Swift Student Challenge

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Posts under Swift Student Challenge tag

42 Posts
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Color not working properly
Hi, I am participating in the swift student challenge, and I need some help. When I make a color by Color(red: , green: , blue: ), I calculate it by getting the rgb of the color that I want and dividing each of the colors by 255. For example, if red was 5, I would divide it by 255 to get 0.01960784313, which I put in the code for the red parameter. However, when I run the code, the color that appears is a bit different than the one I was expecting to see. Can someone please explain this?
Feb ’24
Swift Student Challenge Vision
Hi Developers, I want to create a Vision app on Swift Playgrounds on iPad. However, Vision does not properly function on Swift Playgrounds on iPad or Xcode Playgrounds. The Vision code only works on a normal Xcode Project. SO can I submit my Swift Student Challenge 2024 Application as a normal Xcode Project rather than Xcode Playgrounds or Swift Playgrounds File. Thanks :)
Feb ’24
Does the app will be revised on a iPad or a MacOS?
I am developing my app for the Swift Student Challenge 2024. I have made significant progress on it and have been building it on a M1 Mac, where it works perfectly. However, when testing it on some iPads (specifically, the iPad Pro 2018 and iPad Air 5 M1), it did not perform well on these devices. I am wondering if I can specify whether the app should be reviewed on a Mac (M1 or later) or if it will be reviewed on an iPad.
Jan ’24
App Playground deployment target?
Hi! I'm preparing to apply for the Swift Student Challenge and had a question. In the terms and conditions, it says "Your app playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.4 or later (requires iPadOS 16 or macOS 13.5) or Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later. You may incorporate the use of Apple Pencil." Does this mean that my app must run on iPadOS 16 or macOS 13.5, or can it run on iPadOS 17 or macOS 14 or later as long as it runs on Playgrounds 4.4? In other words, what should I set my Deployment Target to? Thanks for your help in advance 😜
Jan ’24
Save images in SwiftData
Hello everyone, Is there a better solution than my approach out there to convert an image to data and back? @Model class User { var name: String @Attribute(.externalStorage) var image: Data? var createdAt: Date init(name: String, image: Data, createdAt: Date = .now) { self.name = name self.image = image self.createdAt = createdAt } } if let selectedPhotoData = imageData, let uiImage = UIImage(data: selectedPhotoData) { Image(uiImage: uiImage) .resizable() .scaledToFill() .frame(width: 300, height: 300, alignment: .center) .clipShape(Circle()) } .task(id: selectedPhoto) { if let data = try? await selectedPhoto?.loadTransferable(type: Data.self) { imageData = data } }
Jan ’24
Swift Playgrounds version of 'Copy Bundle Resources' build phase
Hi! I'm participating in the Swift Student Developer competition this year, which requires developers to present a Swift Playground to Apple. I'm used to making normal Xcode projects, and am having trouble finding a Swift Playgrounds version of the Copy Bundle Resources build phase (I don't think it is possible to edit build phases in a Swift Playground). I created a '.usdz' file from a 3D model I designed using Reality Converter and added it to the root of my Swift Playground project. I access the file programmatically from the App Bundle like so (fileName is a non-nullable String): guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: "usdz") else { fatalError("Couldn't find the USDZ file.") } At runtime, this throws the Couldn't find the USDZ file error, as the file isn't being copied to the App Bundle. In a normal Xcode project, according to this StackOverflow question, I can get xcodebuild to copy my file over by specifying it in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase, however, in a Swift Playground (required by Apple), I am restricted from modifying Xcode's buildphases (the option is not present when clicking on the default target - the only options are General, Signing & Capabilites and Package Dependencies). How can I ensure that resources are copied over to the App Bundle at buildtime in a Swift Playground? If this is not possible, are there any other options besides using the Bundle.main.path API for accessing the USDZ file (to load a QuickLook preview) at runtime?
Jan ’24
Swift Student Challenge
Hi, I stumbled about the Swift Student Challenge at Apples Website and now I have some questions. I've programmed some Apps in Xcode and I think one of them might be pretty god for this Challenge. Now I've read something about Swift Playgrounds and I'm confused. What's a Swift Playground? Do I need to create one or is it enough to have the App? and finally: I'm currently 14 and live in Germany. Is it possible to participate when I'm 14? And if not would it be a big thing to lets say forget my age and somehow think that I'm 16? Thanks a lot for answers
Jan ’24
Why the icons cannot change immediately?
These are the three views in my to do list project. I want to save data, so users' to do list will still be there after they launch the app. But whenever I click on the icon "check.circle' or "circle", they cannot switch immediately. They will switch after I launch the app again. I don't know how to let icon switched immediately. Thanks in advance!!! // Content View import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @EnvironmentObject var listViewModel: ListViewModel @State var newText: String = "" @State var detents: PresentationDetent = .medium @State var showSheet: Bool = false static var item1 = ItemModel(title: "First", isCompleted: false) var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(listViewModel.items) { item in ListRowView(item: item) .onTapGesture { listViewModel.updateItem(item: item). -> * } } .onDelete(perform: listViewModel.delete) .onMove(perform: listViewModel.moveItem) } .navigationTitle("To Do List") .navigationBarItems( leading: EditButton(), trailing: Button( action: { showSheet.toggle() }, label: { Text("Add") }) .sheet( isPresented: $showSheet, content: { SecondScreen() .presentationDetents([.height(500)]) } )) } } } // List View Model -> * func saveItems() { if let encodedData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(items) { UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedData, forKey: itemsKey) } } // Item Model import Foundation struct ItemModel: Identifiable, Codable { let id: String let title: String var isCompleted: Bool init(id: String = UUID().uuidString, title: String, isCompleted: Bool) { self.id = id self.title = title self.isCompleted = isCompleted } func updateCompletion() -> ItemModel {. -> * return ItemModel(id: id, title: title, isCompleted: !isCompleted) } }
Jan ’24
iOS 17 Features being depreciated
I am currently working on my project for the Swift Student Challenge 2024. I am trying to implement a feature (.defaultScrollAnchor on a ScrollView in this instance). However, when trying to build/run the app in Xcode it says that .defaultScrollAnchor is only compatible with iOS 17. If I try to use .scrollPosition(initialAnchor: ), it also doesn't work (likely because it has been depreciated). I printed the system version as suggested in another post, and it showed the simulator was running iOS 17.2. Why can't the app build/run with this feature if the simulator is running iOS 17.2? MacBook Pro 14" 2021 M1 Pro Xcode Version 15.1 macOS Sonoma 14.0
Jan ’24