




Why am I not getting deprecation warnings for UIAlertView?
I have an old iOS project that I'm updating.It uses UIAlertView a lot, which was deprecated in iOS 9, but I'm not seeing any deprecation warnings when I build the app.(I've seen warnings when updating other apps.)This is concerning me. If I'm not seeing these warnings, what other warnings am I missing?I've checked the build settings for the app and under "Apple LLVM 8.1 - Warnings - All languages" the setting for "Deprecated Functions" is set to "Yes" as it seems like it should be.I've grepped my entire project for the words "deprecate" and "warning" and "pragma" and nothing's showing up that would suppress these warnings.Does anybody have any advice for other things to check? Thanks in advance! (BTW, I'm using XCode 8.3.3 8E3004b.)
Jul ’17
A build only device cannot be used to run this target.
Hi I just started recently. I am trying to run my first application whic is a single view Application iOs.Once the project is created I set the build only to a generic OS device and here is the error I getA build only device cannot be used to run this target.No supported iOS devices are available. Connect a device to run your application or choose a simulated device as the destination.Please help me out.Thanks,
Jul ’17
XCode 9 fixed width constraints may cause clipping
I am getting a new warning in XCode 9 that says "xcode 9 fixed width constraints may cause clipping". I intentionally have fixed with constraints on buttons with icons and text where I am using an icon font. In both these cases localization will not change the text thus causing clipping. Is there a way to turn this warning off? It would be nice to turn it off just for items that I have explicitly decided it needs a fixed width but I'm willing to turn it off all the time. I don't want to turn off all warnings in the storyboard because some of them are useful.Also, XCode 9 beta 5 seems to be compiling the entire project over and over again every time I build. It does this even as I'm typing and slows down simple coding tasks.
Aug ’17
Xcode 9 - Can't Update Help Book
I "upgraded" to XCode 9 today, hoping that it would support the new ISO Appendix K safe string functions (it doesn't). It has always been difficult to get XCode to update a Mac application's Help Book. In the past I have been able to do it by following these instructions:Delete any other versions of the app and empty the trash.Update the Help.plistCreate a new Help.helpindex file using the Help IndexerRemove the help folder from project.Delete the system’s cached help folder using the terminal command: rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*Sometimes it helps to restart your machine nowSometimes it helps to execute the termanal command rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/* againClean and rebuild the project without the Help folderAdd the new Help folder, clean and rebuildCheck to be sure that the new help book is addedNow this doesn't work. When I run my project with the new Help Book the Help Book window says:The selected topic is currently unavailable.The topic you were trying to view could not be found.XCode logs:2017-09-20 13:45:49.466114-0600 app[2349:187674] Entering AHRegisterHelpBookWithURL2017-09-20 13:45:49.466228-0600 app[2349:187674] Entering AHRegisterHelpBookWithURL: 0Can anyone tell me how to get XCode 9 to do this?
Sep ’17
Can't register DUNS
I want to register apple developer program, first , I'll check my DUNS, but,the page show some information when I input my company infomation:Before enrolling, look up your organization to see if you have a D-U-N-S Number. Dun & Bradstreet may have already assigned one to you. If your organization is not listed, you'll have the option to submit your information to D&B for a free D-U-N-S Number.and a list of some other company information.but my company don't in the list,and I can't submit it.Who can help me?
Oct ’17
How get URL from image
How get URL from image located in asset catalogbefore use:let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "***", ofType: "png")or let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "***", ofType: "png", inDirectory: "Assets.xcassets")let urlI = URL(fileURLWithPath: path!)but this cause error URL is nilHelp me please
Dec ’17
Swift playground File under Source not complete
Hello,I created a playground, in this playground, I created a class, I instantiate it, everything is fine. I create the same class in a source swift file, make my class public but ... I do not have the foundation framework methods! for example, no ... uppercased! While I have these methods in the basic playground (I also use the framework foundation). What am I doing wrong? thanks a lot for your help// Works with the Playground import Foundation import PlaygroundSupport class me { var firstName: String var lastName: String init(firstName: String, lastName: String) { self.firstName = firstName self.lastName = lastName } func mergeUpperCase() -> String { return firstName.uppercased() + " " + lastName.uppercased() } } // Don't work with the Swift File under Sources import Foundation public class Person { public var firstName: String public var lastName: String public init(firName: String, lastName: String) { self.firstName = firName self.lastName = lastName } public func merge() -> String { return firstName + " " + lastName } public func mergeUpperCase() -> String { return firstName.xxxx + " " + lastName.xxxx // xxxx = no method uppercased() } }
Jan ’18
When signing up for a company developer account, does the work email I submitted to DUNS have to match the work email I submit when enrolling the company?
I've been filling out all my information correctly when enrolling my company in the Apple Developer Program, but I keep getting this error: The information you entered did not match your D&B profile. etc etc. I submitted my information to DUNS through the Apple website, but the work email I submitted to DUNS was an address. When enrolling my company, it doesn't allow me to use the address so I use an address. The point is, it's different from the email I submitted to DUNS, so I'm wondering if this is why I keep getting the "did not match your D&B profile" error? If the problem is because of the emails not matching, there's an option to update your DUNS info so I went ahead and submitted the address there so should that fix everything within a few days?Thanks
Feb ’18
Developer account pending for more that 48 hours
My developer account pending for more that 48 hours.When I login to, it show the following message:Purchase your membership.To continue your enrollment, complete your purchase now.Your purchase may take up to 48 hours to process.I have already paid the membership fee and got the E-invoice from apple.Could anyone help to solve this problem?Thanks.
Feb ’18
I can't delete app from organizers. It's coming back.
I defined an iTunes account to Xcode, and all applications on that account started to appear in organizer. I removed the account from Xcode and I deleted these path. But It's coming back.~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/I tried it with the terminal. it didn't happen again.rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Please help me.
Apr ’18
dyld__abort_with_payload Thread 1: signal SIGABRT
Xcode 9.3, Swift 4.1 I have written an application for IOS (using swift) with an ObjectiveC Framework (called SolarMaxIosFramework), This framework is made with reused classes from a previous project on Mac (Objective C) This new application works fine on simulator, and as soon as I want to execute on my Iphone (real), I get an error message and this app is not launched. These errors can be resumed as follows: dyld`__abort_with_payload: 0x1016162f0 <+0>: mov x16, #0x209 0x1016162f4 <+4>: svc #0x80 -> 0x1016162f8 <+8>: b.lo 0x101616310 ; <+32> Thread 1: signal SIGABRT dyld`abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal: ... 0x101615acc <+96>: bl 0x1016162f0 ; __abort_with_payload -> 0x101615ad0 <+100>: bl 0x1016164c4 ; getpid Thread 1: signal SIGABRT dyld`abort_with_payload: Thread 1: signal SIGABRT 0x101615af0 <+0>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! 0x101615af4 <+4>: mov x29, sp 0x101615af8 <+8>: bl 0x101615a6c ; abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal dyld`dyld::halt: Thread 1: signal SIGABRT dyld`dyld::_main: ... 0x1015ef4c8 <+7148>: bl 0x1015ec1dc ; dyld::halt(char const*) -> 0x1015ef4cc <+7152>: mov x20, x0 Thread 1: signal SIGABRT dyld`_dyld_start: 0x1015e9218 <+64>: bl 0x1015e9260 ; dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*) -> 0x1015e921c <+68>: mov x16, x0 Thread 1: signal SIGABRT I have tried to record my framework in the bundle but it did not work Some post speak about declaring this framework as embeded , but I do not know how to do so Thanks for your help
May ’18
How do you delete a Signing Certificate from Xcode?
I have found multiple forum postings where people have asked for how they can delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Unfortunately none of them are helpful. Some respond with non-helpful questions like "Why do you want to delete your Signing Certificate?" I'll tell you why I want to delete it. It's mine and I don't want it any more. I want it gone! Others have responded to similar questions by saying to just create a new Apple ID. I don't want to do that either. I like my world clean and orderly without junk laying around, so that answer is not acceptable either. I want clear instructions on how to delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Interestingly, the option to delete it is there but it's grayed out. Why have it there if you can't delete it? Can someone please help me with this?
Jun ’18