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Rapidly prototype and test builds of your app during the development process using Simulator.

Posts under Simulator tag

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Cant use Xcode on iOS 16.4 anymore
I was using Xcode with ios 16.4 Simulator (and playground sim) on another macbook pro i5 8gb ram. I recently purchased a macbook air 16gb ram M2 and installed xcode on it, I also installed iOS 17 to use but noticed my system was heating up quite a bit which i felt was unusual for the specs i have, however, i deleted the iOS 17 SDK and installed 16.4, but now when i open an Xcode project, it tells me it cannot run without iOS 17 SDK, can i not use it with 16.4?
Sep ’23
Simulator is not opening
Hi, I am trying to open my simulator so I can simulate Flutter apps. However, I am having trouble with my simulator. When I try to open it (which I do using open -a Simulator), the simulator never opens up. When I try to create a new simulator in the menu bar, clicking next on the New Simulator tab does not do anything. Also, I am not sure if this is related but in the New Simulator tab where there is simulator name, device type, and os version, I cannot select an OS version and its just blank with no other selections. I have tried restarting my computer, updating my computer, and reinstalling xcode. Also installed/reinstalled command line tools Here is some more info: MacOS version: MacOS 14.0 (23A344) XCode version: Xcode 15.0 Build version 15A240d Simulator version: Version 15.0 (1015.2) SimulatorKit 935.1 CoreSimulator 920.6 Does anyone know what could possibly be causing this problem? Thank you.
Sep ’23
Xcode 15 CoreML Simulator Problem?
Hi everyone, I'm working on an app that uses a CoreML Model to make some predictions. The predicted values are visualized using a chart. It's working just fine when I'm running the app on an actual, physical device. However, it doesn't work in Simulator. To be more precise, it also used to work in Simulator using Xcode 14 + Ventura + iOS 16. After making the switch to Xcode 15 + Sonoma + iOS 17 yesterday the simulator doesn't show any results for my predictions. I also receive the following error messages: Operation not supported on this platform. MLModelAsset: load failed with error Error Code=9 "Operation not supported on this platform." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Operation not supported on this platform.} Do you have any ideas how to fix this? Am I missing something that changed in iOS 17 or is this a bug?
Oct ’23
Navigation/BundleDecoder.swift:16: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
import Foundation struct BundleDecoder { static func decodeLandmarkBundleJson() -> [City] { let landmarkJson = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "landmarks", ofType: "json") let landmark = try! Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: landmarkJson!), options: .alwaysMapped) return try! JSONDecoder().decode([City].self, from: landmark) } }
Sep ’23
Sharing files from Finder to Simulator doesn't work
I'm trying to copy some files from the Finder on macOS 14 to several Simulator instances running iOS 16 and 17. When I right-click the file in the Finder, I can select Share > Simulator, then a share dialog pops up where I select the relevant Simulator and click on Send. According to this official help topic, the Files app should open allowing me to choose the destination, but instead nothing happens and the shared file is nothing to be seen. What's the issue?
Oct ’23
Toolbar and title disappear when interacting with view
Hello! I'm developing a Watch app, that's required to receive images from iPhone occasionally. Since the user will need their hands free, they have to inspect those images on Watch, which is why I added a rudimentary image viewer, allowing users to zoom in on images and pan around. As soon as the user pans or zooms, toolbar and title will disappear. This happens in simulator and on my colleague's Watch (A2376), but not on mine (A2356)! Tested both on watchOS 9.6.2 and 10.0.1. Here's a code excerpt: // View is presented on a sheet TabView(selection: $viewing) { ForEach(images) { reference in reference.img .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .scaleEffect(scale) .offset(offset + draggingOffset) .frame(width: screenSize.width, height: screenSize.height-1) .clipped() .id( .gesture(panGesture, including: .gesture) .gesture(tapZoomGesture) .navigationTitle(viewerTitle) // .toolbar(content: { // ToolbarItem(placement: .cancellationAction) { // viewerToolbar // } // }) .focusable() .digitalCrownRotation(detent: $scale, from: 0.5, through: scaleMax, by: 0.1, sensitivity: .low, isContinuous: false, isHapticFeedbackEnabled: false, onIdle: { offset = stickyEdgeOffset }) } }
Oct ’23
Bring back device views in Responsive Design Mode
In Safari 17.0, the Responsive Design Mode was updated with two major changes. The quick device view icons that were at the top were removed in favor of a simple resizable web view. New integration with Xcode simulator for easily opening a website in a devices native simulator. The new simulator integration is nice. It definitely promotes giving a much better testing of webpages since we get to see the webpage in the native app/environment. I think that this new integration is welcoming. However, removing the device views has been a major step backwards. These views gave us quick access to checking webpage layouts across different devices with the click of a button. As a web developer, I am aware that these views are not a guarantee that the website will be fully functional on the device clicked on. The simulator is better for that. But during the development process, these views were good for quick sanity checks as it was quick and "close enough". Having to launch multiple simulators to test on two different iPhones and two different iPads takes a lot of time. The devices have to boot up each and load the website. This wastes minutes of time vs the fraction of a second it did before, just for a quick check. Another downside of the simulators is that if I am testing a web app that requires a login, I need to log into each app on every simulator. The older responsive design mode just used the exact session that I was logged into Safari with. I submitted this as feedback as well...
Oct ’23
Is there any way to install an Unreal Engine project in Xcode iOS Simulator?
Is there any way to package/install/run our game in an Xcode iPhone/iPad Simulator? I’m working on a Silicon (arm64) Mac, so you would think it’s possible. Using Ventura, UE 5.1.1, and Xcode 14. Trying to drag either ipa or app onto simulator does not work. And not seeing any Simulators in the UE Platforms menu. This is mainly for generating screenshots in various sizes for App Store submission… Thanks!
Oct ’23
How do you put a self-signed certificate on iOS 17 simulator?
I have created certificates to test development locally with HTTPS. You used to be able to drag-&-drop a certificate on the simulator, but this does not appear to work anymore. You can drag one onto the simulator and get the + drop symbol, but attempting to go into "VPN & device management" to trust it under General settings just shows a blank screen that bounces you out immediately. Now what?
Oct ’23
Xcode 15 overheating Mac
MacBook Air m2 with Sonoma 14 and Xcode 15. When running simulator or preview of IOS app, the laptop rapidly heats to an alarming degree. According to activity monitor there is not excessive CPU. This is the IOS 17 version. I saw a suggestion to try 16.4. But in Xcode 15 I cannot see the pathway to change the IOS version. You can create a simulator for it, but Xcode still only sees IOS 17.
Nov ’23
Xcode 15 - iPhone 15 Series Simulator Settings App Crash
Problem Overview I installed Xcode 15, and iOS 17 running without problems on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. When I try to open "Settings", the app opens normally. For example, when I try to enter the "Action Button" setting, the whole Settings app crashes immediately. I can't test it on older iOS 17 supported iPhone series due to they don't have an Action Button. This situation is same as well on the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, and iPhone 15 Pro. Thanks a lot to everyone! MacBook Specifications 2020 MacBook Pro | M1 16GB 512GB | MacOS Sonoma 14.0 | Xcode 15
Oct ’23
How does "xcrun simctl runtime add <path>" command work?
After I downloaded Xcode 15, I use the following approach to download and install iOS 17 simulator: Download iOS 17.0 simulator runtime from Apple website Then run xcrun command to install it: $ xcrun simctl runtime add iOS_17_Simulator_Runtime.dmg (BTW, I can't install iOS simulator from within Xcode directly because downloading the image always failed. I have a fast Internet connection. The issue seems to be intermittent connection failure.) The iOS simulator was installed successfully. However, I find the behavior of xcrun command is very confusing. Below is what I observed. First this is xcrun command output: $ xcrun simctl runtime add iOS_17_Simulator_Runtime.dmg D: EEF873B8-E0E6-4A0E-9A1E-C4C7E6D3BE1A iOS (17.0 - 21A328) (Ready) I suspect the output means it mounted the img somewhere. However, I can't find that disk in Finder. I checked the manually page and found the following: add <path> [-ma] Add a runtime disk image to the secure storage area. The image will be staged, verified, and mounted. When possible the image file will be cloned so no additional disk space will be used. If stdout is a terminal and a copy is required then progress will be reported. I wonder what's that "secure storage area"? Is that the reason why I can't see the disk? What's more confusing is that, shortly after the xcrun command completed, a GUI message box popped up, displaying a messsage "Verifying iOS 17.0.simruntime". This took a while. Then the message box disappeared and nothing more happended. At this time I opened Xcode and verified iOS similator was installed indeed. I monitored disk IO during the entire process. I observed a lot of read ops but few write ops, which is odd. I understand why there were many read ops, but I expected the same amount of write ops also. Is it due to COW, plus the fact that the image is mounted rather than uncompressed? The manual says "The image will be staged, verified, and mounted." I wonder what does "staged" mean in this case? Also, the mannual says the image is mounted. So my first thought was that I shouldn't move or delete the image file I downloaded. Then I noticed the manual also says "When possible the image file will be cloned so no additional disk space will be used." So I think it's OK to delete the image file? I'd like to confirm my understanding first so I haven't tried it yet. Thanks for any explanation.
Oct ’23