurs when adding reality view content: \(error)") } } } }
May ’24
How to exclude RealityKitContent from Swift package for iOS?
I've created an app for visionOS that uses a custom package that includes RealityKitContent as well (as a sub-package). I now want to turn this app into a multi-platform app that also supports iOS. When I try to compile the app for this platform, I get this error message: Building for 'iphoneos', but realitytool only supports [xros, xrsimulator] Thus, I want to exclude the RealityKitContent from my package for iOS, but I don't really know how. The Apple docs are pretty complicated, and ChatGPT did only give me solutions that did not work at all. I also tried to post this on the Swift forum, but no-one could help me there either - so I am trying my luck here. Here is my Package.swift file: // swift-tools-version: 5.10 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "Overlays", platforms: [ .iOS(.v17), .visionOS(.v1) ], products: [ .library( name: "Overlays", targets: ["Overlays"]), ], dependencies: [ .package( path: "../BackendServices" ), .package( path: "../MeteorDDP" ), .package( path: "Packages/OverlaysRealityKitContent" ), ], targets: [ .target( name: "Overlays", dependencies: ["BackendServices", "MeteorDDP", "OverlaysRealityKitContent"] ), .testTarget( name: "OverlaysTests", dependencies: ["Overlays"]), ] ) Based on a recommendation in the Swift forum, I also tried this: dependencies: [ ... .package( name: "OverlaysRealityKitContent", path: "Packages/OverlaysRealityKitContent" ), ], targets: [ .target( name: "Overlays", dependencies: [ "BackendServices", "MeteorDDP", .product(name: "OverlaysRealityKitContent", package: "OverlaysRealityKitContent", condition: .when(platforms: [.visionOS])) ] ), ... ] but this won't work either. The problem seems to be that the package is listed under dependencies, which makes the realitytool kick in. Is there a way to avoid this? I definitely need the RealityKitContent package being part of the Overlay package, since the latter depends on the content (on visionOS). And I would not want to split the package up in two parts (one for iOS and one for visionOS), if possible.
Jun ’24
Accessing Children of USDZ Model in SwiftUI
Hi everyone, I'm developing a visionOS app using SwiftUI and RealityKit. I'm facing a challenge with accessing the children of a USDZ model. Scenario: I can successfully load and display a USDZ model in my RealityView. When I import the model into Reality Composer Pro, I can access and manipulate its individual parts (children) using the scene hierarchy. However, if I directly load the USDZ model from the Navigation tab in my project, I cannot seem to access the children programmatically. Question: Is there a way to access and manipulate the children of a USDZ model loaded directly from the Navigation tab in SwiftUI for visionOS? Additional Information: I've explored using Entity(named: "childName", in: realityKitContentBundle), but this only works for the main entity. I'm open to alternative approaches if directly accessing children isn't feasible. Thanks in advance for any insights or suggestions! Best, Siddharth [Edited by Moderator]
May ’24
Build errors for iOS for my visionOS app
I'm taking my iOS/iPadOS app and converting it so it runs on visionOS. I’m trying to compile my app, build it, for both visionOS and iOS. When I try to build for an iPhone and iPad simulator, I get the following error:  Building for 'iphonesimulator', but realitytool only supports [xros, xrsimulator] I’m thinking I might need to do a # if conditional compilation statement for visionOS so iOS doesn’t try to build lines of code but I can’t for this particular error find out for which file or code I need to do the conditional compilation. Anyone know how to get rid of this error? 
May ’24
Building visionOS project via xcodebuild always fails at RealityAssetsCompile
Environment Apple Silicon M1 Pro macOS 14.4 Xcode 15.3 (15E204a) visionOS simulator 1.1 Step Create a new visionOS app project and compile it through xcodebuild: xcodebuild -destination "generic/platform=visionOS" It fails on RealityAssetsCompile with log : error: Failed to find newest available Simulator runtime But if I open the Xcode IDE and start building, it works fine. This error only occurs in xcodebuild. More I noticed that in xcrun simctl list the vision pro simulator is in unavailable state: -- visionOS 1.1 -- Apple Vision Pro (6FB1310A-393E-4E82-9F7E-7F6D0548D136) (Booted) (unavailable, device type profile not found) And i can't find the vision pro device type in xcrun simctl list devicetypes, does it matter? I have tried to completely reinstall Xcode and simulator runtime, but still the same error.
May ’24