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Can't download 15.4 beta 1
Hi. I have three disk partitions on my MacBook Air M1. The one with Monterey, the one with Sonoma, and the one with Sequoia (15.3.1 in particular). When I try to download the 15.4 Beta from software update in settings, everything would go "fine" - the download process is being completed, the computer says it's going to restart in 60seconds, the countdown begins, etc. However, when restarting several times, I am being logged in once again into previous macOS (15.3.1) version, with a kernel panic report. I had the same panic on macOS 15.3 when attempting to download 15.4 Beta. I've upgraded my macOS to 15.3.1, as I thought I'd need the very last available version of regular macOS to participate in the newest beta. However, the panic occurs, pointing to some t8020dart.c file. I don't even theoretically know what is this and couldn't find any reference to that C file. Attaching a part of panic report: panic(cpu 3 caller 0x0): t8020dart 0xfffffdf02c980000 (dart-disp0): Can't ignore lock validation @t8020dart.c:535 Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0xff OS release type: Not set yet OS version: Not set yet Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.4.0: Sat Feb 15 22:43:38 PST 2025; root:xnu-11417.100.533.501.4~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 232D67A6D42C66E14780A24B3C0AE05D Kernel UUID: F2602757-A486-30A9-8D8E-714224E5FE4A Boot session UUID: 575CD5EA-6898-47ED-9AEC-05E318135695 iBoot version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 iBoot Stage 2 version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 secure boot?: YES roots installed: 0 Paniclog version: 14 KernelCache slide: 0x00000000181d8000 KernelCache base: 0xfffffe001f1dc000 Kernel slide: 0x00000000181e0000 Kernel text base: 0xfffffe001f1e4000 Kernel text exec slide: 0x00000000198d0000 Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe00208d4000 mach_absolute_time: 0x85b39c4 Epoch Time: sec usec Boot : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Calendar: 0x00000000 0x00000000 Zone info: Zone map: 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 . VM : 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe17d8000000 . RO : 0xfffffe17d8000000 - 0xfffffe1a72000000 . GEN0 : 0xfffffe1a72000000 - 0xfffffe203e000000 . GEN1 : 0xfffffe203e000000 - 0xfffffe260a000000 . GEN2 : 0xfffffe260a000000 - 0xfffffe2bd6000000 . GEN3 : 0xfffffe2bd6000000 - 0xfffffe31a2000000 . DATA : 0xfffffe31a2000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 Metadata: 0xfffffe76ce010000 - 0xfffffe76d7810000 Bitmaps : 0xfffffe76d7810000 - 0xfffffe76d8d80000 Extra : 0 - 0 CORE 0 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 1 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 2 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 3 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9b9ec CORE 4 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 5 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 6 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 7 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe2040392fb0 0: 0x0000000000000003 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 } CORE 0 PVH locks held: None CORE 1 PVH locks held: None CORE 2 PVH locks held: None CORE 3 PVH locks held: None CORE 4 PVH locks held: None CORE 5 PVH locks held: None CORE 6 PVH locks held: None CORE 7 PVH locks held: None CORE 0: PC=0xfffffe002102157c, LR=0xfffffe0021021568, FP=0xfffffebf22637890 CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe00210207a4, LR=0xfffffe0020fe4eb0, FP=0xfffffebf2262b890 CORE 2: PC=0xfffffe002094c790, LR=0xfffffe002094c63c, FP=0xfffffebf22643890 CORE 3 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details. CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2213fed0 CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf22163ed0 CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2216fed0 CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2211bed0 Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space Panicked task 0xfffffe260c042b78: 0 pages, 268 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Panicked thread: 0xfffffe2040392fb0, backtrace: 0xfffffebf22666920, tid: 279 lr: 0xfffffe00209332bc fp: 0xfffffebf226669b0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a93cdc fp: 0xfffffebf22666a20 lr: 0xfffffe0020a91e94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ae0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dbb94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666af0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932ba0 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ec0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932924 fp: 0xfffffe0031577e90 lr: 0xfffffe00211cb198 fp: 0xfffffe0031577eb0 lr: 0xfffffe002120aae4 fp: 0xfffffe0031577f80 lr: 0xfffffe00211f9104 fp: 0xfffffe0031577fe0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dc3fc fp: 0xfffffebf22666ee0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a82d74 fp: 0xfffffebf22666f30 lr: 0xfffffe00222f9964 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c00 lr: 0xfffffe002107c198 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c90 lr: 0xfffffe002107b79c fp: 0xfffffebf22667dc0 lr: 0xfffffe002107963c fp: 0xfffffebf22667e40 lr: 0xfffffe002107ffc8 fp: 0xfffffebf22667f20 lr: 0xfffffe00208e4f04 fp: 0x0000000000000000 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.AppleT8020DART(1.0)[6BE1928B-115D-345C-B457-FD1101FC7E1E]@0xfffffe00222f9120->0xfffffe002230139b dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform(1.0.2)[4EB15554-31E0-3057-9A85-EAA79C69E848]@0xfffffe0021369200->0xfffffe00213bf21f dependency: com.apple.driver.IODARTFamily(1)[8FC5A69F-6052-3F02-9EA3-78D080116812]@0xfffffe0022ec6750->0xfffffe0022eda9cf last started kext at 139867172: com.apple.plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 1340.12 (addr 0xfffffe001fba3f70, size 139368)
How to package a static library and headers into an XCFramework?
I have static libraries and headers of a C++ project that I believe are correctly built for iOS and iOS Simulator destinations. The C++ project is built via CMake with something like: cmake dirName \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -B buildDir \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=installDir \ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS \ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=arm64 \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64 \ -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) \ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=15.0 ... cmake --build buildDir --config Release --target install I believe those are all the important parameters. This gives me a static library (.a) and headers that I believe should be compatible with arm64 iOS simulators, and I do this same thing for x86_64 architecture with simulators and for actual iOS non-simulator via the iphoneos SDK path. I'm pretty sure this gives me the correct static lib and headers. Let's assume it does because I'm not able actually create the XCFramework to know if they're right. This does work with a macOS lib and headers, but I need iOS for this library. How do I package this into an XCFramework now? This Apple developer articles says I should be a able to create an xcframework via xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library libName.a -headers include but when I try to do this with my my iOS arm64 simulator static lib I get: error: binaries with multiple platforms are not supported '/Users/.../install/ios-arm64-simulator/libName.a But, when I run: lips -info libName.a I get Non-fat file libName.a is architecture arm64, so, I'm not sure what to do here. Trying to extract arm64 from that static library also produces an error as it it is just an arm64 lib. I'm not really sure what's going on, but from reading online this specific command, xcodebuild -create-xcframework is a consistent pain point in the process of trying to get an XCFramework, and the seemingly only workaround is to archive a framework project and then create the xcframework via xcodebuild -create-xcframework -archive MyFramework.xcarchive -framework[or -library]. However, how am I supposed to get this static lib and headers into a suitable xcodeproj so that I can archive it correctly? Everytime I try to copy the headers and static lib into the Framework xcodeproj and set what I believe are all the correct settings, my .xcarchive is always empty. Does anyone have any advice here on how to get this to work? The main impetus for trying to get this C++ static lib and headers into an XCFramework as that seems like the only valid way to link a 3rd party C++ lib to an SPM package and have the C++ package be interfaceable with Swift.
Is it possible to use Lottie with Swift Package Manager files?
Hi! I wanted to use Lottie in my swiftpm app, but I've been running into errors and I'm not sure if it's possible. When I try to run the app, it crashes and I get errors saying that the library isn't loaded and the files aren't found (basically these: https://github.com/lottie-react-native/lottie-react-native/issues/373 , https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/issues/2233 ). But moving the framework file into the PackageFrameworks folder doesn't work, and also I'm getting the error that swiftpm cannot distribute packages containing binary frameworks and from what I understand that just isn't something that swiftpm can do. So I was wondering if anyone knows any workarounds to this, or if I should just ditch Lottie? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Multiple commands produce React-Core_privacy and RCT-Folly_privacy.bundle.
Multiple commands produce '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/React-Core_privacy.bundle' Target 'React-Core-60309c9c-React-Core_privacy' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/React-Core_privacy.bundle' Target 'React-Core-React-Core_privacy' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/React-Core_privacy.bundle' Multiple commands produce '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/RCT-Folly_privacy.bundle' Target 'RCT-Folly-RCT-Folly_privacy' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/RCT-Folly_privacy.bundle' Target 'RCT-Folly.default-Fabric-RCT-Folly_privacy' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/pradipta/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pinkpaws-fqxvzkonyxofupcsmbloesfvzllq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Pinkpaws/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/RCT-Folly_privacy.bundle' I am using react native 0.77.0 and xcode 16.2. The build succeeded but while archiving I am getting this.
Swift Test Parameterized Test
Is anyone seeing flaky results when using parameterized test with pairs of (input, result) data? I have several (5) tests for a given method. I create a zip sequence by zip([in1, in2, in3, in4, in5],[out1, out2, out3, out4, out5]) Sometimes, the test only runs 4 of the tests and fails to report a failure even though I deliberately place data that should cause a failure. Sometimes, even though I only select one test to run, the test explorer goes crazy into a loop and I have to clear test results to get it to stop. Following a suggestion, I disabled running tests in parallel. Xcode 16.2 / OSX 14.7 (Sonoma) / Mac mini M2 Pro
Issue with Custom element
Hi, We are seeing the below error in our angular application where we use the custom elements. Can you please help us to resolve the issue? [Error] TypeError: new.target does not define a custom element. The same code works fine in other browsers.
Change the OSLog level that is written to Xcode console of a dependent library
I'd like to give control to the app developer that uses my library to select which level of logs they'd like to see from my lib (e.g. do they want to see all debug messages or just errors). I know there are filtering controls that Xcode gives us, but I'm wondering if there is a way to pull this off with code. Ideally the user callsite would look like MyLib(logLevel: .info). And then I would pass that info level somehow to OSLog. Today, I create my logger like this: let myLogger = Logger( subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "UnknownApp", category: "MyLibrary" ) As far as I can tell, there is nothing I can then pass to my myLogger instance to configure the threshold level. I'm imagining an interface like: myLogger.logLevel(.warning) // Later... myLogger.debug("You won't see this") myLogger.error("But you will see this") Does OSLog and friends give us any ability to do this out of the box, or are we building little wrappers around OSLog to accomplish this? Thank you, Lou
IOS dylib to vision pro (Unity)
Hi, I am trying to bring an existing Unity app to vision pro, and am trying to make all of the librairies compatible (the project loads native libs at runtime). For some of them, there is an arm64 IOS .framework file that seems to build and be found easily in the device, but for one of them I only got a .dylib. When building on xcode, it tells me it can't find it. So I added it to the lib search path in build settings, and it built. But on the device, it still can't seem to find the .dylib : Library not loaded: ./libpdfium.dylib Referenced from: <59B1ACCC-FFFD-3448-B03D-69AE95604C77> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0606D884-CB09-44CA-8E4F-4A309D2E7053/[...].app/Frameworks/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libpdfium.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache), './libpdfium.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libpdfium.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '//libpdfium.dylib' (no such file) I am not used to Apple environment, is there a way to correctly reference this .dylib (not talking about compatibility here, just the first "lib found" step) ? Thanks.
Jan ’25
Swift Testing environment differences from regular executable
I am working on a Swift package which uses CoreAudio, and includes some tests in a testTarget which use the Testing framework, and a couple of executableTarget targets which exercise the same code. I'm using Xcode 16.2 on macOS 15.3.1. One of the things I do in the test code is create a HAL plugin, then find that plugin using the kAudioHardwarePropertyTranslateUIDToDevice. Finding the plugin that I just created always fails from within a Swift Testing test, unless I run the test which creates the plugin individually first, then separately, run the test which finds the plugin, by clicking on the little arrows next to the function names. If I put the tests in a serialized suite (so creation always happens first, then finding), running the suite always fails - it creates the plugin, but can't find it. If I run the 'find my plugin' test again manually, it is always found. If I call the same functions from a regular executable (the thing created by a "executableTarget" in my .package.swift file), the just-created plugin is always found. Is there a way to mimic the runtime environment of a regular executable in a Swift Testing target, or am I misunderstanding something? this my be related to this issue: https://github.com/swiftlang/swift/issues/76882 but I don't understand it well enough to be sure.
I am using Swift Testing for TDD my project. I have a struct that contains an array of 65536 UInt8's along with other properties. I am testing methods that modify the properties of the struct including the contents of the array. In just one of my test files, any test fails (there are several in the file), the entire contents of the struct, including the array, are printed to the console. In another test file they are not. I'm don't think there are any differences to the test setup in the two files. Any idea what's going on? I'm able get the program to skip the dump to the console by copying the properties I want to test to local let constants and testing those. Thanks
iOS device not showing in devicectl list
I have one iOS device running iOS 16.7.10. When I run xcrun devicectl list devices I can't see that device at all. Is that know limitation (devicectl only work in iOS 17 and above) or is something wrong with my setup. Also is there some documention about devicectl. I can't seem to find anything about in the offical apple sites.
Jan ’25
WTF Apple News Review Wait Times?
I work at a well-established university with a business journal that is over 25 years old. We have been waiting now for almost four months to have our Apple News account reviewed. In what world is this OK? No ability to communicate with anyone or have any updates except to log in once a month to see the 'under review' message still there. Seriously?
Apple ID dissapears from Xcode and build is failing
I'm calling this command to export archive: xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath .build/XYZ.xcarchive -exportPath .build/XYZ.ipa -exportOptionsPlist Authenticator/ExportOptions.plist -quiet -allowProvisioningUpdates Here is my exportOptions file content &lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"&gt; &lt;plist version="1.0"&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;method&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;app-store-connect&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;signingStyle&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;automatic&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;teamID&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;ABCD&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/plist&gt; Most of the time this command fail with this error: error: exportArchive No Accounts error: exportArchive No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found What we found is that our Apple ID just disappear from Xcode and we need to add it again manually. So there are two questions here: Why Apple ID account dissapears and how I can fix this? Is there an option to not use Apple ID account in Xcode and for example to use -authenticationKeyID flags of xcodebuild? Just to mention this happens only on our CI machine and not locally.
dlopen problems with debug build, macOS SDK 15, and ASAN
Hello, There seems to be a regression with macOS SDK 15 and dynamically loading libraries if Address Sanitizer is turned on. Seems to only affect Debug builds, and .frameworks. I've also reported this via the Feedback Assistant: FB16513866 Here's a minimal repro, if anyone is interested: https://gist.github.com/peter-esik/6b00432e411be85333e14ae7d953966e I thought I'd post this here, as according to my web searches, this isn't a very well-known bug at this point.
The Unity application crashes due to KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE and GC_clear_stack_inneb why?
Crash dump: `Crashed Thread: 0 tid_103 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGILL) Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x000000016d3bfea0 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x000000016d3bfea0 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 4 Illegal instruction: 4 Terminating Process: Unity [7873] VM Region Info: 0x16d3bfea0 is in 0x169bbc000-0x16d3c0000; bytes after start: 58736288 bytes before end: 351 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL mapped file 169b00000-169ba8000 [ 672K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV Object_id=4d22156e GAP OF 0x14000 BYTES ---&gt; STACK GUARD 169bbc000-16d3c0000 [ 56.0M] ---/rwx SM=NUL stack guard for thread 0 Stack 16d3c0000-16dbbc000 [ 8176K] rw-/rwx SM=SHM thread 0 Thread 0 Crashed:: tid_103 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x1932ee7ac _platform_memset + 108 1 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abdc GC_clear_stack_inner + 60 2 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 3 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 4 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 5 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 6 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 7 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 8 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 9 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 10 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 11 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88 12 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33976b518 GC_clear_stack + 76 13 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33973c074 mono_gc_alloc_obj + 112 14 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x3396e0db4 mono_object_new_specific_checked + 72 15 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x3396e116c ves_icall_object_new_specific + 28`
Xcode Preview Crashes: "xcpreviewagent crashed because Alamofire.framework is missing"
Question: I have created a workspace containing a SwiftUI app and two frameworks: B Framework: Handles UI components C Framework: Handles service classes I added a Podfile to manage dependencies. My Podfile is structured as follows: inhibit_all_warnings! workspace 'ABC.xcworkspace' def shared_pods # Shared pods here pod 'Alamofire' end target 'A' do use_frameworks! project 'A/A.xcodeproj' shared_pods end target 'B' do use_frameworks! project 'B/B.xcodeproj' shared_pods end target 'C' do use_frameworks! project 'C/C.xcodeproj' shared_pods end post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0' end end end After installing pods and building the project, everything works fine except for Xcode’s SwiftUI Preview, which crashes with the following error: xcpreviewagent crashed because Alamofire.framework is missing Question: How can I resolve this issue and make SwiftUI Previews work without Xcode crashing?
SSMenuAgent consuming lots of CPU
My load average on a largely idle system is around 22, going up to 70 or so periodically; SSMenuAgent seems to be consuming lots of CPU (and, looking at spindump, it certainly seems busy), but... it's not happening on any other system whose screens I am observing. (Er, I know about load average limitations, the process is also consuming 70-98% CPU according to both top and Activity Monitor.) Since this machine (although idle) has our network extension, I'm trying to figure out if this is due to that, or of this is generally expected. Anyone?
macOS 虚拟机不能识别手机
Windows 10 使用 VirtualBox 创建的 Monterey 12.6.7 macOS 虚拟机不能识别到 iPhone 7 手机。 iPhone 7 已经连接到电脑主机 (win 10) 的 USB 3.0 口子,手机已经信任电脑。 在 win 10,我看到了 “此电脑\Apple iPhone”,就是说,宿主机识别到了 手机。 现在,开启macOS 虚拟机,虚拟机右下角的 usb 图标,显示并且勾选到了 "Apple Inc. iPhone [0901]",但虚拟机还是没看到手机设备,导致 Xcode 也看不到手机设备。 虚拟机运行后,插拔 iPhone 7 手机,通过 sudo log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "usbmuxd"' --info 看到了报错信息: 2025-02-13 10:31:06.541201+0800 0xa3c Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) 1 duplicate report for System Policy: usbmuxd(22583) deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown 2025-02-13 10:31:07.090321+0800 0xf807 Error 0x0 140 0 sandboxd: [com.apple.sandbox.reporting:violation] System Policy: usbmuxd(22583) deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown Violation: deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown Process: usbmuxd [22583] Path: /usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd Load Address: 0x10564b000 Identifier: usbmuxd Version: ??? (???) Code Type: x86_64 (Native) Parent Process: sudo [22582] Responsible: /System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal User ID: 0 Date/Time: 2025-02-13 10:31:06.793 GMT+8 OS Version: macOS 12.6.7 (21G651) Release Type: User Report Version: 8 MetaData: {"vnode-type":"DIRECTORY","hardlinked":false,"pid":22583,"process":"usbmuxd","primary-filter-value":"/private/var/db/lockdown","platform-policy":true,"binary-in-trust-cache":false,"path":"/private/var/db/lockdown","primary-filter":"path","action":"deny","matched-extension":false,"process-path":"/usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd","file-flags":0,"responsible-process-path":"/System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal","flags":21,"platform-binary":false,"rdev":0,"summary":"deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown","target":"/private/var/db/lockdown","mount-flags":76582912,"profile":"platform","matched-user-intent-extension":false,"apple-internal":false,"storage-class":"Lockdown","platform_binary":"no","operation":"file-write-mode","profile-flags":0,"normalized_target":["private","var","db","lockdown"],"file-mode":448,"errno":1,"build":"macOS 12.6.7 (21G651)","policy-description":"System Policy","responsible-process-signing-id":"com.apple.Terminal","hardware":"Mac","uid":0,"release-type":"User"} Thread 0 (id: 63477): 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff80d8368ae __chmod + 10 1 usbmuxd 0x000000010565584e main + 3582 (main.c:816) 2 dyld 0x0000000114e3f52e start + 462 Binary Images: 0x10564b000 - 0x10565afff usbmuxd (0) <0fc9b657-d311-38b5-bf02-e294b175a615> /usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd 0x114e3a000 - 0x114ea3567 dyld (960) <2517e9fe-884a-3855-8532-92bffba3f81c> /usr/lib/dyld 0x7ff80d832000 - 0x7ff80d869fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8020.240.18.701.6) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib 2025-02-13 10:35:39.751714+0800 0x27f Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) Sandbox: usbmuxd(119) allow iokit-get-properties kCDCDoNotMatchThisDevice 2025-02-13 10:35:45.025063+0800 0x27f Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) Sandbox: usbmuxd(119) allow iokit-get-properties kCDCDoNotMatchThisDevice