Apple Silicon

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Build apps, libraries, frameworks, plug-ins, and other executable code that run natively on Apple silicon.

Posts under Apple Silicon tag

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Menu works fine in iPad and Mac Catalyst but crashed on Apple Silicon
Hi, I have an iPad app that has menus, like:  CommandGroup(replacing: .help) {                 Button("Help") { showHelp = true }                     .keyboardShortcut("/")  } They works fine in iPad and also if compiled to Mac Catalyst, but will crash on Apple Silicon Mac when selected the menu items with errors like: [General] -[_UIEditMenuInteractionMenuController propertyList]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000190540 I did not use storyboard and only use SwiftUI. Any suggestions? Note: of course the best solution is to compile to Mac Catalyst, but the app has some other issues when run in Mac Catalyst. So I can only release it as iPad app.
Oct ’23
Running Linux with GUI under Virtualization framework unexpectedly stuck after several minutes
My device is MacBook Pro 13-inch, M1, 2020 Use source code provided by article When installing Debian, Fedora or Ubuntu, installation process can stuck at any point and cause the installation failed. Even if it is lucky enough to pass the installation phase, stuck could still happen at any time when the virtual machine is started. It seems that there is some low level error that cause the Linux kernel panic, while during this process error seems to be accumulated--it starts with some user level application in Linux starts to behave weirdly, such as sudo does not authenticate a valid user, apt can not run properly, then Linux kernel panic. Sometimes it behaves like the VM get stuck where it is not sure what happened inside it. I can't provide more detail as it happens randomly and the phenomenon differs each time. While generally it appears to be an accumulated error and eventually the VM get stuck.
Oct ’23
UI tests ran on simulator hang after a couple of minutes on M1 Mac
Hi there! I have a problem running UI tests on simulator, while using M1 Mac. After running for a couple of minutes, usually 3 minutes is enough, tests begin to fail every ±60s on XCUIApplication().launch() with Failed to terminate com.***.***:10552: Failed to terminate com.***.***:0 At this point, my simulator window does not even react to any manual input. That issue have been happening since Xcode 13. Unit tests are running completely fine though. Also, that issue does not appear on an Intel-based Mac. Sadly, I haven't found any information on that issue, however, there are some posts on SO mentioning the same issue, and only one of those posts has an answer, but it mentions unchecking 'Open using Rosetta' option for Xcode, which is not possible anymore. I would appreciate any advice, as I feel like I have tried everything already :(
Sep ’23
Unable to change Photos permission of iPad app on Mac
Users can run our apps on Macs with Apple Silicon via the "iPad Apps on Mac" feature. The apps use PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .addOnly, handler: callback) to request write-only access to the user's Photo Library during image export. This works as intended on macOS, but a huge problem arises when the user denies access (by accident or intentionally) and later decides that they want us to add their image to Photos: There is no way to grant this permission again. In System Preferences → Privacy & Security → Photos, the app is just not listed – in fact, none of the "iPad Apps on Mac" apps appear here. Not even tccutil reset all works. It just reports tccutil: Failed to reset all approval status for Uninstalling, restarting the Mac, and reinstalling the app also doesn't work. The system seems to remember the initial decision. Is this an oversight in the integration of those apps with macOS, or are we missing something fundamental here? Is there maybe a way to prompt the user again?
Sep ’23
replace macOs app (intel) with macOs app (silicon , iOs based)
Hi How can i delete macOs versions 1.1 and 1.2 (both are macOs compiled, NOT iOs based)? In fact, I want to submit my iOs version for macOs devices (with apple silicon, and ignore intel onces). But: In App Store Connect In Pricing & Availability section there is this section : Apple Silicon Mac Availability when i click on checkbox :"Make this app available", and try to save, the save do not happen (stays blue) , and if i try to go to another section, it tells me that i have to save otherwise changes will be ignored (so that another confirms that my intent is not saved). so i assume i have to delete app first. in this link it says that all versions (so in my case, event curent iOS App) should not be Ready for sale so is the only solution is te remove app from all appstores and refill things again?
Sep ’23
missing libSystem.B.dylib
I just transitioned to an M2 silicon and compiled some of my previous programs. However, I am running into some execution problems when my code is not able to find the libSystem.B.dylib. I am runing Apple M2 Max, OS 13.5.2 (22G91) I installed XCODE and command line utilities as normal and installed gcc/gfortran using homebrew. The resulting fault text is below dyld[13777]: dyld cache '(null)' not loaded: syscall to map cache into shared region failed dyld[13777]: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Referenced from: /Users/gamalakabani/Applications/TALYS_CODE/talys/bin/talys Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file, no dyld cache), '/usr/local/lib/libSystem.B.dylib' (no such file) ./verify: line 12: 13777 Abort trap: 6 $talys < talys.inp > talys.out Is this an issue with homebrew gcc? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Sep ’23
Apple Silicon Native Support For CarbonAPI
Hi all, I'm working on migrating a legacy codebase to run natively on Apple Silicon macOS. The project builds and runs fine on Rosetta, but anytime I try to build it for Apple Silicon I get build errors from referencing CarbonAPI. Is it possible to resolve these issues and get CarbonAPI to build natively for Apple Silicon, or will I have to rewrite the offending pieces of code? Thanks!
Sep ’23
How to monitor Neural Engine usage on M1 macs?
I'm now running Tensorflow models on my Macbook Air 2020 M1, but I can't find a way to monitor the Neural Engine 16 cores usage to fine tune my ML tasks. The Activity Monitor only reports CPU% and GPU% and I can't find any APIs available on Mach include files in the MacOSX 11.1 sdk or documentation available so I can slap something together from scratch in C. Could anyone point me in some direction as to get a hold of the API for Neural Engine usage. Any indicator I could grab would be a start. It looks like this has been omitted from all sdk documentation and general userland, I've only found a ledger_tag_neural_footprint attribute, which looks memory related, and that's it.
Sep ’23
Cannot install Python from source on Apple Silicon M1
I am trying to install Python from source according to the readme using: ./configure make <-- Error happens here make test sudo make altinstall However, I cannot complete the make command since it fails with: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_libintl_bindtextdomain", referenced from: __locale_bindtextdomain in _localemodule.o "_libintl_dcgettext", referenced from: __locale_dcgettext in _localemodule.o "_libintl_dgettext", referenced from: __locale_dgettext in _localemodule.o "_libintl_gettext", referenced from: __locale_gettext in _localemodule.o "_libintl_setlocale", referenced from: __locale_setlocale in _localemodule.o __locale_localeconv in _localemodule.o "_libintl_textdomain", referenced from: __locale_textdomain in _localemodule.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [Programs/_freeze_module] Error 1 Looks like make is somehow using the wrong architecture. I just don't know why. Does anyone have an idea?
Sep ’23
AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices() - different behavior on Mac (Designed for iPhone) and iOS and MANY errors checking .audioFileSettings properties.
We recently started working on getting an iOS app to work on Macs with Apple Silicon as a "Designed for iPhone" app and are having issues with speech synthesis. Specifically, voices retuned by AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices() do not all work on the Mac. When we build an utterance and attempt to speak, the synthesizer falls back on a default voice and says some very odd text about voice parameters (that is not in the utterance speech text) before it does say the intended speech. Here is some sample code to setup the utterance and speak: func speak(_ text: String, _ settings: AppSettings) { let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: text) if let voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(identifier: settings.selectedVoiceIdentifier) { utterance.voice = voice print("speak: voice assigned \(voice.audioFileSettings)") } else { print("speak: voice error") } utterance.rate = settings.speechRate utterance.pitchMultiplier = settings.speechPitch do { let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() try audioSession.setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, options: .duckOthers) try audioSession.setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation) self.synthesizer.speak(utterance) return } catch let error { print("speak: Error setting up AVAudioSession: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } When running the app on the Mac, this is the kind of error we get with "" as the selectedVoiceIdentifier: speak: voice assgined [:] 2023-05-29 18:00:14.245513-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] [aqme] AQMEIO_HAL.cpp:742 kAudioDevicePropertyMute returned err 2003332927 2023-05-29 18:00:14.410477-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.412837-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.413774-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.414661-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.415544-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.416384-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] Could not retrieve voice [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null) 2023-05-29 18:00:14.416804-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] [AXTTSCommon] Audio Unit failed to start after 5 attempts. 2023-05-29 18:00:14.416974-0700 A.I.[9244:240554] [AXTTSCommon] VoiceProvider: Could not start synthesis for request SSML Length: 140, Voice: [AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice 0x6000033794f0] Name: Rocko, Identifier:, Supported Languages ( "en-US" ), Age: 0, Gender: 0, Size: 0, Version: (null), converted from tts request [TTSSpeechRequest 0x600002c29590] <speak><voice name="">How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?</voice></speak> language: en-US footprint: premium rate: 0.500000 pitch: 1.000000 volume: 1.000000 2023-05-29 18:00:14.428421-0700 A.I.[9244:240360] [VOTSpeech] Failed to speak request with error: Error Domain=TTSErrorDomain Code=-4010 "(null)". Attempting to speak again with fallback identifier: When we run AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices(), the "" is absolutely in the list but fails to speak properly. Notice that the line: print("speak: voice assigned \(voice.audioFileSettings)") Shows: speak: voice assigned [:] The .audioFileSettings being empty seems to be a common factor for the voices that do not work properly on the Mac. For voices that do work, we see this kind of output and values in the .audioFileSettings: speak: voice assigned ["AVFormatIDKey": 1819304813, "AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey": 16, "AVLinearPCMIsBigEndianKey": 0, "AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey": 0, "AVSampleRateKey": 22050, "AVLinearPCMIsNonInterleaved": 0, "AVNumberOfChannelsKey": 1] So we added a function to check the .audioFileSettings for each voice returned by AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices(): //The voices are set in init(): var voices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices() ... func checkVoices() { { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } let checkedVoices = { ($0.0, $0.0.audioFileSettings.count) } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.voices = checkedVoices } } } That looks simple enough, and does work to identify which voices have no data in their .audioFileSettings. But we have to run it asynchronously because on a real iPhone device, it takes more than 9 seconds and produces a tremendous amount of error spew to the console. 2023-06-02 10:56:59.805910-0700 A.I.[17186:910118] [catalog] Query for failed: 2 2023-06-02 10:56:59.971435-0700 A.I.[17186:910118] [catalog] Query for failed: 2 2023-06-02 10:57:00.122976-0700 A.I.[17186:910118] [catalog] Query for failed: 2 2023-06-02 10:57:00.144430-0700 A.I.[17186:910116] [AXTTSCommon] MauiVocalizer: 11006 (Can't compile rule): regularExpression=\Oviedo(?=, (\x1b\\pause=\d+\\)?Florida)\b, message=unrecognized character follows \, characterPosition=1 2023-06-02 10:57:00.147993-0700 A.I.[17186:910116] [AXTTSCommon] MauiVocalizer: 16038 (Resource load failed): component=ttt/re, uri=, contentType=application/x-vocalizer-rettt+text, lhError=88602000 2023-06-02 10:57:00.148036-0700 A.I.[17186:910116] [AXTTSCommon] Error loading rules: 2147483648 ... This goes on and on and on ... There must be a better way?
Sep ’23
Virtualize framework Connection Invalid when starting VM
Hi. Sorry if this question has been answered in another post, if it has I can't find it. My device is MacBook Pro 16-inch, M1, 2021. So I tried to create a VM using this guide from Apple I followed the guide and used an image of debian. Everything worked fine until the machine appeared stuck at some point of the installation. I chose my languages then I had some other prompt asking me to install something but I can't remember precisely the step at which I thought it was freezed (I think it was the GNOME install) So because the machine was not responding for several minutes (I might have been too hurried) I quitted the process by simply clicking on the Quit button in the VM window. The problem is that from that point onward, I can't load any VM anymore. The build is successful in Xcode, the machine starts but immediately quits with this response from Xcode logs : Virtual machine successfully started. Guest did stop virtual machine. 2023-02-02 22:22:45.413600+0100 GUILinux[22984:380971] [client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid I just can't understand why, I tried to delete and download the guide again but it doesn't work. I will add that it's my first time using Xcode and I might have missed something obivous.
Aug ’23
iOS app on MacOS M1 - Window Resize or Full Screen
MacOS M1 machines can run iOS applications. We have an iOS application that runs a fullscreen metal game. The game can also run across all desktop platforms via Steam. In additional to Steam, we would like to make it available through the AppStore on MacOS. We'd like to utilise our iOS builds for this so that the Apple payment (micro-transactions) and sign-in processes can be reused. While the app runs on MacOS, it runs in a small iPad shaped window that cannot be resized. We do not want to add iPad multitasking support (portrait orientation is not viable), but would like the window on MacOS to be expandable to full screen. Currently there is an option to make it full screen, but the metal view (MTKView) delegate does not receive a drawableSizeWillChange event for this, meaning the new resolution of the window cannot be received. Is there another method of retrieving a window size change event in this context? What is the recommended way of enabling window resizing on MacOS but not iPad for a single iOS app?
Aug ’23
Unable to use bfloat on M1 Ultra
I have the higher end M1 Mac Studio, and I have had a lot of success with Metal pipelines. However, I tried to compile a compute pipeline that uses the bfloat type and it seems to have no idea what that is. Error: program_source:10:55: error: unknown type name 'bfloat'; did you mean 'float'? Is there an OS update that is necessary for this support?
Aug ’23
Error with GPU JIT function with GPU tensor UNIMPLEMENTED: DefaultDeviceAssignment not supported for Metal Client.
Hi everyone, I'm trying to test some functionality of jax-metal and got this error. Any help please? import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import numpy as np def f(x): y1=x+x*x+3 y2=x*x+x*x.T return y1*y2 x = np.random.randn(3000,3000).astype('float32') jax_x_gpu = jax.device_put(jnp.array(x), jax.devices('METAL')[0]) jax_x_cpu = jax.device_put(jnp.array(x), jax.devices('cpu')[0]) jax_f_gpu = jax.jit(f, backend='METAL') jax_f_gpu(jax_x_gpu) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XlaRuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[1], line 17 13 jax_x_cpu = jax.device_put(jnp.array(x), jax.devices('cpu')[0]) 15 jax_f_gpu = jax.jit(f, backend='METAL') ---> 17 jax_f_gpu(jax_x_gpu) [... skipping hidden 5 frame] File ~/.virtualenvs/jax-metal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/, in _create_sharding_with_device_backend(device, backend) 814 elif backend is not None: 815 assert device is None 816 out = SingleDeviceSharding( --> 817 xb.get_backend(backend).get_default_device_assignment(1)[0]) 818 return out XlaRuntimeError: UNIMPLEMENTED: DefaultDeviceAssignment not supported for Metal Client.
Aug ’23