Core NFC

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Detect NFC tags, read messages that contain NDEF data, and save data to writable tags using Core NFC.

Posts under Core NFC tag

65 Posts
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ios 17.4 - no option to make contactless app as default payment app in Setting for EEA region
Received required entitlements from apple and as per the below link ios should allow us make third party app as default contactless app in EEA region. But, Settings app only shows the toggle button to enable/disable Contactless capability. But, not an option to make an app as default contactless app. | Apple Developer Documentation Anyone has faced similar issue? Is above feature released or not, how can we confirm ?
Apr ’24
Always Getting Error while reading NFC
I am following this code to implement a simple scanner for NFC. Now whenever I scan I am always getting <NSXPCConnection: 0x3036981e0> connection to service with pid 60 named Exception caught during decoding of received selector didDetectExternalReaderWithNotification:, dropping incoming message. Exception: Exception while decoding argument 0 (#2 of invocation): Exception: decodeObjectForKey: class "NFFieldNotificationECP1_0" not loaded or does not exist>. this error. It always calls this function func readerSession(_ session: NFCNDEFReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error)
Apr ’24
The application is a mobile pass system using NFC
Hello everyone Together with a team of students, we have developed an application for android, a pass system that works using NFC, tell me if it will be possible to release a similar system on iOS. It's just that payment using NFC does not work in Russia. In our case, payment is not necessary, the NFC chip is used to transmit the signal to the reader. I would be very grateful if you could tell me if it will be possible to release our application in the App Store
Apr ’24
External NFC on iPad
Hello all! I have an app (Scriptio Medication Management) that uses NFC on iPhone, and that works really well. However, I need a larger screen to satisfy customer requests (reports, etc). Because we use NFC tags to authenticate & authorize I need to stick with this tech. I cannot assume that all my customers have iPhone (we also deploy to Android) so pairing an iPad with an iPhone doesn't work for us. I was looking at an external device such as FlowJack, but since iPad no longer has an audio port, this won't work for me. Has anyone been able to solve this type of issue? Ideally I can find a solution that non-technical folks can attach/pair with an iPad to read NFC devices (NOT payment processing). Thanks in advance
Apr ’24
Host Card Emulation iOS 17.4+
Hello everyone, Apple has finally released the iOS 17.4 version which also allows you to develop apps with HCE technology. Unfortunately, besides the API (, I can't find any example projects. I understand that the update was released recently, but if anyone has already tried to develop an app of this kind, any help is welcome!
Mar ’24
iPad app with NFC and camera - No compatible hardware
I'm working on an app (actually in Test Flight) that has camera and NFC support. So in iPhone is obviously working as expected, but when testers want to try the camera "aspect" of the app on iPads they can't even download the app it says "No compatible hardware" in Test Flight. What I need to do in this case, I already have a UI/UX solution when theres no NFC support or it's disabled (Android can detect this) but here I have no clue if I'm missing something. Thanks in advance
Mar ’24
Flutter NFC tranceive comands
Hi there. I am using flutter_nfc_kit ( to make application that sends bytes to NFC module using tranceive commands, but really often system respond with error 500 or 103... Is there anything in this package that I can change for my commands to work fine? Cause now when I try to scan data it takes minimum like 30 seconds whereas on Android it takes like 7-10 seconds every time Thanks for any feedback
Jan ’24
EMV Card Data
Hello I am developing an iOS app and would like to read an EMV card that is issued by me and want my customers to tap to activate simply to validate the possession of the card at the time of activation. Any suggestions welcome on how can i achieve this using either NFC Framework or secure elements
Jan ’24
Provisioning profile doesn't support the Tap to Pay on iPhone capability.
Tap to Pay capabilities are enable and I can use in development profile but I cannot make build that I can upload on TestFlight using the distribution profile because during create build I am getting "Provisioning profile doesn't support the Tap to Pay on iPhone capability." this should be working because I checked twice that distribution profile and certificate have this capability and added in Xcode. how can I resolve this mismatched profile issue I am using Xcode - 15.0.1
Jan ’24
Confirm acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Tap and Pay
i am implementing the Tap and Pay for stripe terminal during this i want to check whether the merchant accepted the terms and conditions or not using the isAccountLinked(using:) but this method requires the parameter - "The token from your payment service provider. This token contains the merchant identifier." i cannot find any other reference for the merchant identifier how to retrieve or how to get it as per stripe support they said you need to contact the apple support.
Jan ’24
NFC Passport Reader - Libraries
Hi community! I'm on the hunt for alternatives to digital onboarding and NFC reader libraries on iOS (and maybe on Android too). Do any of you know of alternatives to: They should be compatible with ICAO Doc 9303 MRTD - Your insights and suggestions mean a lot! Thanks! Description: NFCPassportReader - This package handles reading an NFC Enabled passport using iOS 13 CoreNFC APIS Version 2 (and the main branch) now uses Swift Async/Await for communication. If you need an earlier version, please use 1.1.9 or below! Supported features: Basic Access Control (BAC) Secure Messaging Reads DG1 (MRZ data) and DG2 (Image) in both JPEG and JPEG2000 formats, DG7, DG11, DG12, DG14 and DG15 (also SOD and COM datagroups) Passive Authentication Active Authentication Chip Authentication (ECDH DES and AES keys tested, DH DES AES keys implemented ad should work but currently not tested) PACE - currently only Generic Mapping (GM) supported Ability to dump passport stream and read it back in Uses Async/Await
Dec ’23
How to enable NFC in Application for developer mode?
I try some prjects for NFC samples, also try the official sample in this link: My issue is that I can detect a tag from "Shortcut App", but I can't detect anything in the offical App. My device is iphone 11 with ios 17.0.2 and iphone 11 with 13 with ios 16.5.1. Can some body help me about this? Thanks!
Dec ’23
How to read Mifare Classic 1k ISO 14443-3A card details?
Developing an application to read card details using NFC. Actually, it's a cross-platform (MAUI) app, but it implements the code in native. ISO 14443-4 cards are working fine when tap a card "DidDetectTags" method hitting. For the mentioned Mifare card it's not working. Tried in NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate and NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate. Also in the info.plist configured below keys <key></key> <array> <string></string> //Confirured more than 200+ keys </array> <key></key> <array> <string>TAG</string> <string>NDEF</string> </array> Testing device : iPhone 7 plus, iOS : 15.8 I am suspecting selector identifier may not configured correctly for mifare classic 1k card, can anyone help me on this what i am missing?
Nov ’23
Apple NFC protocol start requirement
Hello Sir/Madam, In Apple Car Keys Specification R1 - Developer Preview 3 page 24, table 2-9, is mentioned the "NFC Protocol Start " parameter with the value of 5ms. Looks like this time was defined to include all the NFC procedures regarding protocol discovery and anti-collision, until the Select AID for the CCC applet command is issued. Quote: "NFC protocol start includes all ISO 14443-3 commands required to setup the NFC communication (REQA, ATQA, AC, etc.).". This requirement seems highly unfeasible on our side. The typical time on some of our products is between 30-50ms for the NFC protocol link set up. This includes the unmodulated carrier time, the VASUP command, REQA/ATQA sequence, HLTA/WUPA/ATQA sequence, ANTICOLLISION sequence, SELECT device ID/SAK/RATS/ATS sequence, all of which impossible to fit in 5ms even if we reduce everything to back to back communication and no delays between commands. Can you further define what the "NFC Protocol Start " 5ms typical time means and how to interpret this time, for example: Can you enlist the starting point and ending point of measuring this 5ms time? Is this a strict requirement? What is the accepted time range if otherwise? (the document only mentions this is a "typical" time). Does this time also include the RF unmodulated field before the first NFC data transmission? (only this time can take up to 5ms according to ISSO-14443-3). Thanks for your support! Peter.
Nov ’23
NFC reading inconsistencies across devices
Did anybody encounter issues while doing an NFC tag reading, particularly on the "Pro" devices? Based on our statistics, almost half of the readings with iPhone 12 Pro failed, due to NFC tag connection issues. Please see below the failure rate: Top 3 devices: iPhone 12 Pro with 41,5% failure rate iPhone 11 Pro Max with 33,3% failure rate iPhone SE 2nd Gen with 25% failure rate If we take into consideration the deviation from expected value, see below: The following types had a higher error value than statistically expected when used significantly: iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 15 Pro   The following types, on the other hand, had few to no reading errors with statistically relevant use: iPhone 14  iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Pro Max The essential questions are:  What are the differences between the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro in terms of NFC reading functionality?  What are the differences between the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro in terms of NFC reading functionality? See list of device codes: here.
Nov ’23