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Rapidly prototype and test builds of your app during the development process using Simulator.

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Different CocoaPod files from M chip and Intel chip
Hello. I recently started digging into IOS development with flutter. I am using a MacBook Pro 2018 (intel) and one of my colleagues (with whom we are building an app) is using a very new Pro with M3 chip. We managed to setup, build and run our test app separately. So far so good. But once we started developing our own application, using Firebase and pushing to the same repo, we started having some issues - each time one of us delivers a podfile.lock file and/or Podfile, the other gets some build issues regarding Cocoapods. I started digging and as far as I understood there are differents in how CocoaPods is built depending of the chip - Intel or M. I also checked Cocoapods' documentation - it is suggested that pod files should be under source countrol. Well, okay, but how could we do that if we are using different laptops and that leads to constant build problems? I noticed that when I pull his changes, delete podfile.lock and run pod install, I am able to build the project. But this does not sound like a fix for this... I did not find any info anywhere, so all help would be highly appreciated! Thanks!
Mar ’24
Simulator Edit Home Screen
How does one drag app icons to rearrange them on the iOS Simulator home screen? If I click and hold on an icon, the popover menu will appear and I can click Edit Home Screen, which will put the home screen into edit mode. But I can't find a way to drag the app icons. I've followed the instructions for dragging on this page, but while holding the control key shows a finger pointer, I still can't figure out how to move the app icon. I'm using a trackpad, not a mouse. I don't have a mouse to test with, but I get the same results with both the MacBook Pro internal trackpad and an external Magic Trackpad.
Mar ’24
warning: failed to set breakpoint site at 0x... for breakpoint -6.1: error: 9 sending the breakpoint request
When I run my SwiftUI app on a physical iPhone, the app will randomly crash and print this to the console: warning: failed to set breakpoint site at 0x... for breakpoint -6.1: error: 9 sending the breakpoint request I don't understand because I don't have any breakpoints set. This is one of 5 with different memory addresses and different breakpoint names (-6.2, -7.1, etc.). This only happens on the iPhone and happens even when I don't touch anything and just open the app and let it sit.
Mar ’24
M2 - Upgrade from Xcode 15.2 to 15.3, can no longer run on simulator
I am working on an Apple M2 Pro, MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1. Today Xcode automatically updated from 15.2 to 15.3 and downloaded the new 17.4 simulators and runtime tools. I can no longer run my apps in simulator. On Xcode 15.2, there was an option to choose the destination architecture, under Product -> Destination -> Destination Architectures -> Rosetta (the one I have ben required to select in order to run apps for the last few versions). On Xcode 15.3, the option to chose the destination architecture is now missing. I am still able to build successfully to my phone directly. I am unable to build to a simulator, I get the same error for regarding a linker error failure. I have tried: reboot laptop delete information stored in derived data delete local Podfile.lock delete Pods folder pod install reopen xcode run on device - works! run on 17.2 simulator - fails with error run on 17.4 simulator - fails with error Our Podfile looks like this: require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' require_relative '../node_modules/react-native-permissions/scripts/setup' platform :ios, '13.4' prepare_react_native_project! setup_permissions([ 'AppTrackingTransparency', 'Camera', 'LocationAlways', 'LocationWhenInUse', 'Notifications', ]) target 'myapp' do config = use_native_modules! # @react-native-firebase/app requirement: use_frameworks! :linkage => :static $RNFirebaseAsStaticFramework = true use_react_native!( :path => config[:reactNativePath], # to enable hermes on iOS, change `false` to `true` and then install pods :hermes_enabled => false ) # Pods for GoogleMaps on iOS rn_maps_path = '../node_modules/react-native-maps' pod 'react-native-google-maps', :path => "#{rn_maps_path}" pod 'react-native-camera', path: '../node_modules/react-native-camera', subspecs: [ 'BarcodeDetectorMLKit' ] pod 'RNSquareInAppPayments', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-square-in-app-payments' target 'myappTests' do inherit! :complete # Pods for testing end # Enables Flipper. # # Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and # you should disable the next line. # use_flipper!("Flipper-DoubleConversion" => "1.1.7") #avoid duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 for Folly post_install do |installer| react_native_post_install(installer) installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| if == "RCT-Folly" target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= ['$(inherited)', 'FOLLY_HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME=1'] end end end end end I'm open to additional suggestions, at this point, I can't see a way to tell xcode that we need the other build option (like specifying Rosetta which I used to be able to do). Also, if anyone can help me understand why it is doing this, I'm busy on Google, but not finding what I'm looking for, so I wonder if I'm looking for the right things. Thanks so much! Error:
Mar ’24
Xcode 15.1 – iOS 16.1 Simulator runtime not available
we are using xcode15.1 and 16.1 simulator on some mac minis, but recently lots of Macs having the below 16.1 not available issue, what I can fix it is need to restart the mac, I am wondering what is the root cause? `-- Unavailable: -- iPhone 8 (FBCB5581-3BDC-44A5-AF81-A8C43B64C051) (Creating) (unavailable, runtime profile not found using "System" match policy) iPhone 8 Plus (622EBC11-EF31-4DD4-B632-39341029241E) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found using "System" match policy) iPhone 11 (AFEB049D-6DDF-4ABD-ADD6-9A423E4F7D36) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found using "System" match policy) iPhone 11 Pro (66A4DF36-3430-4DF9-9782-94520D13A9AE) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found using "System" match policy) iPhone 11 Pro Max (7238D469-8D7B-4D87-AB33-8752BE7A5218) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found using "System" match policy)
Mar ’24
wifi & proxy settings have disappeared from all iOS phone simulators!
Seems bizarre but since updating to Sonoma (14.2), I've actually lost menu items in the iOS phone simulators. Basically there is no longer any Settings->wifi item in the simulators' menu at all, so I can't do what I've always done & set a manual proxy (in order to use Charles proxy). I've been doing this for years & we generally use about 4 or 5 simulators for testing with Xcode, and now suddenly there's no ability to set a manual proxy on any of them - they have all lost these menu items. Does anyone know what has gone one & how I fix this, please !!!! I can't find info about this via the usual googling. If it makes any difference I'm using Xcode 15.2, 16" MacBook 2019 with intel chipset.
Mar ’24
Is there anyone who knows the secrets of RuntimeMap.plist?
Hi, I'm in the team maintaining company-wise CI for iOS build and test, which runs over 100 macs on the system with every stable versions of Xcode/simulators and the latest beta/rc. I've been terribly suffered from xcodebuild test failure with simulator destination on Xcode beta series since Xcode 14.x has changed its CoreSimulator behavior from static simruntime into simdisk-based dynamic runtime. (If you search for xcrun simctl runtime match set 'watchos9.1' 20S75 you can check what I have been fighting for.) At the end of numerous nightly overtimes I finally found out that ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist is closely related to xcrun simctl runtime match command. If CoreSimulatorService relaunches when RuntimeMap.plist is corrupted (or missing), Chosen Runtime will be set as default SDK (pretty sure it is SDK version of iphoneos, not iphonesimulator) ex) $ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ $ sed -i '' -e 's|21C62|21Cblabla|' ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist $ sudo pkill -9 $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos17.2: SDK Version: 17.2 SDK Build: 21K354 Platform: Chosen Runtime: tvOS 17.2 (17.2 - 21K364) - User Override: (null) Preferred: tvOS 17.2 (17.2 - 21K364) - Default: 21K354 iphoneos17.2: SDK Version: 17.2 SDK Build: 21C52 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 21C52 User Override: (null) Preferred: 21Cblabla Default: 21C52 watchos10.2: SDK Version: 10.2 SDK Build: 21S355 Platform: Chosen Runtime: watchOS 10.2 (10.2 - 21S364) - User Override: (null) Preferred: watchOS 10.2 (10.2 - 21S364) - Default: 21S355 xros1.0: SDK Version: 1.0 SDK Build: 21N301 Platform: Chosen Runtime: visionOS 1.0 (1.0 - 21N305) - User Override: (null) Preferred: visionOS 1.0 (1.0 - 21N305) - Default: 21N301 The question is: Where exactly is the path or file that reflects this change? What file is Chosen Runtime of runtime match list tracking? When is the time to re-download and fix if it is corroded or not found? P.S. Thanks valexeev4 for letting me know where RuntimeMap plist is.
Mar ’24
Dragging List items with onMove view modifier acts strange while in edit mode on Simulator
I've noticed some issues in the iOS simulator when reordering elements in a List while the view is in edit mode. The rows will sometimes disappear or repeat. I have verified that the data source is updating after the move but the rows themselves will render strangely, like some rows will be repeated or just disappear entirely. It also doesn't seem to happen on a physical device, just the simulator. Here is a reproducible example view: struct ContentView: View { @State var arr = ["Dan", "Jeffery", "Alice", "Jessica", "Mary"] var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(arr, id: \.self) { user in Text(user) } .onMove(perform: { from, to in arr.move(fromOffsets: from, toOffset: to) }) } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { EditButton() } } .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) } .stackNavigationView() } }
Feb ’24
Model3D Not Appearing in Simulator
Anyone else having issues where you can see your 3D models in Xcode preview but when running simulator all you see is the progress view spinner? Below is my Model3D load that I can see in preview but in simulator it only shows the spinner. Any suggestions? import RealityKit struct Three_D_Ad: View { var body: some View { VStack { Image("Fender") Text("Fender Stratocaster") .font(.title) Text("Legendary Sound") Model3D(named: "Fender") { model in model .resizable() .scaledToFit() .scaleEffect(0.75) } placeholder: { ProgressView() } } } } #Preview { Three_D_Ad() }
Feb ’24
app bundle file is crashing when drag and drop on simulator
I built the Xcode project, and in the Products folder, the build is created. I tried dragging and dropping it onto the simulator, and the app got installed. However, when I open the app, it suddenly crashes. I'm not sure what the reason is, although the same app build is working fine on other Mac machines. Note:- I am using a MacBook Pro M1 Max I tried running the console for this and got these errors: error 10:04:55.421406+0530 runningboardd <OSLaunchdJob | handle=B74FA3B1-3669-41C9-9BCA-4952DFE273D4>: job failed to spawn, plist={ ProcessType => App EnableTransactions => false _ManagedBy => RootedSimulatorPath => true CFBundleIdentifier => _ResourceCoalition => app<> ThrottleInterval => 2147483647 MachServices => {} EnablePressuredExit => false InitialTaskRole => 1 UserName => mobile EnvironmentVariables => { TMPDIR => /Users/abhishek.bhardwaj/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/79F383B3-B1EF-442A-9FBB-B9CF818865E9/data/Containers/Data/Application/1C04E6EF-7BBF-4B5A-843F-4850DDB74D92/tmp HOME => /Users/abhishek.bhardwaj/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/79F383B3-B1EF-442A-9FBB-B9CF818865E9/data/Containers/Data/Application/1C04E6EF-7BBF-4B5A-843F-4850DDB74D92 CFFIXED_USER_HOME => /Users/abhishek.bhardwaj/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/79F383B3-B1EF-442A-9FBB-B9CF818865E9/data/Containers/Data/Application/1C04E6EF-7BBF-4B5A-843F-<…>} #error 10:04:55.421451+0530 runningboardd Process start failed with Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed} #error 10:04:55.421761+0530 runningboardd Job remove after failed start failed with Error Domain=OSLaunchdErrorDomain Code=36 "Operation now in progress" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Operation now in progress} #error 10:04:55.421780+0530 runningboardd Launch failed with Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed} #error 10:04:55.423921+0530 sharingd SDAirDropNearFieldService.startNearFieldController SKIP - AirDrop is restricted #error 10:04:55.423929+0530 sharingd SDAirDropNearFieldService: missing Near field Controller, will not start polling #error 10:04:55.422339+0530 SpringBoard Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x104d12ed0; app<>:> with error: <NSError: 0x600000c04bd0; domain: RBSRequestErrorDomain; code: 5; "Launch failed."> { NSUnderlyingError = <NSError: 0x600000c04e10; domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain; code: 1> { NSLocalizedDescription = Launchd job spawn failed; }; } #error 10:04:55.429857+0530 SpringBoard Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view[<UIView: 0x1067b9000; frame = (0 0; 393 852); clipsToBounds = YES; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000024e440>>], frame not updated #error 10:04:55.430074+0530 SpringBoard Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view[<UIView: 0x1067b9000; frame = (0 0; 393 852); clipsToBounds = YES; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000024e440>>], frame not updated #error 10:04:55.430887+0530 SpringBoard Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view[<UIView: 0x1067b9000; frame = (0 0; 393 852); clipsToBounds = YES; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000024e440>>], frame not updated #error 10:04:55.431520+0530 SpringBoard Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view[<UIView: 0x1067b9000; frame = (0 0; 393 852); clipsToBounds = YES; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000024e440>>], frame not updated #error 10:04:55.442060+0530 SpringBoard Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view[<UIView: 0x1067b9000; frame = (0 0; 393 852); clipsToBounds = YES; layer = <CALayer: 0x600
Feb ’24
Crash When Run app On Xcode15 Simulator
When UICollectionViewFlowLayoutAlertForInvalidItemSize Occured Some Log Like These Occurred, and then app crash *** Assertion failure in void _UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize, BOOL, CGFloat, BOOL)(), UIGraphics.m:410 crash Output *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() failed to allocate CGBitampContext: size={0, 16}, scale=3.000000, bitmapInfo=0x2002. Use UIGraphicsImageRenderer to avoid this assert.'
Feb ’24
Cant add files to ios simulator
xcode 15.2, mac m2 mini, 14.2.1 sonoma i need a pdf file to stage my app for screen shots for the market. icloud wont sync, cant drag files to the home screen or any screen, it just does not work. i am at the end of my rope here, i just need some screen shots, my app is approved and ready am i wrong>? is there a way to do this or is it just broken now in the name of (lazy) security? edit--the more i read the more i angry and frustrated i get. this is broken and will not be fixed. i need to just workaround via email. so happy my second 100 dollar developer subscription bill is coming up!
Feb ’24
ios 17.2 Xcode Simulator black screen issue
After installing the iOS 17.2 simulator in Xcode, I encountered a persistent issue where the simulator displays a black screen upon launch and becomes unresponsive. Despite attempting various troubleshooting methods, including reinstalling the simulator, reinstalling Xcode, and erasing simulator data, the problem persists. Any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Feb ’24
iOS 17.0 beta 5 (21A5303d) simulator fails to install
=> Cannot copy the image because the disk is almost full The disk of my Mac is not full. Or is it another logical disk? Every time I try to install the iOS 17.0 simulator (21A5303d) it creates a copy of itself and fails. It is filling my HD and I do not know how to delete those files. And it differs by the last letter. Different versions? Registering simulator runtime with CoreSimulator failed. Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain Code: 29 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-08-09 20:41:08 +0000"; } Cannot copy the image because the disk is almost full Domain: Code: 14 --** System Information macOS Version 14.0 (Build 23A5312d) Xcode 15.0 (22004) (Build 15A5219j) Timestamp: 2023-08-09T17:41:08-03:00
Feb ’24