missing package product

42,925 results found






409 Conflict Error when i create inapp purchase product
I can manually create the product from the apple connect dashboard in my in-app purchase tab. I want to use PHP and Symfony to add the product I have in my server created in the in-app purchase tab. I am using the second version create inapp purchase API https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/create_an_in-app_purchase but i get the Conflict 409 message while i am posting it. i only have one other product and i am sure the id i am using for this new one is not being used before. i can get the list of inapp purchase for my app using this api https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/list_all_in-app_purchases_for_an_app i created the token successfuly and i am checking the existance of a product with that product id beforehand and i get no result. here is a sample code. $productData = [ 'data' => [ 'type' => 'inAppPurchases', 'attributes' => [ 'name' => $package->getName(), 'productId' => '34567876545
Subscription Product Identifier Issue
Hello! I am writing to seek your assistance regarding an issue we have encountered with the in-app purchase subscriptions in our application. Issue Description In our application, when a user initially subscribes and opts for the free trial, the product identifier is co.cleaner.storage_001. However, upon renewal, the product identifier changes to co.cleaner.storage_003. This change is causing issues because our backend system relies on the product identifier to manage subscriptions. Assistance Required We would like to understand the following: Does Apple change the product identifier when transitioning from a free trial to a renewal? If so, how should we handle this situation? Is there any configuration or setting that can ensure the same product identifier is used during both the free trial and the renewal period? Any recommendations or solutions to ensure our subscription management system can correctly handle user renewals. Attached are the first free trial dat
Subscription Product Identifier Issue
ello! I am writing to seek your assistance regarding an issue we have encountered with the in-app purchase subscriptions in our application. Issue Description In our application, when a user initially subscribes and opts for the free trial, the product identifier is co.cleaner.storage_001. However, upon renewal, the product identifier changes to co.cleaner.storage_003. This change is causing issues because our backend system relies on the product identifier to manage subscriptions. Assistance Required We would like to understand the following: Does Apple change the product identifier when transitioning from a free trial to a renewal? If so, how should we handle this situation? Is there any configuration or setting that can ensure the same product identifier is used during both the free trial and the renewal period? Any recommendations or solutions to ensure our subscription management system can correctly handle user renewals. Attached are the first free trial data
RealityKit scene with the Entity Component System
I'm following WWDC for interactive 3D content in reality composer pro and apple's document https://developer.apple.com/wwdc24/10102 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/implementing-systems-for-entities-in-a-scene#Retrieve-entities-with-an-entity-query However, this simple code to declare a dummy Component and System has compile error /Users/Workspaces/repository/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RobotComponent.swift:18:24 Static property 'query' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'EntityQuery' may have shared mutable state // Define a query to return all entities with a MyComponent. private static let query = EntityQuery(where: .has(MyComponent.self)) // Initializer is required. Use an empty implementation if there's no setup needed. required init(scene: Scene) { } // Iterate through all entities containing a MyComponent. func update(context: SceneUpdateContext) { for entity in context.entities( matching: Self.query, updatingSystemWhen: .rendering
Xcode 16 can't target RealityKitContent on macOS 14?
I'm working on a multi-platform app (macOS and visionOS for now). In these early stages it’s easier to target the Mac, but I started with a visionOS project. One of the things the template creates is a RealityKitContent package dependency. I can target macOS 14.5 in Xcode, but when it goes to build the RealiityKitContent, I get this error: error: Building for 'macosx', but '14.0' must be >= '15.0' [macosx] info: realitytool [/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/realitytool compile --platform macosx --deployment-target 14.0 … Unfortunately, I'm unwilling to update this machine to macOS 15, as it's too risky. Running macOS 15 in a VM is not possible (Apple Silicon). This strikes me as a bug, or severe shortcoming, of realitytool. This was introduced with visionOS 1.0, and should be able to target macOS < 15. It's not really reasonable to use Xcode 15, since soon enough Apple will require I build with Xcode 16 for submission to the App Store. Is this a bug, or intentional?
Using a Brew-installed library on visionOS?
I've been working on a Swift PM wrapper for the libtiff library, which I installed on my Mac via Brew. So far so good. But I just tried adding it to my visionOS project. and it complained that it was trying to link against a library built for macOS: building for 'visionOS-simulator', but linking in dylib (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libtiff/4.6.0/lib/libtiff.6.dylib) built for 'macOS' I wish Brew would build universal libraries, but it doesn’t, and they have no interest in doing so. What are my options? If I build libtiff from sources, it’s still a bit of a pain to build against a different SDK. libtiff has its own Makefile I’d rather not try to edit. Can I make an xcframework out of it? Can I statically link it into my Swit wrapper library? Do I need to hack together a C build target in my Package and copy the source files over to it?
CoreText' CTRunDraw can't draw underline attribute in iOS18 with Xcode 16 beta
demo code : - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // Flip the coordinate system CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, self.bounds.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0); NSDictionary *attrs = @{NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20], NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blueColor], NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleThick), }; // Make an attributed string NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@Hello CoreText! attributes:attrs]; CFAttributedStringRef attributedStringRef = (__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)attributedString; // Simple CoreText with CTFrameDraw CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attributedStringRef); CGPathRef path = CGPathCreateWithRect(self.bounds,NULL); CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter,CFRangeMake(0, 0),path,NULL); //CTFrameDraw(frame, context); // Yo
NavigationStack path problems
As NavigationLink(destination:isActive:label:) has been deprecated, I've been trying to migrate our code to NavigationStack(path:root:). However, I've been having a few questions/issues with NavigationStack. NavigationStack not working well inside a TabView Having a NavigationStack as the root of a TabView tab is pretty common, even in Apple's default apps. But if a NavigationStack that is not the first tab has a not empty path the first time it's is displayed, you get the following message in the Xcode console. Do not put a navigation destination modifier inside a lazy” container, like List or LazyVStack. These containers create child views only when needed to render on screen. Add the navigation destination modifier outside these containers so that the navigation stack can always see the destination. There's a misplaced navigationDestination(for:destination:) modifier for type Destination. It will be ignored in a future release. The example code below triggers this message when run. You don't even have to d
Reply to AVSpeechSynthesizer doesn't notifyOthersOnDeactivation
Something that could potentially be considered a workaround would be to set the synthesizers usesApplicationAudioSession to false, while also having the app itself activate/deactivate the audio session before and after using the AVSpeechSynthesizer. Essentially wrapping all usage of the synthesizer that no longer uses the apps audio session within an explicit app audio session. In my testing this appears to have the desired AVAudioSession settings kick in and there are no exceptions thrown. BUT, that then causes the UI to pause updates both when activating and de-activating the session, which is a worse outcome (in current example it only pauses when de-activating). If I have missed a way to not have activating/deactivating the audio session pause UI updates, which you could point me to, I could utilize this workaround.
Issues passing down promotional offer signature values
We have a React Native application and are implementing Promotional Offers for our subscriptions. Our backend service decides what users are eligible for the offer and will send the offer and signature in the request. The SKU, offer, and signature values are sent over the bridge to Objective-C where we then attach the discount to the payment if one exists. When we hardcode the signature values on objective-C we get a successful purchase. When we try to use the signature parameters that were passed down we get a purchase error (SKErrorDomain: 12) Some code snippets here: if (offerSignature[@offerId] != nil) { // convert timestamp to NSNumber NSString *numberString = offerSignature[@timestamp]; NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; NSNumber *number = [formatter numberFromString:numberString]; productIAP.paymentDiscount = [ [SKPaymentDiscount alloc] initWithIdentifier: offerSignature[@offerId] keyIdentifier: offerSignature[@keyIdentifier] nonce: [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:offer
Reply to Tensorflow-metal runs extremely slow
Looks like the version of Python matters. My environment: MacBook Pro 14-inch, 2021, M1 Pro, 16 GB Using this code example I've created two different virtual environments: Python 3.8.19 Python 3.11.9 Results Python 3.8 (CPU) Epoch 1/5 782/782 [==============================] - 403s 513ms/step - loss: 4.8157 - accuracy: 0.0648 Python 3.8 (GPU) Epoch 1/5 2024-07-22 21:35:48.809586: I tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/custom_graph_optimizer_registry.cc:114] Plugin optimizer for device_type GPU is enabled. 782/782 [==============================] - 64s 77ms/step - loss: 4.9219 - accuracy: 0.0574 Python 3.11 (CPU) Epoch 1/5 782/782 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 435s 544ms/step - accuracy: 0.0480 - loss: 5.0793 Python 3.11 (GPU) Epoch 1/5 2024-07-22 21:48:42.497240: I tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/custom_graph_optimizer_registry.cc:117] Plugin optimizer for device_type GPU is enabled. 782/782 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 412s 472ms/step - accuracy: 0.0487 - loss: 5.1804 I did not include
Reply to Apple Pay SDK Payload Decryption Sometimes Fails on Occation
Hi @Reon, You wrote: [...] We are using the C# BouncyCastle Dotnet package to handle the EllipticCurve decryption. Apple does not support third-party libraries or services, so I'd advise you to contact the support channels for BouncyCastle directly. However, I will provide some guidance based on some commonly known issues regarding .NET decryption below. Then, you wrote: [...] We find on average that about 2% of all our deposits are failing because the library fails to decrypt the ApplePay SDK Data payload with the error: Mac check in GCM failed. [...] This low rate of failure may be partially due to a race condition if your encryption/decryption processes are configured in a multithreaded environment. Although rare, one potential failure point is during the auth handshake. One way to troubleshoot this locally is to perform the handshake and decryption on a single thread and process. This should factor out any issues related to corrupted data or unpaired handshakes due to race conditions or poor net
Honoring User's Changed Selection when Registering macOS MainApp with SMAppService
Hello, Currently my macOS application registers itself as a login item in the AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching method (see code below) However, I'm running into a problem that if the user is auto upgraded (internal 3rd party implementation) that the .pkg postinstall script runs, the last step which is launching the GUI application. Because of this, if a user unselects our app as a LoginItem, when it is relaunched, it will add itself back. I have checked the SMAppService statuses (.enabled, .notRegistered, .notFound) and discovered that when a user disables the app as a login item, the status is returned as .notFound. I am trying to find a way to detect if the user previously removed our app from login items and not register the app as a login item back, but for the first time the user opens the app the app is registered as a login item. Would checking if the status is .notRegistered work in this case for a first time install? What should i do differently? func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_
Reply to Apple Wallet Push Notifications: Sending in logs but not appearing on phone
Hi @Ddud, You wrote: [...] Furthermore, my logs show that I am successfully sending my notification to APN, so it is confusing that no notification appears on my phone. [...] Before we begin, I'd like to confirm that you've read the following documentation: Adding a Web Service to Update Passes Register a Pass for Update Notifications Send an Updated Pass To send a pass update push notification, perform the following steps: Find the registered devices for the updated pass. Create and send a push notification for each registered device. Verify your notification matches the following criteria: Uses the same certificate and private key that the creator of the original used for signing. The push token registered by the device. Contains an empty JSON dictionary for the notification payload. For invalid push token errors, delete the associated device from APNs. For more information, see Sending notification requests to APNs. Next, you wrote: [...] token: { [...] } [...] Please remove sensitive information from your
Xcode 15.4 missing iOS 17.5.1 Device Support Files
Title is pretty self-explanatory. I updated my device from iOS 16.something to iOS 17.5.1 today and I can't build my app from Xcode directly on device anymore because I'm getting the error [Could not locate device support files] You may be able to resolve the issue by installing the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store or developer.apple.com. [missing string: 869a8e318f07f3e2f42e11d435502286094f76de] I saw others had the issue with obsolete systems, OSs and Xcode versions but I have none of those - Latest Xcode and latest iOS. What am I supposed to do? Thank you