




TLS for App Developers
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the most important security protocol on the Internet today. Most notably, TLS puts the S into HTTPS, adding security to the otherwise insecure HTTP protocol. IMPORTANT TLS is the successor to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL is no longer considered secure and it’s now rarely used in practice, although many folks still say SSL when they mean TLS. TLS is a complex protocol. Much of that complexity is hidden from app developers but there are places where it’s important to understand specific details of the protocol in order to meet your requirements. This post explains the fundamentals of TLS, concentrating on the issues that most often confuse app developers. Note If you’re working on TLS in the local environment, for example, to talk to a Wi-Fi based accessory, see TLS For Accessory Developers. Server Certificates For standard TLS to work the server must have a digital identity, that is, the combination of a certificate and the private key matching the public key embedded in that certificate. TLS Crypto Magic™ ensures that: The client gets a copy of the server’s certificate. The client knows that the server holds the private key matching the public key in that certificate. In a typical TLS handshake the server passes the client a list of certificates, where item 0 is the server’s certificate (the leaf certificate), item N is (optionally) the certificate of the certificate authority that ultimately issued that certificate (the root certificate), and items 1 through N-1 are any intermediate certificates required to build a cryptographic chain of trust from 0 to N. Note The cryptographic chain of trust is established by means of digital signatures. Certificate X in the chain is issued by certificate X+1. The owner of certificate X+1 uses their private key to digitally sign certificate X. The client verifies this signature using the public key embedded in certificate X+1. Eventually this chain terminates in a trusted anchor, that is, a certificate that the client trusts by default. Typically this anchor is a self-signed root certificate from a certificate authority. Note Item N is optional for reasons I’ll explain below. Also, the list of intermediate certificates may be empty (in the case where the root certificate directly issued the leaf certificate) but that’s uncommon for servers in the real world. Once the client gets the server’s certificate, it evaluates trust on that certificate to confirm that it’s talking to the right server. There are three levels of trust evaluation here: Basic X.509 trust evaluation checks that there’s a cryptographic chain of trust from the leaf through the intermediates to a trusted root certificate. The client has a set of trusted root certificates built in (these are from well-known certificate authorities, or CAs), and a site admin can add more via a configuration profile. This step also checks that none of the certificates have expired, and various other more technical criteria (like the Basic Constraints extension). Note This explains why the server does not have to include the root certificate in the list of certificates it passes to the client; the client has to have the root certificate installed if trust evaluation is to succeed. In addition, TLS trust evaluation (per RFC 2818) checks that the DNS name that you connected to matches the DNS name in the certificate. Specifically, the DNS name must be listed in the Subject Alternative Name extension. Note The Subject Alternative Name extension can also contain IP addresses, although that’s a much less well-trodden path. Also, historically it was common to accept DNS names in the Common Name element of the Subject but that is no longer the case on Apple platforms. App Transport Security (ATS) adds its own security checks. Basic X.509 and TLS trust evaluation are done for all TLS connections. ATS is only done on TLS connections made by URLSession and things layered on top URLSession (like WKWebView). In many situations you can override trust evaluation; for details, see Technote 2232 HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation). Such overrides can either tighten or loosen security. For example: You might tighten security by checking that the server certificate was issued by a specific CA. That way, if someone manages to convince a poorly-managed CA to issue them a certificate for your server, you can detect that and fail. You might loosen security by adding your own CA’s root certificate as a trusted anchor. IMPORTANT If you rely on loosened security you have to disable ATS. If you leave ATS enabled, it requires that the default server trust evaluation succeeds regardless of any customisations you do. Mutual TLS The previous section discusses server trust evaluation, which is required for all standard TLS connections. That process describes how the client decides whether to trust the server. Mutual TLS (mTLS) is the opposite of that, that is, it’s the process by which the server decides whether to trust the client. Note mTLS is commonly called client certificate authentication. I avoid that term because of the ongoing confusion between certificates and digital identities. While it’s true that, in mTLS, the server authenticates the client certificate, to set this up on the client you need a digital identity, not a certificate. mTLS authentication is optional. The server must request a certificate from the client and the client may choose to supply one or not (although if the server requests a certificate and the client doesn’t supply one it’s likely that the server will then fail the connection). At the TLS protocol level this works much like it does with the server certificate. For the client to provide this certificate it must apply a digital identity, known as the client identity, to the connection. TLS Crypto Magic™ assures the server that, if it gets a certificate from the client, the client holds the private key associated with that certificate. Where things diverge is in trust evaluation. Trust evaluation of the client certificate is done on the server, and the server uses its own rules to decided whether to trust a specific client certificate. For example: Some servers do basic X.509 trust evaluation and then check that the chain of trust leads to one specific root certificate; that is, a client is trusted if it holds a digital identity whose certificate was issued by a specific CA. Some servers just check the certificate against a list of known trusted client certificates. When the client sends its certificate to the server it actually sends a list of certificates, much as I’ve described above for the server’s certificates. In many cases the client only needs to send item 0, that is, its leaf certificate. That’s because: The server already has the intermediate certificates required to build a chain of trust from that leaf to its root. There’s no point sending the root, as I discussed above in the context of server trust evaluation. However, there are no hard and fast rules here; the server does its client trust evaluation using its own internal logic, and it’s possible that this logic might require the client to present intermediates, or indeed present the root certificate even though it’s typically redundant. If you have problems with this, you’ll have to ask the folks running the server to explain its requirements. Note If you need to send additional certificates to the server, pass them to the certificates parameter of the method you use to create your URLCredential (typically init(identity:certificates:persistence:)). One thing that bears repeating is that trust evaluation of the client certificate is done on the server, not the client. The client doesn’t care whether the client certificate is trusted or not. Rather, it simply passes that certificate the server and it’s up to the server to make that decision. When a server requests a certificate from the client, it may supply a list of acceptable certificate authorities [1]. Safari uses this to filter the list of client identities it presents to the user. If you are building an HTTPS server and find that Safari doesn’t show the expected client identity, make sure you have this configured correctly. If you’re building an iOS app and want to implement a filter like Safari’s, get this list using: The distinguishedNames property, if you’re using URLSession The sec_protocol_metadata_access_distinguished_names routine, if you’re using Network framework [1] See the certificate_authorities field in Section 7.4.4 of RFC 5246, and equivalent features in other TLS versions. Self-Signed Certificates Self-signed certificates are an ongoing source of problems with TLS. There’s only one unequivocally correct place to use a self-signed certificate: the trusted anchor provided by a certificate authority. One place where a self-signed certificate might make sense is in a local environment, that is, securing a connection between peers without any centralised infrastructure. However, depending on the specific circumstances there may be a better option. TLS For Accessory Developers discusses this topic in detail. Finally, it’s common for folks to use self-signed certificates for testing. I’m not a fan of that approach. Rather, I recommend the approach described in QA1948 HTTPS and Test Servers. For advice on how to set that up using just your Mac, see TN2326 Creating Certificates for TLS Testing. TLS Standards RFC 6101 The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol Version 3.0 (historic) RFC 2246 The TLS Protocol Version 1.0 RFC 4346 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1 RFC 5246 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2 RFC 8446 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3 RFC 4347 Datagram Transport Layer Security RFC 6347 Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.2 RFC 9147 The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.3 Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History: 2024-03-19 Adopted the term mutual TLS in preference to client certificate authentication throughout, because the latter feeds into the ongoing certificate versus digital identity confusion. Defined the term client identity. Added the Self-Signed Certificates section. Made other minor editorial changes. 2023-02-28 Added an explanation mTLS acceptable certificate authorities. 2022-12-02 Added links to the DTLS RFCs. 2022-08-24 Added links to the TLS RFCs. Made other minor editorial changes. 2022-06-03 Added a link to TLS For Accessory Developers. 2021-02-26 Fixed the formatting. Clarified that ATS only applies to URLSession. Minor editorial changes. 2020-04-17 Updated the discussion of Subject Alternative Name to account for changes in the 2019 OS releases. Minor editorial updates. 2018-10-29 Minor editorial updates. 2016-11-11 First posted.
Nov ’16
Network Extension Framework Entitlements
At WWDC 2015 Apple announced two major enhancements to the Network Extension framework: Network Extension providers — These are app extensions that let you insert your code at various points within the networking stack, including: Packet tunnels via NEPacketTunnelProvider App proxies via NEAppProxyProvider Content filters via NEFilterDataProvider and NEFilterControlProvider Hotspot Helper (NEHotspotHelper) — This allows you to create an app that assists the user in navigating a hotspot (a Wi-Fi network where the user must interact with the network in order to get access to the wider Internet). Originally, using any of these facilities required authorisation from Apple. Specifically, you had to apply for, and be granted access to, a managed capability. In Nov 2016 this policy changed for Network Extension providers. Any developer can now use the Network Extension provider capability like they would any other capability. There is one exception to this rule: Network Extension app push providers, introduced by iOS 14 in 2020, still requires that Apple authorise the use of a managed capability. To apply for that, follow the link in Local Push Connectivity. Also, the situation with Hotspot Helpers remains the same: Using a Hotspot Helper, requires that Apple authorise that use via a managed capability. To apply for that, follow the link in Hotspot Helper. IMPORTANT Pay attention to this quote from the documentation: NEHotspotHelper is only useful for hotspot integration. There are both technical and business restrictions that prevent it from being used for other tasks, such as accessory integration or Wi-Fi based location. The rest of this document answers some frequently asked questions about the Nov 2016 change. #1 — Has there been any change to the OS itself? No, this change only affects the process by which you get the capabilities you need in order to use existing Network Extension framework facilities. Previously these were managed capabilities, meaning their use was authorised by Apple. Now, except for app push providers and Hotspot Helper, you can enable the necessary capabilities using Xcode’s Signing & Capabilities editor or the Developer website. IMPORTANT Some Network Extension providers have other restrictions on their use. For example, a content filter can only be used on a supervised device. These restrictions are unchanged. See TN3134 Network Extension provider deployment for the details. #2 — How exactly do I enable the Network Extension provider capability? In the Signing & Capabilities editor, add the Network Extensions capability and then check the box that matches the provider you’re creating. In the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Developer website, when you add or edit an App ID, you’ll see a new capability listed, Network Extensions. Enable that capability in your App ID and then regenerate the provisioning profiles based on that App ID. A newly generated profile will include the entitlement in its allowlist; this is an array with an entry for each of the supported Network Extension providers. To confirm that this is present, dump the profile as shown below. $ security cms -D -i NETest.mobileprovision … <plist version="1.0"> <dict> … <key>Entitlements</key> <dict> <key></key> <array> <string>packet-tunnel-provider</string> <string>content-filter-provider</string> <string>app-proxy-provider</string> … and so on … </array> … </dict> … </dict> </plist> #3 — I normally use Xcode’s Signing & Capabilities editor to manage my entitlements. Do I have to use the Developer website for this? No. Xcode 11 and later support this capability in the Signing & Capabilities tab of the target editor (r. 28568128 ). #4 — Can I still use Xcode’s “Automatically manage signing” option? Yes. Once you modify your App ID to add the Network Extension provider capability, Xcode’s automatic code signing support will include the entitlement in the allowlist of any profiles that it generates based on that App ID. #5 — What should I do if I previously applied for the Network Extension provider managed capability and I’m still waiting for a reply? Consider your current application cancelled, and use the new process described above. #6 — What should I do if I previously applied for the Hotspot Helper managed capability and I’m still waiting for a reply? Apple will continue to process Hotspot Helper managed capability requests and respond to you in due course. #7 — What if I previously applied for both Network Extension provider and Hotspot Helper managed capabilities? Apple will ignore your request for the Network Extension provider managed capability and process it as if you’d only asked for the Hotspot Helper managed capability. #8 — On the Mac, can Developer ID apps host Network Extension providers? Yes, but there are some caveats: This only works on macOS 10.15 or later. Your Network Extension provider must be packaged as a system extension, not an app extension. You must use the *-systemextension values for the Network Extension entitlement ( For more on this, see Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension. #9 — After moving to the new process, my app no longer has access to the keychain access group. How can I regain that access? Access to this keychain access group requires another managed capability. If you need that, please open a DTS tech support incident and we’ll take things from there. IMPORTANT This capability is only necessary if your VPN supports configuration via a configuration profile and needs to access credentials from that profile (as discussed in the Profile Configuration section of the NETunnelProviderManager Reference). Many VPN apps don’t need this facility. Opening a DTS tech support incident (TSI) will consume a TSI asset. However, as this is not a technical issue but an administrative one, we’ll assign a replacement TSI asset back to your account. If you were previously granted the Network Extension managed capability (via the process in place before Nov 2016), make sure you mention that; restoring your access to the keychain access group should be straightforward in that case. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2023-01-11 Added a discussion of Network Extension app push providers. Added a link to Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension. Added a link to TN3134. Made significant editorial changes. 2020-02-27 Fixed the formatting. Updated FAQ#3. Made minor editorial changes. 2020-02-16 Updated FAQ#8 to account for recent changes. Updated FAQ#3 to account for recent Xcode changes. Made other editorial changes. 2016-01-25 Added FAQ#9. 2016-01-6 Added FAQ#8. 2016-11-11 Added FAQ#5, FAQ#6 and FAQ#7. 2016-11-11 First posted.
Nov ’16
App rejection - UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
Anyone see something like this on app submission?We are developing an iMessage app with SpriteKit. The message we received from App Review was:"We were unable to install the app on iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPhone. Specifically, the app fails to appear in Messages."We are not having any issues on test devices on our end.Our app plist contains only one UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key: "armv7"The extension does not include any UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.
Dec ’16
Dynamic products in Apple In-App Purchase
How to deal with dynamic products in In-App purchase? We have an existing website having and admin panel where user adds his/her courses. There are thousands of courses and every day lots of courses created there. Its not possible to add those courses to Apple In-App Purchase portal. Is there any other solution to use dynamic products to In-App Purchase? there are discounts and promotional coupons also applied. Is there any API exists which we can configure to our admin panel and course will automatically added to In-App? Please help me and save my life...
Dec ’16
Error accepting CKShare
Hello,I am creating a new app that uses CKShare. I am able to create the CKShare and send it by email using UICloudSharingController.When the receiver of the invite tries to accept the share, there is an error message"Couldn't open "Title"You need a newer version of "App" to open this, but the required version couldn't be found in the App StoreMy app has not been published to app store yet. How do I resolve this error? I am using a development build with two apple id's to test ckshare.Thanks!
Jan ’17
Test In-App purchase on AdHoc build
Hi,In the documentation it says you must use a sandbox account when testing In-App purchase using the Sandbox.But I just noticed that (currently on 10.3 release) the StoreKit popup is saying "Sandbox" even when using a normal account but the app is an AdHoc build.Is this expected that a normal account also uses the "Sandbox" when running a AdHoc distribution build?Thanks in advance,Anders
Mar ’17
External Bluetooth GPS data source
Hello everyone. I need a clarification with Core Location, please help.How exactly is GPS data passed from external GPS source that is connected via Bluetooth? After some googling I found two separate points:Core Location (CLLocationManager) is responsible only for internal GPS receiver data. For external BT sources I need to use EAAccessory and read NMEA protocol.When I connect an external source, internal GPS is switched off instantly and CLLocationManager starts providing its data. So it must work OK.Thing is, I don't have an external source to test it and I'm not that experienced in BT.I have a report that people cannot use external GPS source with my app (I use Core Location only). Though I also have an info that all navigation apps support external GPS source. So they've already solved this?Or maybe I should check Core Bluetooth out for this?My question is kind of close to this one: MFi really has a relation to that? And something can depend on GPS device being MFi or being not MFi?Or this one: much closer to my topic. So if I got it right, all MFi-supported external GPS data sources should work as is via Core Location?If that's true, is all CLLocation data valid there (when using external source)? Or just altitude and position?
Apr ’17
Custom pairing scree
whenever i connect a BT peripheral and try to to read a characteristic first time, i see the "Bluetooth pairing request" popup for the user to enetr the PIN. I want to develop a custom screen for pairing PIN entry. How can we do this? I did not find any code examples or APIs in any documentation.
Apr ’17
AppleScript File not open with write permission error
I have an applescript that works perfectly on my local machine. It opens the file and writes to it and then closes. My Applescript is being tested and saved as a .app so it is an application. When I put the application on my server to test out the user experience it never propely opens the file and gives me this error:"File not open with write permission.Finder got an error: File not open with write permission. (-61)"Why would this work on my local machine and not work after being downloaded from my server? I have tested that my path's are correct and like I mentioned everything works perfectly on my local MAC machine. Here is the section of my Applescript code that seems to be throwing the error:set motionFullPath to ("" &amp; pathEffects &amp; "" &amp; effectPlugin &amp; ":" &amp; theFolders &amp; ":" &amp; motionFiles &amp; "") as string set myFile to open for access file motionFullPath with write permission set endOfFile to (get eof myFile) as number if result &gt; 0 then set theText to read myFile set eof myFile to endOfFile write "&lt;!--uuid:" &amp; theURL &amp; "--&gt;" &amp; return &amp; theText to myFile end if close access myFile
Apr ’17
Networking in a Short-Lived Extension
There are many cases where you want to do long-running network operations in a short-lived app extension. For example, you might be creating a share extension that needs to upload a large image to an Internet server. Doing this correctly is quite tricky. The rest of this post describes some of these pitfalls and explains how to get around them. Just by way of context: Most of the following was written during the iOS 8.1 timeframe, although AFAIK there’s been no specific changes in this space since then. The specific focus here is a share extension, although the behaviour is likely to be similar for other short-lived extensions. I wasn’t using SLComposeServiceViewController, although I have no reason to believe that makes a difference. I was testing on a device, not the simulator. In my experience the simulator is much less likely to terminate a share extension, which affects how things behave as I’ll explain later. My app and its share extension have an app group in common. I started by verifying that this app group was working as expected (using UserDefaults). The URLSession must be in that app group; set this via the sharedContainerIdentifier property of the URLSessionConfiguration object you use to create the session. The app and the share extension must use the same URLSession background session identifier (the value you pass in to background(withIdentifier:) when creating the configuration that you use to create the session). When an URLSession background session is shared like this, it’s critical to understand that the session only allows one process to ‘connect’ to it at a time. If a process is connected to the session and another tries to connect, the second process has its session immediately invalidated with NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess. The connected session is the one that receives the session’s delegate callbacks. IMPORTANT If callbacks are generated when no process is connected, the background session resumes (or relaunches) the app rather than the extension. If a process is connected to a session and is then suspended or terminates, the session disconnects internally. If the process was terminated, the reconnection happens when your code creates its URLSession object on next launch. If the process was suspended, the reconnect happens when the app is resumed with the application(_:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:) delegate callback (and remember that this is always the app, not the extension, per the previous paragraph). The only way to programmatically disconnect from a session is to invalidate it. The expected behaviour here is that the extension will start an URLSession task and then immediately quit (by calling completeRequest(returningItems:completionHandler:)). The system will then resume (or relaunch) the container app to handle any delegate callbacks. When the system resumes or relaunches the container app to handle background session events, it calls application(_:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:). The container app is expected to: Save away the completion handler. Reconnect to the session, if necessary. This involves creating the URLSession object if it doesn’t currently exist. Handle delegate events from that session. Invalidate the session when those events are all done. The app knows this because the session calls the urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession:) delegate callback. Call the completion handler that was saved in step 1. This leaves the app disconnected from the session, so future invocations of the extension don’t have to worry about the NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess problem I mentioned earlier. This design works best if each extension hosted by the app has its own shared session. If the app hosts multiple extensions, and they all used the same shared session, they could end up stomping on each other. In my tests I’ve noticed that some annoying behaviour falls out of this design: If you start a task from an extension, it’s non-deterministic as to whether the app or extension gets the ‘did complete’ callback. If the task runs super quickly, the extension typically gets the callback. If the task takes longer, the system has time to terminate the extension and the app is resumed to handle it. There’s really no way around this. The workaround is to put the code that handles request completion in both your app and your extension (possibly sharing the code via a framework). It would be nice if the extension could disconnect from the session immediately upon starting its request. Alas, that’s not currently possible (r. 18748008). The only way to programmatically disconnect from the session is to invalidate it, and that either cancels all the running tasks (invalidateAndCancel()) or waits for them to complete (finishTasksAndInvalidate()), neither of which is appropriate. One interesting edge case occurs when the app is in the foreground while the share extension comes up. For example, the app might have a share button, from which the user can invoke the share extension. If the share extension starts an URLSession task in that case, it can result in the app’s application(_:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:) callback being called while the app is in the foreground. The app doesn’t need to behave differently in this case, but it’s a little unusual. Xcode’s debugger prevents the system from suspending the process being debugged. So, if you run your extension from Xcode, or you attach to its process some time after launch, the process will continue to execute in situations where the system would otherwise have suspended it. This makes it tricky to investigate problems with the ‘extension was suspended before the network request finished’ case. The best way to investigate any issues you encounter is via logging. Note For more information about debugging problems with background networking, see Testing Background Session Code. Keep in mind that not all networking done by your extension has to use a background session. You should use a background session for long-running requests, but if you have short-running requests then it’s best to run them in a standard session. For example, imagine you have a share extension that needs to make two requests: The first request simply gets an upload authorisation token from the server. This request is expected to finish very quickly. The second request actually uploads the file (including the upload authorisation token from the previous request), and is expected to take a long time. It makes sense to only use a background session for the second request. The first request, being short-running, can be done in a standard session, and that will definitely simplify your code. When doing this you have to prevent your extension from suspending while the short-lived request is in flight. You can use ProcessInfo.performExpiringActivity(withReason:using:) for this. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2023-08-30 Fixed the formatting. Adopted Swift terminology throughout. Made other minor editorial changes. 2017-04-26 Moved to the new DevForums. Made many editorial changes. Added the section on Xcode’s debugger. Added a section on short-running network requests. 2014-12-05 First posted on the old DevForums.
Apr ’17
Referral program for subscription app
Let's say I want to build (iOS + Mac) free app which unlocks full functionality for paid subscription via in-app purchases API. To encourage natural growth, I would like to implement a referral program, similar to what apps like Uber have: 1. User invites their friends to my app (using a unique link or promo code) 2. Then for each activated invite they both (user who invited the friend and friend who used the invite) get a free month of access to premium version of the month.Is there a way to implement such a system with App Store and Mac App Store? Is it even allowed by IAP guidlines? (I suspect not). Now, let's say that this ideal system described above is impossible to build according to guidelines or tech limitations, but an alternative is to offer a free month of access only to users who used the invite. The user who originally sent the invite could get something else outside the app, let's say a free sticker if 10 of his friends signed up. This is easier to build and I think it doesn't contradict any guidelines. What do you think?A reply from Apple representative would be extra valuable. Thank you for your help.
Apr ’17
NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate Methods on iPhone iOS 10.3.1
I've recently been integrating Background Transfer Service into an application so that the user is able to download files in the background.I did most of my building/testing on an old iPhone 6 device that was running iOS 9.3.5 (I try to keep my previous device back a version of iOS). Background Transfer Service works great on this device. I am able to put 100+ download tasks into the queue and they all finish and report progress as expected after sending the application into the background and then re-opening the application.This also appears to work great on a new 5th generation iPad running iOS 10.3.Where things get weird is on my iPhone 7 Plus which is running iOS 10.3.1. The downloads kick off fine, progress is reported as expected in the didWriteData method, however if I background the application and wait ~10 seconds and re-open the application the progress never catches back up to what progress would have been done in the background and the progress never increments at all (it stays where it was when it was backgrounded). The didFinishDownloading method does end up getting called however it appears to wait until the very end of all the download tasks completions for that method to fire for all of the remaining tasks. So the didWriteData, didFinishDownloading, didCompleteWithError, etc. all happen right at the end in one burst. I have however had a few instances where my iPhone 7 Plus device running iOS 10.3.1 did show progress after bringing the app back into the foreground however those instances I could could on one hand. More often than not (9 times out of 10) the progress is never reported on this device after re-opening the application.I am at a bit of a loss and am wondering if there is a known bug we should be looking out for, and if so when we could expect a fix? Or if there are currently any known work arounds. From my testing/debugging I cannot get progress to work in my application on the iPhone 7 Plus running 10.3.1. I also had a co-worker test this as well and they also experienced this.In fact they went a step further and opened the Netflix application on their 10.3.1 iPhone 7 Plus device and began downloading a movie. Progress incremented as expected, they then backgrounded the application and waited ~20 seconds and re-opened the application, only to find the progress get stuck where it was when the app was initially backgrounded and it never moves. After a given amount of time of the progress not moving the download does eventually finish (the progress indicator disappears) and the Netflix movie is downloaded and able to be played. This is the same behavior I see above in my application.Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance!Adam
May ’17
Can Apple Watch side SiriKit extension and iPhone app communicate via Watch Connectivity Framework?
Using SiriKit's Car Command Intents (INGetCarLockStatusIntent, INSetCarLockStatusIntent),we are developing SiriKit extension which responds to open and close car door commands from Apple Watch.However, we do not know how to implement the communication between car and Apple Watch. In particular,We do not know whether inter-device communication is possible via "Watch Connectivity Framework".We knows that connection via BLE is not supported from Apple's documents.NG : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (BLE) --- [Car]We knows that connection via WIFI is supported from those documents.OK : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (HTTP Connection) --- [Car]However, we do not know whether the extension is possible to connect iPhone companion application via "Watch Connectivity Framework" .??? : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (Watch Connectivity Framework) --- [iPhone] --- (BLE) --- [Car]We would like to know if there is only a way to connect via WIFI, or even via "Watch Connectivity Framework".
May ’17
Console app not showing info and debug logs
I have a Swift 3 Cocoa application that uses Apple's Unified Logging, like this: - import os class MyClass { @available(OSX 10.12, *) static let scribe = OSLog(subsystem: "com.mycompany.myapp", category: "myapp") func SomeFunction(){ if #available(OSX 10.12, *){ os_log("Test Error Message", log: MyClass.scribe, type: .error) } if #available(OSX 10.12, *){ os_log("Test Info Message", log: MyClass.scribe, type: .info) } if #available(OSX 10.12, *){ os_log("Test Debug Message", log: MyClass.scribe, type: .debug) } } }Within the Console application, both Include Info Messages and Include Debug Messages are turned on.When os_log is called, only the error type message is visible in the Console application.Using Terminal, with the command, all message types are visible in the Terminal output: -sudo log stream --level debugI've tried running the Console app as root, via sudo from the command line and the same issue occurs; no debug or info messages can be seen, even though they're set to being turned on under the Action menu.Setting system-wide logging to be debug, has no effect on the Console application output:sudo log config --mode level:debugPlease can someone tell me what I'm missing and how can I view debug and info messages in the Console application?
Jul ’17