Reality Composer

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Prototype and produce content for AR experiences using Reality Composer.

Posts under Reality Composer tag

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Reality Composer Pro node previews?
I have been digging into learning shader graphs by watching Unity shader graph content, cause lots of the same concepts apply. One thing I noticed was that in Unity, each node in the shader graph has a little preview. I don't think this exists in Reality Composer Pro, but is there anyway to mimic it (like can I hook up a node that allows me to debug the graph at that point?) If not, I'm happy to just file a feedback about it, but just thought I'd ask!
Mar ’24
Understanding shader graphs in Reality Composer Pro
I am very new to shaders, never used one of the large systems like Unity. However I have started exploring visionOS programming and that led me to create some effects for materials in Reality Composer Pro. I have been overwhelmed with the possibilities, but also kind of lost. I understand that RCPs shaders are based on MaterialX, so maybe there are tutorials on the web that would cover how to create procedural effects (fire, wind, water, etc)? I’ve stumbled through…but it’s slow going. Are there any good resources that talk about how to use the various nodes to create procedural effects? For example, it took me a while to figure out that using the “time” node allows me to animate cool color changes, especially when combined with various math and remap nodes. Just looking for some basic resources I think. Would the shader graph tutorials about Unity, apply to using RCP? Are the node types similar enough?
Mar ’24
USDZ file not working
I'm working on a project wherein RealityKit for iOS will be used to display 3D files (USDZ) in a real-world environment. The model will also need to animate differently depending on which button is pressed. When using models that are downloaded from various websites or via Apple QuickLook, the code functions well. I can hold the animation in place and click a button to play it. Unfortunately, although the model (through blender) my team provided is animating in SceneKit, it does not play at all when left in the real world, not even when a button is pressed. I checked RealityKit USDZ tool, and found usdz file is not valid, they are not figure out whats wrong. Could you please help me figure out what's wrong with my USDZ file? Working USDZ: My file:
Feb ’24
Issue with Xcode while creating a "Hello World" App
Dear Apple Developer Forum Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding an error I encountered while attempting to create a "Hello World" application using Xcode. Upon launching Xcode and starting a new project, I followed the standard procedure for creating a simple iOS application. However, during the process, I encountered an unexpected error that halted my progress. The error message I received was [insert error message here]. I have attempted to troubleshoot the issue by see two images, but unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in resolving it. I am reaching out to the community in the hope that someone might have encountered a similar issue or have expertise in troubleshooting Xcode errors. Any guidance, suggestions, or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Sincerely, Zipzy games y Games
Feb ’24
Importing USDZ into Reality Composer Pro doesn't include textures
I'm trying to import the USDZ file of a model with multiple textures attached to each part of the model. When I preview the file by double-clicking on the USDZ, it views fine. However, when I import it into Reality Composer Pro, it only shows the pink striped model. I also get the message - "Multiple root level objects exist for HU_EVO_SPY-8.usdc". There are so many components of the model that binding each texture to each component will be very difficult to do manually. How can I fix the file such that when I import to Reality Composer Pro, textures are attached to the model?
Feb ’24
Reality Composer Pro - high cpu usage (even when hidden)
Activity monitor reports that Reality Composer Pro uses 150% CPU and always is the number one energy user on my M3 mac. Unfortunately the high cpu usage continues when the app is hidden or minimized. I can understand the high usage when a scene is visible and when interacting with the scene, but this appears to be a bug. Can anyone else confirm this or have a workaround? Can the scene processing at least be paused when app is hidden? Or better yet, find out why the cpu usage is so high when the scene is not changing. Reality Composer Pro Version 1.0 (409.60.6) on Sonoma 14.3 Thanks
Jan ’24
How to apply a different texture to the Rear face of the material in Reality Composer Pro?
I would like to apply different textures to the front and back faces of a 3D material. Specifically, when applying a texture that cuts the object in half through opacity, I want to be able to observe the back face of the object and apply a different color to it compared to the front face. In Unity, there is a 'isFrontFace' boolean node that allows for applying different colours to the front and rear faces. However, I am unsure of how to achieve the same effect in Reality Composer Pro! 3D Model is already two-sided.
Jan ’24
Can’t find Reality Composer Pro
I just updated xcode 15.2 and I want to try to use Reality Composer Pro, I saw on the Apple developer video that it should be under Xcode -> developer tool -> Reality Composer Pro but when I open that I don't have Composer. On the Apple webpage for Rality Composer is written "Reality Composer for macOS is bundled with Xcode, which is available on the Mac App Store." Where i can find the Composer Pro? Thanks
Dec ’23
iOS 17 Safari dropped support for #canonicalWebPageURL links?
iOS 17 Safari will not successfully open .reality (Reality Composer) files from a weblink. For example, this code works fine on iOS 16: The same code generates this message on iOS 17 after clicking on the link: "Object requires a newer version of iOS." QuickLook fails to render anything. I validated that the .reality file works fine when opened from iOS 17 Files app, so it's not a damaged file.
Dec ’23
Did iOS 17 deprecate .reality file support?
I have various .reality files published on a website as part of a learning product, which I deployed Feb. 2023 using the latest Reality Composer at the time. Users informed me that none of the .reality files will open on iOS 17, which I have confirmed. They still open fine on iOS 16. On iOS 17 the QuickLook viewer says "Object requires a newer version of iOS." What gives? Did Apple deprecated .reality, or are these designed only to work on one version of iOS only?
Dec ’23
Hello I am very new here in the forum (in iOS dev as well). I am trying to build an app that uses 3d face filters and I want to use Reality Composer. I knew Xcode 15 did not have it so I downloaded the beta 8 version (as suggested in another post). This one actually has Reality Composure Pro (XCode -> Developer tools -> Reality Composure Pro) but the Experience.rcproject still does not appear. Is there a way to create one? When I use Reality Composure it seems only able to create standalone projects and it does not seem to be bundled in a any way to xCode. Thanks for your time people!
Dec ’23
Unable to Find Download Method for Reality Composer in Xcode
I'm having trouble figuring out how to open Reality Composer in Xcode. I've tried opening Xcode, selecting "Xcode" from the toolbar, then choosing "Open Developer Tool" and "More Developer Tools" to access the download page, but Reality Composer is not listed there. Additionally, when I try to check the details of Reality Composer through this link:, it redirects me to the iOS app page, and I can't find the download method for Mac. I would appreciate it if someone could provide guidance!
Nov ’23
How do we author a "reality file" like the ones on Apple's Gallery?
How do we author a Reality File like the ones under Examples with animations at ?? For example, "The Hab" : Tapping on various buttons in this experience triggers various complex animations. I don't see any way to accomplish this in Reality Composer. And I don't see any way to export/compile to a "reality file" from within Xcode. How can I use multiple animations within a single GLTF file? How can I set up multiple "tap target" on a single object, where each one triggers a different action? How do we author something similar? What tools do we use? Thanks
Nov ’23