missing package product

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Reply to Xcode 15: Multiple Commands Produce Duplicate Info.plist Error
Thank you for the timely! Let me clarify. I didn't manually put 'Info.plist' into the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. It went there when I added the 'Info.plist' file to the project. So there are 4 items in CBR: 'Info.plist', 'Restaurants.json (this is a json file with some points of interest that I want the app to display on a map and it also is automatically placed into Copy Bundle Resources when I add the file to the project (both 'Info.plist' and 'Restaurants.json' are in a group: 'Supporting Files'), 'Preview Assets.xcassets', and 'Assets.xcassets'. When I create the Info.plist file I enter into the path for Info.plist file into the Build Settings pane (under packaging), then I fill out the key for Info.plist (Privacy: Location When In Use Usage Description), and then I clean project and build and the build fails with another error: Multiple commands produce... target has copy command.. target has process command... warning: duplicate output file '/Users/josephnicholas/Library/Developer/Xcode
Unexpected URLRepresentableIntent behaviour
After watching the What's new in App Intents session I'm attempting to create an intent conforming to URLRepresentableIntent. The video states that so long as my AppEntity conforms to URLRepresentableEntity I should not have to provide a perform method . My application will be launched automatically and passed the appropriate URL. This seems to work in that my application is launched and is passed a URL, but the URL is in the form: FeatureEntity/{id}. Am I missing something, or is there a trick that enables it to pass along the URL specified in the AppEntity itself? struct MyExampleIntent: OpenIntent, URLRepresentableIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = Open Feature static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary(Open (.$target)) } @Parameter(title: My feature, description: The feature to open.) var target: FeatureEntity } struct FeatureEntity: AppEntity { // ... } extension FeatureEntity: URLRepresentableEntity { static var urlRepresentation: URLRepresentation { https://
Jun ’24
Reply to How to cancel Apple Developer Membership enrollment
This is highly annoying. Our first experience into Apple Developer and we encounter this, and after requesting, twice, to get it cancelled, and waiting 4 working days, still no response. It's like putting something into an Amazon basket to see the shipping chargers, then unexpectedly being blocked from seeing any other products or removing it from your cart, without purchasing it first. No other checkout process or purchasing flow on the planet behaves like this. Insane.
Agreed to legal agreements but still get "required agreement is missing or has expired"
We've been notarizing apps for a while now and have been through agreement changes before. But we still keep getting the following error when trying to notarize: Conducting pre-submission checks for myapp.dmg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Error: HTTP status code: 403. A required agreement is missing or has expired. This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired. Ensure your team has signed the necessary legal agreements and that they are not expired. We've been through every document in our account to ensure it is signed. Is there any way to determine what document is not signed or what our issue is ? ...thanks
SwiftData Question
As I am new to programming in Swift, I have a question about SwiftData if you are writing a program and created your model and done some testing and realize you need to add something to your model that you missed during the initial setup do you have to start a whole new project? As I noticed when adding in something new to the model the project can't find the original SwiftData? Thread 1: Fatal error: failed to find a currently active container for User
May ’24
API requests being blocked by ITP
We develop an SDK that requires sharing a device-specific identifier with our web API, in order to guarantee that certain artifacts are only used on the correct device. For the device-specific identifier, we use UIDevice.currentDevice.identifierForVendor which should not be restricted under ATT. In production, many developers are getting back to us with complaints of web requests being blocked: nw_endpoint_handler_path_change [C1 [our url]:443 waiting parent-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0[802.11], ipv4, dns, uses wifi)] blocked tracker Connection 1: received failure notification Connection 1: failed to connect 1:50, reason -1 Connection 1: encountered error(1:50) Task .<1> HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1009 [1:50]) Task .<1> finished with error [-1009] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 The Internet connection appears to be offline. UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, NSUnderlyingError=0x3031118f0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 (nu
Jun ’24
Reply to PaymentRequest TypeError
For completeness/posterity, also added to StackOverflow: The annoyingly tiny answer was that the first argument to the PaymentRequest constructor is supposed to be an array. const request = new PaymentRequest([ applePayMethod ], paymentDetails); (Or, make the variable an array from the start. The two examples I'd seen used different approaches, I missed the array brackets.)
Reply to Xcode 15 build error Info.plist "error: Build input file cannot be found:..."
If you encounter an error in Xcode stating, “Build file cannot be found: info.plist, did you forget to declare this file?”, but the file is indeed present in the project. It seems like you may have moved the file but did not tell Xcode you did. Can you provide the screenshot of “Target” -> “Info” to see what it looks like? I see you navigate to it, but I think it got moved; you can just go to “Settings” -> “Target”, and in the “Info” tab, it will show you the file or let you reference one there. Below a few other things to check. However, you can move it back to the root of the project instead of “SupportingFiles”. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: Verify File Location: Double-check the file path and ensure that info.plist file is correctly placed within the project's root directory or the appropriate group. Check Target Membership: Select your project file in Xcode. Navigate to the Targets section. Make sure the info.plist file is included in the target membership
NSAccessibilityElement sendable but not MainActor?
I'm working on Swift 6 concurrency support for our app. I've always thought of NSAccessibilityElement as being like all of the other UI classes- only used (or usable) on the main thread. As far as I've seen, they are always called on the main thread. But in Xcode 16 beta 2, it's only marked as Sendable but not MainActor. Is that just an oversight or do we need to worry about these being used / called on threads? It's easy enough to do the async work (well, not that easy), but I don't want to do all that work if Xcode 16 beta 3 is just going to add a MainActor to it. I've already been burned by that once, in WebKit- the first beta was missing several MainActor declarations, in places where it was unclear from the documentation. I added a bunch of async fixes to my delegates, only to have to take it all out when the second Xcode beta shipped and the SDK headers changed. How complete are the async declarations in the Xcode 16 SDKs?
Jun ’24
Reply to Reading Files from USB-C Storage on iOS Devices
We believe that MFi certification is not necessary for USB-C connections. Is this understanding correct? Yes, that's correct. The system directly supports USB mass storage devices. The system will mount the volume and make it accessible through Files.app and APIs like UIDocumentPickerViewController. Implementation Method We prefer not to use standard components like UIDocumentPickerViewController. Are there any methods to access the file system directly, or any other suitable approaches you can recommend? No, not really. You can use our standard components to get access to a directory and then provide your own navigation UI, but the only mechanism that will get you that initial access in one of our controls. In addition, there is currently an issue with cross volume bookmarks (r.102995804) which prevents resolution from working across volume mounts, so you also can't (reliably) use a bookmark to preserve access like you could on the users local storage. As things now, there isn't a good way for an iOS app to
Apple Vision Pro app stops working after a while
Hello! I have developed an application using Unity that runs on the visionPro. I have correctly built it, installed it on the device and it works. The spatial computing application continue to work after several days (pretty normal, I launch the app and it works. It doesn't use any external services). After several weeks, like a month or so, I launch again the same app but it's not working anymore. The only way I have to make it work again is to rebuild and reinstall it again. What am I missing here? Why an application built and installed few weeks ago suddenly stops working on the VisionPro?
Jun ’24