User Notifications

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Push user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server or generate them locally from your app using User Notifications.

Posts under User Notifications tag

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Custom Push Notification for Apple Wallet Pass not Showing up on iPhone
I've implemented pass generation successfully and it's updated through Apple's silent notification, which updates the passes to their latest versions. I want to send some marketing push notifications to the Apple Wallet App as shown in my post at stackoverflow. Here is the Silent notification implementation, which is working perfectly fine. const options: apn.ProviderOptions = { token: { key: fs.readFileSync("./certs/APNs_AuthKey_7YYF346FU5.p8"), keyId: "******", teamId: "******", }, pfx: fs.readFileSync("./certs/private_key.pem"), cert: fs.readFileSync("./certs/certificate.pem"), production: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, }; const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(options); async function sendSilentPushNotification( deviceTokens: string[], serialNumber: string ) { try { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = ""; notification.payload = { aps: { "content-available": 1, }, serialNumber, }; notification.priority = 5; return await apnProvider.send(notification, deviceTokens); } catch (error) { logger.error("Apple Notification error: " + error); return error; } } Here is the marketing notification I am trying to send, it is working with success, but I don't see any notification on mobile phone. please help me to fix it. async function sendCustomPushNotification( deviceTokens: string[], serialNumber: string, title: string, body: string, category?: string, badge?: number ) { try { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = ""; // Set the title and body of the notification notification.alert = { title: title, subtitle: "Pass Update", body: body, }; // Set the sound to play when the notification is received notification.sound = "default"; // Set the badge number on the app icon (optional) if (badge !== undefined) { notification.badge = badge; } notification.contentAvailable = true; notification.mutableContent = true; notification.aps.category = category; notification.aps.alert = { title: title, body: body, }; notification.aps.badge = badge; notification.aps["content-available"] = 1; notification.aps["launch-image"] = ""; // You can still include the serialNumber in the custom payload notification.payload = { serialNumber: serialNumber, aps: { "content-available": 1, "mutable-content": 1, "interruption-level": "time-sensitive", }, }; // Set to high priority notification.priority = 10; return await apnProvider.send(notification, deviceTokens); } catch (error) { logger.error("Apple Notification error: " + error); return error; } } I literally receive a success response from api returning the device pushToken with no errors. However, no notification show on my iPhone
Custom Notification Sounds Not Updating Without System Restart on macOS
I'm a macOS app developer, and I'm facing an issue with custom notification sounds in my app. After upgrading the app to include new custom notification sounds, the changes do not reflect until the system is restarted. The sounds do not update immediately after the app upgrade. Is there a way to refresh or reload the custom notification sounds without needing a full system restart? Any guidance or best practices to handle this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Custom Notification Sounds Not Updating Without System Restart on macOS
Hello, I'm a macOS app developer, and I'm facing an issue with custom notification sounds in my app. After upgrading the app to include new custom notification sounds, the changes do not reflect until the system is restarted. The sounds do not update immediately after the app upgrade. Is there a way to refresh or reload the custom notification sounds without needing a full system restart? Any guidance or best practices to handle this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Notification filtering entitlement - no response from apple
For a few years now, I have submitted requests for entitlement, but never got an approval/denial response from apple. even after contacting them via email, still didn't get a response about the request status. our app is an emergency alerts app, this entitlement is crucial for our app reliability. Last request i have sent has Case-ID: 7377207
App Store App Push Notification Delivery Issue
We are experiencing issues with Push Notification delivery for our Lulu Money application (com.lulu.luluone) using Apple ID 1163514668. Upon reviewing the Push Notifications console, we have found that out of the 7.294M Priority Notifications sent in the last 4 weeks, only 1.226M were delivered to the device. The majority of the undelivered notifications, totalling 5.479M, are categorized as "Stored - Device Offline." This issue is negatively impacting our customers, and we need assistance in resolving it to ensure smooth notification delivery.
Local push for wake up an app
Hello, We a company that deals with alarm systems in hospitals and we would need to manage, for one of our apps, that the application, even if in the background, can be reactivated and brought to the foreground showing the type of alarm received. We learned of a Dutch company who, they say, thanks to a special agreement with Apple, managed to achieve this using Local Push. We have already done something similar with Android through Foreground services and we would like to do something similar for iOS too but at the moment we have not succeeded because it seems the OS of mobile devices does not allow it. Apart from the normal documentation on local push I can't find much other information about it. Is there anyone at apple who could help me? Thanks
Set up-to-date badge count when using UNNotificationRequest with trigger
hi, I am trying to schedule a UNNotificationRequest at a certain date using UNCalendarNotificationTrigger, and I also want to update the badge count accordingly. However the badge property in UNNotificationContent can only be set when adding UNNotificationRequest, not when the trigger is fired or notification is actually delivered. How can I set up-to-date badge count if notification is scheduled in the future? For example, if I scheduled notification A to 3 hours later with badge count 1, and in between I got notification B, badge count should be 2 when A is delivered but it will be 1. I am aware of didPresent delegate which can be used when app is in foreground when notification is delivered, but is there any delegate that is called when UNNotificationRequest is delivered and app is backgrounded or we are using NSE? Thanks.
How to archive an app with NotificationServiceExtension?
I was able to successfully archive my main app that has a NotificationServiceExtension. However, once I installed the app via Testflight, I was able to receive a notification, but the push notification modifications I did were not applied. When I just ran it via Xcode, the push notification modifications worked. Do I need to archive the NotificationServiceExtension instead of my main app?
Does Remote Notification (content-available) not work in iOS's Not running and Suspended state??
Hello, I would like to implement the function of unsubscribe FCM topics that I was subscribing to when I received a specific push from the server. It was implemented through "willPresent" when the app was running, but I don't know how to do it when the app is not running. I activated the 'Background fetch' and 'Remote Notifications' options for now. const message = { notification: { title: 'FCM Topic UnSubscribe', body: 'TestTestTest', }, data: { payload: JSON.stringify(payloadJson) }, apns: { payload: { aps: { sound: 'default', 'mutable-content': 1, 'content-available': 1 } } }, topic: 'unsubscribe_topic', }; Test node code Payload contains the type of topic you want to unsubscribe from. And I added a function to receive push from didReceiveRemoteNotification and handle logic. But this doesn't work. Does Remote Notification (content-available) not work in iOS's Not running and Suspended state?? I'm also using the Notification Service Extension, is this related to it?
Anfrage zur Häufigkeit und Programmierbarkeit von In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage zu den Richtlinien für In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen. Nachdem ich die Richtlinien gründlich durchgelesen habe, ist mir klar, dass zu häufige Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen vermieden werden sollten. Ich arbeite für die Hochbahn AG und bin für die hvv switch App zuständig. Unser Ziel ist es, mehr Kundenbewertungen zu erhalten, um unsere App kundenorientierter weiterzuentwickeln. Derzeit verwenden wir ein In-App-Pop-Up, das nach dem zehnten Öffnen der App erscheint, um eine Bewertung abzufragen. Um unsere App kontinuierlich zu verbessern, möchten wir das Pop-up gezielt nach bestimmten App-Ereignissen ausspielen, wie z. B. nach einem "Ticketkauf", einem "Abonnement des Deutschlandtickets" oder nach dem "zehnmaligen Nutzen der Auskunft". Um die Häufigkeit der Pop-Ups zu reduzieren, möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, zu programmieren, dass ein Kunde nicht mehrere Pop-Ups hintereinander erhält. Ein Anwendungsfall wäre: Ein Kunde kauft ein Deutschlandticket und nutzt danach dreimal die Auskunft, was dazu führen würde, dass er zwei Bewertungs-Pop-Ups erhält (im schlechtesten Fall kurz hintereinander). Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass wenn ein Kunde ein Deutschlandticket kauft und ein Pop-Up erhält, er beim anschließenden dreimaligen Nutzen der Auskunft kein weiteres Pop-Up erhält, es sei denn, die Ereignisse liegen mehrere Monate auseinander. Ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen und auch über eine Empfehlung, wie oft man nach einer Bewertung über In-App-Pop-Ups fragen sollte. Außerdem möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, in einer Push-Benachrichtigung einen Link zum App-Store zu integrieren, wenn wir beispielsweise ein neues Feature einführen und am Ende der Nachricht fragen, wie das Feature dem Kunden gefällt, und dann per Link in den App Store leiten. Ich freue mich auf eine Rückmeldung. Bei Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Viele Grüße, Morris
iOS 18 Beta Bugs and Feedback
While using the iOS 18 Beta, I encountered the following bugs and have some feedback: Bugs: Notifications: Notifications sometimes appear very small, making them difficult to read and manage. Additionally, notifications occasionally disappear completely or get placed at the bottom of the screen, where they are hard to notice. This causes issues in keeping track of important information. Feedback Passwords: It is not possible to view the personal hotspot password and QR code in the passwords application. This is particularly problematic when someone wants to share their hotspot with others, as the password must be entered manually. Please investigate these issues so they do not persist in the final release.
Seeking guidance on intercepting system-wide notifications in macOS app
I'm developing a macOS application called Blurt, which aims to provide enhanced notification management in MacOS. The core functionality I'm trying to implement is the ability to intercept and display notifications from various applications in a custom interface. Current implementation: Using AppDelegate to handle application lifecycle Implemented UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate for handling notifications Created a custom NotificationService extension Challenges: Unable to intercept notifications from other applications System notifications are not being captured by our app What I've tried: Using DistributedNotificationCenter to observe system-wide notifications Implementing a Notification Service Extension Exploring NSWorkspace notifications Current roadblocks: Apple's sandboxing and security model seems to prevent direct access to other apps' notifications Unable to find a sanctioned API for system-wide notification interception Questions: Is there a recommended approach to creating a centralized notification management system within Apple's guidelines? Are there any specific system notifications or events we can legally subscribe to that might help achieve similar functionality? How do other notification management apps (if any exist) handle this limitation? Are there any upcoming APIs or features in macOS that might address this use case? I'm open to alternative approaches or pivoting the app's functionality if necessary. Any insights, suggestions, or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
iOS Push to Talk Framework Not Working in Archive Build (Flutter)
I have developed an app using Flutter that utilizes the Push to Talk framework on iOS. The Push to Talk feature works perfectly in debug mode, but after archiving the build and installing it on an iOS 17 device, the Push to Talk functionality stops working. Here are the steps I have already taken: Enabled background modes. Enabled Push to Talk capabilities. Despite these settings, the issue persists in the archive build. Has anyone else encountered this issue? What additional steps or configurations are required to get Push to Talk working in the archive build on iOS 17? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Push Notification User to User
Hello everyone, I'm getting desperate... I have built a small chat app and just can't get the other person to receive a push notification outside the app. Does anyone have a code snippet or an idea how I can solve this? I'm getting desperate! I have already tried a lot, the best would be a local solution where the message is triggered when the user receives a new message. I would be happy to receive code snippets or tips. Sending via OneSignal works, but as I said, I just can't get the user to user messages to work!
Jun ’24
Using Genmoji with local notifications
As per subject. Is this possible at all? The WWDC video only talks about the communication / push notifications. There doesn't seem to be any update to UNNotificationContent to allow setting of attributed strings. If your app makes use of communication notifications you can even include Genmoji and other image glyphs in your notifications with the new "UNNotificationAttributed MessageContext API". For push notifications, the payload just needs to contain a rich text representation that may contain image glyphs. We recommend that you use a Notification Service Extension to parse the rich text, download assets, create the attributed body and update the notification content
Jun ’24