Hello, Xcode's automatic string extraction always assumes that strings will be looked up from their own bundle, which is best practice for localization. The reason looking up strings from other bundles (especially higher-level bundles such as Bundle.main) is not typically recommended is because there is no guarantee that your clients will actually have those strings defined. And Xcode cannot guarantee it because your Package could be used by clients outside of your own Xcode workspace. When you do need one bundle to use strings defined in another, one safe way to do this is to have one bundle define these strings as usual, and then expose them to the other bundle via API. For example, perhaps you could have an OKButton: View type in some shared target that you could then use in dependent Packages.
missing package product
45,798 results found
Our product does use not-so-common APIs (it uses the EndpointSecurity API in AUTH mode for some events notalby), and it can have a pretty important IO activity on disk, with a memory footprint of multiple hundreds of MB. First off, I need to pass along the standard warning I pass to every developer using the EndpointSecurity API. This API is easily one of the most difficult and dangerous APIs on the system. The reasons for this include (but are not limited to...): The API scope is enormous, basically allow a client to disrupt almost everything the system does. An ES client's interactions with the system can in turn generate additional auth events. Particularly if/when multiple ES clients are involved this can create arbitrarily complex recursive loops, which can obviously be... problematic. The consequence of disrupting system performance are very difficult to predict but include everything from performance disruptions up to and including kernel panics. All of these issue are generally invisible unde
@DTS Engineer Is there any update or hints to this? We're back to 1970's debugging here which is time consuming for such a large team. swift-healthcheck is showing Missing Swift module or Clang module found for all our (Cocoapods) dependencies. Even attempted to use -add_ast_path manually, but the problem there is how to determine that path. All guesses have failed so far. I'm not clear why I would have to manually set those in Xcode 16 either. The code block option seems to suffering from an offset issue here too, btw. Had to fix the back ticks in the first paragraph. Not sure if @DTS Engineer is working either?
Hi everyone, I'm working on an NFC-related app using CoreNFC with APDU commands to read and write tags. I’ve encountered an issue when trying to handle the scenario where the user cancels the NFC session. Here’s what’s happening: When a user cancels the NFC session manually (e.g., by tapping Cancel), I see an error log indicating tagReaderSession|userCancelled. However, when I explicitly call session.invalidate(errorMessage: No NFC tag found) in my code to handle a scenario where no tag is detected, the session still shows the error as userCancelled instead of my custom error message. This behavior is confusing both in terms of debugging and for providing feedback to users, as I expect my custom message to appear instead of the generic user cancelled message. func tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession) { // Session becomes active } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) { // Handle tag detection logic } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagRe
I'm not sure how we reached the point where we accepted the current situation of subscription testing in Testflight as the normal. It has been drama for years now. It's also super confusing and many people don't understand why/what is happening. Let me write down first what is happening, after that all the issues and potential solution will be clear. Production app Uses live appstore backend + your apple id that is signed in on the device Testflight app Uses sandbox appstore backend + your apple id that is signed in on the device Local / Xcode Uses sandbox appstore backend + your sandbox apple id if correctly set on your device (settings / appstore / sandbox account). The problem is you can only manage the following subscriptions Live appstore backend + live apple id Sandbox appstore backend + sandbox apple id We are missing the option to manage Sandbox appstore backend + live apple id -> the situation we deal with in testflight. So there is no way to manage your testflight subscriptions.
Hi guys, I've been struggling for a few days with this really weird behaviour. We made an app for our e-commerce website and found out that a part of the product page is missing. For any reason, the header and first blocks of the page and footer are displayed, but then a massive part of the content is missing. This content is not loaded through ajax; that's why I don't understand why it's not displayed. You can see here 2 screenshots of what the page should look like and what the page looks like with WKWebView. I've been inspecting this with Safari; there isn't any blocking error in the console, and html elements are just empty. There is the div with class row and nothing in it. The same website is working perfectly with native Android Webview. If anyone has any clue to find out what's going wrong
When attempting to use apple promotional offers for subscriptions I consistently receive the popup that says Offer Not Available for both production and sandbox. Without offer code purchase working fine. I have verified the App Store Connect setup and client side code and even created new offer codes also, but I have hit a dead end. Error:- (Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=18 (null) UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x280dbb0f0 {Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3904 Offer Not Available UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Offer Not Available}}})
I've made an MacOS app with Unity Cloud Build and I want to sign and distribute it using App Store Connect. I download the compiled .app file and use codesign to sign all the appropriate files. I also use an entitlements file when I sign the runtime binary. I used the command codesign -d --entitlements on the resulting .app file to confirm that com.apple.security.app-sandbox is set to true, which it is. But when I use productbuild to create the .pkg file and upload it using Transporter, I get an e-mail from App Store Connect saying that ITMS-90296: App sandbox not enabled I don't know how to further debug this... Does anyone have any pointers on how to fix this? Note: it has to be doable either via the Unity Editor, Unity Build Cloud or the MacOS CLI... Codesign showing that app-sandbox is enabled: The error from App Store Connect:
Hello, I am currently working on integrating Meta Audience Network (Meta) with Google AdMob using bidding mediation for an iOS app. The goal is to show ads through meta , with AdMob acting as the mediation layer. I have successfully set up both the Meta SDK and Google AdMob SDK, as well as the GoogleMobileAdsMediationFacebook adapter. My AdMob and Meta accounts are both linked for mediation, and I have configured the correct placement IDs for Meta within AdMob. Currently i am creating a demo project with demo accounts i haven't added app live link as my app isn't on AppStore and haven't added any payment method. However, I am encountering a couple of issues and need some guidance: 1. Test Ads Work, but Real Ad Unit Fails: • When using test AdMob ad unit IDs, everything works fine, and ads are shown as expected. • But when I use my original AdMob ad unit ID, I get the error: “Publisher data not found.” • Does this mean my app is not fully set up or is there something else I might be missing in my conf
For anyone still finding this thread, the correct answer is that you need to check the Outgoing Connections (Client) checkbox in the App Sandbox settings panel. This entitlement seems to be required to get WKWebView working in AppKit apps. This is missing from the WKWebView documentation, so hopefully this post is helpful for anyone else. If DTS wants to give me a job, I'd be happy to scour the forums and SO to send suggestions to the documentation team. :-P
For anyone still finding this question, the correct answer is that you need to check the Outgoing Connections (Client) checkbox in the App Sandbox settings panel. This entitlement seems to be required to get WKWebView working in AppKit apps. This is missing from the WKWebView documentation, so hopefully this post is helpful for anyone else.
Hello guys, We are receiving feedbacks from various users facing kernel panics when using one of our products. Our analysis of the crash reports shows that all panic traces report the exact same panic cause: Sleep transition timed out after 35 seconds while creating hibernation file or while calling rootDomain's clients about upcoming rootDomain's state changes. Various versions of MacOS are affected, including the latest ones. It seems obvious, with the user feedbacks we have, that our product plays a role in those KP. But we can seen on the forums that it is not specific to our users. Our product does use not-so-common APIs (it uses the EndpointSecurity API in AUTH mode for some events notalby), and it can have a pretty important IO activity on disk, with a memory footprint of multiple hundreds of MB. My understanding of hibernation is that when it happens, the applications are frozen (i.e. with no access to the CPU), and thus that no endpoint security event would be generated dur
Missed mentioning this is for iOS.
Never mind. It turns out that all the targets need to have the same product name. The product name defaults to the $(TARGET_NAME). I made sure the bundle names matched, but not the product names.
You are not going to get anywhere by seeking advice here when it comes to getting your app rejected. It's true that the reviewers can get wrong occasionally. So do I and get my software titles rejected occasionally with mistakes on my side. If your app is rejected for the spam reason, listen to the reviewer and ask them questions. If you already have a similar app at App Store or Mac App Store, you are likely to be advised to provide it as an add-on feature to an existing title. If you have sold a similar product to one retailer and are trying to sell a similar one to another retailer, you are not going anywhere. I'm sure you are not telling us the whole story. So, again, read what the reviewer has said. It's up to you to listen to the reviewer and make changes to software.