missing package product

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No eligible profiles found for matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier
I can't find the required app identifier for the distributed app with the Bundle ID 'recoverlution-production' on my account on the page https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list. I am getting 'No profiles for recoverlution-production found.' when validating the app on Xcode after the build. Additionally, I am getting 'No eligible profiles found for recoverlution-ios-app matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier recoverlution-production.' when selecting the provisioning profile from Xcode. video of the error https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x0PaUcpJ8pBHShEEufE_zNlOQz0p8hUh/view?usp=drive_link Can a profile be deleted if it is currently in use on App Store Connect?
No eligible profiles found for matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier
I can't find the required app identifier for the distributed app with the Bundle ID 'recoverlution-production' on my account on the page https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list. I am getting 'No profiles for recoverlution-production found.' when validating the app on Xcode after the build. Additionally, I am getting 'No eligible profiles found for recoverlution-ios-app matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier recoverlution-production.' when selecting the provisioning profile from Xcode.
Custom Push Notification for Apple Wallet Pass not Showing up on iPhone
I've implemented pass generation successfully and it's updated through Apple's silent notification, which updates the passes to their latest versions. I want to send some marketing push notifications to the Apple Wallet App as shown in my post at stackoverflow. Here is the Silent notification implementation, which is working perfectly fine. const options: apn.ProviderOptions = { token: { key: fs.readFileSync(./certs/APNs_AuthKey_7YYF346FU5.p8), keyId: ******, teamId: ******, }, pfx: fs.readFileSync(./certs/private_key.pem), cert: fs.readFileSync(./certs/certificate.pem), production: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, }; const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(options); async function sendSilentPushNotification( deviceTokens: string[], serialNumber: string ) { try { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = pass.com.digital.passmaker; notification.payload = { aps: { content-available: 1, }, serialNumber, }; notification.priority = 5; return await apnProvider.send(notification, device
Non-Optional One-To-Many Relationship Missing Object In Array
I'm encountering an issue with a one-to-many relationship between two models using SwiftData. Here's a simple example of my models: @Model final class TVSeries { var title: String @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: Episode.tvSeries) var episodes: [Episode] init(title: String, episodes: [Episode] = []) { self.title = title self.episodes = episodes } } @Model final class Episode { var title: String var tvSeries: TVSeries // <- Works fine when optional init(title: String, tvSeries: TVSeries) { self.title = title self.tvSeries = tvSeries } } After creating and saving a TVSeries instance with an associated Episode, fetching the TVSeries instance shows that the episodes array remains empty whereas the back-link to the TVSeries works as expected. Here's the relevant test case: struct SwiftDataTestingTests { @Test func testFullInit() async throws { // Configure SwiftData context let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try ModelContainer(for: TVSeries.self, Episode.self
Reply to Drag&Drop DMG Installer to System folder ?!
@DTS Engineer Quinn! I've always wondered why that drag failure would happen for (seemingly) some people. Thanks. I find it strange that a user is allowed to double-click the symlink to open the folder, but that same user isn't allowed to drop onto the symlink. In testing on the latest Sonoma, I'm finding that even dragging the (unmounted) notarized dmg to my Desktop is not removing quarantine, which seems a bit strange, and means there are no common circumstances where a downloaded dmg with non-allowlist symlinks will work as expected. Overall this is a pretty bad experience. I guess the best solution (besides an installer pkg) is to explicitly tell the user in the dmg background to double click to open that Components folder, and then drag and drop the file into the new Finder window, versus telling them to drag and drop onto the symlink in the dmg's window.
PDFKit deletes certificates on document load
Why does PDFKit delete signature widgets that have already been digitally signed? This should not happen. Is there an undocumented flag that needs to be set so that PDFKit doesn't remove them when loading or saving the PDF? It's difficult to tell if it is happening at PDFDocument(url: fileURL) or document.write(to: outputURL) If a document is signed and still allows annotations, form filling, comments, etc. we should be able to load the PDF into a PDFDocument and save it without losing the certs. Instead the certs are gone and only the signature annotation widgets are present. Here is a simple example of loading and then saving the PDF with out any changes and it shows that the data is actually being changed... ... import UIKit import PDFKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var pdfView: PDFView! @IBOutlet weak var myButton: UIButton! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() pdfView = PDFView(frame: self.view.bounds) pdfView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] self.vi
Reply to Sending Data via Bonjour and NWConnection
Thanks for the reply. Just to give context I am a full stack Swift developer and I am building a library to ensure my development devices (iPhone, Apple Watch, etc...) can find my development Swift Server (Vapor, Hummingbird, etc...) https://github.com/brightdigit/Sublimation I have successfully been able to transition from other solutions to using Bonjour to advertise the ip address of the server using NWTxtRecord. My next goal was to use SwiftNIO: https://swiftpackageindex.com/apple/swift-nio-transport-services/1.20.0/documentation/niotransportservices/niotsconnectionbootstrap as opposed to NWListener. It was using that which I ran into the previous issues mentioned (never getting a complete message). I then tried it as you see in the test code and noticed the requirement for using cancel. These messages are typically pretty small (encoded Protobuf) around 500 - 2000 bytes. For both NWListener and SwiftNIO: In no cases did the server crash, in fact the server would log correct that it did send the message.
Reply to Auto-renewing Subscription Updates not Arriving
SO.... I built an iOS app with StoreKit, and ran it in the simulator. I attached three listeners using SwiftUI hooks: .subscriptionStatusTask() .task, to listen for Transaction.updates and Transaction.unfinished I also added these to My Mac App, same code. All three fired in the iOS app, at the expected points, for every transaction of interest. Great. None of them fired in the Mac app, at the expected points, for the transaction missing in my previous diagram. Not impressed.
“Account Not In This Store” error when trying to purchase non-consumable IAP within TestFlight
I have simple non-consumable IAPs set up for an app on macOS. Testing in development with a local .storekit configuration file, everything works as expected. Testing in development with a remote Sandbox, everything also seems to work fine. Product names and prices fetch correctly, I am able to make purchases with a Sandbox account (both US and UK). Once I upload a build into TestFlight, IAPs no longer work. The tester would download the Beta app from TestFlight. They open a license manager and can see all the product names, descriptions and prices are pulled from Apple servers correctly (with the correct local currency as well!). So far so good. When trying to purchase any of the IAP, the following error appears: This is TestFlight so testers are using their real Apple ID. My understanding is that they should continue using their production credentials and a TestFlight Sandbox would be configured behind the scenes automatically. This error always says the users cannot purchase from
Reply to Not receiving push sent when device was offline
I believe the issue is you have previous tokens you have assigned for this device/app combination, and you are also sending notifications to those tokens, which are not being sent to the device, but are still overwriting the previous notification being held in the queue of one, for that specific app on the specific device. In the 2 hours around the time of your reported failed notification above, you have also been sending notifications to (possibly) old tokens for the same device: E06E81DDA4703F0A100B7DBE91E68A3F6ADAEE2F3CDA4B05FC1BC8813FD7C825 667FCD43E6705C348A237640204D69022F783A435936BD222FD665D49F92718F But after reinstalling the production app no push after being offline. Possibly can be explained with this finding. After reinstalling the app, you are getting a new token, but are not deleting the old token from your database, which ends up getting notifications sent to the old token which is overwriting the queue and losing the notification to the new token if the device is offline at
Not receiving push sent when device was offline
Hi, we noticed some issues with our app when it comes to receiving pushs sent when a device was offline. We know that only one push is stored if multiple are received while the device was offline but we got reports of multiple users that aren't receiving any pushs that were sent while they were offline. Reinstalling the App didn't help. We ruled out the third-party providers we used as my first thought was that there was some issues with setting the expiry but it also happens if directly sent over APNs. With a development build and the sandbox APNs I had no issue receiving one push after getting back online. But after reinstalling the production app no push after being offline. Example sent with the Push Notifications Console but I also tested it with curl directly: curl -v --header authorization: bearer ${AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN} --header apns-topic: de.alarm-it-factory.ACC-App-Xamarin --header apns-push-type: alert --header apns-priority: 10 --header apns-expiration: 1721379960 --data '{aps:{ale
Reply to 1 Action Pending
That's an information message telling you what you can do in Business section. Maybe you just have nothing to do ? Усі країни та: that may relate to the countries where you distribute your apps, you may miss some information there. Could you tell what is the content of action pending ?
Empty dSYMs folder since Xcode 15
Since I updated to Xcode 15.3, my archives have an empty dSYMs folder. I have not changed any project settings since Xcode 14. My build settings have: Debug Information Format: DWARF with dSYM File Generate Debug Symbols: Yes From my archives, if I navigate to the .xcarchive, Show Package Contents, there is a dSYMs folder. For all my archives built in Xcode 15, this folder is empty. For previous archives (Xcode 14), this folder contains a .app.dSYM file. When I distribute my app via App Store Connect and receive crash reports from TestFlight, these are symbolicated. So I'm confused why I don't see a local .dSYM file. Can you explain this? What do I need to change to generate this? (And does it matter if I'm getting symbolicated crash reports??)