Integrate video and other forms of moving visual media into your apps.

Posts under Video tag

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"outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" state of this flag always remains true even though output is not obscured.
We have a logic in the SDK which stops playback when the outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection event is fired by the player. Our initial understanding was that this event is fired only when the DRM blocks the video playback. However, in the present case we see that it is called even when playback is successful(playback with external screen connected). To determine whether playback still functions when the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event is triggered, we temporarily disabled the playback stop implementation that occurs after the event is triggered. code snippet - Observations - After this event was triggered during mirroring playback using a Lightning to HDMI connector, our expectation was that the playback would result in a black screen. However, to our surprise, the playback worked perfectly, indicating that this event is being triggered even when there are no DRM restrictions for that asset's playback. Another scenario we tested involved using a VGA connector. In this case, we observed that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event was triggered. Initially, playback started as expected when we commented out the playback stop implementation. However, after a few seconds of playback, the screen went black. In the first scenario, it was unexpected for the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event to trigger, as the playback worked without issues even after the event was triggered. However, in the second scenario, the event was triggered as expected. The issue we identified is that this event is being triggered irrespective of the presence of DRM restrictions for the asset. In another scenario, we attempted to differentiate between the VGA and HDMI connectors to determine if such distinction was possible. However, we found that the VGA cable was also recognized as an HDMI port in the case of iOS. We also tested the issue on an older iOS version (iOS 14.6.1) to see if the problem persisted. Surprisingly, we found that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event was triggered even in the older OS version. Conclusion: In our analysis, we have identified that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' flag always remains true even though output is not obsecured. working case log: default 13:23:19.096682+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281284930> change kind = { kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } non working case log: default 13:45:21.356857+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281c071e0> change kind = {kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } We searched through related documents and conducted a Google search, but we couldn't find any information or references related to this behavior of the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event. It would be really appreciated if any one can help us with this!
Oct ’23
"outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" state of this flag always remains one (not zero) even when the playback is successful
Our initial understanding was that this event is fired only when the DRM blocks the video playback. However, in the present case we see that it is called even when playback is successful(playback with external screen connected). To assess whether playback remains functional when the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event is triggered, we conducted two specific scenario tests: 1) playing an asset without any DRM restrictions, and 2) playing an asset with DRM restrictions. Result: In our analysis, we have identified that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' flag always remains set to one, even when playback is successful. However, it is expected to be set to zero when the playback is successful. working case log when playback is successful: default 13:23:19.096682+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281284930> change kind = { kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } non working case log when playback came as black screen: default 13:45:21.356857+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281c071e0> change kind = {kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } We searched through related documents and conducted a Google search, but we couldn't find any information or references related to this behavior of the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event. It would be really appreciated if any one can help us with this!
Oct ’23
PHPicker: Cannot load representation of type
We're experiencing an issue on an iPhone 15 (iOS 17.1) where some video files can't be loaded from the results of a PHPickerViewController. results[index].itemProvider.loadFileRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: Gives error: Cannot load representation of type Video info (taken from Mac Finder): H.264 MPEG-4 AAC HD (1-1-1) 480x848px Filetype .MP4 Origin: Recorded on iPhone 14, sent over WhatsApp, & auto saved from WhatsApp to an iPhone 15 The iPhone 15 has iCloud enabled and the videos failing are frequently viewed and used in testing, so are likely to be downloaded/cached locally. I've tried changing the PHPickerConfiguration preferredAssetRepresentationMode to .current with no difference in the error. I've also tried using the openInPlace alternative but it complains that it's not supported in the debug output.
May ’24
ProRes4444 with alpha not work using AVPlayer
I have a ProRes 4444 format video with an alpha channel. The circle in the middle of the video is completely opaque, while the rest is fully transparent. Everything looks normal in iMovie, as I can see the background through the surrounding parts. However, when I play it using AVPlayer, the parts that are supposed to be fully transparent appear somewhat opaque, as shown in the image below: I used the official project provided by Apple named 'using_hevc_video_with_alpha', but I only replaced the HEVC with alpha format file with a ProRes 4444 format video file. Below is the main code. import Cocoa import SpriteKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet var skView: SKView! var videoPlayer: AVPlayer! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() if let view = self.skView { // Load the SKScene from 'backgroundScene.sks' guard let scene = SKScene(fileNamed: "backgroundScene") else { print ("Could not create a background scene") return } // Set the scale mode to scale to fit the window scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill // Present the scene view.presentScene(scene) // Add the video node guard let alphaMovieURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "xuewang", withExtension: "mov") else { print("Failed to overlay alpha movie on the background") return } videoPlayer = AVPlayer(url: alphaMovieURL) let video = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer) video.size = CGSize(width: view.frame.width, height: view.frame.height) print( "Video size is %f x %f", video.size.width, video.size.height) scene.addChild(video) // Play video } } }
Nov ’23
Unable to manually parse the HEVC video with alpha format
I wish to parse the bitstream of HEVC video with alpha (specific video format reference WWDC2019: Taking the '' file from 'Using HEVC Video with Alpha' as an example, I would first extract the HEVC bitstream, then parse its fields. When it comes to the VPS field, as I reach the vps_extension, I find that the bitstream in '' does not conform to the HEVC standard document, preventing further parsing. Besides the 'HEVC Video with Alpha Interoperability Profile.pdf', are there any more detailed documents describing the HEVC video with alpha format? Also, is there anyone who can encode or decode HEVC with alpha videos on systems other than macOS?
Nov ’23
Action Mode video mode in Swift
I am using the AVCapture API and have tried all stabilization settings and video settings that I am aware of however I am unable to get the same quality of frames that Action Mode gets in the native iOS app during motion video. How can I access the same API or settings that Action Mode uses within my app?
Nov ’23
Live video streaming issue: Blank screen on iOS 17 with AVMutablePlayer/AVPlayer
I'm encountering an issue with live video streaming on iOS 17 using AVMutablePlayer. I'm utilizing a wss URL to stream videos by capturing data in chunks (e.g., 5 seconds) and playing it. Upon completion of the 5-second segment, I load another 5 seconds using self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: nextPlayerItem). Despite listening to events via self.player.currentItem?.observe, the functionality appears to be working well on iOS 16 but consistently displays a blank video on iOS 17. private func playNext() { let nextSet = self.dataCollector.getNextItem(length: self.configuration.frameDelay) if nextSet.count == self.configuration.frameDelay { var playerTime:Int = self.player.currentItem != nil ? Int(CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentTime())) : 0 var allData = Data() allData.appendAll(dataSet: dataCollector.getFileType()) nextSet.forEach { (data) in playerTime += 1 allData.append(data.getFragmentData()) self.currentFragmentTimes.updateValue(data.getFragmentTime(), forKey: playerTime) } if(allData.count > 0) { self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: AVPlayerItem(asset: AVMutableMovie(data:allData, options: nil))) self.playerInitializedTime = nil } } }
Nov ’23
Performance issues with `AVAssetWriter`
Hey all! I'm trying to build a Camera app that records Video and Audio buffers (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureAudioDataOutput) to an mp4/mov file using AVAssetWriter. When creating the Recording Session, I noticed that it blocks for around 5-7 seconds before starting the recording, so I dug deeper to find out why. This is how I create my AVAssetWriter: let assetWriter = try AVAssetWriter(outputURL: tempURL, fileType: .mov) let videoWriter = self.createVideoWriter(...) assetWriter.add(videoWriter) let audioWriter = self.createAudioWriter(...) assetWriter.add(audioWriter) assetWriter.startWriting() There's two slow parts here in that code: The createAudioWriter(...) function takes ages! This is how I create the audio AVAssetWriterInput: // audioOutput is my AVCaptureAudioDataOutput, audioInput is the microphone let settings = audioOutput.recommendedAudioSettingsForAssetWriter(writingTo: .mov) let format = audioInput.device.activeFormat.formatDescription let audioWriter = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .audio, outputSettings: settings, sourceFormatHint: format) audioWriter.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true The above code takes up to 3000ms on an iPhone 11 Pro! When I remove the recommended settings and just pass nil as outputSettings: audioWriter = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .audio, outputSettings: nil) audioWriter.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true ...It initializes almost instantly - something like 30 to 50ms. Starting the AVAssetWriter takes ages! Calling this method: assetWriter.startWriting() ...takes takes 3000 to 5000ms on my iPhone 11 Pro! Does anyone have any ideas why this is so slow? Am I doing something wrong? It feels like passing nil as the outputSettings is not a good idea, and recommendedAudioSettingsForAssetWriter should be the way to go, but 3 seconds initialization time is not acceptable. Here's the full code: RecordingSession.swift from react-native-vision-camera. This gets called from here. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!
Nov ’23
AVPlayerViewController doesn't stop playing after closing its Window
Hello! I'm trying to display AVPlayerViewController in a separate WindowGroup - my main window opens a new window where the only element is a struct that implements UIViewControllerRepresentable for AVPlayerViewController: @MainActor public struct AVPlayerView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { public let assetName: String public init(assetName: String) { self.assetName = assetName } public func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> AVPlayerViewController { let controller = AVPlayerViewController() controller.player = AVPlayer() return controller } public func updateUIViewController(_ controller: AVPlayerViewController, context: Context) { Task { if context.coordinator.assetName != assetName { let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: assetName, withExtension: ".mp4") guard let url else { return } controller.player?.replaceCurrentItem(with: AVPlayerItem(url: url)) controller.player?.play() context.coordinator.assetName = assetName } } } public static func dismantleUIViewController(_ controller: AVPlayerViewController, coordinator: Coordinator) { controller.player?.pause() controller.player = nil } public func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { return Coordinator() } public class Coordinator: NSObject { public var assetName: String? } } WindowGroup(id: Window.videoPlayer.rawValue) { AVPlayerView(assetName: "wwdc") .onDisappear { print("DISAPPEAR") } } This displays the video player in non-inline mode and plays the video. The problem appears when I try to close the video player's window using the close button. Sound from the video continues playing in the background. I've tried to clean the state myself by using dismantleUIViewController and onDisapear methods, but they are not called by the system (it works correctly if a window doesn't contain AVPlayerView). This appear on Xcode 15.1 Beta 3 (I haven't tested it on other versions). Is there something I do incorrectly that is causing this issue, or is it a bug and I need to wait until its fixed?
Nov ’23
Calling `assetWriter.startWriting()` blocks all Threads for 3 seconds in debug (LLDB hang?)
’m using the AVFoundation Swift APIs to record a Video (CMSampleBuffers) and Audio (CMSampleBuffers) to a file using AVAssetWriter. Initializing the AVAssetWriter happens quite quickly, but calling assetWriter.startWriting() fully blocks the entire application AND ALL THREADS for 3 seconds. This only happens in Debug builds, not in Release. Since it blocks all Threads and only happens in Debug, I’m lead to believe that this is an Xcode/Debugger/LLDB hang issue that I’m seeing. Does anyone experience something similar? Here’s how I set all of that up: startRecording(...) And here’s the line that makes it hang for 3+ seconds: assetWriter.startWriting(...)
Jan ’24
[ASC] Preview Videos never get processed after upload
When I upload a preview video to ASC (which conforms to preview specifications), the uploaded video it uploaded correctly in the first place. During upload to ASC it shows a blurred image of the first video frame. So far so good. But, once upload is finished the video turns into a "cloud" image and says it is currently processed. The problem is that it gets stuck in the status „currently processed“ forever. I waited a few days but processing did never end. To make it worse the landscape "cloud" image turns into a portrait when I come back to the ASC media center. The problem : is reproducible occurs on different video files occurs on different appIDs occurs on all iPhone resolutions This is a serious bug. I can’t finalise my app submission. Any ideas ?
Nov ’23
iOS: Recording from two AVCaptureSessions is out of sync
Hey all! I'm trying to record Video from one AVCaptureSession, and Audio from another AVCaptureSession. The reason I'm using two separate capture sessions is because I want to disable and enable the Audio one on the fly without interrupting the Video session. I believe Snapchat and Instagram also use this approach, as background music keeps playing when you open the Camera, and only slightly stutters (caused by the AVAudioSession.setCategory(..) call) once you start recording. However I couldn't manage to synchronize the two AVCaptureSessions, and whenever I try to record CMSampleBuffers into an AVAssetWriter, the video and audio frames are out of sync. Here's a quick YouTube video showcasing the offset: I notice two bugs: The video and audio tracks are out of sync - video frames start almost a second before the first audio sample starts to be played back, and towards the end the delay is also noticeable because the video stops / freezes while the audio continues to play. The video contains frames from BEFORE I even pressed startRecording(), as if my iPhone had a time machine! I am not sure how the second one can even happen, so at this point I'm asking for help if anyone has any experience with that. Roughly my code: let videoCaptureSession = AVCaptureSession() let audioCaptureSession = AVCaptureSession() func setup() { // ...adding videoCaptureSession outputs (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput) // ...adding audioCaptureSession outputs (AVCaptureAudioDataOutput) videoCaptureSession.startRunning() } func startRecording() { self.assetWriter = AVAssetWriter(outputURL: tempURL, fileType: .mov) self.videoWriter = AVAssetWriterInput(...) assetWriter.add(videoWriter) self.audioWriter = AVAssetWriterInput(...) assetWriter.add(audioWriter) AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord, options: [.mixWithOthers, .defaultToSpeaker]) audioCaptureSession.startRunning() // <-- lazy start that } func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from _: AVCaptureConnection) { // Record Video Frame/Audio Sample to File in custom `RecordingSession` (AVAssetWriter) if isRecording { switch captureOutput { case is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput: self.videoWriter.append(sampleBuffer) case is AVCaptureAudioDataOutput: // TODO: Do I need to update the PresentationTimestamp here to synchronize it to the other capture session? or not? self.audioWriter.append(sampleBuffer) default: break } } } Full code here: Video Capture Session Configuration Audio Capture Session Configuration Later on, startRecording() call RecordingSession, my AVAssetWriter abstraction Audio Session activation And finally, writing the CMSampleBuffers
Nov ’23
Rotate a CMSampleBuffer in swift5
I have a use case to rotate a CMSampleBuffer from landscape to portrait. I have written a rough code for it. But still am facing many issues with appending of the sampleBuffer to input frame. Here's the code: `guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return nil } // Get the dimensions of the image buffer let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer) let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer) // Determine if the image needs to be rotated let shouldRotate = width > height // Create a CIImage from the buffer var image = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: imageBuffer) // Rotate the CIImage if necessary if shouldRotate { image = image.oriented(forExifOrientation: 6) // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise } let originalPixelFormatType = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(imageBuffer) // Create a new pixel buffer var newPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? let status = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, height, width, originalPixelFormatType, nil, &newPixelBuffer) guard status == kCVReturnSuccess, let pixelBuffer = newPixelBuffer else { return nil } CVBufferPropagateAttachments(imageBuffer, newPixelBuffer!) // Render the rotated image onto the new pixel buffer let context = CIContext() context.render(image, to: pixelBuffer) CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer,CVPixelBufferLockFlags(rawValue: 0)) var videoInfo: CMVideoFormatDescription? CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, imageBuffer: newPixelBuffer!, formatDescriptionOut: &videoInfo) var sampleTimingInfo = CMSampleTimingInfo(duration: CMSampleBufferGetDuration(sampleBuffer), presentationTimeStamp: CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer), decodeTimeStamp: CMSampleBufferGetDecodeTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)) var newSampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer? CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, imageBuffer: newPixelBuffer!, dataReady: true, makeDataReadyCallback: nil, refcon: nil, formatDescription: videoInfo!, sampleTiming: &sampleTimingInfo, sampleBufferOut: &newSampleBuffer) let attachments: CFArray! = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true) let dictionary = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0), to: CFMutableDictionary.self) if let attachmentsArray = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true) as? [CFDictionary] { for attachment in attachmentsArray { for (key, value) in attachment as! Dictionary<CFString, Any> { if let value = value as? CFTypeRef { CMSetAttachment(newSampleBuffer!, key: key, value: value, attachmentMode: kCMAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate) } } } } return newSampleBuffer! The error that I am getting while appending the frame is: Error occured, isVideo = false, status = 3, Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12780), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x282b87390 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12780 "(null)"}} I read online that this error might be due to different PixelFormatType. But how can that be because I am obtaining the PixelFormatType from the buffer itself. If you want to see the difference between original and rotated sample buffer. Thanks in advance!
Nov ’23
Synchronize `AVCaptureVideoDataOutput` and `AVCaptureAudioDataOutput` for `AVAssetWriter`
I'm building a Camera app, where I have two AVCaptureSessions, one for video and one for audio. (See this for an explanation why I don't just have one). I receive my CMSampleBuffers in the AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureAudioDataOutput delegates. Now, when I enable the video stabilization mode "cinematicExtended", the AVCaptureVideoDataOutput has a 1-2 seconds delay, meaning I will receive my audio CMSampleBuffers 1-2 seconds earlier than I will receive my video CMSampleBuffers! This is the code: func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from _: AVCaptureConnection) { let type = captureOutput is AVCaptureVideoDataOutput ? "Video" : "Audio" let timestamp = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer) print("Incoming \(type) buffer at \(timestamp.seconds) seconds...") } Without video stabilization, this logs: Incoming Audio frame at 107862.52558333334 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107862.535921166 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.54691666667 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107862.569257333 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.56825 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107862.585925333 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.58958333333 seconds... With video stabilization, this logs: Incoming Audio frame at 107862.52558333334 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107861.535921166 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.54691666667 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107861.569257333 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.56825 seconds... Incoming Video frame at 107861.585925333 seconds... Incoming Audio frame at 107862.58958333333 seconds... As you can see, the video frames arrive almost a full second later than when they are intended to be presented! There are a few guides on how to use AVAssetWriter online, but all recommend to start the AVAssetWriter session once the first video frame arrives - in my case I cannot do that, since the first 1 second of video frames is from before the user even started the recording. I also can't really wait 1 second here, as then I would lose 1 second of audio samples, since those are realtime and not delayed. I also can't really start the session on the first audio frame and drop all video frames until that point, since then the resulting video would start with one blank frame, as the video frame is never exactly on that first audio frame timestamp. Any advices on how I can synchronize that? Here is my code: RecordingSession.swift
Dec ’23
Adding VTT subtitles to a streaming video from an URL
Hi, I've started learning swiftUI a few months ago, and now I'm trying to build my first app :) I am trying to display VTT subtitles from an external URL into a streaming video using AVPlayer and AVMutableComposition. I have been trying for a few days, checking online and on Apple's documentation, but I can't manage to make it work. So far, I managed to display the subtitles, but there is no video or audio playing... Could someone help? Thanks in advance, I hope the code is not too confusing. // EpisodeDetailView.swift // OroroPlayer_v1 // // Created by Juan Valenzuela on 2023-11-25. // import AVKit import SwiftUI struct EpisodeDetailView4: View { @State private var episodeDetailVM = EpisodeDetailViewModel() let episodeID: Int @State private var player = AVPlayer() @State private var subs = AVPlayer() var body: some View { VideoPlayer(player: player) .ignoresSafeArea() .task { do { try await episodeDetailVM.fetchEpisode(id: episodeID) let episode = episodeDetailVM.episodeDetail guard let videoURLString = episode.url else { print("Invalid videoURL or missing data") return } guard let subtitleURLString = episode.subtitles?[0].url else { print("Invalid subtitleURLs or missing data") return } let videoURL = URL(string: videoURLString)! let subtitleURL = URL(string: subtitleURLString)! let videoAsset = AVURLAsset(url: videoURL) let subtitleAsset = AVURLAsset(url: subtitleURL) let movieWithSubs = AVMutableComposition() let videoTrack = movieWithSubs.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .video, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid) let audioTrack = movieWithSubs.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .audio, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid) let subtitleTrack = movieWithSubs.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .text, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid) // if let videoTrackItem = try await videoAsset.loadTracks(withMediaType: .video).first { try await videoTrack?.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: videoAsset.load(.duration)), of: videoTrackItem, at: .zero) } if let audioTrackItem = try await videoAsset.loadTracks(withMediaType: .audio).first { try await audioTrack?.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: videoAsset.load(.duration)), of: audioTrackItem, at: .zero) } if let subtitleTrackItem = try await subtitleAsset.loadTracks(withMediaType: .text).first { try await subtitleTrack?.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(start: .zero, duration: videoAsset.load(.duration)), of: subtitleTrackItem, at: .zero) } let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: movieWithSubs) player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem) let playerController = AVPlayerViewController() playerController.player = player playerController.player?.play() // } catch { print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } #Preview { EpisodeDetailView4(episodeID: 39288) }
Nov ’23
Webrtc fullscreen resize issue on iOS17
Since upgrade to iOS17 WebRTC playback have problems on going fullscreen - video element is rapidly changing its dimensions while taking full screen size and animation seems very glitchy. I'm observing this issue on every webrtc players available, so I think the problem is in the mobile safari. Is there any way to prevent resizing of video on fullscreen?
Dec ’23
Playing a specific rectangular ROI of a video?
Is there a way to play a specific rectangular region of interest of a video in an arbitrarily-sized view? Let's say I have a 1080p video but I'm only interested in a sub-region of the full frame. Is there a way to specify a source rect to be displayed in an arbitrary view (SwiftUI view, ideally), and have it play that in real time, without having to pre-render the cropped region? Update: I may have found a solution here: img DOT ly/blog/trim-and-crop-video-in-swift/ (Apple won't allow that URL for some dumb reason)
Dec ’23
IDR keyframes now required by Safari (as of iOS 16.3.1?)
Can we confirm that as of iOS 16.3.1, key frames for MPEGTS via HLS are mandatory now? I've been trying to figure out why shows "Playback Error" across Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.. I ran the diagnostics against one of the m3u8 files that is generated via Developer Tools (e.g. mediastreamvalidator "" and then hlsreport validation_data.json) and see this particular error: Video segments MUST start with an IDR frame Variant #1, IDR missing on 3 of 3 Does Safari and iOS devices explicitly block playback when it doesn't find one? From what I understand AngelCam simply acts as a passthrough for the video/audio packets and does no transcoding but converts the RTSP packets into HLS for web browsers But IP cameras are constantly streaming their data and a user connecting to the site may be receiving the video between key frames, so it would likely violate this expectation. From my investigation it also seems like this problem also started happening in iOS 16.3? I'm seeing similar reports for other IP cameras here: For what it's worth, when I re-encoded the MPEG ts files (e.g. ffmpeg-i /tmp/streaming-master-m4-na3.bad/segment-375.ts -c:v h264 /tmp/segment-375.ts) it strips the non key frames in the beginning and then playback works properly if I host the same images on a static site and have the iOS device connect to it. It seems like Chrome, Firefox, VLC, and ffmpeg are much more forgiving on missing key frames. I'm wondering what the reason for enforcing this requirement? And can I confirm it's been a recent change?
Dec ’23
Who can I contact that can remove the gray frame from around the full screen video player on my iOS mobile application?
Who can I contact that can remove the gray frame from around the full screen video player on my iOS mobile application? This is an Apple iOS feature that I have no control over. The screenshot attached below shows the full screen view of a video when the iOS mobile phone is held sideways. The issue is the big gray frame that is around the video, is taking up too much space from the video and it needs to be removed so the video can be fully screened.
Jan ’24