watchOS is the operating system for Apple Watch.

Posts under watchOS tag

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How to use CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData to read the Heart rate data from CoreMotion framework
Hello, As per Apple Documentation Link for CoreMotion framework we can read high frequency heart rate using CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData but there is No way to set the type like heartRate and have a updateHandler to provide the heart rate data. But for Accelerometer data, CoreMotion framework can provide startAccelerometerUpdates(to:, withHandler:) and user can set update interval like accelerometerUpdateInterval using CMMotionManager. But There is no solution available for heartRate. If any solution is available to read heartRate using CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData it will be helpful for me. I know we can read the Heart Rate Data using HealthKit framework using HKAnchoredObjectQuery but the heart rate data is not consistent and startDate & endDate for heart rate data is also not consistent. We want heart rate very frequent like every second. Any help can be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Jun ’24
Does WatchOS kill apps when in extreme temperatures?
I have noticed that my Apple Watch app seems to randomly quit from time to time. It's not crashing and I have not been able to reproduce it in a controlled setting, but have noticed that it seems to only happen when I'm in very high or low temperatures. For instance, I was skiing recently and my app was supposed to stay running the whole time, but often when I would raise my wrist it would be back on the home screen and my app wasn't running. This also happened when I was on the beach on a very hot day. But when I'm testing it at home I can keep it running for hours and it never crashes, which leads me to believe it may have to do with the temperature. Does the OS kill apps when it's running in very high or low temperatures? If so, is there anything I can do to prevent this from occurring? Would doing less things in my app possibly prevent this? For instance, I have a timer, and use a bunch of sensors, would turning those off at times and using less of the display make a difference or does the OS not care what the apps are actually doing? If not, any other ideas? Thanks
Jun ’24
Several SwiftUI Stepper on watchOS
I'm showing several Steppers in a SwiftUI view on watchOS. When the user taps the steppers & turns the digital crown it's possible to select multiple of the steppers (green "focus" border) appears. I've tried to make the steppers mutually exclusive by using the following snippet, but it didn't work. `@FocusState private var value: StepperType?` [...] var body: some View { Form { ForEach(StepperType.allCases, id: \.self) { stepperCase in Stepper... .focused($value, equals: stepperCase) } } } Any ideas how I can prevent multiple Steppers from being "focused" by the crown at the same time?
May ’24
Picker from the toolbar in watchOS (SwiftUI)
What I'm trying to do is to display a picker in watchOS: this picker will have only 4 options, so I would like it to be in the style of .navigationLink. Currently I have this code inside a view and everything works fine (DateRange is an enum): Picker(selection: $dateRange) { Text("Today").tag( Text("This week").tag(DateRange.thisWeek) Text("Last 7 days").tag(DateRange.lastSevenDays) Text("Last 30 days").tag(DateRange.lastThirtyDays) } label: { Image(systemName: "") } .pickerStyle(.navigationLink) What I'd like to do is to move this picker to the toolbar: I've seen that by wrapping it in a ToolbarItem everything works, but the current selection is displayed in the toolbar button, and this breaks the layout (the string doesn't fit). Moreover, when the picker appears from the toolbar the options still work, but are grayed out, as if they were disabled. Is there a way to have a picker appear when clicking on a toolbar item, but not showing the selection and being "enabled"?
May ’24
Apple Watch can't always reconnect
Using Xcode to build and deploy the app to my watch, this is what I get: “Waiting to reconnect to Apple Watch. Previous preparation error: Transport error." And then “Connecting to Apple Watch. Xcode will continue when the operation completes.” And these messages continue to switch between each other. Sometimes the watch to connect and the application starts, but more often a scenario occurs with endless reconnection. I'm using: MacOS 14.4.1 (MacBook Pro 2019; 1.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5), Xcode 15.3, Watch OS 10.2 (Apple Watch SE 1), iOS 17.1.1 (iPhone 15 Pro). Methods I tried: Connecting Macbook, iPhone and Watch to the same WIfi network; Disabling Watch (and IPhone) from the "Devices and Simulators" menu and setting up Watch (and IPhone) from the beginning. Any help?
May ’24
Delayed reports from CMFallDetectionManager
Our watchOS app uses CMFallDetectionManager (with the proper entitlement) to help alert our users and their caregivers when a fall occurs. We have had a simple implementation in our app for a couple of years now and it seems to work fine. Recently, we received a report of delayed fall alerts and have traced back the root cause to a failure from the system to call func fallDetectionManager(_ fallDetectionManager: CMFallDetectionManager, didDetect event: CMFallDetectionEvent, completionHandler handler: @escaping () -> Void) promptly when a fall occurs. Our implementation of this method begins with the following logging statement: "Fall detected at \( with status \(event.resolution.rawValue) at \(Date())" When we check our logs, we see a number of events that occur as expected, for example: Fall detected at DATE_AND_HOURS:42:09 +0000 with status 1 at DATE_AND_HOURS:42:51 +0000 However, many events show a period of several minutes from fall detection to a report: Fall detected at DATE_AND_HOURS:28:09 +0000 with status 0 at DATE_AND_HOURS:32:42 +0000 or Fall detected at DATE_AND_HOURS:44:26 +0000 with status 1 at DATE_AND_HOURS:48:14 +0000 And in the instance from our customer, we had a fall detected that evidently wasn't reported for 5 hours and 4 minutes (I'm not sharing exact timestamps publicly to maintain user privacy). We are aware of the documentation regarding the delegate and have programmed it appropriately not to receive duplicate events: Additionally, each time the user launches your app, the system checks to see if a fall event has occurred during the recent past. If one has occurred, it calls this method. Note that your app may receive the same event multiple times, for example, if the app crashes and relaunches. Always check the event’s date property to determine whether your app has already received the event. The system guarantees that different fall events have different date values. Moreover, our logger persists logs when there is no network access, and the delegate callback also requests a network post to our servers that, again, is preserved in a background queue until connectivity is restored if it's not available. Our app's other updates (watchOS complication, etc.) from this user's Watch also show that our app was running in the background and communicating with our servers during that time. We have very high confidence that the watch and our app did not miss any more timely calls to that delegate method. While this one five-hour delay was an exceptionally bad occurrence, we also find the other delays of several minutes to be concerning, considering the time-sensitive nature of falls. Does Apple or do any developers have any insights about what's going on and what expectations we should be setting for our users?
May ’24
Major regressions in Apple Watch development support with watchOS 10.5 and Xcode 15.4
I've reached a point where I can no longer make any progress diagnosing the issues that have popped up with Apple Watch development support. To hopefully help draw attention and focus to the severity of this problem, I'm gathering all related threads into this single thread. Summary of problems There are several, possibly related, issues at play: Xcode is not discovering Apple Watches. This means it's not possible to deploy apps to Apple Watches that aren't already provisioned with Xcode. I've confirmed this behavior with a watch running watchOS 10.0. The logging profile for watchOS has expired. It's no longer possible to pull logs via Console from Apple Watches. AppIntent-based complications on watchOS 10.5 no longer load, staying stuck in a "placeholder" state. This can be reproduced with the Backyard Birds demo app. It's no longer possible to debug widget extensions on Apple Watch hardware. Feedback submitted FB13758427: No longer able to connect to Apple Watch from Xcode I was attempting to test another regression related to AppIntents no longer working on watchOS 10.5. To confirm the behavior had regressed since earlier versions of watchOS, I set up one of my older Apple Watches that is still running watchOS 10.0. After wiping the watch and repairing it with one of my test devices (iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 17.4.1), I’m unable to get the Apple Watch to appear in Xcode’s Devices & Simulators manager. The phone is connected via USB cable, and the phone appears as a Connected phone, but the watch does not appear. My Apple Watch Ultra that I use as my daily driver does appear as a remote device (the globe icon is next to it), but the Apple Watch 10.0 does not appear. Details about the older watch: Version: 10.0 21R5341c Model: A2478 Not being able to test on other Apple Watches is severely limiting my ability to isolate and confirm the regression in AppIntent support that can be reproduced in the Backyard Birds demo app. Note that the 10.0 watch does actually appear in the Console app, but with a warning sign next to it. The 10.0 watch also appears twice. Clicking the warning sign does not reveal any information about why the warning is appearing, but after ~5 seconds I do get the following error in “The user has not responded to the pairing request on 'Headless’ Respond to the Trust prompt on the device.” There is no trust prompt on the device. FB13756074: WatchOS logging profile is no longer valid is no longer valid. See attached error that occurs when attempting to install the profile onto my Apple Watch Ultra. It seems that without this I’m unable to get any logs off of my Apple Watch, which is making testing/development quite difficult. FB13758450: AppIntent-based widgets no longer render on watchOS 10.5 AppIntent-based complications no longer get beyond a placeholder state on watchOS. This can be reproduced with the Backyard Birds demo app, which uses AppIntent-based widget configurations for the watchOS complications. AppIntent-based complications did appear to work in previous versions of watchOS 10, but I’m unable to confirm this with a 10.0 Watch I have due to FB13758427. To reproduce deploy the attached unmodified Backyard Birds app to a watch running watchOS 10.5. add a Backyard Birds complication to a watch face. Expected behavior: the widget shows live data Actual behavior: the complication never leaves a placeholder state. See the attached screenshot for the state the widget is stuck in. FB13758490: PacketLogger no longer logs packets PacketLogger used to log BTLE packets as they were received and transmitted on a macOS machine. Since updating to 14.5 Beta (23F5064f) however, PacketLogger no longer logs packets on macOS at all. Upon starting a new session, the interface remains empty. PacketLogger is still able to log packets from a connected iOS device. Related threads Apple Watch cannot reconnect WatchOS Sysdiagnose Profile is no longer XCode 15 can't run on iOS 17 devices. Previous preparation error: An error occurred while communicating with a remote process.. The connection was invalidated.
May ’24
watchOS 10.5 Draining Battery
I updated Watch OS 10.5 (21T5571a) on May 1. However, the battery is draining quickly. My watch is an Ultra, and I fully charged it at 1 am. When I woke up at 8 am, the battery was at 79%. By 2:30 pm, the battery was only at 20%. I have not engaged in any activities today.
May ’24
Watch OS 10.4 How to turn on developer mode
Watch model: A2985 Watch system: 10.4(21T216) Settings > Privacy can not find Developer Mode in Watch OS 10.4. xcode Recent device can not find this watch device.How do I turn on developer mode in Watch OS 10.4。Watch OS 9.5 can find and open it,but Watch OS 10.4 can not find。 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
May ’24
Satellite Imagery on WatchOS 10
Has anyone used satellite imagery on WatchOS 10? I am trying to set the mapStyle ... .mapStyle(.imagery(elevation: .automatic)) ... for the map and it doesn't seem to have any effect, the map is just the standard map style. The documentation for mapStyle indicates that it is available. Any help would be appreciated. Ultra 2, WatchOS 10.4, Xcode 15.3
May ’24
WatchOS Siri Capability
Hi, I wanted to use Siri Capability for a WatchOS app, however in xcode on a WatchOS project, the option to add Siri is not present. In an IOS project this is visible but if you are not part of the ADP or ADEP you do not have access to it, this message appears in red if you try to select it as a personal team. I am considering paying to join the ADP but I am unsure if it will unlock the ability to use Siri capability on WatchOS. It looks like it is completely unsupported as it cannot be even selected from the capabilities section in xcode , even though Apple states it is supported under ADP and ADEP on their website. I am a little confused. Does anyone else have this issue, or is Siri present under capabilities for you in a WatchOS project?
May ’24
Watch OS
When I go jogging early in the morning, I've noticed that that my watch will sometimes ask me if I'm awake, after a few miles or so, if I'm awake. This happens during the time I am actively using the Fitness APP to record my run. I would think the watch would already know that I am wake as soon as the Fitness APP is activated.
May ’24
Apple Watch won't show in device list on Xcode after 10.4 upgrade
Hello, The Apple Watch's connectivity to Xcode has always been finicky. Sometimes it would start doing "transport errors" and you'd have to repair the watch/phone to xcode to resolve it. Now after the 10.4 upgrade, it seems that there are cases where the watch doesn't even show in the device list. Here's what I've observed: The watch will connect the first time you launch xcode(after 10.4 install or a new restore). If you unpair the watch, it will never show in the device list again. This is despite any remediation efforts, such as unpairing the phone from xcode, restarting the watch/phone, and clearing trusted devices. Erasing the watch and restoring it will allow it to connect again to xcode, but only if you never unpair it. If you unpair the watch, it will repeat the behavior of not showing in the device list again. So, the only solution is to erase/restore the watch to get it to show in the device list on xcode. Every single time. Again, this is new behavior for Watch OS 10.4
May ’24
Wish apple unleash the power of watch
As TN3135 clearly explains the limitations apple puts on the low level networking, it doesn’t really give a reason. Presumably the power consumption problem. But as the battery technology continues evolving, it could be exciting that apple might loose the restrictions someday. The watch itself is powerful enough to do a lot of sophisticated works, sure it works best with companion apps on iPhone, but even as a standalone device, we can still provide many advanced user experience with low level networking supports. wish apple guys can read it and give a consideration.
May ’24
App Logo Above Watch Face on Apple Watch
I am running two different background modes(not at the same time), 1 with a workout and 1 with a location. I noticed that the app logo appears above the watch face for both background modes but does not show up consistently. I wonder what the significance of the logo showing up above watch face is? Additionally why does it show up sometimes but not others? Thanks
May ’24