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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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My Apple developer account was terminated over a year ago!!
What the hell, Apple terminated my account a year ago without any convincing reason after I made sales of about $4,000. I received a message from Apple about terminated my account and at the end of the message they said (Finally, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least a year considering the nature of your actions) It has now been more than a year and I have been trying to recover my account to no avail. There is no response from Apple. Anyone have the same problem? Does anyone have any solution?
Nov ’23
Enrollment through the Apple Developer app is not available for this Apple ID
Good afternoon, colleagues! I have a problem with registering a developer account. I downloaded the Developer app to my iPhone to go through the account registration procedure, because Apple Pay is connected there and it would be much more convenient for me to subscribe via my phone. I went through the full registration process, the subscription was processed and the money was charged to my card. (Subscription is now active) But I never got access to my account. The app says: Enrollment through the Apple Developer app is not available for this Apple ID. Visit programs/enroll/. Following the link I get to the subscription from scratch, and I'm afraid that my money will be deducted again, and I have no guarantee to get access.... I wrote to the technical support e-mail, but I'm waiting for a very long time for a reply and I don't understand what I should do. If it was clearer, I could solve the problem myself. Please help me...
Nov ’23
Unable to log in to Apple Developer account
I get the message "Review the license agreement. To continue your enrollment, review and accept the Program License Agreement" at the top of my Account screen. But when I try to click on this and sign in, it keeps looping. I sign in and it brings me back to the sign in page. Over and over. I tried calling Apple Support, and they told me to contact developer support. Which I would only be able to contact if I could log in. But I can't. I'm stuck in a loop.
Nov ’23
Files locked and cannot make them local to edit
I've pulled the project from Git. Someone else was working on it and it works perfectly fine for them, they can edit all the files. On mine I can only edit what I have added, the files which were already there I can edit, but their changes and additions do not show on the xcode directory on the left side. If i go to finder and click on the project folder there I can see their changes on there.. I tried clicking the lock icon on the preview screen and it says this: “file.swift” is currently locked because it is a remote resource. and when clicking Unlock The file is a remote resource. Try making a local copy. Literally have no idea what to do now. I tried copying their files and making new files and folders like how they made on their branch but it says its already existing even though it is not showing on my swift directory! If you need any other information I am happy to provide it for you!
Dec ’23
Apple Developer account status still PENDING from 28 November 2023
I'm applying for Apple Developer Account and my Enrollment ID is 5HDTV3J32F, I have completed the payment since 28 November 2023, but until today the status is still pending, please help to fix my issue, because my company asking me to upload the iOS Version of our company application, Below is the email when I finished the payment process from 28 November 2023 It's already taken too long from 28 November until today, Apple Developer team please respond and handle my issue! Regards
Dec ’23
Apple Developer account status still Pending from 28 November 2023
Hi Apple Developer Team, I'm applying for Apple Developer Account and my Enrollment ID is 5HDTV3J32F, I have completed the payment since 28 November 2023 and the status is still pending until now, please help to fix my issue, because my company asking me to upload the iOS Version of our company application, This is the screenshot I'm completing my payments in 28 November 2023 Please help to solve and fix my problem Apple Developer team!
Dec ’23