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Trying to Update Macbook, Not enough Storage
I’ve been trying to update my Macbook pro for a while now. I’m on version 10.14.6, I’ve been able to get away with not having enough storage for the newer updates but now it is unavoidable as my laptop is nearly unusable. My issue is that I do not have enough storage. I’ve done everything, deleted old files, cleared my trash, deleted apps, etc. Still, the two things taking up the majority of my storage are applications the laptop will not let me delete and the system itself. It’s become incredibly frustrating, especially since the majority of the apps that I can’t delete I don’t even use. Is there a way to bypass this? Or any other possible solution?
App not appearing in Full Disk Access list
The presenter in this WWDC session from 2019 ( states: "So, now in macOS Catalina, executables that are denied access to files due to a lack of Full Disk Access approval are now prepopulated unchecked." I'm unable to make this work. Included is a minimal test app that tries to access a resource that would require Full Disk Access (FDA) and then opens Privacy & Security ... FDA in settings. When I run this from Xcode or manually run the app from Finder the test app does not appear in the list of apps in FDA. If I manually drag and drop the app from the build folder into the FDA window and enable it then the app is granted FDA access successfully. To be clear I understand that even the app is automatically populated in the FDA list the user will still need to toggle the switch to enable it. But I'd like to avoid making the user hunt down the app manually add it. Testing on macOS Sonoma 14.5. Xcode 15.4. Link to project file:
How to stop Finder from triggering full file download of a file on network share to generate the thumbnail
Default behaviour of the macOS when interacting via Finder with a network share is to create thumbnails to provide a nice user experience. This behaviour is implemented by QuickLook framework. This triggers the full file download and quickly lead to cache using large disk space and even cache trashing. We can disable QuickLook selectively by injecting specially prepared .DS_Store file with instruction/setup to disable thumbnails in that directory but still degrades user's experience only in the network share ecosystem. Is there any way we can provide our own thumbnails or ask Finder to not download full file to generate the thumbnail?
Library/Caches for app groups: automatically deleted when needed ?
In an app we can use FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.cachesDirectory (objc:NSCachesDirectory) to store files that could be recreated if necessary (and will be automatically deleted by iOS in cases of low disk memory). For app groups, there is a shared location that is automatically created as soon as we use containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:) (objc:containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier) : Library/Caches Is this cache directory (created by iOS) also gets automatically deleted by iOS in cases of low disk memory ? I also have more related questions : does this cache directory size count in the used disk space by the app displayed in the settings app ? is this cache directory (and same question for the top containerURL directory) saved in the cloud backups ? Does anyone have any information about this?
ShareLink with custom UT type not opening in my app
Hey all, my first time posting on these forums as I've finally become completely stumped. I'm working to implement a ShareLink to share data between users on my app, and have gotten pretty far (file saves, sends correctly), but am having significant issues getting the link to open in my app when sharing by email and not getting any action at all when tapping a shared link in iMessage. I'll go through my setup below: I have declared my new UTType, and created my new model which conforms to transferable here: struct transferTemplate: Codable { var id: UUID = UUID() var name: String = "TempName" var words: [String] = ["word1","word2"] } extension transferTemplate: Transferable { static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation { CodableRepresentation(contentType: .oltemplate) } } extension UTType { static var oltemplate: UTType { UTType(exportedAs: "com.overloadapp.oltemplate") } } I have declared the document type in my info.plist: <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Template Session</string> <key>LSHandlerRank</key> <string>Owner</string> <key>LSItemContentTypes</key> <array> <string>com.overloadapp.oltemplate</string> </array> </dict> </array> I have declared the Exported Type Identifier: <key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> <array> <string>public.json</string> </array> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>Template Session</string> <key>UTTypeIconFiles</key> <array/> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>com.overloadapp.oltemplate</string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>oltemplate</string> </array> <key>public.mime-type</key> <array> <string>application/json</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array> I've also included the "LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace" boolean to True in the PLIST. My physical ShareLink setup is: @State private var transferred: transferTemplate = transferTemplate(name: "NameTemplate", words: ["One","Two"]) ... ShareLink(item: transferred, preview: SharePreview("Share your template", image: Image("tanLogo"))) Heres where the above code gets you: ShareLink brings up the share sheet and allows you to send the file (with the .oltemplate file extension). Sharing via iMessage will send a file, but within iMessage, the file cannot be opened at all. By email, the file can be opened but does not show any information. If you open the ShareSheet within the email attachment, you can manually choose to open the file in my app. If the file is saved to "Files", it will open my app when it is tapped (work as intended). Heres what I have tried to fix this: Modifying the Exported File Type "Conforms to" value. Ive used, public.text, public.json. Including and not including the mime type I've scoured forums trying to solve this issue, and it doesn't seem like there is a clear cut solution for this issue. I appreciate any help you can provide! Please let me know if I can include any more helpful information.
Jun ’24
Full uninstall of an app
Hello all, I am wondering if anyone can help me with writing a script that fully uninstalls an app with one click or can point me to a script already written please? So that when I click the script it uninstalls the app and leaves nothing behind. So when I click finder and use the search function with the name of the app, then click add and then name matches (input name of app) then click add and select system files are included, nothing comes up as the script has completely removed it from my system. I am Using Mac Mini M2 Pro 16gb ram and macOS Sonoma. Thank you
Jun ’24
Where can "SystemVersion.bundle" be found?
This is one of the files being looked for during initialization of the RoomPlan WWDC Demo package but it cannot be found since moving to IOS 18.0. it is not anyrhere since the upgrade. Reference is 2024-06-18 16:03:36.871062-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[860:159744] [loading] Unable to create bundle at URL (file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.bundle): does not exist or not a directory (0)
Can FSEvents include Snapshots of the Changed Files?
Hi folks! I'm David Barsky and I work on rust-analyzer, which is the IDE for the Rust programming language. For a while, we've had issues with VS Code not sending the correct changed files to the language server (such as changing commits or rebasing), so I started using rust-analyzer's native, off-by-default file watching functionality that binds to FSEvent via the notify library. This has helped a bunch, but I'm not sure how completely reliable it is. Before I consider changing the default file watching behavior for our (many!) users, I wanted to check: is it possible to combine "walk &amp; watch" into a single, atomic operation? My goal is that upon getting a notification for a file change event, rust-analyzer can read the changed file and not worry about TOCTOU-esque conditions (rust-analyzer has a pretty robust incremental computation system, so we're able to invalidate changes pretty reliably). That being said, based off: this response from Quinn "The Eskimo!" about 8 years ago, and FSEventStreamCallback being a bit limited in the number of args, seems like the answer appears to be "no". (I'm also familiar with Watchman, but it'd be great if the big pile of heuristics that Watchman uses were less necessary.)
Jun ’24
Spotlight / Finder Search / Finder Tags not working on virtual file system Monterey/Ventura
I'm writing a virtual file system as my educational project (generic kernel extension). Currently, mostly everything is implemented, however, I'm having trouble using Finder search and tags. The results simply don't show up - despite I am having vnop_... calls to those files. The extended attributes are supported. Inodes are stable. Mmap is implemented. Vnop_ioctl returns KERN_SUCCESS (but no implementation). An important moment: Previously, the search didn't work at all. Researching the web has shown me, that Spotlight indexation and Finder search are tightly glued. So basically I was trying to enable support for spotlight, thinking that would be the source of the problem. I was receiving "Unknown indexing state". All those tricks with mdutil, launchd, manual and reindexation either were doing nothing or returning error. The problem was resolved FOR SONOMA by making by VFS appear as local one (adding flags for MNT_LOLCAL and MNT_DOVOLFS). This has changed the state from Unknown indexing state for spotlight to Indexing is disabled. No need to turn it on for me - I am interested only in search and tags, not the spotlight itself. Basically, whether spotlight recognises my driver as no-error, the Finder works correctly, even with indexation disabled. Whether on Monterey*, or Ventura, I get the same problem. However, neither system logs nor my driver show any kinds of errors. The spotlight simply returns error. Reindexation attempt via Security&Privacy returns "Unknown error occured". The metadata for Ventura and Monterey read attempt (mdls) returns "Unable to locate file", however returns a huge list for Sonoma. *Monterey and Ventura never have .Spotlight-V100 folder. No disable indexing files or other spotlight restrictions are present. No user space solutions seem to help. The kext is unsigned and running in an environment with SIP disabled and Security Mode reduced to Permissive. Maybe there some abstract rules for what is required on VFS side to be recognised okay'ish by Spotlight ? Or maybe something specific right for my case ? Any pointers and/or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
How to Clear System Data on Mac
How do I clear my system data on my macbook as it is taking up a huge portion of my storage? I have already tried checking if my cache folder in ~/library was too big but it is only 7.42 GB. Also, I checked if time machine was on to find snapshots but it seems I have had it off for a while now and I didn't know. Could this be causing issues and should I have it on from now on? Please help I need more storage.
Jun ’24
Trouble downgrading to iOS 17 from 18 Developer Beta w/iCloud Save
Hey, I’m an iPhone user of nearly 4 months, and recently, I found out about the iOS 18 developer version. I wanted to try it, so I bought an iCloud subscription and backed up my phone. I downloaded the update overnight through the settings app, and when I woke, it prompted me to restart or along those lines, to which it showed the apple logo and a progress bar as per usual. I didn’t even notice a difference between 17 and 18 until I swiped down to get to the control panel, and instantly, I wanted to switch back. I could no longer see features like my over $300 AirPod’s volume decibel amount; something I use on a regular basis to make sure I’m not developing hearing loss. So, when I got home from school later that day, I looked at the official Apple guide to downgrading to a previous iCloud version. Following the featured steps, I factory reset the iPhone through the General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase all content and settings. I made sure to skip the automatic backup this process created. Then, after it was finished resetting, I followed the standard iPhone setup process until it asked me if I had a backup. I clicked it, signed in with my Apple ID, then clicked “Show All Versions” (as to not backup with an iPhone 18 beta backup) and clicked on my backup from the night prior. Then, it went to the black screen with the Apple logo and a progress bar again, and a few minutes later, the phone booted up. It all seemed normal, up until I saw the iOS 18 control center. I did this whole process again just to make sure I didn’t accidentally mess the procedure up, but I got the same result. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance, Gray (posting this here because usual apple forums remove anything mentioning developer things)
Jun ’24
System Integrity Projection (SIP) & app group containers on macOS Sequoia 15
The release notes state the following: To protect users’ privacy, app group containers (in ~/Library/Group Containers) are now protected by System Integrity Protection. This is similar to the protection added to app data containers in macOS Sonoma. An app that’s properly entitled for an app group continues to have access to the app group container. Specifically, the app must use FileManager to get the app group container path and meet one of the following requirements: the app is deployed through Mac App Store; the app group identifier is prefixed with the app’s Team ID; or the app group identifier is authorised by a provisioning profile embedded within the app. If the app doesn’t meet these requirements, the system might present the user a prompt to authorize the app’s use of the app group container. If granted, that consent applies only for the duration of that app instance. This restriction also applies to app extensions, although in that case the system won’t prompt the user for consent but will instead just deny the access. (114586798) We have a helper app which is not sandboxed (due to it requiring Accessibility access/permissions) that accesses our group container. I've tested our helper app with the current beta of macOS Sequoia 15 (24A5264n) and it still works correctly, however I'm not clear if these restrictions are actually enforced in the current beta. I've tried testing for this by accessing the group container via Terminal (with Full Disk Access disabled for Terminal), but did not get any alert mentioned in the notes (or been otherwise restricted). Are these restrictions currently enforced?
Jun ’24
open (1) fails with fnfErr while open (2) succeeds on custom filesystem
Hello, I have developed a custom filesystem in golang, that relies on macFUSE. High-level apps on osx (TextEdit, Numbers, Preview) rely on syscall.renamex_np with the flag RENAME_SWAP in order to save edits. In golang, the sys call renamex_np and renameat2 are not supported, thus I had to implement the logic for it it. The discussion opened on the google group for macFUSE can be followed here: On my mounted filesystem, edits work and performing system calls work. However after I perform a series of edits in TextEdit, and completely exit TextEdit. When I call open (1) on the file I get the following error: The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-43 "fnfErr: File not found" UserInfo={_LSLine=4129, _LSFunction=_LSOpenStuffCallLocal} From the logs of my app, there is no open (2) called on the file. I have tried to (trace) dtruss the open call for Numbers/TextEdit, but when I perform the above scenario, my Mac system freezes and the piped output from dtruss is 0 bytes after rebooting my system. How can I debug my issue? Where can I find more documentation of the order of system calls for open (1)? I couldn't find the source code for renamex_np thus my implementation relied on the linux kernel implementation of renameat2, does renamex_np do something different? I note that, if I open TextEdit for example, and then open my file, there is no problem. Also calling cat for example on the terminal it displays the content correctly. The problem seems to be from open (1). Furthermore, if I perform a rename of the file, open (1) succeeds in opening the file, until I perform at least another edit from a high-level app (that calls rename with the swap flag). Also if I unmount my filesystem and mount it again, open (1) behaves correctly. How can I understand what open (1) is doing under the hood? For the high-level apps I could trace the system calls and figure out why they didn't work, but now I reached a point (scenario) where I can't trace the system calls for open (1) due to my whole system freezing. Any input is appreciated.
Jun ’24
NSFilePresenter Does Not Seem to Work on watchOS on Device
Hi, I submitted a Feedback Report (FB13820685) but I thought I would ask here as well because maybe I am using the framework wrong. I am using NSFilePresenter to monitor changes to a folder. On macOS, iOS (simulator), iOS (device), and watchOS (simulator) it works fine. However when running on watchOS 10.5 on device, it does not appear to work at all. I created a sample project that reproduces this problem. Am I doing something wrong? It seems like this is too basic of a problem for it to be actually broken on all Apple Watches.
Jun ’24
Sanboxed apps won't open 3rd party filesystem files
I'm having trouble opening files residing on a custom filesystem implemented as a kext via sandboxed apps. is one such example. The app launches, but it won't display file contents. In system log files I'm seeing entries related to with no error messages to indicate a possible reason why file contents aren't being displayed. Non-sandboxed apps, such as do not exhibit such behaviour. The kext is unsigned and running in an environment with SIP disabled and Security Mode reduced to Permissive. What is required for a 3rd party filesystem kext to integrate with sandboxed apps? Any pointers and/or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Files App Share Context with Security scoped resource fails
I'm creating an App that can accepted PDFs from a shared context. I am using iOS, Swift, and UIKit with IOS 17.1+ The logic is: get the context see who is sending in (this is always unknown) see if I can open in place (in case I want to save later) send the URL off to open the (PDF) document and load it into PDFKit's pdfView.document I have no trouble loading PDF docs with the file picker. And everything works as expected for shares from apps like Messages, email, etc... (in which case URLContexts.first.options.openInPlace == False) The problem is with opening (sharing) a PDF that is sent from the Files App. (openInPlace == True) If the PDF is in the App's Document Folder, I need the Security scoped resource, to access the URL from the File's App so that I can copy the PDF's data to the PDFViewer.document. I get Security scoped resource access granted each time I get the File App's context URL. But, when I call fileCoordinator.coordinate and try to access a file outside of the App's document folder using the newUrl, I get an error. FYI - The newUrl (byAccessor) and context url (readingItemAt) paths are always same for the Files App URL share context. I can, however, copy the file to a new location in my apps directory and then open it from there and load in the data. But I really do not want to do that. . . . . . Questions: Am I missing something in my pList or are there other parameters specific to sharing a file from the Files App? I'd appreciate if someone shed some light on this? . . . . . Here are the parts of my code related to this with some print statements... . . . . . SceneDelegate func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) { // nothing to see here, move along guard let urlContext = URLContexts.first else { print("No URLContext found") return } // let's get the URL (it will be a PDF) let url = urlContext.url let openInPlace = urlContext.options.openInPlace let bundleID = urlContext.options.sourceApplication print("Triggered with URL: \(url)") print("Can Open In Place?: \(openInPlace)") print("For Bundle ID: \(bundleID ?? "None")") // get my Root ViewController from window if let rootViewController = self.window?.rootViewController { // currently using just the view if let targetViewController = rootViewController as? ViewController { targetViewController.prepareToLoadSharedPDFDocument(at: url) } // I might use a UINavigationController in the future else if let navigationController = rootViewController as? UINavigationController, let targetViewController = navigationController.viewControllers.first as? ViewController { targetViewController.prepareToLoadSharedPDFDocument(at: url) } } } . . . . ViewController function I broke out the if statement for accessingScope just to make it easier for me the debug and play around with the code in accessingScope == True func loadPDF(fromUrl url: URL) { // If using the File Picker / don't use this // If going through a Share.... we pass the URL and have three outcomes (1, 2a, 2b) // 1. Security scoped resource access NOT needed if from a Share Like Messages or EMail // 2. Security scoped resource access granted/needed from 'Files' App // a. success if in the App's doc directory // b. fail if NOT in the App's doc directory // Set the securty scope variable var accessingScope = false // Log the URLs for debugging print("URL String: \(url.absoluteString)") print("URL Path: \(url.path())") // Check if the URL requires security scoped resource access if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { accessingScope = true print("Security scoped resource access granted.") } else { print("Security scoped resource access denied or not needed.") } // Stop accessing the scope once everything is compeleted defer { if accessingScope { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() print("Security scoped resource access stopped.") } } // Make sure the file is still there (it should be in this case) guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) else { print("File does not exist at URL: \(url)") return } // Let's see if we can open it in place if accessingScope { let fileCoordinator = NSFileCoordinator() var error: NSError? fileCoordinator.coordinate(readingItemAt: url, options: [], error: &error) { (newUrl) in DispatchQueue.main.async { print(url.path()) print(newUrl.path()) if let document = PDFDocument(url: newUrl) { self.pdfView.document = document self.documentFileName = newUrl.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent self.fileLoadLocation = newUrl.path() self.updateGUI(pdfLoaded: true) self.setPDFScale(to: self.VM.pdfPageScale, asNewPDF: true) } else { print("Could not load PDF directly from url: \(newUrl)") } } } if let error = error { PRINT("File coordination error: \(error)") } } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { if let document = PDFDocument(url: url) { self.pdfView.document = document self.documentFileName = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent self.fileLoadLocation = url.path() self.updateGUI(pdfLoaded: true) self.setPDFScale(to: self.VM.pdfPageScale, asNewPDF: true) } else { PRINT("Could not load PDF from url: \(url)") } } } } . . . . Other relevant pList settings I've added are: Supports opening documents in place - YES Document types - PDFs (com.adobe.pdf) UIDocumentBrowserRecentDocumentContentTypes - com.adobe.pdf Application supports iTunes file sharing - YES And iCloud is one for Entitlements with iCloud Container Identifiers Ubiquity Container Identifiers . . . . Thank you in advance!. B
Jun ’24
FileDescriptor writing to an unexpected file
I'm using a file descriptor to write into a file. I've encountered a problem where if the underlying file is removed or recreated, the file descriptor becomes unstable. I have no reliable way to confirm if it's writing on the expected file. let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/") try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url) FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: .empty) let filePath = FilePath(url.path) var fileDescriptor = try, .readWrite) // The file is recreated - may be done from a different process. try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url) // L9 FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: .empty) // L10 let dataToWrite = Data([1,1,1,1]) try fileDescriptor.writeAll(dataToWrite) // L13 let dataWritten = try Data(contentsOf: url) print(dataToWrite == dataWritten) // false I would expect L13 to result in an error. Given it doesn't: Is there a way to determine where fileDescriptor is writing? Is there a way to ensure that fileDescriptor is writing the content in the expected filePath?
Jun ’24