missing package product

42,925 results found






Issues with Dark and Tinted Icons in Xcode
I am working on creating an alternative app icon and noticed that Apple requires dark and tinted variants for these icons. Multiline Alternate app icons in iOS and iPadOS require their own dark and tinted variants. As with the default app icon, all alternate and variant icons are also subject to app review and must adhere to the App Review Guidelines. However, when I follow Apple’s instructionsction I am unable to find any option in Xcode to add these dark and tinted icons. I'm wondering if anyone has managed to do this, or if I'm missing some configuration that I don't know about. Has anyone successfully managed to configure dark and tinted alternative icons in Xcode? If so, could you please provide guidance or share any specific configurations needed to achieve this? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Reply to System Keychain not available from a Daemon
Hi! Thanks for the excellent insight on what SMAppService does! All it cares about is whether or not the target exists. The fact that most daemon's haven't been insides app bundles is ENTIRELY a matter historical accident/choice, NOT because of any requirement, benefit, or even formal choice. This is true. I've put my Daemon in an app bundle out of choice. I technically do not need to do that, but I found that it will make a few things easier. I just wanted to be extra clear about that, since it looks like this isn't that common or recommended. The sandbox side of this is even more confusing, since launchd.plist's can be other tools on the system or even shell script. You can have a daemon that's sandbox'd, but nothing in launchd requires (or even cares) about that, as the sandbox is well outside of launchd's area of responsibility. The reason why I have my Daemon sandboxed is this: If I try to register a daemon that is not sandboxed (irrelevant if it is in an app bundle or not) from a sandboxed application I
Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
Thanks, I just tried that. Then I realized that I can barely see any of my app's symbol names in the disassembly (which I created with otool -vt /path/to/executable). For instance I cannot find any of the method names mentioned in the crash reports. The disassembly looks like this: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2024-07-12/MyApp macOS 12.07.2024, 20.43.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp (architecture arm64): (__TEXT,__text) section 0000000100004a00 stp x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20]! 0000000100004a04 stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10] 0000000100004a08 add x29, sp, #0x10 0000000100004a0c adrp x8, 567 ; 0x10023b000 0000000100004a10 ldr x0, [x8, #0xc30] ; Objc class ref: bad class ref 0000000100004a14 bl 0x1001d664c ; symbol stub for: _objc_opt_self 0000000100004a18 adrp x8, 567 ; 0x10023b000 0000000100004a1c ldr x1, [x8, #0x588] ; Objc selector ref: sharedApplication 0000000100004a20 bl 0x1001d6634 ; Objc message: -[x0 sharedApplication] 0000000100004a24 mov x29, x29 0000000100004a28 bl
Can't open app on TestFlight
I have built my app with no errors and uploaded to testflight successfully. But when I try to install my app on my iphone, it throws the following error. Could not install {AppName} the requested app is not available or doesn't exist. And also received an email saying ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement- Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. ... But I already have the required provisioning profile and have 'aps-environment' entitlement manually. What is the reason and please let me know potential solutions.
Reply to Open app review crashlog .txt file in Xcode 13
[quote='796464022, ingconti, /thread/691407?answerId=796464022#796464022, /profile/ingconti'] is better to use a TSI?? [/quote] DTS tech support incidents (TSIs) have been replaced by code-level support request and, as part of that process, DTS has switched to doing the bulk of our work on DevForums. There are three common file extensions for crash reports: .txt .ips .crash I’ll cover each in turn. Additionally, there is a lot of useful info in the various docs linked to by Diagnosing issues using crash reports and device logs. The first (.txt) isn’t ideal. You see it in places where the system requires a text file, like here on DevForums (see Posting a Crash Report) and in reports from App Review. If you get a .txt file, open it with a text editor to see what the real format is, and then change the extension to either .crash or .ips. The second format (.ips) is used for JSON crash reports. This is easy to identify because it looks like JSON. For example: {app_name:Xcode,…} { uptime : 1400000, … } IMPORTANT I
Reply to Public and Private CK sync failure, macOS mistake = add data before indexing
Problem solved. When compared to another project I’m working on, I noticed something missing from the “Signing & Capabilities” under macOS App Sandbox… Once I checked Outgoing Connections (Client), Xcode created a new entitlements file (oddly named AppNameDebug.entitlements) and added the setting Outgoing Network Connections = YES. Following my next build and run, sync to CloudKit databases worked perfectly. Can’t figure why this wasn’t required before. I didn't uncheck this and the previous entitlements file did not contain this line item before. All I can suggest is that I added an #if DEBUG macro to my project around the same time, so maybe this triggered the requirement? #if DEBUG do { // Use the container to initialize the development schema. try container.initializeCloudKitSchema(options: []) } catch { // Handle any errors. } #endif But main problem solved. If anyone has an explanation that would be appreciated.
Location interval on the iOS platform, with Flutter's Geolocator
Hey guys. I'm building a cross-platform app using Flutter, which uses the Geolocator package to see how far the user has travelled from their starting point, aviation related. I do allow the user to select their own distance filter value from a set of pre-defined options, which could be as low as a metre, since the app is designed for use over relatively small distances, from say 200m to 1km. Therefore, having a large distance filter value wouldn't make much sense. However, the issue I am having is that with iOS, I can't seem to control the actual sample rate of the user's location. From what I gather, iOS measures the user's location approximately once every second, give or take a bit, but that value cannot be changed. That's quite different to Android, where I can specify this measurement interval to be whatever I want it to be. This lack of ability to control the measurement interval tends to cause quite a lag. When someone first starts to move, they aren't travelling fast enough to cause a notice
Watch app does not recognise package dependencies
Hello All, I'm new to the forum and learning app development. I have managed to solve most issues through the web but this one has me stumped. I'm using Xcode 15.4 on a MacBook Air M1 and working on a iOS/WatchOS project. The iOS app is done and I've started on the Watch one by copying the code over. There were 3 issues 2 of which were easy to fix but the 3rd is weird. The two dependencies I added via the SPM give a No such module '***' error. Any ideas anybody? Yours hopefully, Michael
App crashes in device
Hi Everyone, Our app crashes in real device with the following error but works in simulator. Please suggest. We are using iOS 17 in device and xcode 15.4 Date/Time: 2024-06-21 11:41:41.4618 -0500 Launch Time: 2024-06-21 11:41:41.1161 -0500 Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: DYLD 4 Symbol missing Symbol not found: _$s8SAPFiori27FUISegmentedControlFormCellC15reuseIdentifierSSvgZTj Referenced from: <05282F21-2C2D-3AE6-B45B-251164285297> /Volumes/VOLUME//AssetManagerVDP.app/Frameworks/MapFramework.framework/MapFramework Expected in: /Volumes/VOLUME//AssetManagerVDP.app/Frameworks/SAPFiori.framework/SAPFiori (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace) Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld 0x1b8275e90 __abort_with_payload + 8 1 dyld 0x1b827e0e4 abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 104 2 dyld 0x1b827e118 abort_with_payload + 16 3 dyld 0x1b823c70c dyld4::halt(char const*, dyld4::S
Reply to Testflight doesnt open an App (error 10673)
I 've managed to start my app now i can see the following crash report information: Termination Reason: Namespace DYLD, Code 1 Library missing Library not loaded: @loader_path/libsteam_api.dylib Referenced from: <......B-3DDF-3AD6-B3C8-C39C3771A824> /Applications/WattAttack-Mac-Shipping.app/Contents/MacOS/WattAttack-Mac-Shipping Reason: tried: '/Applications/WattAttack-Mac-Shipping.app/Contents/MacOS/libsteam_api.dylib' (code signature invalid in <.......-0547-37ED-844E-89C9CABACBCA> '/Applications/WattAttack-Mac-Shipping.app/Contents/MacOS/libsteam_api.dylib' (errno=1) sliceOffset=0x00004000, codeBlobOffset=0x00027B70, codeBlobSize=0x000055F0) (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace) I've read different articles related to this code signing error but cant figure out how to fix the problem :(
Please explain about ConsumptionRequest Properties
platform: Please let me know which platform 'Non-Apple platform' is referring to. For example, Google or Amazon? And is it correct to mean the platform that consumed the products received due to in-app purchases? playTime: Does 'playTime' mean the time when the customer purchased the app and actually accessed the app? Or do you mean the time you accessed after the in-app purchase? lifetimeDollarsPurchased/lifetimeDollarsRefunded: If the app has multiple accounts for that customer, is the purchased/refunded amount for all accounts?
Reply to Launch constraints disappear
OK. Did you look at the logs that Xcode generates when you export? I suspect you’ll see that it’s not passing the right values for --preserve-metadata. Regardless, you should file a bug against Xcode here. Please post your bug number, just for the record. As to the workaround, you’ll have to manually export your code from your Xcode archive. See Creating distribution-signed code for macOS, starting at the Export a non-app product built with Xcode section. Note that this isn’t as tricky than it might seem because you can follow the trail blazed by Xcode: Export using Xcode. Look in the logs to see what Xcode did. Apply the minor tweak to the --preserve-metadata option. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com