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Seeing a sudden influx of crashlytics error in an old version as soon as the new version is released
Last week we released an update to the app in the app store, version N.0. It was on a phased rollout. Several users reported a crash so the roll out was paused. A fix to the crash was released to the app store this morning, version N.1 and the rollout resumed. However immediately following the release of N.1 to the app store there are lots of crash reports arriving in Crashlytics all of a sudden for version N.0. Its as if N.0 has suddenly become available on the app store and everybody is downloading it, but that isn't the case, its definately N.1 displayed in the app store. I don't understand why all these reports from a version of the app that is now no longer available has started arriving? Could be there some caching of versions in the app store or something and when N.1 release and the rollout resumed, the app store is actually automatically updateing people's phones with N.0 instead? (There's a small number of non crash reports being reported in Crashlytics for N.1, proving its live and downloaded on some phones)
Oct ’23
Receipt before iOS7, The Receipt can be successfully verified with an incorrect password.
There are fake receipts used by hackers, which are the receipts before iOS7.The Receipt can be successfully verified with an incorrect password.Is this a bug? --Do I need to completely drop compatibility for this? FB number is but the ticket's status is Investigation complete - Unable to diagnose with current information,but No reply message
Oct ’23
App is at 1% deployment, gets updated, what happens then?
Some confusion in my company on this scenario: current users are on 1.0.0 - have been for months Apple approves our latest build, say 1.1.0, and we release to the App Store with "Slow Rollout" a few days later, one of the first 1% reports a serious bug the dev team immediately fixes the bug, QA approves it, and we upload a new 1.1.1 release the same day we ask Apple for expedited approval, and that happens in 3 hours we select "Release 1.1.1 on Slow Rollout" on the App Store. So what then? My understanding is that once 1.1.1 is released, since 1.1.0 is the "Official Release", that anyone with auto update turned on will update quickly to 1.1.0, and that then some of those users will be put into the "1.1.1 slow roll out candidate pool)". Others have opined that I'm wrong - that most users will stay at 1.0.0, and the new 1.1.1 candidate pool will be users on both 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. Would love to hear someone reply who knows what Apple will really do.
Oct ’23
Adding in-app purchase to originally free Mac app?
I would like to release a Mac app through the Mac App Store that is free. However, I would like to add new functionality in a future software update that is enabled through an in-app purchase. I reviewed the App Store Review Guidelines, and I did not see any prohibitions to this approach (initially free, later add new functionality enabled by an in-app purchase). If anyone knows of any rules or policies that I missed that would prohibit this, I would appreciate a heads up on it. Thanks!
Oct ’23
Server notifications stopped being sent on sandbox
Hi, We are testing subscriptions and out of a sudden, we stopped getting notifications. Notifications are not sent both for subscription events and when we request test notifications. In both cases sendAttemptResult is UNSUCCESSFUL_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE. What we tested so far and it did not help: Made sure the webhook host is reachable from the Internet and no IP is filtered Changed URL to an alternative Also history of notifications is incomplete at /inApps/v1/notifications/history. It misses notifications from the past 5 hours. Thanks
Oct ’23
Does restoring an iCloud backup on a new device install ad-hoc apps?
When using the "Quick Start" function on a new device, apps are downloaded from the App Store, and the app data itself is restored from an iTunes or iCloud backup. What I would like to know is if the same behavior applies to apps installed through Ad-Hoc. More specifically, I'm trying to test how my app handles being restored on a new device, since it has some inner counter-measures to avoid this for security purposes. (For example, I'm marking several files as "do not back up") Note: My app exists on the App Store, but I'd like to test a newer version which isn't available on the App Store yet. My testing process is as follows: Install the current version of my app through Ad-Hoc on device A. Perform a back up (enable it and wait for the device to finish) Use Quick Start on device B. Once the setup has finished, install the new version of my app using Ad-Hoc on device B. Some things I'm unsure about are, I've read some old articles stating that the app data (not the app itself) from ad-hoc apps is actually backed up by iCloud and can be restored on a new device. (Is this still true?) Will Quick Start on device B attempt to install the App Store version of my app? I assume installing the App Store version on device A will trigger "Quick Start" to automatically install the App Store version on device B (along with the backed up data). Can I just install the new version through Ad-Hoc on device B without affecting the app's backed up installed data? Will Quick Start still install the App Store version on device B if I first download the App Store version on device A and overwrite it with the Ad-Hoc version? Thanks for any information you can provide.
Oct ’23
My app does not appear in any search results in the App Store
My app, which has been live for about 2 years, suddenly became invisible in App Store search results 2 months ago. Even when the full name of the app is searched, it does not appear in the search results. This has caused the app to not receive any users from search results, despite being downloaded by a total of about 3 million users in the last 2 months. When I look at Apple Connect Analytics, I see that the number of users coming from App Store searches is 0. This shows that my app is not visible in search results at all.Also, due to this problem, we cannot advertise on Apple Search Ads because the system cannot find our application even though it is live. We can only gain users through the ads we give at the moment. The Apple Support team has not been able to solve the problem for about 1.5 months. What could be the solution to this problem? Thanks
Oct ’23
SKStoreReviewController and TikTok App
Hey folks, I need your opinion on TikTok app and there SKStoreReviewController implementation. Over the last 3 months, I have been shown more than 10 times the rate app pop-up on the TikTok app. Today, I clicked on 3 stars, clicked the submit button, and right after I got this "Thank you pop-up": As you can see, this first pop-up doesn't show the app icon. According to SKStoreReviewController documentation, the rate pop-up can only be shown 3 times per year maximum. Also, there is no way to detect when the official SKStoreReviewController pop-up is being displayed, which means that for the second TikTok pop-up to appear they must have something to detect that the rating has been done. Which makes me think that TikTok is just simulating the SKStoreReviewController rating alert. My assumption here is that TikTok first creates a similar pop-up rating than the one from SKStoreReviewController. And maybe, if you click 5 stars, later on the app will show you the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up rating alert, guaranteeing you 5 stars on the App Store. Is this authorised ? For example, creates your own rating system, and if the user click 5 stars, show him the real SKStoreReviewController pop-up ? I will appreciate any feedback on this case. Thank you,
Oct ’23
app store notification not working
I have two apps with bundle IDs '' and ''. (Not a real ID) The subscription groups are and respectively. When I create a subscription for the group on ios, the receipt is generated well and the app store notification is also working well and notifications are coming. The subscription created with does not receive any notifications. However, when I create a subscription for the group on tvos, the receipt is generated well, but the notification is not coming. For both subscriptions, if I parse the receipt and look up transactionHistory with transactionId, there is information about the previously purchased subscription. I tried to get the notification history of each app with get_notification_history. In, I can see all the subscription information, including the notification I created with request_test_notification. In, I only see the notification created with request_test_notification. I'm testing in a sandbox. What is the issue?
Oct ’23
NSUserTrackingUsageDescription warning not showing
Hello. Recently I've added an NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in the Info.plist of the app I'm working on. It works fine (the warning shows up) when I deploy it on testing device myself. However, the TestFlight build doesn't show any warning and there is no option in Settings for the app to allow tracking. Is it a TestFlight special behaviour or the warning shoud show up regardless it is a debug, TestFlight or App Store version of an app?
Oct ’23
Delay in app review status
It has been almost 24 hours since I uploaded my newly created app; however, it is still displaying an "In-Review" status. I would like to inquire if there are specific days or times when apps typically go live on the app store. Additionally, are there any alternative methods to expedite the process of having my app published on the app store? Thank you for your assistance. Mozib
Oct ’23
App rejection with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
App rejected with missing following information: • Does your app include third-party analytics? If so, please provide details about what data is collected for this purpose. • Does your app include third-party advertising? If so, please provide a link to the ad network's publicly-documented practices and policies for kids apps. • Will the data be shared with any third parties? If so, for what purposes and where will this information be stored? • Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising? If so, please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data. I replied to the message but nothing is changed so I submit the app for review again. I have 2 questions. Do I need to submit the app for review again or simply reply the message with answers is good enough? Where can I pre-fill all those questions in App Connect so that the app won't get rejected due to those issues? Apple should make them required before submitting the app.
Oct ’23
App rejection with Guideline 2.5.1
Hello, My app has a feature that lets users change iPhone icons, and to make it easier to do this for multiple icons at once, app asks users to download a configuration profile. The surprise twist is that Apple recently rejected my app, even though it was fine for almost a year. They pointed to section 2.5.1 in their guidelines about public APIs. I’m wondering if it’s true that asking users to download a configuration profile doesn’t jive with 2.5.1? Reviewers answer: “Regarding 2.5.1, we continue to find that your app requires the user to install a configuration profile to install icons which is not appropriate. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise your app to ensure that documented APIs are used in the manner prescribed by Apple. If there are no alternatives for providing the functionality your app requires, you can use Feedback Assistant to submit an enhancement request.”
Oct ’23