User Notifications

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Push user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server or generate them locally from your app using User Notifications.

Posts under User Notifications tag

160 Posts
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Notification Sound with iOS 17
Why did Apple change the sound for Notifications in iOS 17??? I just finally upgraded today from iOS 16.7.2 to iOS 17.1.1 and among other things I don't like, this one makes no sense whatsoever! Why can't user select the sound we want for Notifications? At least when I had the Tri-Tone sound I could hear it. The new sound is way too quiet, causing me to miss notifications now. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP!
Nov ’23
Question about Push Notifications and Use Tracking
I've noticed there are certain apps which seem to track that I'm using my iOS device, and then send me push notifications based on my usage. For example, I may pick up my phone in the middle of the night, unlock it, check my email, and minutes later, this app will send me a push notification attempting to sell me something. Is an actually app permitted to track my activity/usage on my iPhone, outside of my activity and usage within that app? If so, where can I learn more about this? Or is this app in violation of some rule in the ToU?
Nov ’23
Possibility of programmatically using user's current device tone as a Notification sound.
Is it possible to pick the user's current device tone/sound as the Push Notification sound for my app programmatically. So that s/he does not miss out any notification just because of unsustainable sound. I have gone through the UNNotificationSound Class, it provides the option to opt either the default or the custom sound. But, my concern is to auto pick the sound which user is using on his/her mobile. Thanks in advance!
Nov ’23
Change iOS 17 Notification tone
Dear Apple, The decision to NOT allow us to change the notification tone and to NOT allow us to increase the volume so that we can hear it means that as a stock trader I’m NOT getting the ACTIONABLE ALERTS I need during the day. PLEASE CHANGE THIS SO THAT I CAN: 1) increase the volume and 2) assign different notification tones to different applications and 3) make it so that I have the option of including VIBRATION with my notification. THANK YOU.
Nov ’23
Local notification image attachment not displayed for App Store builds
I have an app that schedules a handful of local notifications with trigger dates 1 to 4 weeks in the future. Each notification has a single image attachment with a JPEG sourced from the app's main bundle. In development builds via Xcode, or builds via TestFlight, the notifications do appear in the notification center and they do display an image. However, in App Store builds, the notifications appear, but they do not display an image. I have ruled out the following: Images may not be included in the bundle Images may be too large or unsupported (they are ~50KB 480x480 JPEGs, and the docs say validation happens at scheduling time) The iOS device may have no free disk space I'm leaning towards either: Differences in file protection in App Store builds (though the docs say the app process must have access to the image and images in the bundle are copied) The notifications are scheduled too far in the future and if the image is copied from the bundle to temporary storage, it gets wiped before display Does anyone have any insight? Sample code to schedule the notification below: let dateComponents = // Some date in the future let content = UNMutableNotificationContent() content.title = // Some title string content.body = // Some body string content.userInfo = // Some app-specific dict if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "my-image-file-name", ofType: "jpg") { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path) do { let imageAttachment = try UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "", url: url) // Note the empty string identifier - the docs say one will be provided. content.attachments = [imageAttachment] } catch { print("Failed to add image to local notification") } } let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateComponents, repeats: false) let request = UNNotificationRequest( identifier: "my-notification-id-here", content: content, trigger: trigger) UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request) { error in if let error = error { print("Failed to add notification request: \(error)") } }
Nov ’23
Trigger push messages
Hey everyone, I'm currently programming a chat app with SwiftUI, Firestore & optionally OneSignal. But I'm currently having the problem that I don't receive push notifications when I'm not in the app. External push messages that are triggered, for example, via the OneSignal website are also displayed in the backround. I just can't get it triggered in the app, does anyone have a code or a suggestion for me? Best regards Max
Nov ’23
Reloading data and rescheduling local notifications, based on AppIntent interaction in iOS 17 Widgets and Live Activities
Hi everyone, I have two questions regarding some issues with the new iOS 17 interactive widgets and live activities. Question 1: How can I update other Widgets and/or Live Activities, based on an AppIntent interaction in either one? I have several widgets that is displaying the same information, but in different sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Lockscreen). Most of our users are using many of them together on their Lockscreen and Home Screen. When they are interacting with the AppIntent button in either the Widget og LiveActivity it does not update and vice-versa. Based on the documentation it's pretty clear that interacting with a Widget it will update the timeline for that specific widget after the .perform() in the AppIntent is returned. Unfortunately, I also need to update the LiveActivity and the other TimeLines for the rest of the widgets. I have tried to use the WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() but it seems like it does not update the LiveActivity or the LockScreen widgets correctly. Question 2: How can I update and reschedule the local notifications based on the interaction in the Widget and Live Activity? The app sends a local notification whenever an activity starts or stops (e.g like a pomodoro timer with intervals). Let's assume the user have setup a 30 minute activity in the app, but now decides to pause the activity from either the widget or live activity. I then want to remove the scheduled local notification that was supposed to be fired in 30 minutes. I haven't been able to read from the documentation if this is possible, but would like to know if there is any way this can be performed. Looking forward to hear if anyone have encountered the same challenges :)
Nov ’23
How to use the same .p8 file on different app flavors
Hey everyone, I'm facing the following issue: I'm using one signal as a push notification service, and I want to create two projects: staging (especially to test some backend notifications) and production. For production, I can attach the .p8 file and then we're good. For staging, if I attach the same .p8 file, I would be in trouble because I can send a notifications to a real user even being on staging environment. How should I proceed in this situation?
Nov ’23
Voip Push notifications missed delay
Hi all,In our application we Use VoIP Type push notifications to give a heads-up for the mobile phone.This allows the mobile phone to:1) If the application is killed, start it in background2) If the application is in Background, start running the application statemachine3) If the Phone is in deep sleep, Wake up and start the application in BackgroundDue to the above, our application arrives in a state where we can receive an incoming voip Call.It has been observed that there is a delay in the push notification arrival at the mobile phone.Delayed arrival/delivery of Push notification has been measured of about 6 sec or sometimes never arrives.This espicially is the case when we have an iPhone without sim-card.Note :- This was tested on a controlled setup with large number of iterations with good WiFi and internet connectiviy)- We ensured during testing that the push was actually dispatched to APNS.It is unknown as to what exactly causes a variation in the arrival of the voip notification.Can someone explain why :- Voip messages arrive late depite they should be 'instant' ?- What could explain the difference in measurments with/without sim card ?Best regards.
Nov ’23
Notification Service Extension didn't work correctly
Hello all. I face problem with Notification Service Extension. User mobile receive notification without any problem, payload contain mutable-content:1 inside it ( also, full example of payload is attached ), but, NSE didn't run correctly, also, original content of notification didn't saw ( in case, and there is a crash because of something wrong in app ) I checked device logs, and I see next errors: [*] Mutated notification request is nil, will supress original content; notificationRequest=7019-8D60, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection from pid 487 on anonymousListener or serviceListener" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection from pid 487 on anonymousListener or serviceListener}, runtime: 0.410339 [*.notificationextension] Service extension connection encountered an error: sessionUUID=88D39801-67DF-4DC7-AA70-2AD7E8634369, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection from pid 505 on anonymousListener or serviceListener was invalidated: client is gone." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection from pid 505 on anonymousListener or serviceListener was invalidated: client is gone.} example of payload: "aps": { alert = { "loc-args" = ( msisdn ); "loc-key" = "key"; }; badge = 1; "content-available" = 1; "mutable-content" = 1; sound = "pnsound.aiff"; }, "m": CFG, "j": msisdn, "t": id, "n": M] This problem is face from time to time, I can't catch this problem on same build and same environment, also, this problem can occur for some time, and after that everything will be fine
Oct ’23
APNs Background Notification Handling
Hi all, As part of development for my app I'm wanting to utilise the Apple Push Notification service. For now, I have implemented the necessary code in an app delegate class which you can see below class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Request permission to display alerts and play sounds. let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (granted, error) in if granted { DispatchQueue.main.async { application.registerForRemoteNotifications() } } } // Set the delegate for the UNUserNotificationCenter UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self return true } // MARK: - APNs Registration func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) { let tokenParts = { data in String(format: "%02.2hhx", data) } let token = tokenParts.joined() print("Device Token: \(token)") // Send or save this token as necessary. } func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) { print("Failed to register for remote notifications with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } // MARK: - UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate Methods // Called when a notification is delivered to a foreground app. func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) { completionHandler([.banner, .sound]) print("message received!!") } // Called when a user taps on a notification. func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) { print("user tapped on banner!!") completionHandler() } // Called when a notification is delivered in the background func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) { if let messageData = userInfo["yourKey"] as? [String: AnyObject] { print("Background Notification received!!") print(messageData) completionHandler(.newData) } else { completionHandler(.noData) } } } To test this, I've just been using the terminal Like so: curl -v \ --header "authorization: bearer $JWT" \ --header "apns-topic: $TOPIC" \ --header "apns-push-type: alert" \ --http2 \ --data '{"aps":{"alert":"Hello from Terminal!", "content-available":1}}' \ $APNS_ENDPOINT/3/device/$DEVICE_TOKEN However, despite including the "content-available" tag the didReceiveRemoteNotification function is not being called. Any idea why this is? I have made sure that all the necessary capabilities have been included (background fetch, remote notifications).
Oct ’23 & Push notification not receiving
We have configured the push notification service (Server-provider) to communicate with APNS with hostname: and Port: 443. APNS request is going successfully but from APNS to device (iPhone 6S ) not coming. We have whitelisted the above port and other ports also(2195, 2197). but. still not able to receive the notification. We have also cross verified with the old and it's working fine but with new, not working. Could someone from Apple Community help us to get resolved this issue? Thanks in advance!!
Oct ’23
new push notification sound on ios17 sucks
Hello Apple Developers, I posted my comments 2 weeks ago and was hoping that with enough people making complaints, Apple developers will make a jump and change the push notification back ot allow users to customize it. It seems like these Apple developers are either tone-deaf or simply do not care about Apple's future. As a business owner, I can tell you that if you piss off enough Apple's die-hard, loyal users, Apple will go down in history like many other companies. I am for one who has used Apple products for many years. I have decided that I will not upgrade or buy another Apple product ever. I understand that Apple has difficult times with product innovation besides moving buttons here and there and call it "new design". Push notification is not a new invention. It's been working and why fix/change things that worked. Please fix the damn issue today so we can move on. It's not that complicated.
Oct ’23
How to create an `UNNotificationAttachment` with an Image that uses UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey to select only a portion of the image?
The code compiles, however it shows the image just like without options: let options: [AnyHashable: Any] = [ UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey: CGRect( origin: CGPoint(x: 0.1, y: 0.1), size: CGSize(width: 0.1, height: 0.1) ) ] let attachment = try? UNNotificationAttachment( identifier: image.url, url: fileUrl, options: options ) The documentation says I should use CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation but it is not available. Cannot find 'CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation' in scope Am I missing something?
Oct ’23