missing package product

45,735 results found






The product archive package's signature is invalid
The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer certificate. (90237) I'm receiving this error, despite the fact that I'm using this certificate when creating the pkg (with electron-forge) My configuration is shown below - note the 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer identity when using new MakerPKG. const config: ForgeConfig = { packagerConfig: { asar: true, name: 'Deep Focus', icon: 'resources/icon.icns', osxSign: { identity: 'Apple Distribution: Timeo Williams (3Y4F3KTSJA)', type: 'distribution', provisioningProfile: '/Users/timeo/Desktop/Deep Focus/deepWork/distribution.provisionprofile', preAutoEntitlements: false, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type optionsForFile() { return { entitlements: 'build/entitlements.mas.plist' } } }, extendInfo: 'build/info.plist', osxUniversal: { mergeASARs: true }, appCategoryType: 'public.app-category.productivity', appBundleId: 'com.ele
FairPlay Production Deployment Package Requirements
On the FairPlay main page it states: The FPS Deployment Package is not available to third parties acting on behalf of licensed content owners. Could someone please provide more details around this statement? If I were to build a subscription based platform where users can upload & monetize their videos, and used FairPlay to prevent unauthorized access to the creator's content, what would Apple's response be?
Sep ’23
Unable to install macOS Big Sur: The package %@ is missing or invalid
While trying to install macOS Big Sur public release on my MacBook Pro 16, it fails with alert message: The package %@ is missing or invalid I've tried at-least 3 times by downloading 12.18 GB package from fresh but after downloading it fails while installing. Looking through install.log in console.app, it says: The package “%@” is missing or invalid., identifier=com.apple.pkg.InstallAssistant.macOSBigSur
Nov ’20
Missing padlock on signed package in Installer GUI
Installer packages signed with my team's Developer ID Installer certificate (using productsign) appear to sign without error, but the resulting signed packages do not display a padlock in the Installer GUI. Inspecting a package with pkgutil --check-signature indicates that the package has been signed with a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution, with a trusted timestamp, and with the Developer ID Installer cert in the first position in the trust chain, as expected. Further, I am able to successfully notarize the resulting signed packages. Output of security find-identity -vp codesigning does include my team's Developer ID Application cert but not the Developer ID Installer cert, though both certs exist in my keychain along with the associated private keys, as far as I can tell. Does the absence of the padlock in the Installer GUI indicate a problem with my signing workflow?
Nov ’21
Missing in app purchase price and invalid product
Hello,When you have a developer role in iTunesConnect and want to add inapp purchase to application, you are unable to set price. Even if you fill all required fields, InApp purchase has status missing metadata but still any field with price or even information about missing price is not dispalyed. Which lead to situation that all products that you request from app has status invalid. Price can only be set by App manager role. This is really weird and strange flow. Please improve it or add this information. We spend a lot of time trying to figure out what is wrong.Best regards
May ’17
[Urgent]APNS Production: Missing Topic Error
I have an app with bundle Id com.***.xxxx which uses Push Capabilities. I have generated necessary SSL certificates(.p12 file) for Sandbox and Production environment. We are using .p12 file to connect & sending push to APNS. The Notification Provider uses the APN/HTTP2 interface for publishing notifications and we are hitting below APNS url. APNS sandbox url: api.sandbox.push.apple.com APNS production url: api.push.apple.com Everything is working fine in sandbox environment and we are getting push notifications in devices. Production notification is reporting HTTP 400 with Missing Topics error. We are not sending any “apns-topic” in header for sandbox environment and it’s working fine. Can you please confirm “apns-topic” is required only for production environment even we are using .p12 file? We are dealing with huge amount of users and this issue is impacting our live customers. Waiting for a quick response, thanks a lot in advance.
Apr ’21
Missing "Products" folder when creating a framework
In Xcode 13+ When I create a framework, there is no Products folder as it used to be there prior to that version same like the below image Even when I build the project, I still cannot find the .framework file anywhere. All tutorials on google follow the same flow of creating the framework project, building then extracting the .framework binary from the Products folder, but that doesn't seem to be available in Xcode 13+ Any one have a clue?
Dec ’21
Mismatch Between Provisioning Profile and Private Key Certificate When Packaging IPA for Production
Hello fellow developers, I hope you're all doing well. I've encountered an issue that I'm hoping someone here might have some insights on. When I try to package my IPA for the production version, I receive a notification that the provisioning profile doesn't match the private key certificate. However, when packaging for the test version, everything works perfectly. I've ensured that I'm using the provisioning profile for the production version and even exported the key for this profile, but they still don't seem to match. Upon further inspection, I noticed that when I applied for the production version of the mobileprovision, the Certificate Name automatically changed to the company name. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, how did you resolve it? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Best regards
Oct ’23
Restored non-consumable products missing from appStoreReceiptURL
Hello everyone,I'm restoring some non-consumable products, then doing a SKRefreshReceiptRequest, then looking into the contents of [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL].I see transactions being restored as expected but the receipt I get only has 1 in-app purchase instead of the 20-ish I expect to see. Is this normal behavior? How should I validate my restored products on a server?
Mar ’19
Reply to Identifying subscription changes server side (same group different premium content)
Thanks for the prompt reply.Does the the transaction.transactionReceipt contain the new product the user upgraded/downgraded? I know how to relate to the expiration, what I'm missing is what is the new package he upgraded/downgraded too.I know what I can extract from the receipt the expires_date_formatted/expires_date but what will the product_id represent in upgrade/downgrade?
Jul ’16
Reply to Use Xcode for Server Side Development
Ok... The issue was I had the following as my config, and hadn't replaced the products.library with products.executable Incorrect Config import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyServer, products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: MyServer, targets: [MyServer]), ], dependencies: [ // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on. // .package(url: /* package url */, from: 1.0.0), .package(url: https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git, from: 4.0.0), ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on. .target( name: MyServer, dependencies: [dependencies: [ .product(name: Va
Jun ’22