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Apple Privacy Manifest - Instruments Debug Tracking Domain
Hi, I've implemented the Privacy Manifest in my app and specified my tracking domain as required, setting NSPrivacyTracking to true and listing my domain under NSPrivacyTrackingDomains However, on iOS17 when I decline the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) request, the specified tracking domain isn't blocked by iOS, contrary to my expectations. Shouldn't Apple's framework automatically block the domain and indicate this action in Instruments, allowing developers to verify the domain is indeed blocked when tracking is denied? <key>NSPrivacyTracking</key> <true/> <key>NSPrivacyTrackingDomains</key> <array> <string>traking.example.com</string> </array>
Feb ’24
Privacy manifest requirement for SDKs
As the new requirement for Privacy manifests is coming this Spring 2024 (https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=r1henawx), Apple released a list of SDK's that need to comply with this requirement and provide a privacy manifest file: https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements/ I have some questions: Do i need to declare a privacy manifest file for the SDKs if i'm updating an old app that already includes one of these SDKs? Apple states "when you submit an app update that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update" which in my understanding applies only when an app adds an SDK for the first time in an app update. What happens with SDK's that are not in this list? Should every single SDK an app uses to include the privacy manifest file?
Feb ’24
How to comply with signing requirement for privacy-impacting SDKs distributed as source
Relevant background: WWDC23: Get started with privacy manifests WWDC23: Verify app dependencies with digital signatures Upcoming third-party SDK requirements Many of the SDKs that will require privacy manifests and signatures are distributed as source and integrated via Swift Package Manager. I recently studied the progress made by ~10 of the listed SDKs and it seems like there's a growing consensus that the solution to including a privacy manifest when distributing via source is to list the manifest as a bundled resource. However, I've seen little discussion of the signing requirement. This is understandable since, as the forum post Digital signatures available for Swift Packages? points out, the dependency signing talk was focused on binaries. Yet, I'm curious whether signing of some kind will actually be required for SDKs distributed as source (e.g. to enable validating the authenticity of the privacy manifest). Clarification on this point would help tremendously as we work to ensure we'll be compliant as soon as the new requirement begins to be enforced.
Feb ’24
Issue with Installation of App via DDM - ManagedAppDistribution.ManagedAppDistributionError
Hello Apple Community, Issue encountered during the installation of an app via DDM (Declarative Device Management) on iOS 17.3 devices. When applying an app configuration and managed app list status event through declarative management, the configuration is successfully applied, but the configured app is not being installed on the device. Upon closer inspection, we have identified that the error "ManagedAppDistribution.ManagedAppDistributionError" is being logged during this process. My Configuration: { "Type": "com.apple.configuration.app.managed", "Identifier": "com.mdm.1740e623-4361-498d-af02-b433500d58bd.ManagedAppDDM", "ServerToken": "1706282674113", "Payload": { "AppStoreID": "361309726", "InstallBehavior": { "License": { "VPPType": "Device" }, "Install": "Required" } } } { "Type": "com.apple.configuration.management.status-subscriptions", "Identifier": "com.mdm.9c70c80f-406a-425a-8829-1025652f05c6.ManagedAppListStatus", "ServerToken": "1706282673976", "Payload": { "StatusItems": [ { "Name": "app.managed.list" }, { "Name": "mdm.app" }, { ... } ] } } DDM Response: { "StatusItems": { "management": { "declarations": { "activations": [ { "active": true, "identifier": "DEFAULT_ACT_0", "valid": "valid", "server-token": "1706282674113" } ], "configurations": [ { "active": true, "identifier": "DEFAULT_STATUS_CONFIG_0", "valid": "valid", "server-token": "3" }, { "active": true, "identifier": "com.mdm.1740e623-4361-498d-af02-b433500d58bd.ManagedAppDDM", "valid": "valid", "server-token": "1706282674113" }, { "active": true, "identifier": "com.mdm.9c70c80f-406a-425a-8829-1025652f05c6.ManagedAppListStatus", "valid": "valid", "server-token": "1706282673976" } ], "assets": [], "management": [] } } }, "Errors": [ { "Reasons": [ { "Code": "ManagedAppDistribution.ManagedAppDistributionError.0", "Description": "The operation couldn’t be completed. (ManagedAppDistribution.ManagedAppDistributionError error 0.)" } ], "StatusItem": "app.managed.list" } ] } Note : The ManagedAppDistribution framework extension appears to not be implemented in this context. Kindly help us with this issue. Thanks in advance.
Jan ’24
Privacy manifest file for SDKs
hi,there are some questions about Privacy manifest 1.why do we just see the information about app's manifest in PrivacyReport after app has been archived,that does not contain our SDK's manifest info.but our frameworks that app contains have manifest. 2.does every SDK need to add manifest if this SDK collects user data or uses API? 3.there is list of third-part-sdk https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements/ ,if we use an SDK not listed and the sdk has collected use data or used api that need to display reason,should we add manifest file?
Jan ’24
Motorized dock hardware for DockKit?
I'd love to play around with DockKit, but I didn't see anything mentioned about hardware. I'm assuming Apple isn't releasing their own motorized dock and haven't seen anything about how to get hardware recognized by the accessory manager. I'd like to prototype a dock myself using esp32 and some stepper motors. I've already got this working with bluetooth communication from iOS via CoreBluetooth, but I don't know if there's specific service and characteristic UUIDs that the system is looking for to say it's compatible with DockKit? Would really love to start playing with this, anyone got any insights on how to get up and running?
Jan ’24
how to update SwiftUI Map via MapCamera approach with data from @Observable? (see code)
Anyone able to see how to use the new SwiftUI Map and WWDC @Observable concept to dynamically update my SwiftUI Map position and rotation based on the dynamic changes it picks up from my @Observable object. Note the updates are coming through as the Text labels show this. But how to get the Map position referencing the same values and updating them? The "onAppear" approach doesn't seem to work. import SwiftUI import MapKit @Observable final class NewLocationManager : NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { var location: CLLocation? = nil var direction: CLLocationDirection = 0 private let locationManager = CLLocationManager() func startCurrentLocationUpdates() async throws { if locationManager.authorizationStatus == .notDetermined { locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } for try await locationUpdate in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() { guard let location = locationUpdate.location else { return } print("NewLocationManager: \(location.coordinate.latitude), \(location.coordinate.longitude)") self.location = location self.direction = self.direction + 1 } } } struct ContentView: View { var locationMgr = NewLocationManager() @State private var mapCamPos: MapCameraPosition = .automatic private let bigBen = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 51.500685, longitude: -0.124570) var body: some View { ZStack { Map(position: $mapCamPos) .onAppear { // Does NOT work - how to get position/direction updates working to Map (map should be moving/rotating) mapCamPos = .camera(MapCamera( centerCoordinate: self.locationMgr.location?.coordinate ?? bigBen, distance: 800, heading: self.locationMgr.direction )) } VStack (alignment: .leading) { Text("Location from observable: \(locationMgr.location?.description ?? "NIL")") // This works (they get updates regularly) Text("Direction from observable: \(locationMgr.direction)") // This works (they get updates regularly) Spacer() } } .task { try? await locationMgr.startCurrentLocationUpdates() } } } #Preview { ContentView() } Tag: wwdc2023-10043
Jan ’24
How to change from non-versioned to versioned schema in swiftdata?
My app is using SwiftData, but I deployed it to the app store with no VersionedSchema applied without thinking about migrating the model. Now I need to migrate the data and I need help from someone who has experience moving from non-versioned to versioned. Assuming I currently have a version1, version2 schema, it works fine for the initial install situation, but when I migrate to version1, version2 in an app that is listed on the app store, I run into problems. I don't have any logs to show for it. Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16a6578f0) If anyone has had the same experience as above, please respond, thanks! Let me know what kind of logs you need and I'll add them as a comment.
Dec ’23
Why doesnt Apple allow BE BS flags to be false in AutoFill credential provider's attestation response?
It appears that for a successful registration of a passkey to a relying party using passkey autofill provider, the BE BS bits/flags in the attestation response need to be set to true. Please refer FLAGS byte of authData field part of attestationObject mentioned here - https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-attestation. If those flags are set to false, the RP rejects saying - "The operation either timed out or was not allowed. See: https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-privacy-considerations-client." What are the implications of having those flags set to true? Does it make the generated passkey syncable across devices using same apple id? If yes, is there at all anyway possible by which a generated passkey can be made device bound, basically can be generated and used only on a single iPhone/iOS device? Also, is there a plan to ever make those flags to be set to false in a future iOS release? Also, what does it mean in the credential provider popup where it says - "Available where is installed." in the below screenshot?
Dec ’23
Does Apple allow packed format attestation in passkey credential provider approach?
I am trying to implement a third party passkey credential provider and I have been able to successfully setup the project for that. Below is a sample code which I am using - let passkeyRegistrationCredential = ASPasskeyRegistrationCredential(relyingParty: self.request?.credentialIdentity.serviceIdentifier.identifier ?? "", clientDataHash: self.request?.clientDataHash ?? Data(), credentialID: Data(credentialId), attestationObject: Data(attestationBytes) self.extensionContext.completeRegistrationRequest(using: passkeyRegistrationCredential) The attestationBytes object that I am generating and sending back to RP seems to work only if I set the "fmt" to "none", which basically requires "attStmt" to be sent as an empty value as per WebAuthn spec - https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-none-attestation When trying to set the "fmt" to "packed" in attestation object and creating a self signed "attStmt" consisting of "alg" and "sig" key-values referring - https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-packed-attestation, it does not seem to work. The RP throws an error. I do not have "x5c" object as that supposedly is not mandatory in case of self attestation. I have "authData" also as part of the response properly setup. Is it not possible to use packed attestation or am I missing something in creating the attestation object? Also, does Apple modify the response being sent in the background before sending to RP if packed fmt is used?
Dec ’23
Possible SwiftChart bug with overflowResolution
I've been trying to reproduce the example used in the WWDC 23 Presentation "Explore Pit Charts and Interactivity in SwiftCharts" where a popover annotation is set on top of the chart and vertical; RuleMark. However when doing so the annotation doesn't appear at all. I worked around that issue by setting: y: .fit(to: .chart) in the init of the overflowResolution, like: .annotation(position: .top, spacing: 0, overflowResolution: .init(x: .fit(to: .chart), y: .fit(to: .chart))) Probably a SwiftUI bug given this API is only a few months old. If anyone has been able to reproduce that example let me know!
Nov ’23
Exploring Time-Based Activation Predicates in Declarative Device Management (DDM)
Hello Apple Community, I've been delving into the realm of time-based activation predicates through DDM. In my recent pursuits, I've been experimenting with the device's local time to evaluate a predicate expression and apply activation configurations. Is it possible to achieve this? Our DDM currently leverages device status items and server management properties to activate predicates. These predicates come to life when the logic becomes true, initiating activations seamlessly. While the Apple Predicate Guide provides a solid foundation, I've encountered some challenges when it comes to time-based expressions. The guide covers basics such as context and numerical-based predicates, but I find myself seeking more clarity on implementing time-based logic effectively. If any of you have insights, tips, or experiences to share regarding time-based activation predicates expressions in declarative device management, your input would be immensely valuable. I'm particularly interested in understanding practical approaches and gaining a deeper comprehension of the nuances involved. Thank you in advance.
Nov ’23
WidgetKit iOS 17 : Interactive widget no longer responsive after a long idle time
I have developed an interactive widget which looks as the following It is using CoreData. The view is implemented as the following struct widget_extensionEntryView : View { var body: some View { if let nsTodoList = nsTodoList { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 1) { ... ForEach(0..<prefixGoodNSTodoArray.count, id: \.self) { index in ... let todoIntent = TodoIntent(objectIDAsString: objectIDAsString, parentOrder: parentOrder) Button(intent: todoIntent) { } } } } } } The AppIntent is implemented as the following import Foundation import AppIntents import WidgetKit import CoreData struct TodoIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Complete Task" static var description: IntentDescription = IntentDescription("Complete selected task") @Parameter(title: "objectIDAsString") var objectIDAsString: String @Parameter(title: "parentOrder") var parentOrder: Int init() { } init(objectIDAsString: String, parentOrder: Int) { self.objectIDAsString = objectIDAsString self.parentOrder = parentOrder } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { guard let objectID = NSManagedObjectID.from(objectIDAsString) else { return .result() } guard let nsTodoList = NSTodoListRepository.INSTANCE.getNSTodoList(objectID) else { return .result() } nsTodoList.toggleChecked(context: CoreDataStack.INSTANCE.viewContext, parentOrder: Int64(parentOrder)) RepositoryUtils.saveContextIfPossible(CoreDataStack.INSTANCE.viewContext) TodoWidgetOptions.isWrittenByWidgetExtension = true // Refresh all home widgets. // TODO: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/721937 WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() return .result() } } The interactive widget works pretty well. However, tapping on the widget has no response in the following situations: After an overnight, we turn on the iPhone's screen and tap on the widget. After a few hours of idle time, we turn on the iPhone's screen and tap on the widget. One of the steps below will make the widget workable again: Launch and close the main app again. The main app will call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() during sceneDidEnterBackground. Press and hold on the widget, choose 'Edit widget', and select the desired Todo list. One thing to take note of is that I am using IntentTimelineProvider instead of AppIntentTimelineProvider. The reason I am using 'older tech' is due to the limitation mentioned in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/741053 However, I am not sure whether this is the root cause of the problem. Does anyone have any idea why such a problem occurs? Thanks.
Nov ’23
SwiftUI ScrollView maintain position on new page load
Related to this post. In my chat view, each time I load new page (items are added from top), the ScrollView jumps to top instead of maintaining scrollPosition. Here is my scroll view: GeometryReader { geometryProxy in ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) { VStack(spacing: 0) { if viewModel.isLoading { LoadingFooter() } messagesView .frame(minHeight: geometryProxy.size.height - loadingFooterHeight - bottomContentMargins, alignment: .bottom) } } .scrollDismissesKeyboard(.interactively) .defaultScrollAnchor(.bottom) .scrollPosition(id: $scrolledId, anchor: .top) .contentMargins(.bottom, bottomContentMargins, for: .scrollContent) .onChange(of: scrolledId, scrollViewDidScroll) } And this is the messages view @ViewBuilder var messagesView: some View { LazyVStack(spacing: 0) { ForEach(sectionedMessages) { section in Section(header: sectionHeaderView(title: section.id)) { ForEach(section, id: \.id) { message in MessageView(message: message) .padding(.horizontal, .padding16) .padding(.bottom, .padding8) .id(message.id) } } } .scrollTargetLayout() } } Printing the scrolledId after a page load, I can see it hasn't changed, but the ScrollView position does.
Oct ’23