Offer rewards cards boarding passes tickets gift cards and more using Wallet.

Posts under Wallet tag

126 Posts
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Skill-based tournaments gaming app using virtual currency to redeem only for gift cards and real prizes
I am developing a mobile gaming app where players can either collect the app's virtual currency through winning tournaments or by purchasing virtual currency, which will be used to purchase real prizes and gift cards/vouchers. The application will be cross-platform where players can access their account on other platforms outside of the mobile app. My question is whether the purchase of the virtual currency would be treated as an IAP or not since there is a physical value of the virtual currency outside of the app because it can be used to purchase gift cards and other real prizes? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated it. Thanks!
Mar ’24
Unique ID for Apple Passes?
I'm trying to implement a unique Id for each pass that someone adds to their wallet. Something like a unique membership Id or even something as simple as displaying a unique username. What is the process of setting this up? I already have everything set up to generate the pass and update the values of the pass fields, but how can I make this specific to a single pass? I feel like I have everything I need to support this but not sure of the workflow I should use. I found this endpoint: but unsure what the personalizationToken is or how I'd provide this. Is this the same as the "pushToken"? It also references this: which seems to require previously entered user information.
Mar ’24
PKAddPassButton Localization on device language change
Lets say I got two preferred device languages( english first,italian second). I got a PKAddPassButton, which label gets the english localization on first install, but if I change the device language to Italian and relaunch the application, the buttons label has the english translation despite changing the first preffered device language to italian. I need to re install the application to get the italian string on the button. Is there anything I may be doing wrong?
Feb ’24
Pass registration disabled?
I had a new apple pass integration working and now I cannot even get it to attempt to register. I'm trying to dig through the console log, but the amount of messages is crazy and I cannot seem to find anything specific to my failing pass. I did accidentally hit apple with about 200 push notifications requesting to update a pass on the same device, so I suppose it's possible something got blocked or disabled, but I can find no sign of that either. Any idea on what might have gone wrong or how I can better diagnose the problem. I've spend hours rereading doc and search the web, but now I'm tossing my hands up and asking for help
Feb ’24
I want to add ApplePay(add visa card to Apple wallet) functionality in my program
several steps I have done: 1、send Apple Pay Entitlement & Whitelisting Request email and approved by Apple 2、setting Addiction Capability,config wallet ,import Profile Provisioning 3、setting,enable 4、successfully show “add Card to ApplePay” Page 5、error occurs in (void)addPaymentPassViewController:(PKAddPaymentPassViewController *)controller generateRequestWithCertificateChain:(NSArray<NSData *> *)certificates nonce:(NSData *)nonce nonceSignature:(NSData *)nonceSignature completionHandler:(void (^)(PKAddPaymentPassRequest *request))handler{ ..... handler(request); } download from testflight to test I got a error ’Error Domain=PKPassKitErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"’, it seems always happened whatever i do. It is there any steps I miss?What I can do to solve the issue.
Feb ’24
How to use and test Wallet Transaction Shortcut in iOS Simulator?
The Shortcuts app offers the possibility to trigger shortcuts/intends when a wallet credit card is used and a new transaction is created. I would like to add transaction details to one of my apps and use such a shortcut for it. Other apps do the exact same thing, so this should not be a problem. Adding a shortcut to my app was not a big deal. However, how can this be tested on simulator? When trying to add a new automatization in the Shortcuts app using a wallet transaction as trigger I cannot finish the setup dialog since the Next button is disabled. I assume this is because no card is configured. When trying to add a card in Wallet I just receive that this was not successful. I have connected the simulator to a Sandbox Apple ID account using a region which supports Apple Pay (US). Using a real account does not solve the problem. Any idea how to get this working? Using real transaction within a store could obviously not be the solution for debugging.
Feb ’24 entitlement
I'm trying to run the Checking IDs with the Verifier API Sample Code. The display request app works fine but when i try to run the data request app i get this error for provisioning profile : Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include the entitlement. and I'm not able to fins how to add this entitlement to the app. I tried to add it from capabilities but it's not available there, only the tap to present ID on iPhone (Display Only) is available. Is this entitlement restricted to a specific country or I need to request access to it from somewhere? or Is there anyway to add it to run the app?
Feb ’24
Can we test the Apple HCE feature in a region and test environment outside the EEA region?
Hi, We have a financial application in Turkiye, with this news we want to use HCE apple in our application. According to article that published by Apple, it is not posibble. Because we are not in EEA region. I have some quick questions: Can we simulete HCE feature in our application, for example does changing region work? Or should the POS device also be in the EEA region? Is it planned to use the HCE feature in Turkiye in the future?
Feb ’24
Watch connectivity inside Apple Wallet Issuer Extension
I am developing issuer non-UI extension. In function status i have to return remotePassEntriesAvailable (boolean) and to do that i have to activate WCSession from that Extension to get the remoteSecureElementPasses which are already added to the remote wallet (watch). I have implemented WCSessionDelegate inside the non-UI extension but i can not enable the WCSession. I always get: Error: WCSession has not been activated I saw a comment in this post -> WCSession is not available from iOS extensions, only from the main iOS app. To the point... If the WCSession is not available from iOS extensions how can I properly set remoteSecureElementPasses and implement function remotePassEntries if i can't connect to the watch to see which cards are already enrolled?
Feb ’24
Register a Pass for Update Notifications
Hello everyone, I developed an application to create passes. I add a webservice URL to manage updates, password deletions, ... When I add a pkpass in ios(17.2) simulator, the POST endpoint of my webserviceURL is never reached on my local server, but the GET and DELETE endpoints are reached. Does anyone encounter this kind of problem and how can I get the POST endpoint working in the simulator? Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me =)
Feb ’24
Strange app crash from PKPassLibrary passesOfType
I'm experiencing a strange app crash that I'm having a tough time debugging. It seems to happen when calling PKPassLibrary.passes(of:), but I'm unable to reproduce it. We're using a third party crash reporter, which I know can corrupt crash reports - does that seem to be the case here? The whole report is available here: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib +0x1174 _mach_msg2_trap 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib +0xf0c _mach_msg2_internal 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib +0xe24 _mach_msg_overwrite 3 libsystem_kernel.dylib +0xc64 _mach_msg 4 libdispatch.dylib +0x1eefc __dispatch_mach_send_and_wait_for_reply 5 libdispatch.dylib +0x1f29c _dispatch_mach_send_with_result_and_wait_for_reply 6 libxpc.dylib +0x106d0 _xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync 7 Foundation +0x37bcc ___NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_WAITING_FOR_A_SYNCHRONOUS_REPLY__ 8 Foundation +0x202e4 -[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:] 9 CoreFoundation +0x31b58 ____forwarding___ 10 CoreFoundation +0x17294c ___forwarding_prep_0___ 11 PassKitCore +0x1c5e94 -[PKPassLibrary _copyPassesOfType:withRetries:] 12 PassKitCore +0x1b0650 -[PKPassLibrary passesOfType:] 13 Mercury +0x3758c _mh_execute_header 14 Mercury +0x604bcc main 15 Mercury +0x9e0d34 main 16 Mercury +0x9e0f88 main 17 Mercury +0xa320ec main 18 Mercury +0x9ea514 main 19 Mercury +0x9eaa58 main 20 Mercury +0x9eaa08 main 21 Mercury +0x9f1650 main 22 Mercury +0x9f16f0 main 23 libdispatch.dylib +0x42fc __dispatch_client_callout 24 libdispatch.dylib +0x77b4 __dispatch_continuation_pop 25 libdispatch.dylib +0x1b5bc __dispatch_source_latch_and_call 26 libdispatch.dylib +0x1a18c __dispatch_source_invoke 27 libdispatch.dylib +0x128a4 __dispatch_main_queue_drain 28 libdispatch.dylib +0x125ac __dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF 29 CoreFoundation +0x36f98 ___CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ 30 CoreFoundation +0x33ca4 ___CFRunLoopRun 31 CoreFoundation +0x333f4 _CFRunLoopRunSpecific 32 GraphicsServices +0x34f4 _GSEventRunModal 33 UIKitCore +0x22c89c -[UIApplication _run] 34 UIKitCore +0x22bed8 _UIApplicationMain 35 UIKitCore +0x456594 0x18a42d594 (0x18a42d530 + 100) 36 Mercury +0x1bdff4 main 37 dyld +0x5dc8 start
Feb ’24
About how to operate CarKeyRemoteControlSession() and vehicleReports() API
I am developing a carkey application. I have applied to MFi and have obtained a entitlement. By setting session in Entitlement.plist, the program I created can call CarKeyRemoteControl.start and obtain the session. However, even if VehicleReport() is called, information cannot be obtained and the return value is always empty. In the iPhone standard Wallet, a button is displayed below CarKey, and you can lock and unlock it. My question is, is set in Entitlement.plist, but do I need to set anything else, such as manufacturerIdentifier? . Also, if I need it, what format should I use? for example, What should I do if I want to specify "TEST" for manufacturerIdentifier?
Jan ’24
Need Assistance: Unintended 'webServiceURL' Callback Triggered for All Apple Passes
I have successfully created an Apple Pass wallet with a 'webServiceURL' using PHP. The pass is added to the Apple Wallet successfully. However, when I sent a push notification to update a specific pass using its serial number, it worked as expected initially. However, in the last few days, Apple has been triggering the 'webServiceURL' callback for all passes, when we trigger a push for one pass/deviceID. I'm unsure how to prevent this callback from Apple. Please provide assistance on resolving this issue.
Jan ’24
Employee Badge in Mobile apps
Hi Team, We currently exploring the implementation of an employee badge access feature within our iOS app, and we would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance on the following aspects: We are interested in understanding the recommended approach to implementing an employee badge access feature in our iOS app. Are there specific APIs, frameworks, or best practices that Apple suggests for such functionality? Could you please point us to any relevant documentation, sample code, or community discussions that delve into the implementation of employee badge access features in iOS apps? Employee Badge
Jan ’24