




Conntent Filter network extension is not working with Sequoia Intel macOS
Hi, I had a Content Filter network extension. It is successfully working until Sonoma. I try to install and activate same network extension on Sequoia beta Intel Mac. But even I haven't got any user consent to activate and allow it. I haven't found any entry in Network settings. Do we need to make any changes in Sequoia MacOs to make it work? Thank you.
Open iOS Weather App
I am using WeatherKit to display relevant weather information to the User in my App. I also thought it would be helpful to show any time-sensitive WeatherAlert. I would like to direct the User directly into the system Weather app to get more details/information. weather://open ... works... Is this a faux-pas? Is there a approved/proper way of doing this? I know WeatherAlert.detailsURL exists but I figured it may be useful for the User to see all details related to weather right from the source.
Questions About CloudKit Security Roles and Permissions
Hi, I'm using CloudKit to create an app that backs up and records your data to iCloud. Here's what I'm unsure about: I understand that the 'CloudKit Dashboard' has 'Security Roles'. I thought these were meant to set permissions for accessing and modifying users' data, but I found there was no change even when I removed all 'Permissions' from 'Default Roles'. Can you clarify? I'd like to know what _world, _icloud, and _creator in Default Roles mean respectively. I would like to know what changes the creation, read, and write permissions make. Is it better to just use the default settings? Here's what I understand so far: Default Roles: _world: I don't know _icloud: An account that is not my device but is linked to my iCloud _creator: My Device Permissions: create: Create data read: Read data write: Update and delete data. I'm not sure if I understand this correctly. Please explain.
VPN app dns resolution not working in split dns-split tunneling when is configured as a vpn dns server
I have the following scenario in my VPN app. When app is configured with split tunneling, the vpn dns nameservers are defined in /etc/resolver/ ( is the domain to be resolved through tunnel) and secondary vpn dns server is configured as (google public dns server) and primary as With the following configuration the dns request are not routed through the tunnel, when I try to ping it does not use Explicit routes are added in the routing table to route the traffic to via VPN interface. It used to work on older macOS versions 12.6 from 14.4 it seems broken system behaves differently when is defined as a vpn nameserver. DNS requests does not go through tunnel it is resolved outside tunnel. If I use or or anyother nameserver other than then it all works correctly.
Issue with Suppressing Push Notifications Using UNNotificationServiceExtension
Hello, I have developed an update for my app where I handle push notifications (from APNs or FCM) and manage different notification categories using checks, storing the values in UserDefaults. So far, everything works fine, and the logs correctly indicate the state of each category when a notification is received. The issue arises when handling notifications in three states: foreground, background, and terminated (killed). I am using UNNotificationServiceExtension and in the didReceive method, I check the state of the notification. Depending on whether the state is true or false, I want the notification to be shown or not to the user. However, despite my efforts, the alert/notification part of the payload always ends up being displayed. Additionally, I have disabled serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire as it was being triggered, but still, after a few seconds, the notification ends up appearing. I have configured everything correctly, including mutable content, notification handling, etc. How can I prevent these notifications from being shown to the user when needed? Thank you for your assistance!
Subscription Unavailable - Strange Behavior with StoreKit
I added my first subscription to my app using StoreKit's SubscriptionStoreView. Everything worked as expected in the debug environment and also in TestFlight. So I submitted my app and subscriptions to App Store Connect, got everything Approved and released. After updating my app through App Store and checking the Subscription View, it just says "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." I waited around 3 days and still getting the same message. Now the very strange behavior starts. I went to App Store Connect, I made and edit to the subscription description, saved, removed the edit, saved, and submitted to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions appear in my app and everything works as expected. After getting the edit approved, the Subscription View in my app again only showed the message "Subscription Unavailable. The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront." No user is able to see the subscriptions anymore, even though it worked as expected before the edit was approved. So I did the same as before. Again, make an edit to the subscription description, save, remove the edit, save, submit to review. 15 minutes later the subscriptions are again available in my app and it works as expected. This is definitely not the expected behavior and submitting the subscription edits every day is wasting the App Review Team's time as well as mine. I contacted Apple Developer Support but I didn't get any reply back (at least yet). I am not the only one experiencing this. I found a friend online who has the exact same issue, and is able to temporarily solve it by making an edit to the subscription description as well. So far it has been a huge headache, and we are losing customers this way. Please if anyone has experience with this problem, or has any suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Tomas
Test Flight build does not show Purchase Confirmation popup for IAP.
Hi, We are seeing a small issue on our app with a subscription in app purchase and wondering whether this should be a cause for concern. We have 2 subscription based IAPs and 1 consumable within the app. I recently noticed that after buying one of the subscriptions and cancelling it if I try to buy the product again, it skips the purchase flow on our Test Flight builds. I added some logs, and it appears that Product.purchase() returns right away and the resulting transaction also comes back as verified, but the new purchase is not added to current entitlements. I managed to get the flow working after I logged out from my Sandbox account from settings, but after I did another subscription cancellation, I could not purchase the product anymore. This only happens on our Test Flight builds. If I launch the app through Xcode and use a store kit configuration file at launch, I get the purchase popup every time I try to buy the product. It also appears to me that this only happens on a product that I have purchased previously. For the other subscription that I have not purchased before the popup shows up every time. Is this something that we should be concerned about and is there a way to make sure the purchase popup shows up every time? Thank you. Kind regards, Fardin
Issue with deep linking in iOS applications
Issue: We are currently experiencing an issue with deep linking in iOS applications when Microsoft Edge is set as the default browser on the device. Users, upon receiving an invitation link in their mail and attempting to open the app (if installed) via the link, encounter a problem where the Edge browser opens the app store as a popover. However, it's important to note that this URL functions correctly with Safari. Attempts So far: The integration of deep linking in iOS has been correctly implemented. I have also verified the Apple App Site Association (AASA), which is deployed on the backend site, facilitating redirection to the application on mobile. Testing the same scenario with other browsers revealed that this link does not work with Chrome, Brave, and Edge, excluding Safari. Reviewing the Deep Link URL, it complies with the safe link policy. Removing the safe link policy from the URL and attempting to open it in Edge and other browsers results in seamless functionality. I have tested the safe link with the Amazon product, It’s not working with the Edge browser. I have raised the same concern with Microsoft Learn, Microsoft Community, and Stack Overflow. For reference, I am attaching the safe link (Non-working) and the normal link (Working Link) with this story. **Non-Working Link: **<SITELINK (Eg.***> Working Link: https://******
MDM ActivationLockRequest Error 405
按开发者文档进行请求,响应405 接口文档: 实际请求如下: curl --location --request POST '' --header 'X-ADM-Auth-Session: 1720513551341O1O293...' --header 'User-Agent: Apifox/1.0.0 (' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: /' --header 'Host:' --header 'Connection: keep-alive' --data-raw '{"device": "FNXQX..."}' 这个问题要怎么解决?
Using bundled applications(.app file) as daemon/Agent
I have a .app file that I want to run as a daemon. Now there are two ways of running .app as a daemon/agent in macOS. using .app file : I can specify this in the daemon plist as: <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/bin/open</string> <string>/Applications/</string> </array> using unix exe within .app file <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string></string> </array> Basically I wanted to know what is the Apple recommendation on how we should be creating daemon plist. For point 2, is it appropriate to use the unix executable within bundle?Will it not cause any issue in the running application? Is will be helpful if there is some apple documentation to support this.
App Store App Push Notification Delivery Issue
We are experiencing issues with Push Notification delivery for our Lulu Money application (com.lulu.luluone) using Apple ID 1163514668. Upon reviewing the Push Notifications console, we have found that out of the 7.294M Priority Notifications sent in the last 4 weeks, only 1.226M were delivered to the device. The majority of the undelivered notifications, totalling 5.479M, are categorized as "Stored - Device Offline." This issue is negatively impacting our customers, and we need assistance in resolving it to ensure smooth notification delivery.
CloudKit and SwiftData not syncing on MacOS
I have a simple app that uses SwiftUI and SwiftData to maintain a database. The app runs on multiple iPhones and iPads and correctly synchronises across those platforms. So I am correct setting Background Modes and Remote Notifications. I have also correctly setup my Model Configuration and ModelContainer (Otherwise I would expect syncing to fail completely). The problem arises when I run on a Mac (M1 or M3) either using Mac Designed for iPad or Mac Catalyst. This can be debugging in Xcode or running the built app. Then the app does not reflect changes made in the iPhone or iPad apps unless I follow a specific sequence. Leave the app, (e.g click on a Finder window), then come back to the app (i.e click on the app again). Now the app will show the changes made on the iPhone/iPad. It looks like the app on the Mac is not processing remote notifications when in the background - it only performs them when the app has just become active. It also looks like the Mac is not performing these sync operations when the app is active. I have tried waiting 30 minutes and still the sync doesn't happen unless I leave the app and come back to it. I am using the same development CloudKit container in all cases
iOS Shortcuts Error Codes/Status
I’ve two automations set. Send a notification when battery rises above 80% Set Always ON display off on apple watch (via Shortcuts Automation, everyday at 12 a) For these aforementioned shortcuts I get the following errors frequently, on my Lock Screen, Wha is INCExtensionErrorDomain error 1307 and Remote execution timed out error? And how can these errors be mitigated?
Multiple pending APNS notifications delivered at once when the app enters foreground
I am working on a VoIP based PTT app. Uses 'voip' apns notification type to get to know about new incoming PTT call.  When the app is in foreground, the app gets to know about incoming VoIP PTT call through incoming push notification. After receiving notification, the app receives audio from the server. This works properly, as expected. The app faces issues in receiving apns notifications only when the app is in background. Issue: My app is in background and iPhone locked, the server sends apns notification to the target iPhone about a new incoming VoIP call. Server received 200 success response code from APNS. But the app in background did not receive the notification. Second time, the server sends notification about second VoIP call. App did not receive notification. Third time, server sends notification about 3rd incoming call. This list goes on. Everytime server sends a notification to the target phone, success response is received from APNS. 
 Now, bring the app to foreground, the app receives all the pending notifications at once. This scenario happens only in a few phones. Those customers are missing PTT calls.
Can you please provide us suggestions to solve this issue ? My app uses unrestricted-voip entitlement