Explore the intersection of business and app development. Discuss topics like device management, education, and resources for aspiring app developers.






Do not activate apple developer programm
Good afternoon, I think I've already read about this on the forum, but I'll write about our situation. We have not been able to pay for the developer account for 2 weeks, we have confirmed all the company's data and everything necessary, but apple does not want to debit money from the card and does not recognize the error on its side, tell me who somehow solved this problem? Israel region - I read that many people have problems in different regions I place an order and a message comes that I have to wait two days, but nothing happens... Apple please help solve the problem!
Nov ’23
MDM Server Token Installing in Our Server
We are creating our own server for MDM, we followed apple suggested approach with following link [https://it-training.apple.com/tutorials/deployment/dm055] After uploading .pem file in ABM portal, new server token is generating but my question is where we need keep that server token(.P7M) in our servers...is there any specific path we have...if we gone through apple documents they are suggesting to follow vendor documentation but in my case we did't take any third party server's...so we don't have any vendor document. Can you please help me to achieve this scenario.
Oct ’23
Webclip icon cannot be deleted
The iphone info: OsVersion: iOS 15 Device model: iphone 12 Steps: Install the MDM profile on the iphone. The server pushes the command to install the webclip profile through MDM (the profile is set to not be manually removable). After installing the webclip profile, the webclip icon will appear on the Home Screen of the phone screen. When the webclip is no longer used, remove the webclip profile through MDM. The problem occurs in step 4, the webclip profile is deleted, but the webclip icon still exists on the home screen of the mobile phone, and cannot be removed by tools such as Apple Configurator2. So what causes this phenomenon and how to fix?
Jan ’23
App Submission - rejected 3.2 Business Model issues
Hi, I like to get some opinion as I am confused with reason for rejection. App, my team has developed will be used by auditors to do Audits by our company auditors and other companies auditors as well. Even though it sounds like a specific people, we wont know the exact team / people who can use my app as it can be distributed to lots of people in lots of countries. So this needs to be public and accessable via app store (its a requirement from client) My app submission is rejected 3 times for same reason - 3.2 Business model issues Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Any guidence why its getting rejected will be very helpful. Thanks K
Oct ’23
Redeemable Codes Validity
Are the codes generated by the business portal always limited to the country in which the DUMS code is registered? I have clients who have only one office and therefore can request only one DUMS code but have employees in various countries. How can I generate codes, from the business portal, valid for all countries? Has it become possible to do this? What alternatives can I evaluate for distributing a private app?
Oct ’23
Bussiness distribution not working
Hi everyone, We have developed an application for a large company and are distributing it using a business account. We have codes that we give to users. The problem is that we released an update for the same app, but users aren't receiving the update automatically as it should be. It's not working. So, we are giving new codes to users as if they are installing a fresh version. We have contacted Apple, but we haven't received any answers (the suppport its a nightmare mostly people just saying they dont have acess to our ticket case) Has anyone else experienced this problem? And does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks.
Oct ’23
API for Apple Business Manager
Hi, I'm trying to confirm if there is an API that can be used to interrogate ABM for device info? It holds our enterprise devices and so want to regularly extract a list of all devices along with associated information, and import these into a corporate system. It's unclear from the documentation if this can be done. This is the closest I can find but implies it must be done from within another (developed) app...? TIA.
Sep ’23
Working with DeviceAcivityMonitor API
I am trying to recreate the following example. However, when i create a Singleton class MyModel and bind the familyActivityPicker like this @ObservedObject var model = MyModel.shared .... .... Button("Present FamilyActivityPicker") { isPresented = true } .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isPresented, selection: $model.discouragedApps) Then in my DeviceActivityExtension I try to access the discouraged applications, this way let model = MyModel() let applications = model.discouragedApps But the model.discouragedApps is always empty. How do I pass the selected applications into my extension. In all of the documentation this part is very conveniently left unexplained. Can I use the local storage to save the user selection and then read it from there instead of having to use the Singleton pattern ?
Sep ’23
"Unlisted app" can not install by using InstallApplication(MDM command).
When we specified a "Unlisted app" by InstallApplication(MDM command), the response state is NeedsRedemption. This is the request and response. ■Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"[]> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>dd3fe1a1-a1a7-4987-8201-447e815bd6f9</string> <key>Command</key> <dict> <key>RequestType</key> <string>InstallApplication</string> <key>Attributes</key> <dict> <key>Removable</key> <false /> </dict> <key>Identifier</key> <string>******</string> <key>ChangeManagementState</key> <string>Managed</string> <key>InstallAsManaged</key> <true /> <key>ManagementFlags</key> <integer>4</integer> </dict> </dict> </plist> ■Response <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"[]> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>dd3fe1a1-a1a7-4987-8201-447e815bd6f9</string> <key>Identifier</key> <string>******</string> <key>State</key> <string>NeedsRedemption</string> <key>Status</key> <string>Acknowledged</string> <key>UDID</key> <string>00008110-001E74C814EA401E</string> </dict> </plist> I think non-VPP apps don't need redemption codes. Is there a way to install "Unlisted app" without using a redemption code?
Sep ’23
InstalledApplicationList(MDM command) response is Incorrect.
When I execute the InstalledApplicationList(MDM command), A part of the response is Incorrect. TikTokLite is not a managed app according to the later methods. This is the request and response. ■Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"[]> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Command</key> <dict> <key>ManagedAppsOnly</key> <true /> <key>RequestType</key> <string>InstalledApplicationList</string> </dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>8dffac1f-55df-40b1-8c69-414dfb8aedac</string> </dict> </plist> ■Response <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"[]> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>8dffac1f-55df-40b1-8c69-414dfb8aedac</string> <key>InstalledApplicationList</key> <array> <dict> <key>AdHocCodeSigned</key> <false /> <key>AppStoreVendable</key> <true /> <key>BetaApp</key> <false /> <key>BundleSize</key> <integer>12525568</integer> <key>DeviceBasedVPP</key> <false /> <key>DynamicSize</key> <integer>12288</integer> <key>ExternalVersionIdentifier</key> <integer>858324287</integer> <key>HasUpdateAvailable</key> <false /> <key>Identifier</key> <string>net.skyseaclientview.mdm</string> <key>Installing</key> <false /> <key>IsAppClip</key> <false /> <key>IsValidated</key> <true /> <key>Name</key> <string>SKYSEA MDM</string> <key>ShortVersion</key> <string>1.1.182200</string> <key>Version</key> <string>36</string> </dict> <dict> <key>AdHocCodeSigned</key> <false /> <key>AppStoreVendable</key> <true /> <key>BetaApp</key> <false /> <key>BundleSize</key> <integer>266919936</integer> <key>DeviceBasedVPP</key> <false /> <key>DynamicSize</key> <integer>15335424</integer> <key>ExternalVersionIdentifier</key> <integer>858769767</integer> <key>HasUpdateAvailable</key> <false /> <key>Identifier</key> <string>com.ss.iphone.ugc.tiktok.lite</string> <key>Installing</key> <false /> <key>IsAppClip</key> <false /> <key>IsValidated</key> <true /> <key>Name</key> <string>TikTokLite</string> <key>ShortVersion</key> <string>29.3.16</string> <key>Version</key> <string>2931603</string> </dict> </array> <key>Status</key> <string>Acknowledged</string> <key>UDID</key> <string>00008120-000C28DC0AB8C01E</string> </dict> </plist> ・TikTokLite does not appear in the "Mobile Device Management App" in the iPhone's Settings app. Is this right? If this is expected response, Is there a way to judge that the app is a managed app? This is the Device information. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"[]> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>31317d47-355c-40cb-ad72-3bff6c57989b</string> <key>QueryResponses</key> <dict> <key>AvailableDeviceCapacity</key> <real>112.608231424</real> <key>BatteryLevel</key> <real>0.97999999999999998</real> <key>BluetoothMAC</key> <string>***</string> <key>BuildVersion</key> <string>20F66</string> <key>CellularTechnology</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>DataRoamingEnabled</key> <false /> <key>DeviceCapacity</key> <real>128</real> <key>DeviceName</key> <string>***</string> <key>EASDeviceIdentifier</key> <string>***</string> <key>IMEI</key> <string>***</string> <key>IsActivationLockEnabled</key> <true /> <key>IsCloudBackupEnabled</key> <true /> <key>IsDeviceLocatorServiceEnabled</key> <true /> <key>IsDoNotDisturbInEffect</key> <false /> <key>IsMDMLostModeEnabled</key> <false /> <key>IsRoaming</key> <false /> <key>IsSupervised</key> <false /> <key>Model</key> <string>MQ983J</string> <key>ModelName</key> <string>iPhone</string> <key>ModemFirmwareVersion</key> <string>1.70.02</string> <key>OSVersion</key> <string>16.5</string> <key>PersonalHotspotEnabled</key> <false /> <key>ProductName</key> <string>iPhone15,3</string> <key>SerialNumber</key> <string>***</string> <key>SubscriberMCC</key> <string></string> <key>SubscriberMNC</key> <string></string> <key>UDID</key> <string>00008120-000C28DC0AB8C01E</string> <key>VoiceRoamingEnabled</key> <false /> <key>WiFiMAC</key> <string>***</string> <key>iTunesStoreAccountHash</key> <string>***</string> <key>iTunesStoreAccountIsActive</key> <true /> </dict> <key>Status</key> <string>Acknowledged</string> <key>UDID</key> <string>00008120-000C28DC0AB8C01E</string> </dict> </plist>
Sep ’23
Getting "Internal error - 9603" for manageVPPLicensesByAdamIdSrv API when assigning license for a particular app
Problem Description: We are using manageVPPLicensesByAdamIdSrv API for assigning licenses for serial numbers. We get "Internal error - 9603" response for this API when assigning the API for valid adamID of an app. When using the same API other apps, this issue doesn't occur. AdamID: 720111835. The license is assigning properly for the same app in VPP License Management 2.0.0 + - Associate Assets API. Currently, we will not able to the new API. We overcame this issue by creating a new location token in the same organization and purchasing the same app in it and using it to assign the license to device for the same app which is successful. Kindly help us with this issue. Request: {"pricingParam":"STDQ","disassociateSerialNumbers":["SAMPLESERIAL"],"adamIdStr":"720111835","sToken":"********************","notifyDisassociation":false} Response: {"errorMessage":"Internal error.","errorNumber":9603,"status":-1}
Sep ’23
new classes .h .cpp Xcode, translate from Visual Studio
Good morning, I am very beginners student of openFrameworks. I'm following a tutorial trying to create a new class with openFrameworks but I cannot compile it in the right way. This because the tutorial I found in on Visual Studio and i'm working on a Mac with Xcode. This problem is blocking me and I cannot go on with the course. Can someone help me translate the code to create a new class from Visual Studio to Xcode? The language is the same, but the programme in this case is slightly different. On Visual Studio the files are Class.H and Class.Cpp THIS IS CLASS.H VISUAL STUDIO #pragma once #include "ofMain.h" class ball { public: ball(); void setup (ofVec2f initialPos, ofVec2f initialVel, float rad); void update (); void draw(); ofVec2f pos; ofVec2f vel; ofVec2f radius; }; CLASS.CPP VISUAL STUDIO #include "ball.h" ball :: ball();{ } void ball :: setup(ofVec2f initialPos, ofVec2f initialVel, float rad); { ofVec2f initialPos; ofVec2f initialVel; float rad; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ball::update() { pos += vel; if ((pos.x > ofGetWidth ()) || (pos.x < 0)){ vel.x *= -1; } if ((pos.y > ofGetWidth ()) || (pos.y < 0)){ vel.y *= -1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ball::draw(){ ofDrawCircle (pos.x, pos.y, radius); } On Xcode it is slightly different and I don't know how to translate it. Here is the setting for the two XCode pages CLASS.H and CLASS.M CLASS.H // // Default Classes.h // default classes // // Created by Valerie Tameu on 23/08/23. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface Default_Classes : NSObject @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END and CLASS.m // // Default Classes.m // default classes // // Created by Valerie Tameu on 23/08/23. // #import "Default Classes.h" @implementation Default_Classes @end Somebody can help me to traslate the code of Visual Studio here in XCode? Thank you for the help!
Aug ’23