Safari and Web

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Posts under Safari and Web tag

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Images not rendering on some iPhones
Hi all, I deployed a static site and two of my imgs are not appearing on some iPhones. It's not showing up on my iPhone 15 Pro but it's appearing on an iPhoneSE and androids. When I long click them, they actually show up in preview and can even open the images in a different tab, so they're just transparent. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Mar ’24
ISSUE: iPhone validation issue while entering English Characters using Japanese Keyboard
Application: HTML,Javascript,Angular web Application Issue: In Iphone/Ipad while trying to enter English characters using Japanese keyboard in the input field the japanese keyboard freezes and stops working after entering the first character. Root Cause: Two validations given in the onInput call back method causes the issue. when the validation are removed keyboard is working fine 1.for converting lowercase letters to uppercase 2.Some Character are not allowed so they are replaced after input
Mar ’24
Incorrect UserAgent in iPad OS safari
Hi I am using safari in iPad OS (17.4). when I am checking the user agent, It is showing like Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15 there is no indication that it's from iPad. How would I detect iPad from user agent whereas on IPhone it can easily be detected. Could you please help me here?
Mar ’24
Cannot find duplicate root CA for development Safari claims to have
I use three Macs for development of a web application. On each of the Macs (macOS 14.4) I used mkcert to install a local CA and to issue developer certificates (all separately). Accessing the web app with https://localhost:8080 works fine on two Macs with all browsers, but on one Mac Safari claims to have another root CA for localhost which it does not trust. And I cannot override the trust settings. Using Keychain Access I do not find this certificate. Safari shows it like this: Scrolling down I can see DNS Names localhost, localhost.localdomain and, so I suspect it is a leftover from trying to install a root CA before using mkcert. The mkcert certificate looks like this and I can see it in the System keychain: So Safari complains and I cannot tell it to trust the server certificate as the CA does not fit (I think). Firefox and Chrome open the website just fine after warning me and me telling them to do so. I tried to find the wrong CA using Keychain Access and Terminal (security find-certificate -a -c localhost, security find-certificate -a -c lvh...) but in vain. Where can I find this certificate and how can I delete it?
May ’24
Smart App Banner works on private distributed app
Smart App Banner is integrated on the backend where Apple ID is used. The banner is displayed on the website when the app is publicly distributed via Appstoreconnect and available in the App Store. The Privately distributed app has Apple ID and registered in the App Store and is distributed via client's Apple Business Management account. Does Smart App Banner work if the app is privately distributed?
Mar ’24
It is 2024. WebGPU has been available for Safari on desktops since December of last year, as well as other browsers for quite some time. It's about time it was made available on the IPAD; at the very least as an advanced feature. WebGPU provides many opportunities to create compelling experiences in other browsers on different device, but not in the Safari browser for IPAD users. I bought an IPAD a few years ago, but the lack of ability and sub-par software, is one of the reasons I can't justify buying another, and many students feel this way. I know so many that are still buying android and surface pros because we are being held back from both creating and consuming newly possible web experiences when we use IOS devices. There are quite a few other things we need, such as a proper set of dev tools, even just for the browser, but webGPU is a must in order to stay competitive. Students who bought IPADs for school and for development need to be allowed to keep up with those using other platforms. Machine Learning, Signal processing, image processing, anything could benefit from compute shaders and uniforms... massive number crunching capability is a must going forward in the web, and those with IPADs need to be allowed to take part. More capabilities will equal more sales.
Mar ’24
Error accessing webkitSpeechRecognition() in my pwa application
I use the Vue.js 3 language, together with Typescript, I created a pwa application and I want to create a voice button, but when I use this button created in my safari it works, when I add my application to the IOS home screen, it no longer works, I tested it with different versions of Ios. an example of my code: <template> <div class="app-container"> <span @touchstart="startRecording" @touchend="stopRecording" class="no-select microphone-button" > <el-icon :style="{ transform: isActive ? 'scale(2.3)' : 'scale(1.5)' }" id="microphone-button-margin"> <Microphone /> <span v-if="isActive" class="recording-indicator" /> </el-icon> </span> <p>Texto Reconhecido: {{ recognizedText }}</p> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> const recognizedText=ref('') let recognition: any=null const isActive=ref(false) onMounted(() => { recognition = new (window as any).webkitSpeechRecognition() }) const startRecording = () => { isActive.value = true recognition.lang = 'pt-BR' recognition.continuous = false ElMessage.error('Start') recognition.onresult = (event: { results: { transcript: any }[][] }) => { ElMessage.success(event.results[0][0].transcript) const transcript = event.results[0][0].transcript recognizedText.value = transcript } recognition.start() } const stopRecording = () => { isActive.value = false ElMessage.error('Stop') if (recognition) { recognition.stop() } } </script> link code: [***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) Can anyone help me in this case? I don't know what I could be doing wrong and I also did a lot of research and didn't see anything to help me.
Mar ’24
SFSafariViewController will sometimes ignore redirects to non-https URLs if no user interaction occurs
We have a payment process in an app which involves loading up a Web page to allow a user to enter credit card details, and to complete a transaction. This web page may result in a 3D-Secure step up challenge. For PCI compliance purposes we launch this in a SFSafariViewController. This 3D secure process involves a collection of redirects, with a final one back to us known as the "Merchant Page". In here, we want to do one more redirect, using a custom URL scheme, to allow the app to recognise that the process has completed, and can safely dismiss the SFSafariViewController. In those cases where no "step up 3d challenge" occurs, the process works well, the final redirect occurs, and our app successfully dismisses the SFSafariViewController. However, in a step up challenge, the Merchant Page loads, but any attempt to do the final custom redirect does not execute. I believe this is a feature of Safari - What I think is going on is that enough time has passed since there was user interaction on the page, and the final redirect, which isn't a https or http link (it is a myapp:// link) simply gets ignored. We've tried a lot of things. One thing works: If we provide a button, and when it is tapped, it sets window.location.href = 'myapp://success?', this works. This is a clue to if it is cause by lack of user interaction. We've tried lots of things: Rather than a javascript redirect, we tried server side redirecting; we tried all of the HTTP 300 response codes. They were all ignored We tried the meta refresh (which we know is kinda deprecated). We tried window.location.href = , window.location.assign(), document.location.href, document.location.assig(), etc. We tried issuing an Ajax XMLHttpRequest, but this failed because it isn't https or http We even tried to suggest our non-standard URL was the source of a script, just to trigger it but it didn't work. We've tried calling in during body onload We've tried calling it using a timeout in case timing was relevant. My gut feeling here is this is a feature. I've used Safari Debugging, and it literally steps over the window.location.href assignment, and doesn't produce a warning or an error. We've added try/catch, and no exception was thrown. Again, it leads me to believe this is all by design (perhaps to prevent ad fraud or something?). I was kinda hoping that in the response, we'd be able to specify a CORS header that tells the browser that "it will be ok to use resources from myapp://", but haven't found the right one. We may end up having to simply produce a button with a message "Your transaction has completed, please press here to dismiss", but it is terrible UX that is unnecessary. I've seen a number of posts elsewhere suggesting that redirects without user interaction can be considered suspicious, and I've experience of this same problem on another browser. If anyone has cracked this one, I'd love to know how
Mar ’24
domToImage JS library not working well on iPhone and Mac
I have a problem with the JS library 'dom-to-image', This JavaScript library converts a div to an image, but it's not working well on iPhone and Mac devices. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, and other times I need to download the image multiple times for it to work. I understand that Mac/iPhone devices have different rendering logic, but is there a way to check what the problem is and how to fix it? I tried dom-to-image-more and some delay but still not working. Thank you!
Mar ’24
WKWebView cookies management
Problem statement- WKWebView cookies management. We need to clone the connection used by the WKWebView to the same end point, this connection utilize cookies for routing and missing even one the cookies will end up with a wrong route to be used. It appears that when retrieving the cookies from the WKWebView connection some cookies are missing. From some analysis seems that the missing cookies all have in common a value containing special characters. The question for Apple is if they are going to relax the constraint on cookies value to allow such cookies to be used. Technical Description:- We are using WKWebView. There are some cookies being set during server connection. We are retrieving all cookies using 'getAllCookies' method of WKWebview. Sometime its not giving correct set of cookies in case if there are any special characters in any cookie. For example - Cookie- ss2QKagAdkAV3My1pnKElaFDnQ6lxhgqNbD03IaRbX6WfDz2+P9dT6DdlK8G5WIH3svEATnehZSmWGQ3QFTnew==\n It contains special character "+ = !".
Mar ’24
Failed to load resource: The request timed out after iOS 17.0 update
Subject: Apple Developer Ticket: Issue with Web Page Loading Timeout after iOS 17.0 Update Description: I am writing to report an issue that arose after the recent iOS update to version 17.0. Since the update, users accessing our web page via Chrome and Safari browsers on iOS 17.0 and later are experiencing loading timeouts. Problem Details: Issue: Failed to load resource due to request timeout. Affected Browsers: Chrome and Safari on iOS 17.0 and later. Working Versions: The web page functions correctly on iOS versions 16.1 to 16.4. Web Page Content: The web page includes JavaScript and Ajax calls. Steps to Reproduce: Access the web page using Chrome or Safari browser on iOS 17.0 or later. Observe the loading timeout error. Additional Information: The issue seems to be related to a change in the way iOS 17.0 handles JavaScript and Ajax calls. We have tested the web page on multiple devices running iOS 17.0 and encountered the same problem consistently. No changes were made to the web page's codebase prior to the iOS update. Expected Resolution: We kindly request Apple's assistance in identifying and resolving the root cause of this issue. Our aim is to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS versions and provide a seamless user experience for our customers. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please let us know if you require any further information or assistance from our end.
Feb ’24
Will Capacitor-Wrapped PWA Custom Apps work offline in IOS 17.4 - and what about maintaining multiple versions?
Scenario: Apple decided to not support PWAs in Europe in IOS 17.4. My company has multiple Angular PWAs, all using IndexedDB and providing full offline-usage as main feature, that apparently won't work anymore. The apps communicate with a server. We maintain two versions of that server, e.g. v1.1 and v1.2 - some customers don't want or can't upgrade to v1.2 just yet. Not all new features of an app will get implemented in v1.1, and eventually we won't push updates for it anymore. At some point, we'll have the same situation with e.g. v1.2 and v1.3. My questions: Do I understand correctly that offline-usage and IndexedDB features won't work anymore? If I wrap the PWAs via Capacitor and upload them as Custom App via App Store Connect, in IOS 17.4... Will the app, including routing, work offline? Will the IndexedDb still be usable as permanent data storage? Can I upload v1.1 and v1.2 as separate apps or will I have to create on app with in-app purchase options? If it's the latter, how do I push updates? Apparently, Apple Review can cause problems with separate apps that have similar functions... Thank you for your time!
Feb ’24