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Payment error:
We are integration with apple pay using amazon_flutter package, and we are receiving the following error: [General] Failed to present in-app payment interface: Error Domain=PKPassKitErrorDomain Code=4 “No entitlement for merchant identifier: XXXXXX” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No entitlement for merchant identifier: XXXXXX} 2023-11-05 08:27:32.081341+0800 Runner[53987:3815356] [General] Connection to remote alert view service failed Note: XXXXXX is our actual merchant identifier by Amazon payment service for the test environment.
Nov ’23
Xcode 15 can't read 64gb capacity
After update to ios17 and xcode 15 I cant use my 64gb Iphone 11 as Runner target Xcode says that device capacity is unknown, but when I installed Xcode 14 - device recognised correctly I tried to install xcode 15 beta, Mac 14 os beta, iOS 17 beta, nothing works, and I rollback to last stable versions, also I tried hard reset my Iphone, unpair device, clear Xcode cache Please can someone help with this issue?
Jan ’24
[D][2023-11-02 +8.0 08:49:02.690][83070, 10760304128*][***][UINavigationController+SafeTransition.m, -[UINavigationController(SafeTransition) safePushViewController, 98][<XTCWatchListViewController: 0x1138a0200> 1 [D][2023-11-02 +8.0 08:49:03.619][83070, 10760304128*][***][UINavigationController+SafeTransition.m, -[UINavigationController(SafeTransition) safePushViewController, 98][<MessageRecordViewController: 0x1138177b0> 1 [D][2023-11-02 +8.0 08:49:05.284][83070, 10760304128*][***][UINavigationController+SafeTransition.m, -[UINavigationController(SafeTransition) safePopViewControllerAnimated, 71][<MessageRecordViewController: 0x1138177b0> 1 [D][2023-11-02 +8.0 08:49:06.806][83070, 10760304128*][***][UINavigationController+SafeTransition.m, -[UINavigationController(SafeTransition) safePopViewControllerAnimated, 71][<XTCWatchListViewController: 0x1138a0200> 1 [D][2023-11-02 +8.0 08:49:08.090][83070, 10760304128*][***][UINavigationController+SafeTransition.m, -[UINavigationController(SafeTransition) safePopViewControllerAnimated, 71][<XTCWatchListViewController: 0x1138a0200> 1 如上堆栈,0x1138a0200这个实例连续执行了两次pop,导致UI界面被卡死,直到用户退出后台再进入APP才恢复。什么原因会导致这种情况么?
Nov ’23
data (through "Quick Start") is transferred successfully while other times not.
We recently encountered a problem. When migrating data from an old mobile phone to a new iPhone device, there is a probability of data anomalies. The specific scenario is: we deliver webclip (a shortcut to the Safari browser) to the iPhone 13 device through MDM, and we save the business token through localStorage (a data storage method provided by HTML5). When iPhone13 is migrated to the new iPhone15 through data migration (through "Quick Start"), the webclip is also synchronized. After many attempts, the strange thing is that the data stored in localStorage is sometimes synchronized, and sometimes the data stored is not synchronized. This anomaly will cause us some trouble, so I would like to seek the following help First, I want to know more about data migration (through "Quick Start") which data will be synchronized and which data will not be synchronized. Second, how to avoid data migration and synchronize the data stored in localStorage to the new device Third, is this a bug in the system? We can solve this problem by updating the system. Does anyone have the same problem as me?
Nov ’23
Xcode 15: Unable to pair iOS 17 device for debugging via cable
Hello! I'm using corporate Mac which is managed via MDM and have many security restrictions such as mandatory turned on Firewall in stealth mode, blocking all incoming connections and usage of a VPN connection via PulseSecure. I tried to turn off the VPN and connect my iPhone via cable, after that it has appeared in XCode devices list. But they cannot pair due to Firewall restrictions which I can't turn off due to my company security policies. Pairing finishes with error: Browsing on the local area network for iPhone 11, which has previously reported preparation errors Ensure the device is unlocked and attached with a cable or associated with the same local area network as this Mac. The device must be opted into Developer Mode to connect wirelessly. The device worked very good with Xcode 15 and iOS 16.7 before the update to iOS 17. Reading of many posts with the similar problem shows that there was a new communication protocol introduced in iOS 17 and XCode 15 that actually cannot work without network, even when an iOS device connected via cable. Is it somehow possible to pair iOS 17 with XCode 15 device and use debugging via cable with turned on Firewall? Seems this new "superb feature" now blocks many companies with mandatory turned on Firewall. Downgrading to iOS 16.7 or to Xcode 14.2 is not a solution. Additional error info: Internal logic error: Connection was invalidated Domain: com.apple.CoreDevice.ControlChannelConnectionError Code: 1 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-11-14 14:03:32 +0000"; "com.apple.dt.DVTCoreDevice.operationName" = connect; } -- Transport error Domain: com.apple.CoreDevice.ControlChannelConnectionError Code: 0 -- The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code: 60 Failure Reason: Operation timed out User Info: { NSDescription = "Operation timed out"; } -- System Information macOS Version 13.5.1 (Build 22G90) Xcode 15.0.1 (22266) (Build 15A507) Timestamp: 2023-11-14T15:03:32+01:00 Thank you!
Nov ’23
Testflight app crashes on ios 16.6 but not on 17.1
Hi everybody, i have a problem with my application. I have a mac m1 and i have installed sonoma at 14.0, and i have my iphone 12 at 17.0.3. On my mac i have an xcode version at 15.0.1 ( 15A507 ) with installed the iOS 17.0.1. I have released my app on testflight and on my device it's correctly working, while on an Iphone 13 pro max with iOS 16.6.0 the app it's crashing. I tried to install on my mac the sdk for ios 16.4, clean and rebuild the app on a iphone 14 with ios 16.4 and release the app on testflight. On my pc the app with the simulator it's correctly working, on my iphone with iOS 17 it's working, on the iphone with 16.6.0 it's not. Whenever i build i click on 'Any iOS simulator Device ( arm64, x86_64 ) and the build target is iOS 12 If you need anything else feel free to ask. Thank you in advance!
Nov ’23
Change iOS 17 Notification tone
Dear Apple, The decision to NOT allow us to change the notification tone and to NOT allow us to increase the volume so that we can hear it means that as a stock trader I’m NOT getting the ACTIONABLE ALERTS I need during the day. PLEASE CHANGE THIS SO THAT I CAN: 1) increase the volume and 2) assign different notification tones to different applications and 3) make it so that I have the option of including VIBRATION with my notification. THANK YOU.
Nov ’23
CFBundle issue
I cannot validate because keep getting error: Asset validation failed Missing Info.plist value. A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'com.***.YYY'. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key. For more information see http://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev10510b1f7. (ID: 47751d4c-80e7-42e0-8b8d-c9f6943aadac)
Nov ’23
Jetsam Event..any help my iphone keep rebooting itself
"bug_type":"298","timestamp":"2023-11-16 14:40:29.00 +0100","os_version":"iPhone OS 17.1.1 (21B91)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"24C9787A-DBE8-47CE-8A56-F9B2D0F2DF7E"} { "build" : "iPhone OS 17.1.1 (21B91)", "product" : "iPhone14,2", "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 23.1.0: Tue Oct 10 02:21:15 PDT 2023; root:xnu-10002.42.9~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8110", "incident" : "24C9787A-DBE8-47CE-8A56-F9B2D0F2DF7E", "crashReporterKey" : "ad32d521fdddfb788b6573c0403a872499019a7c", "date" : "2023-11-16 14:40:29.83 +0100", "codeSigningMonitor" : 2, "roots_installed" : 0, "bug_type" : "298", "timeDelta" : 3, "memoryStatus" : { "compressorSize" : 20730, "compressions" : 159589, "decompressions" : 41016, "zoneMapCap" : 2179809280, "largestZone" : "APFS_4K_OBJS", "largestZoneSize" : 41304064, "pageSize" : 16384, "uncompressed" : 105229, "zoneMapSize" : 241090560, "memoryPages" : { "active" : 136923, "throttled" : 0, "fileBacked" : 146920, "wired" : 59610, "anonymous" : 130392, "purgeable" : 9476, "inactive" : 119529, "free" : 24196, "speculative" : 20860 } }, "largestProcess" : "AppStore", "genCounter" : 0, "processes" : [ { "uuid" : "8acf9f40-455f-306f-b414-876076531027", "states" : [ "daemon", "idle" ], "csFlags" : 570434305, "purgeable" : 0, "age" : 61824619578, "fds" : 25, "coalition" : 56, "csTrustLevel" : 7, "rpages" : 79, "priority" : 0, "mem_regions" : 54, "physicalPages" : { "internal" : [ 2,
Nov ’23
NFC reading inconsistencies across devices
Did anybody encounter issues while doing an NFC tag reading, particularly on the "Pro" devices? Based on our statistics, almost half of the readings with iPhone 12 Pro failed, due to NFC tag connection issues. Please see below the failure rate: Top 3 devices: iPhone 12 Pro with 41,5% failure rate iPhone 11 Pro Max with 33,3% failure rate iPhone SE 2nd Gen with 25% failure rate If we take into consideration the deviation from expected value, see below: The following types had a higher error value than statistically expected when used significantly: iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 15 Pro   The following types, on the other hand, had few to no reading errors with statistically relevant use: iPhone 14  iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Pro Max The essential questions are:  What are the differences between the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro in terms of NFC reading functionality?  What are the differences between the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro in terms of NFC reading functionality? See list of device codes: here.
Nov ’23
Synchronizing event across app users
Hi all. I'm trying to have an AHAP file start playing simultaneously for all users. My initial thought was to use a push notification to trigger this event, but not everyone receives it at the same time. Another idea is to use an HTTP server and livestream data. I would greatly appreciate any input or suggestions on how to remotely synchronize an event for all app users.
Nov ’23
ios17 music skipping/speeding up
The title really says it all. Once I upgraded to ios17 my music started skipping during playback. Everywhere from at least 1 time per every song but more like 2-3 times per song. Also the music randomly speeds it's self up like the singing is on fast forward. This is also at least 1 time per song, but not as much as the skipping. I've restarted my phone, still no luck. Is this just me/my head phones? Or is there a fix for it, or a fix coming??
Nov ’23
Issue with DisclosureGroup Animation Within SwiftUI ForEach Loop.
Description: I have developed an app that allows users to create folders, and I'm utilizing the DisclosureGroup component for this functionality. While I am currently using Firebase, for the purpose of this demonstration, I have simplified the setup using a @State variable. The issue I am encountering revolves around an unusual animation behavior during the entrance and deletion of the DisclosureGroup. It's worth noting that this behavior is specific to the DisclosureGroup component. I have experimented with other components, such as a VStack with text or a custom DisclosureGroup, and encountered no problems. This problem emerged specifically with the release of iOS 17; there were no issues with iOS 16. I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on resolving this animation behavior with the DisclosureGroup on iOS 17. Thank you. Video demonstration of the problem: https://youtube.com/shorts/pkz3LMXhlsg Code implementation State Variable: @State var testFolders: [Folder] = [ Folder(id: "1", nameFolder: "test1", noteFolder: "", timestamp: Date().timeIntervalSince1970), Folder(id: "2", nameFolder: "test2", noteFolder: "", timestamp: Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + 20000),] Button to append a new folder: .toolbar{ ToolbarItem{ Button{ testFolders.append(Folder(id: "3", nameFolder: "test3", noteFolder: "", timestamp: Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + 500000)) } label: { Image(systemName: "folder.badge.plus") } } } Displaying in a List: List { Section { listFolders } } .listStyle(.plain) .animation(.default, value: viewModel.folders) .animation(.default, value: viewModel.plans) private var listFolders: some View { ForEach(testFolders.sorted(by: { $0.timestamp > $1.timestamp }), id: \.id) { folder in DisclosureGroup(isExpanded: Binding<Bool>( get: { viewModel.expanded.contains(folder.id) }, set: { isExpanding in if isExpanding { viewModel.expanded.insert(folder.id) } else { viewModel.expanded.remove(folder.id) } } )) { } label: { Text(folder.nameFolder) .font(.headline) .swipeActions { Button { viewModel.getFolderPlans(plans: viewModel.plans, folder: folder) viewModel.folderToShowInfo = folder viewModel.isShowingDetail = true } label: { Label("Edit", systemImage: "square.and.pencil") } .tint(Color.indigo) Button { withAnimation{ _ = viewModel.expanded.remove(folder.id) } viewModel.folderToDelete = folder viewModel.showDialog = true } label: { Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash.fill") } .tint(Color.red) } } }
Feb ’24